636 research outputs found

    Entanglement cost and quantum channel simulation

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    This paper proposes a revised definition for the entanglement cost of a quantum channel N\mathcal{N}. In particular, it is defined here to be the smallest rate at which entanglement is required, in addition to free classical communication, in order to simulate nn calls to N\mathcal{N}, such that the most general discriminator cannot distinguish the nn calls to N\mathcal{N} from the simulation. The most general discriminator is one who tests the channels in a sequential manner, one after the other, and this discriminator is known as a quantum tester [Chiribella et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 101, 060401 (2008)] or one who is implementing a quantum co-strategy [Gutoski et al., Symp. Th. Comp., 565 (2007)]. As such, the proposed revised definition of entanglement cost of a quantum channel leads to a rate that cannot be smaller than the previous notion of a channel's entanglement cost [Berta et al., IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 59, 6779 (2013)], in which the discriminator is limited to distinguishing parallel uses of the channel from the simulation. Under this revised notion, I prove that the entanglement cost of certain teleportation-simulable channels is equal to the entanglement cost of their underlying resource states. Then I find single-letter formulas for the entanglement cost of some fundamental channel models, including dephasing, erasure, three-dimensional Werner--Holevo channels, epolarizing channels (complements of depolarizing channels), as well as single-mode pure-loss and pure-amplifier bosonic Gaussian channels. These examples demonstrate that the resource theory of entanglement for quantum channels is not reversible. Finally, I discuss how to generalize the basic notions to arbitrary resource theories.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figure

    Sequential decoding of a general classical-quantum channel

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    Since a quantum measurement generally disturbs the state of a quantum system, one might think that it should not be possible for a sender and receiver to communicate reliably when the receiver performs a large number of sequential measurements to determine the message of the sender. We show here that this intuition is not true, by demonstrating that a sequential decoding strategy works well even in the most general "one-shot" regime, where we are given a single instance of a channel and wish to determine the maximal number of bits that can be communicated up to a small failure probability. This result follows by generalizing a non-commutative union bound to apply for a sequence of general measurements. We also demonstrate two ways in which a receiver can recover a state close to the original state after it has been decoded by a sequence of measurements that each succeed with high probability. The second of these methods will be useful in realizing an efficient decoder for fully quantum polar codes, should a method ever be found to realize an efficient decoder for classical-quantum polar codes.Comment: 12 pages; accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the Royal Society

    Strong and uniform convergence in the teleportation simulation of bosonic Gaussian channels

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    In the literature on the continuous-variable bosonic teleportation protocol due to [Braunstein and Kimble, Phys. Rev. Lett., 80(4):869, 1998], it is often loosely stated that this protocol converges to a perfect teleportation of an input state in the limit of ideal squeezing and ideal detection, but the exact form of this convergence is typically not clarified. In this paper, I explicitly clarify that the convergence is in the strong sense, and not the uniform sense, and furthermore, that the convergence occurs for any input state to the protocol, including the infinite-energy Basel states defined and discussed here. I also prove, in contrast to the above result, that the teleportation simulations of pure-loss, thermal, pure-amplifier, amplifier, and additive-noise channels converge both strongly and uniformly to the original channels, in the limit of ideal squeezing and detection for the simulations. For these channels, I give explicit uniform bounds on the accuracy of their teleportation simulations. I then extend these uniform convergence results to particular multi-mode bosonic Gaussian channels. These convergence statements have important implications for mathematical proofs that make use of the teleportation simulation of bosonic Gaussian channels, some of which have to do with bounding their non-asymptotic secret-key-agreement capacities. As a byproduct of the discussion given here, I confirm the correctness of the proof of such bounds from my joint work with Berta and Tomamichel from [Wilde, Tomamichel, Berta, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 63(3):1792, March 2017]. Furthermore, I show that it is not necessary to invoke the energy-constrained diamond distance in order to confirm the correctness of this proof.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figure

    Recoverability in quantum information theory

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    The fact that the quantum relative entropy is non-increasing with respect to quantum physical evolutions lies at the core of many optimality theorems in quantum information theory and has applications in other areas of physics. In this work, we establish improvements of this entropy inequality in the form of physically meaningful remainder terms. One of the main results can be summarized informally as follows: if the decrease in quantum relative entropy between two quantum states after a quantum physical evolution is relatively small, then it is possible to perform a recovery operation, such that one can perfectly recover one state while approximately recovering the other. This can be interpreted as quantifying how well one can reverse a quantum physical evolution. Our proof method is elementary, relying on the method of complex interpolation, basic linear algebra, and the recently introduced Renyi generalization of a relative entropy difference. The theorem has a number of applications in quantum information theory, which have to do with providing physically meaningful improvements to many known entropy inequalities.Comment: v5: 26 pages, generalized lower bounds to apply when supp(rho) is contained in supp(sigma

