898 research outputs found

    Entrant Experience and Plant Exit

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    Producers entering a market can differ widely in their prior production experience, ranging from none to extensive experience in related geographic or product markets. In this paper, we quantify the nature of prior plant and firm experience for entrants into a market and measure its effect on the plant's decision to exit the market. Using plant-level data for seven regional manufacturing industries in the U.S., we find that a producer's experience at the time it enters a market plays an important role in the subsequent exit decision, affecting both the overall probability of exit and the method of exit. After controlling for observable plant and market profit determinants, there remain systematic differences in failure patterns across three groups of plants distinguished by their prior experience: de novo entrants, experienced plants that enter by diversifying their product mix, and new plants owned by experienced firms. The results indicate that the exit decision cannot be treated as determined solely by current and future plant, firm, and market conditions, but that the plant's history plays an important independent role in conditioning the likelihood of survival.

    The dynamics of market structure and market size in two health services industries

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    The relationship between the size of a market and the competitiveness of the market has been of long-standing interest to IO economists. Empirical studies have used the relationship between the size of the geographic market and both the number of firms in the market and the average sales of the firms to draw inferences about the degree of competition in the market. This paper extends this framework to incorporate the analysis of entry and exit flows. A key implication of recent entry and exit models is that current market structure will likely depend upon the history of past participation. The paper explores these issues empirically by examining producer dynamics for two health service industries, dentistry and chiropractic services.Markets ; Industrial organization ; Service industries

    Entry, exit and the determinants of market structure

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    Market structure is determined by the entry and exit decisions of individual producers. These decisions are driven by expectations of future profits which, in turn, depend on the nature of competition within the market. In this paper we estimate a dynamic, structural model of entry and exit in an oligopolistic industry and use it to quantify the determinants of market structure and long-run firm values for two U.S. service industries, dentists and chiropractors. We find that entry costs faced by potential entrants, fixed costs faced by incumbent producers, and the toughness of short-run price competition are all important determinants of long run firm values and market structure. As the number of firms in the market increases, the value of continuing in the market and the value of entering the market both decline, the probability of exit rises, and the probability of entry declines. The magnitude of these effects differ substantially across markets due to differences in exogenous cost and demand factors and across the dentist and chiropractor industries. Simulations using the estimated model for the dentist industry show that pressure from both potential entrants and incumbent firms discipline long-run profits. We calculate that a seven percent reduction in the mean sunk entry cost would reduce a monopolist's long-run profits by the same amount as if the firm operated in a duopoly.Markets ; Competition ; Service industries

    Employee Engagement and Change Management Programmes: a Comparative Study of Organisational Commitment between Thai and Irish Cultures

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    The objective of this research was to explore the nature of employee commitment and to determine if this commitment is enhanced if the company encourages a climate of inclusive change and whether there is a difference in the nature of this relationship based on nationality. The survey was conducted amongst 121 respondents in full-time employment in Thailand and Ireland. The findings indicate that change management styles in both countries show some statistically significant changes along with room for improvement and that the appetite for more active participation in change management programmes does exist. