4 research outputs found

    Bentuk dan Fungsi Pertunjukan Teater Amaq Abir di Sanggar Pustaka Budaya Desa Marong

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    This study aims to describe the form and function of Amaq Abir theater performance at the Marong Village Cultural Literature Studio, Praya Timur District, Lombok Tengah. The research was conducted in Nyampe Hamlet, Marong Village, Praya Timur District. The approach used in this study was qualitative descriptive. The object in this study is the Amaq Abir theatre which includes the form and function of the show. From the results of the study found about: 1) the form of the show, which includes elements in theatrical performances namely: theme, plot, characterization, language, messages, and settings. Supporting elements of the show related to the artistic system, namely: stage management, decoration, sound system, lighting, makeup, and fashion. 2) the theater function of Amaq Abir consists of a) function as entertainment, b) function as social criticism, and 3) function as an economic. 

    Pengembangan Lagu Anak-Anak untuk Belajar Matematika Kelas III dengan Tema Perkalian dan Pembagian SDN 04 Masbagik

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    The purpose of this study was to find out how to develop children's songs for learning mathematics in grade III with the theme of multiplication and division in elementary school. This research uses a research and development approach. The types of data in this study are qualitative data and quantitative data. The instrument in this study consisted of a validation sheet and a response questionnaire from students to the use of math songs. The data analysis technique is the data from this research in the form of the expert team's response to the quality of the product developed in terms of the material and instrument aspects used as well as student learning test data in the learning process using math songs. Data in the form of expert response scores were collected through validation sheets, analyzed descriptively with categorization techniques and concluded as input for revising the developed product. While the data in the form of student learning outcomes tests were analyzed using an existing formula. Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that the development of children's songs for learning mathematics has succeeded in producing a product with the title of multiplication and divisio

    Komposisi Gerak Tari Mendaiq Sanggar Gedeng Kedaton Desa Lendang Nangka

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk gerak dan komposisi gerak pada tari Mendaiq Sanggar Gedeng Kedaton DesaLendang NangkaKecamatan Masbagik.Gerak tari adalah gerak yang disterilkan sehingga menimbulkan bentuk yang diutamakan dalam bentuk yang ekspresif, apabila dirasakan. Menurut (Supriyanto, 2012:4). (Rahmida Setiawati, 2008) Unsur-unsur gerak yaitu wiraga, wirama, dan wirasa  Elemen-elemen komposisi tari yaitu tema, desain gerak, desain musik, desain lantai, desain atas, dramatik, dinamika, rias dan busana, properti, tata pentas, penyusunan acara.Penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif  kualitatif dengan pendekatan Grounded theory karena mengkaji bentuk gerak dan komposisi gerak yang belum pernah diulas secara detail. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dapat dilakukan  dengan 3 cara yaitu  reduksi data, penyajian data, dan kesimpulan. Untuk memeriksa keabsahan data menggunakan teknik triangulasi yaitu triangulasi sumber, triangulasi teknik, dan triangulasi waktu.Hasil penelitian ini tentang 1) bentuk gerak tari Mendaiq meliputi 3 gerakan yaitu gerakan awal, gerakan inti, dan gerakan penutup.2) Jenis gerak tari  Mendaiq memiliki 15 ragam gerakyaitu gerak murni sedangkan gerak maknawi yaitu Mendaiq yang dimana gerak tersebut memiliki makna. Empat belas gerakan disebut sebagai gerakan  murni, dan satu gerakan disebut sebagai gerakan maknawi yaitu Mendaiq. Gerakan Mendaiq maknanya yaitu mengambil air. 3) komposisi gerak pada tari Mendaiq, yang meliputi W4 yaitu wiraga, wirama, wirupa, wirasa.Simpulan pada penelitian ini membahas tentangbentuk gerak dan komposisi gerak, dimana bentuk gerak dan komposisi gerak saling berkaitan satu sama lainnya dalam pembuatan karya tari yaitu tari Mendai

    Bentuk Dan Gerak Tari Tradisional Manuk Beberi

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the various forms and movements of the Manuk Beberi dance. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods using theories related to the research topic. The theory used is the theory of symbols which is translated into discursive and presentational symbols. The results showed that the Manuk Beberi dance is a regional dance originating from Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. The Manuk Beberi dance was created based on the story of Dewi Anjani's pet. This dance is danced by two male dancers with energetic movements that reflect the character of Dewi Anjani's pet chicken. The various movements of the Manuk Beberi dance are classified into discursive symbols and presentational symbols. Movements that are included in the discursive symbol are the movements of the Keber, Notok, Ngaeh and Bekupu. These movements have certain meanings based on the results of mutual agreement in an area. Meanwhile, other Manuk Beberi dance movements are included in the presentational symbol, namely movements that are only complementary and do not have a core meaning. In conclusion, the traditional dance of Manuk Beberi has four forms, namely, the traditional dance form, which is the pet movement of Dewi Anjani. Keywords: Form, Manuk Beberi Dance, Motion &nbsp