    Recoverability for Holevo's just-as-good fidelity

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    Holevo's just-as-good fidelity is a similarity measure for quantum states that has found several applications. One of its critical properties is that it obeys a data processing inequality: the measure does not decrease under the action of a quantum channel on the underlying states. In this paper, I prove a refinement of this data processing inequality that includes an additional term related to recoverability. That is, if the increase in the measure is small after the action of a partial trace, then one of the states can be nearly recovered by the Petz recovery channel, while the other state is perfectly recovered by the same channel. The refinement is given in terms of the trace distance of one of the states to its recovered version and also depends on the minimum eigenvalue of the other state. As such, the refinement is universal, in the sense that the recovery channel depends only on one of the states, and it is explicit, given by the Petz recovery channel. The appendix contains a generalization of the aforementioned result to arbitrary quantum channels.Comment: 6 pages, submission to ISIT 201

    Quantum reading capacity: General definition and bounds

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    Quantum reading refers to the task of reading out classical information stored in a read-only memory device. In any such protocol, the transmitter and receiver are in the same physical location, and the goal of such a protocol is to use these devices (modeled by independent quantum channels), coupled with a quantum strategy, to read out as much information as possible from a memory device, such as a CD or DVD. As a consequence of the physical setup of quantum reading, the most natural and general definition for quantum reading capacity should allow for an adaptive operation after each call to the channel, and this is how we define quantum reading capacity in this paper. We also establish several bounds on quantum reading capacity, and we introduce an environment-parametrized memory cell with associated environment states, delivering second-order and strong converse bounds for its quantum reading capacity. We calculate the quantum reading capacities for some exemplary memory cells, including a thermal memory cell, a qudit erasure memory cell, and a qudit depolarizing memory cell. We finally provide an explicit example to illustrate the advantage of using an adaptive strategy in the context of zero-error quantum reading capacity.Comment: v3: 17 pages, 2 figures, final version published in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    α\alpha-Logarithmic negativity

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    The logarithmic negativity of a bipartite quantum state is a widely employed entanglement measure in quantum information theory, due to the fact that it is easy to compute and serves as an upper bound on distillable entanglement. More recently, the κ\kappa-entanglement of a bipartite state was shown to be the first entanglement measure that is both easily computable and has a precise information-theoretic meaning, being equal to the exact entanglement cost of a bipartite quantum state when the free operations are those that completely preserve the positivity of the partial transpose [Wang and Wilde, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125(4):040502, July 2020]. In this paper, we provide a non-trivial link between these two entanglement measures, by showing that they are the extremes of an ordered family of α\alpha-logarithmic negativity entanglement measures, each of which is identified by a parameter α∈[1,∞]\alpha\in[ 1,\infty] . In this family, the original logarithmic negativity is recovered as the smallest with α=1\alpha=1, and the κ\kappa-entanglement is recovered as the largest with α=∞\alpha=\infty. We prove that the α\alpha -logarithmic negativity satisfies the following properties: entanglement monotone, normalization, faithfulness, and subadditivity. We also prove that it is neither convex nor monogamous. Finally, we define the α\alpha-logarithmic negativity of a quantum channel as a generalization of the notion for quantum states, and we show how to generalize many of the concepts to arbitrary resource theories.Comment: v3: 15 pages, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Exact entanglement cost of quantum states and channels under PPT-preserving operations

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    This paper establishes single-letter formulas for the exact entanglement cost of generating bipartite quantum states and simulating quantum channels under free quantum operations that completely preserve positivity of the partial transpose (PPT). First, we establish that the exact entanglement cost of any bipartite quantum state under PPT-preserving operations is given by a single-letter formula, here called the κ\kappa-entanglement of a quantum state. This formula is calculable by a semidefinite program, thus allowing for an efficiently computable solution for general quantum states. Notably, this is the first time that an entanglement measure for general bipartite states has been proven not only to possess a direct operational meaning but also to be efficiently computable, thus solving a question that has remained open since the inception of entanglement theory over two decades ago. Next, we introduce and solve the exact entanglement cost for simulating quantum channels in both the parallel and sequential settings, along with the assistance of free PPT-preserving operations. The entanglement cost in both cases is given by the same single-letter formula and is equal to the largest κ\kappa-entanglement that can be shared by the sender and receiver of the channel. It is also efficiently computable by a semidefinite program.Comment: 54 pages, 8 figures; comments are welcome

    Characterizing the performance of continuous-variable Gaussian quantum gates

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    The required set of operations for universal continuous-variable quantum computation can be divided into two primary categories: Gaussian and non-Gaussian operations. Furthermore, any Gaussian operation can be decomposed as a sequence of phase-space displacements and symplectic transformations. Although Gaussian operations are ubiquitous in quantum optics, their experimental realizations generally are approximations of the ideal Gaussian unitaries. In this work, we study different performance criteria to analyze how well these experimental approximations simulate the ideal Gaussian unitaries. In particular, we find that none of these experimental approximations converge uniformly to the ideal Gaussian unitaries. However, convergence occurs in the strong sense, or if the discrimination strategy is energy bounded, then the convergence is uniform in the Shirokov-Winter energy-constrained diamond norm and we give explicit bounds in this latter case. We indicate how these energy-constrained bounds can be used for experimental implementations of these Gaussian unitaries in order to achieve any desired accuracy.Comment: v3: 26 pages, 10 figures, final version accepted for publication in Physical Review Researc
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