12 research outputs found

    Wheat Yield and Weedness under Different Rate of Nitrogen Fertilization

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    In this study we tested yield and weediness in wheat cultivars Lazarica and Julija Mono grown under different regime of mineral nutrition. This investigation was conducted at the long term experiment on control variant (without fertilizers), second variant with nitrogen application (two sub variants with different rate of N) 2N1 (80 kg N ha-1) and 2N2 (120 kg N ha-1), third variant with NP fertilizer with two different rate of N application: 3N1 (80 kg N ha-1 + 100kg P ha-1) and 3N2 (120 kg N ha-1 + 100kg P ha-1) and fourth variant 4N1 (80 kg N ha-1 + 60kg P ha-1) and 4N2 (120 kg N ha-1 + 60kg P ha-1). Weediness varies in dependence of rate and variant of fertilization. The weed species Consolida regalis Gray, Convolvulus arvensis L., Polygonum aviculare L., Cirsium arvense L., Agropyrum repens L., Polygonum convolvulus L. was dominant on fertilized plots. The analyzed variability of grain yield depends of applied fertilizer variants. The lowest grain yield was found on control variant in both wheat cultivar Lazatica (1880kg ha-1), Julija Mono (1740kg ha-1) while the highest grain yield on variant 3N2 (120 kg N ha-1 + 100kg P ha-1) Lazarica (3724kg ha-1 Julija Mono (4990kg ha-1) and low weediness

    Influence of salinity of water for irrigation on NPK nutrients uptake in greenhouse traditional cultivation of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. Botrytis L.)

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    The NPK nutrients uptake in the production of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.) irrigated with different water quality (fresh and saline water of 4 dS/m) has been analyzed in the experiment conducted in the greenhouse of Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. The highest nitrogen (N) consumption was observed 10 weeks after transplantation, while the highest consumption of phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) was recorded 12 and 8 weeks after transplantation, respectively. The highest concentration of N in vegetative part was obtained in cauliflower under saline water irrigation (3.5%), while in the fresh water treatment concentration of N was 3.2%. The phosphorus uptake was significantly affected under saline irrigation practice with respect to the fresh water being with total P uptake value corresponding to about 61% of the its uptake under the fresh water treatment. Irrigation with the salinity level of 4 dS/m resulted in significant increase in the accumulated salts in soil being with an electric conductivity (EC) value 17% greater than the one where fresh water was practiced. Evolution of chloride (Cl-) and its average values during the whole cropping period indicate that Cl-behaved in a manner identical to the one characterizing the EC parameter. This proves that Cl-concentration in the soil can be taken as a measure expressing the soil salinity

    Ekstremne padavine u Republici Srpskoj - analiza 2010. i 2011. godine

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    One of the consequences of global and regional climate changes is the alterations in the intensity and frequency of precipitation in certain areas and on local levels. This paper presents monthly precipitation in 2010 and 2011, with deviations that are measured in millimeters and given in percentage and in accordance to percentiles, based on which we estimated the category of rainfall/aridity that is further connected with probability, i.e. reassurance period. Based on the analysis of precipitation, it was estimated that 2010 was extremely rainy regarding the period of past 60 years and that 2011 was most arid over the period of interest. The results implied the necessity to include data on risks of extreme climate phenomena, in this case, precipitation, when it comes to creating plans and strategic documents of Republika Srpska. Besides, frequent shifts of extremely rainy and arid years and their influence on floods and drains affect the complexity of technical and technological solutions for irrigation and drainage systems. In other words, extreme precipitation should be a crucial parameter of the integral management of the water resources in Republika Srpska.Jedna od posljedica globalnih i regionalnih klimatskih promjena su i promjene intenziteta i frekvencija padavina u pojedinim oblastima ili lokalno. U radu su prikazane mjesečne količine padavina tokom 2010. i 2011. sa odstupanjima u milimetrima i procentualno kao i prema pripadajućem percentilu, na osnovu čega se i utvrđuje kategorija kišnosti/sušnosti a koji je u vezi s vjerovatnoćom tj povratnim periodom. Na bazi analiza količine padavina utvrđeno je da je 2010. godina bila ekstremno kišna u posljednjih 60 godina a da je 2011. godina bila najsušnija u instrumentalnom periodu. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na neophodnost uključivanja podataka o rizicima ekstremnih klimatskih pojava, u ovom slučaju padavina, kod izrade planskih i strateških dokumenata Republike Srpske. Sem toga, česte smjene ekstremno kišnih i sušnih godina i njihov uticaj na pojavu poplava i suša utiču i na kompleksnost kod tehničkih i tehnoloških rješenja za izgradnju sistema za navodnjavanje ali i odvodnjavanja voda. Drugim riječima, ekstremne padavine treba da budu veoma bitan parametar integralnog upravljanja vodnim resursima Republike Srpske

    Influence of Salinity of Water for Irrigation on NPK Nutrients Uptake in Greenhouse Traditional Cultivation of Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.)

