9,522 research outputs found


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    Closeout data from two western Kansas commercial feedlots are examined to determine how cattle prices, feed costs, and animal performance impact the variability of cattle feeding profits. The relative impacts of these factors are studied across sex, placement weight, and placement month using standardized beta coefficients. Feeder cattle prices have a greater impact on profit variability for spring and fall placements. The effect of animal performance on variability of cattle feeding profits is greater for fall placements. Results suggest that fed cattle and feeder cattle prices should be emphasized in managing the overall risk in cattle feeding because they are the largest contributors to profit variability.cattle finishing profitability, cattle performance, feedlot closeouts, standardized beta coefficients, Livestock Production/Industries,

    Efficient Follow-Up of Exoplanet Transits Using Small Telescopes

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    11 pages, 5 figures, to be published in PASP, comments welcomeHere, we introduce an online tool for the prediction of exoplanet transit light curves. Small telescopes can readily capture exoplanet transits under good weather conditions when the combination of a bright star and a large transiting exoplanet results in a significant depth of transit. However, in reality there are many considerations that need to be made to obtain useful measurements. This paper and the accompanying website lay out a procedure based on timeseries differential photometry that has been successfully employed using 0.4 m aperture telescopes to predict the expected precision for a whole light curve. This enables robust planning to decide whether the observation of a particular exoplanet transit should be attempted, and in particular to be able to readily see when it should not to be attempted. This may result in a significant increase in the number of transit observations captured by non-specialists. The technique and website are also appropriate for planning a variety of variable star observations where a prediction of the light curve can be made.Peer reviewe

    Strictly Anomaly Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking

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    We consider an MSSM extension with anomaly mediation as the source of supersymmetry-breaking, and a U(1) symmetry which solves the tachyonic slepton problem, and introduces both the see-saw mechanism for neutrino masses, and the Higgs mu-term. We compare its spectra with those from so-called minimal anomaly mediated supersymmetry breaking. We find a Standard Model-like Higgs of mass 125 GeV with a gravitino mass of 140 TeV and tan(beta)=16. However, the muon anomalous magnetic moment is 3 sigma away from the experimental value. The model naturally produces a period of hybrid inflation, which can exit to a false vacuum characterised by large Higgs vevs, reaching the true ground state after a period of thermal inflation. The scalar spectral index is reduced to approximately 0.975, and the correct abundance of neutralino dark matter can be produced by decays of thermally-produced gravitinos, provided the gravitino mass (and hence the Higgs mass) is high. Naturally light cosmic strings are produced, satisfying bounds from the Cosmic Microwave Background. The complementary pulsar timing and cosmic ray bounds require that strings decay primarily via loops into gravitational waves. Unless the loops are extremely small, the next generation pulsar timing array will rule out or detect the string-derived gravitational radiation background in this model.Comment: 38 pages, 1 figure. Discussion of 125GeV Higgs possibility, and of U(1) decoupling limi

    An overview of the research evidence on ethnicity and communication in healthcare

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    • The aim of the present study was to identify and review the available research evidence on 'ethnicity and communication' in areas relevant to ensuring effective provision of mainstream services (e.g. via interpreter, advocacy and translation services); provision of services targeted on communication (e.g. speech and language therapy, counselling, psychotherapy); consensual/ participatory activities (e.g. consent to interventions), and; procedures for managing and planning for linguistic diversity

    The NIRSPEC Brown Dwarf Spectroscopic Survey II: High-Resolution J-Band Spectra of M, L and T Dwarfs

