3 research outputs found

    Adjusment of leveling network with computer software

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    Projektna naloga opisuje višinske mreže v Sloveniji, nivelir, višinomerstvo ter poda osnovne računske postopke za izravnavo višinskih mrež. V praktičnem delu je opisan postopek izdelave izravnave s pomočjo računalniških programov, ter preverba ustreznosti rezultatov in sama analiza programov.This project work describes leveling network in Slovenia, instrument which is used for leveling- dumpy level, leveling and some basic calculation procedures for network adjustments. In practical part of this project it is described how to make leveling adjustment with help of computer software, analyses of results and review of computer software, which was used in this project

    Metakaolin and its effect on concrete and cement mortars

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    V magistrskem delu so predstavljeni metakaolin kot pucolanski material ter njegovi vplivi na beton in cementne malte v svežem in strjenem stanju. Za študij vpliva metakolina smo uporabili obstoječo literaturo, in sicer smo obravnavali:vpliv metakaolina na sveže betonske mešanice, vpliv na posed, vpliv na potrebo po zamesni vodi, vpliv na čas vezanja betonov in malt, vpliv na vsebnost por v betonu, vpliv na tlačno trdnost, vpliv na natezno trdnost, upogibno trdnost, vpliv na alkalno silikatno reakcijo, prodiranje kloridov, sulfatni napad in karbonatizacijo. V teoretičnem delu smo prikazalienega izmed alternativnih postopkov pridobivanja metakaolina ter njegove splošne fizikalne in kemijske lastnosti . V eksperimentalnem delu smo se posvetili vplivu metakaolina na tlačno in upogibno trdnost. Predstavljena je bila metodologija izvedbe eksperimenta, pri kateri smo uporabili različne masne deleže nadomestitve cementa z metakaolinom, z namenom doseči optimalen delež za izboljšanje tlačne in upogibne trdnosti. V zaključku so predstavljeni rezultati opravljenih preizkusov, ki so podani tako grafično kot tabelarično. V diskusiji smo primerjali dosežene rezultate s pričakovanimi.The master\u27s thesis presents metakaolin as a pozzolanic material and its effects on concrete and cement mortars in the fresh and hardened state. For the influence of metakaolin on cements and mortars, we used the existing literature and researched the following properties: the influence of metakaolin on fresh concrete mixes, the influence on settlement, the influence on the need for mixing water, the influence on the setting time of concrete and mortar, the influence on the content of pores in concrete, the influence on compressive strength, effect on tensile strength, flexural strength, effect on alkali silicate reaction, chloride penetration, sulphate attack and carbonation. The theoretical part also shows one of the alternative processes for producing metakaolin and the general physical and chemical properties of metakaolin itself. In the experimental work, we focused on the impact of metakaolin on compressive and flexural strength. The methodology of the experiment is presented, in which we used different proportions of substitution in order to achieve an optimal proportion of cement substitution with metakaolin. In the conclusion, the results of the conducted research are presented, which are given both graphically and tabularly. At the end, we devoted ourselves to a discussion in which we compared the achieved results with the expected ones