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    The NPK nutrients uptake in the production of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.) irrigated with different water quality (fresh and saline water of 4 dS/m) has been analyzed in the experiment conducted in the greenhouse of Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. The highest nitrogen (N) consumption was observed 10 weeks after transplantation, while the highest consumption of phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) was recorded 12 and 8 weeks after transplantation, respectively. The highest concentration of N in vegetative part was obtained in cauliflower under saline water irrigation (3.5%), while in the fresh water treatment concentration of N was 3.2%. The phosphorus uptake was significantly affected under saline irrigation practice with respect to the fresh water being with total P uptake value corresponding to about 61% of the its uptake under the fresh water treatment. Irrigation with the salinity level of 4 dS/m resulted in significant increase in the accumulated salts in soil being with an electric conductivity (EC) value 17% greater than the one where fresh water was practiced. Evolution of chloride (Cl-) and its average values during the whole cropping period indicate that Cl- behaved in a manner identical to the one characterizing the EC parameter. This proves that Cl- concentration in the soil can be taken as a measure expressing the soil salinity

    The content of NPK nutrients in vegetative organs of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.) grown in soilless culture technique

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    The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse in the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (IAMB.) located in the southeastern Italy. The aim of this research was to evaluate macronutrient (NPK) status of cauliflower grown in three inert substrates (perlite, gravel and pozzolana). Nutrient losses were very low due to a good management practice and control of fertiliser application. The highest NPK nutrients application efficiency was obtained in phosphorus, 97.2%. Among nutrients, potassium was lost in the highest percentage (11.6%). Obtained losses did not cause high pollution of the soil and ground water

    The Content of NPK Nutrients in Vegetative Organs of Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.) Grown in Soilless Culture Technique

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    The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse in the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (IAMB.) located in the southeastern Italy. The aim of this research was to evaluate macronutrient (NPK) status of cauliflower grown in three inert substrates (perlite, gravel and pozzolana). Nutrient losses were very low due to a good management practice and control of fertiliser application. The highest NPK nutrients application efficiency was obtained in phosphorus, 97.2%. Among nutrients, potassium was lost in the highest percentage (11.6%). Obtained losses did not cause high pollution of the soil and ground water

    Contents of nickel, zinc, copper and lead in agricultural soils of the plains in the northwestern part of the Republic of Srpska

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    This paper presents the results and methodology of investigation conducted on agricultural soils of the plains in the northwest Republic of Srpska, aiming to determine the extent of heavy metals contamination: nickel (Ni), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) and lead (Pb). The investigation included 140 soil samples from 14 sites, where the soil samples were taken on 5 locations, from two layers (depths): arable (0-25 cm) and sub-arable (25-50 cm). The total contents of metals were determined by a method of atomic spectrophotometry after acid digestion (HNO3+H2O2). Organic matter content, CEC and pH were determined by standard agrochemical methods. The total contents of nickel in 78.5% of investigated soil samples were higher than the maximum allowed in the unpolluted soils (50 mg/kg). In 22.86% of the analysed samples, the content of zinc was higher than the maximum allowed in the unpolluted soils (100 mg/kg), while the content of copper and lead in the small number of samples was higher than the allowed maximum. Acidic soil reaction (pH<5.5) that increased bioavailability of metals was found in 38.6% of the samples investigated. A high degree of correlation was determined between the total content of certain metals (Cu and Ni, Cu and Zn). This suggests their common origin in the investigated area. The average contents of investigated metals in different layers (depths) were slightly different, having determined higher concentrations of Ni and Cu in the sub-arable layer that indicated the dominance of natural, geochemical sources of these metals in the soils. Territorial distribution of samples with high content of Ni and Zn corresponds to geological substrates which include mineralsnatural carriers of Ni and Zn. This also indicates probable geochemical origin of these elements in the investigated soils. High contents of metals and acid soil reaction indicate that it is necessary to continue research in order to determine the risk of increased transfer of heavy metals from soil to the crops grown