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    We present a sequence of high resolution (R~20,000 or 15 km/s) infrared spectra of stars and brown dwarfs spanning spectral types M2.5 to T6. Observations of 16 objects were obtained using eight echelle orders to cover part of the J-band from 1.165-1.323 micron with NIRSPEC on the Keck II telescope. By comparing opacity plots and line lists, over 200 weak features in the J-band are identified with either FeH or H2O transitions. Absorption by FeH attains maximum strength in the mid-L dwarfs, while H2O absorption becomes systematically stronger towards later spectral types. Narrow resolved features broaden markedly after the M to L transition. Our high resolution spectra also reveal that the disappearance of neutral Al lines at the boundary between M and L dwarfs is remarkably abrupt, presumably because of the formation of grains. Neutral Fe lines can be traced to mid-L dwarfs before Fe is removed by condensation. The neutral potassium (K I) doublets that dominate the J-band have pressure broadened wings that continue to broaden from ~50 km/s (FWHM) at mid-M to ~500 km/s at mid-T. In contrast however, the measured pseudo-equivalent widths of these same lines reach a maximum in the mid-L dwarfs. The young L2 dwarf, G196-3B, exhibits narrow potassium lines without extensive pressure-broadened wings, indicative of a lower gravity atmosphere. Kelu-1AB, another L2, has exceptionally broad infrared lines, including FeH and H2O features, confirming its status as a rapid rotator. In contrast to other late T objects, the peculiar T6 dwarf 2MASS 0937+29 displays a complete absence of potassium even at high resolution, which may be a metallicity effect or a result of a cooler, higher-gravity atmosphere.Comment: 53 pages, 21 figures, data will be available at http://www.astro.ucla.edu/~mclean/BDSSarchive

    Performance Of Chilean ADRs On The New York Stock Exchange

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    In this study, we examine NYSE-listed American Depository Receipts from Chile to determine overall short and long-term investment performance and whether the type of issue (IPO versus SEO) affects ADR performance relative to the S&P 500.  Short-term performance suggests Chilean ADRs did not perform significantly different than the market index.  However, the Chilean ADRs significantly underperformed the S&P 500 by over 32 percent during the three-year trading horizon.  In comparing long-run excess returns of SEOs versus those of IPOs, the SEO subset performed similar to the market while the IPOs significantly underperformed the market index by 45 percent.  These results provide evidence that the type of issue (IPO versus SEO) affects portfolio returns when investing in Chilean ADRs

    Topology of the Spin-polarized Charge Density in bcc and fcc Iron

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    We investigate the topology of the spin-polarized charge density in bcc and fcc iron. While the total spin-density is found to possess the topology of the non-magnetic prototypical structures, in some cases the spin-polarized densities are characterized by unique topologies; for example, the spin-polarized charge densities of bcc and high-spin fcc iron are atypical of any known for non-magnetic materials. In these cases, the two spin-densities are correlated: the spin-minority electrons have directional bond paths with deep minima in the minority density, while the spin-majority electrons fill these holes, reducing bond directionality. The presence of two distinct spin topologies suggests that a well-known magnetic phase transition in iron can be fruitfully reexamined in light of these topological changes. We show that the two phase changes seen in fcc iron (paramagnetic to low-spin and low-spin to high-spin) are different. The former follows the Landau symmetry-breaking paradigm and proceeds without a topological transformation, while the latter also involves a topological catastrophe.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Phys. Rev. Lett. (in press

    Many-body Electronic Structure of Metallic alpha-Uranium

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    We present results for the electronic structure of alpha uranium using a recently developed quasiparticle self-consistent GW method (QSGW). This is the first time that the f-orbital electron-electron interactions in an actinide has been treated by a first-principles method beyond the level of the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) to the local density approximation (LDA). We show that the QSGW approximation predicts an f-level shift upwards of about 0.5 eV with respect to the other metallic s-d states and that there is a significant f-band narrowing when compared to LDA band-structure results. Nonetheless, because of the overall low f-electron occupation number in uranium, ground-state properties and the occupied band structure around the Fermi energy is not significantly affected. The correlations predominate in the unoccupied part of the f states. This provides the first formal justification for the success of LDA and GGA calculations in describing the ground-state properties of this material.Comment: 4 pages, 3 fihgure

    Electronic Selection Rules Controlling Dislocation Glide in bcc Metals

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    The validity of the structure-property relationships governing the deformation behavior of bcc metals was brought into question with recent {\it ab initio} density functional studies of isolated screw dislocations in Mo and Ta. These existing relationships were semiclassical in nature, having grown from atomistic investigations of the deformation properties of the groups V and VI transition metals. We find that the correct form for these structure-property relationships is fully quantum mechanical, involving the coupling of electronic states with the strain field at the core of long a/2a/2 screw dislocations.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure