32 research outputs found

    Telemetry-Enhancing Scripts

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    Scripts Providing a Cool Kit of Telemetry Enhancing Tools (SPACKLE) is a set of software tools that fill gaps in capabilities of other software used in processing downlinked data in the Mars Exploration Rovers (MER) flight and test-bed operations. SPACKLE tools have helped to accelerate the automatic processing and interpretation of MER mission data, enabling non-experts to understand and/or use MER query and data product command simulation software tools more effectively. SPACKLE has greatly accelerated some operations and provides new capabilities. The tools of SPACKLE are written, variously, in Perl or the C or C++ language. They perform a variety of search and shortcut functions that include the following: Generating text-only, Event Report-annotated, and Web-enhanced views of command sequences; Labeling integer enumerations with their symbolic meanings in text messages and engineering channels; Systematic detecting of corruption within data products; Generating text-only displays of data-product catalogs including downlink status; Validating and labeling of commands related to data products; Performing of convenient searches of detailed engineering data spanning multiple Martian solar days; Generating tables of initial conditions pertaining to engineering, health, and accountability data; Simplified construction and simulation of command sequences; and Fast time format conversions and sorting

    Facilitating Analysis of Multiple Partial Data Streams

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    Robotic Operations Automation: Mechanisms, Imaging, Navigation report Generation (ROAMING) is a set of computer programs that facilitates and accelerates both tactical and strategic analysis of time-sampled data especially the disparate and often incomplete streams of Mars Explorer Rover (MER) telemetry data described in the immediately preceding article. As used here, tactical refers to the activities over a relatively short time (one Martian day in the original MER application) and strategic refers to a longer time (the entire multi-year MER missions in the original application). Prior to installation, ROAMING must be configured with the types of data of interest, and parsers must be modified to understand the format of the input data (many example parsers are provided, including for general CSV files). Thereafter, new data from multiple disparate sources are automatically resampled into a single common annotated spreadsheet stored in a readable space-separated format, and these data can be processed or plotted at any time scale. Such processing or plotting makes it possible to study not only the details of a particular activity spanning only a few seconds, but also longer-term trends. ROAMING makes it possible to generate mission-wide plots of multiple engineering quantities [e.g., vehicle tilt as in Figure 1(a), motor current, numbers of images] that, heretofore could be found only in thousands of separate files. ROAMING also supports automatic annotation of both images and graphs. In the MER application, labels given to terrain features by rover scientists and engineers are automatically plotted in all received images based on their associated camera models (see Figure 2), times measured in seconds are mapped to Mars local time, and command names or arbitrary time-labeled events can be used to label engineering plots, as in Figure 1(b)

    Rapid Diagnostics of Onboard Sequences

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    Keeping track of sequences onboard a spacecraft is challenging. When reviewing Event Verification Records (EVRs) of sequence executions on the Mars Exploration Rover (MER), operators often found themselves wondering which version of a named sequence the EVR corresponded to. The lack of this information drastically impacts the operators diagnostic capabilities as well as their situational awareness with respect to the commands the spacecraft has executed, since the EVRs do not provide argument values or explanatory comments. Having this information immediately available can be instrumental in diagnosing critical events and can significantly enhance the overall safety of the spacecraft. This software provides auditing capability that can eliminate that uncertainty while diagnosing critical conditions. Furthermore, the Restful interface provides a simple way for sequencing tools to automatically retrieve binary compiled sequence SCMFs (Space Command Message Files) on demand. It also enables developers to change the underlying database, while maintaining the same interface to the existing applications. The logging capabilities are also beneficial to operators when they are trying to recall how they solved a similar problem many days ago: this software enables automatic recovery of SCMF and RML (Robot Markup Language) sequence files directly from the command EVRs, eliminating the need for people to find and validate the corresponding sequences. To address the lack of auditing capability for sequences onboard a spacecraft during earlier missions, extensive logging support was added on the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) sequencing server. This server is responsible for generating all MSL binary SCMFs from RML input sequences. The sequencing server logs every SCMF it generates into a MySQL database, as well as the high-level RML file and dictionary name inputs used to create the SCMF. The SCMF is then indexed by a hash value that is automatically included in all command EVRs by the onboard flight software. Second, both the binary SCMF result and the RML input file can be retrieved simply by specifying the hash to a Restful web interface. This interface enables command line tools as well as large sophisticated programs to download the SCMF and RMLs on-demand from the database, enabling a vast array of tools to be built on top of it. One such command line tool can retrieve and display RML files, or annotate a list of EVRs by interleaving them with the original sequence commands. This software has been integrated with the MSL sequencing pipeline where it will serve sequences useful in diagnostics, debugging, and situational awareness throughout the mission

    Enhanced Reporting of Mars Exploration Rover Telemetry

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    Mars Exploration Rover Enhanced Telemetry Extraction and Reporting System (METERS) is software that generates a human-readable representation of the state of the mobility and arm-related systems of the Mars Exploration Rover (MER) vehicles on each Martian solar day (sol). Data are received from the MER spacecraft in multiple streams having various formats including text messages, sparsely-sampled engineering quantities, images, and individual motor-command histories

    Tyrosine-phosphorylated and nonphosphorylated isoforms of α-dystrobrevin: roles in skeletal muscle and its neuromuscular and myotendinous junctions

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    α-Dystrobrevin (DB), a cytoplasmic component of the dystrophin–glycoprotein complex, is found throughout the sarcolemma of muscle cells. Mice lacking αDB exhibit muscular dystrophy, defects in maturation of neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) and, as shown here, abnormal myotendinous junctions (MTJs). In normal muscle, alternative splicing produces two main αDB isoforms, αDB1 and αDB2, with common NH2-terminal but distinct COOH-terminal domains. αDB1, whose COOH-terminal extension can be tyrosine phosphorylated, is concentrated at the NMJs and MTJs. αDB2, which is not tyrosine phosphorylated, is the predominant isoform in extrajunctional regions, and is also present at NMJs and MTJs. Transgenic expression of either isoform in αDB−/− mice prevented muscle fiber degeneration; however, only αDB1 completely corrected defects at the NMJs (abnormal acetylcholine receptor patterning, rapid turnover, and low density) and MTJs (shortened junctional folds). Site-directed mutagenesis revealed that the effectiveness of αDB1 in stabilizing the NMJ depends in part on its ability to serve as a tyrosine kinase substrate. Thus, αDB1 phosphorylation may be a key regulatory point for synaptic remodeling. More generally, αDB may play multiple roles in muscle by means of differential distribution of isoforms with distinct signaling or structural properties

    Characterization of traverse slippage experienced by Spirit rover on Husband Hill at Gusev crater

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    Spirit rover experienced significant slips traversing Husband Hill. This paper analyzes the slippage Spirit experienced from Sol 154 to Sol 737. Slippage with respect to terrain type and slope is computed using data downlinked from the rover, rover position, and orientation estimations from visual odometry (VO) and photogrammetry based bundle adjustment (BA) method. Accumulated slippage reached a maximum of 83.86 m on Sol 648. However, as Spirit descended into the Inner Basin, the direction of slippage reversed, and accumulated slippage approached zero by the end of the entire traverse. Eight local regions with significant slips and nineteen traverse segments have been analyzed. Slippage was found to be highly correlated to slope direction and magnitude; the reverse of slope directions in the ascending and descending portions of the traverse proves to be the main contributor to the observed cancellation of slippage. While the horizontal component of the slippage almost canceled out, the difference in elevation continually accumulated, mainly during the ascent. In general, long traverse segments created more slips than short ones. This is reflected in both the accumulated and individual slippages. In considering the four major Mars terrain types, Spirit performed best on bedrock, managing to drive on slopes close to 30°. Fine-grain surfaces were the most challenging; though progress was made on slopes up to 15°, slippages of over 100% (more slippage than distance traveled) occurred for short segments. The results of this work can be incorporate into a traverse planning framework in which rover slippage is minimized. Results can be employed in landed planetary missions for precision navigation to avoid potentially dangerous regions by considering expected slippage

    Opportunity rover localization and topographic mapping at the landing site of Meridiani Planum, Mars

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    This paper presents the results of Mars topographic mapping and lander and rover localization for the Opportunity rover at Meridiani Planum during the Mars Exploration Rover (MER) 2003 mission. By Sol 458, the Opportunity rover traversed a distance of 5.20 km. We localized the lander using two-way Doppler radio positioning and cartographic triangulation of craters visible in both orbital and ground images. Additional high-resolution orbital images were taken to verify the determined lander position. Visual odometry and bundle adjustment techniques were applied to overcome wheel slippages, azimuthal angle drift, and other navigation errors (as large as 21% within Eagle crater). In addition, orbit-to-ground image-based adjustment was applied to correct rover location errors where bundle adjustment was not applicable. We generated timely topographic products, including orthoimages, digital terrain models (DTMs), three-dimensional (3-D) crater models, and rover traverse maps. In particular, detailed 3-D terrain models of major features, such as Endurance crater, have been generated using multisite panoramic stereo images based on bundle adjustment and wide baseline stereo technique