    Contents of nickel, zinc, copper and lead in agricultural soils of the plains in the northwestern part of the Republic of Srpska

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    This paper presents the results and methodology of investigation conducted on agricultural soils of the plains in the northwest Republic of Srpska, aiming to determine the extent of heavy metals contamination: nickel (Ni), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) and lead (Pb). The investigation included 140 soil samples from 14 sites, where the soil samples were taken on 5 locations, from two layers (depths): arable (0-25 cm) and sub-arable (25-50 cm). The total contents of metals were determined by a method of atomic spectrophotometry after acid digestion (HNO3+H2O2). Organic matter content, CEC and pH were determined by standard agrochemical methods. The total contents of nickel in 78.5% of investigated soil samples were higher than the maximum allowed in the unpolluted soils (50 mg/kg). In 22.86% of the analysed samples, the content of zinc was higher than the maximum allowed in the unpolluted soils (100 mg/kg), while the content of copper and lead in the small number of samples was higher than the allowed maximum. Acidic soil reaction (pH<5.5) that increased bioavailability of metals was found in 38.6% of the samples investigated. A high degree of correlation was determined between the total content of certain metals (Cu and Ni, Cu and Zn). This suggests their common origin in the investigated area. The average contents of investigated metals in different layers (depths) were slightly different, having determined higher concentrations of Ni and Cu in the sub-arable layer that indicated the dominance of natural, geochemical sources of these metals in the soils. Territorial distribution of samples with high content of Ni and Zn corresponds to geological substrates which include minerals- natural carriers of Ni and Zn. This also indicates probable geochemical origin of these elements in the investigated soils. High contents of metals and acid soil reaction indicate that it is necessary to continue research in order to determine the risk of increased transfer of heavy metals from soil to the crops grown

    The influence of different land uses on biodiversity

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    Presence of plant species in the agricultural landscape depends not only on environmental factors but also on the spatial and temporal patterns of land use. Knowledge of land use in the past can be explained by the current state of biodiversity and suggest measures for its use in the future in order to preserve the current state. This study was aimed to show how changes in land use affect the current state of biodiversity in the municipalities of Banja Luka and Derventa. For the assessment of biodiversity at farm level were used Shannon diversity index. Higher values of Shannon diversity index (richness and evenness of plant species) in the municipality of Derventa indicate a more favorable distribution of plant species in the plots analyzed as a result of more extensive land use. Richer floristic composition of the analyzed plots on farms in the municipality of Banja Luka indicate their intensive use (mowing and grazing) that is evidenced by an increased presence of annual weeds. Contrary to them at the analyzed plots in the municipality Derventa is noted the presence of the following species Ornitogalum umbellatum L., Rubus ideus and Rumex crispus L. which favors extensive tillage

    Optimal irrigation regime of raspberry production using drip irrigation system

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    Testing of irrigation regimes on alluvial soil under raspberries production are conducted on an experimental field"Kosovo", of 0.11 hectares surface, set in a representative part of a larger productive plantations in the village near Arilje Mirosaljci. Willamette raspberry cultivar was grown on a flat surface, at an altitude of 354 meters in row breeding form, under standard conditions of agricultural technology except soil water regime.Surface irrigation was used where is applied drip irrigation metohod on 64 basic plots with different variants of studies conducted in 4 replicates. Natural water regime (Wo), and different variants of irrigation water regime (Wi), have resulted in different raspberry yields in the range from 0.70 to 2.38 kg / m2.Natural water regime (Wo) and its dépendance on different factors such as: -> irrigation regime (V) -> irrigation water quantity (Nz) -> distance between drippers (R) -> water flow (q) -> irrigation time (t), within irrigation water regime (Wi), has been influenced on fresh raspberries yield (Y).The best irrigation regime for raspberries production on alluvial soil of arilje vineyards is irrigation regime V2 - which is representing irrigation practice from flowering growth stage to the end of growing seasons offspring shoot, with the distance between drippes on the lateral of R = 0,50 m, with water flow of qi = 2,3 1/hour, irrigation time of one hour and with irrigation water quantity of 2 mm/day