2 research outputs found

    Prediction of Cytochrome P450 Xenobiotic Metabolism: Tethered Docking and Reactivity Derived from Ligand Molecular Orbital Analysis

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    Metabolism of xenobiotic and endogenous compounds is frequently complex, not completely elucidated, and therefore often ambiguous. The prediction of sites of metabolism (SoM) can be particularly helpful as a first step toward the identification of metabolites, a process especially relevant to drug discovery. This paper describes a reactivity approach for predicting SoM whereby reactivity is derived directly from the ground state ligand molecular orbital analysis, calculated using Density Functional Theory, using a novel implementation of the average local ionization energy. Thus each potential SoM is sampled in the context of the whole ligand, in contrast to other popular approaches where activation energies are calculated for a predefined database of molecular fragments and assigned to matching moieties in a query ligand. In addition, one of the first descriptions of molecular dynamics of cytochrome P450 (CYP) isoforms 3A4, 2D6, and 2C9 in their Compound I state is reported, and, from the representative protein structures obtained, an analysis and evaluation of various docking approaches using GOLD is performed. In particular, a covalent docking approach is described coupled with the modeling of important electrostatic interactions between CYP and ligand using spherical constraints. Combining the docking and reactivity results, obtained using standard functionality from common docking and quantum chemical applications, enables a SoM to be identified in the top 2 predictions for 75%, 80%, and 78% of the data sets for 3A4, 2D6, and 2C9, respectively, results that are accessible and competitive with other recently published prediction tools

    Routine Microsecond Molecular Dynamics Simulations with AMBER on GPUs. 1. Generalized Born

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    We present an implementation of generalized Born implicit solvent all-atom classical molecular dynamics (MD) within the AMBER program package that runs entirely on CUDA enabled NVIDIA graphics processing units (GPUs). We discuss the algorithms that are used to exploit the processing power of the GPUs and show the performance that can be achieved in comparison to simulations on conventional CPU clusters. The implementation supports three different precision models in which the contributions to the forces are calculated in single precision floating point arithmetic but accumulated in double precision (SPDP), or everything is computed in single precision (SPSP) or double precision (DPDP). In addition to performance, we have focused on understanding the implications of the different precision models on the outcome of implicit solvent MD simulations. We show results for a range of tests including the accuracy of single point force evaluations and energy conservation as well as structural properties pertainining to protein dynamics. The numerical noise due to rounding errors within the SPSP precision model is sufficiently large to lead to an accumulation of errors which can result in unphysical trajectories for long time scale simulations. We recommend the use of the mixed-precision SPDP model since the numerical results obtained are comparable with those of the full double precision DPDP model and the reference double precision CPU implementation but at significantly reduced computational cost. Our implementation provides performance for GB simulations on a single desktop that is on par with, and in some cases exceeds, that of traditional supercomputers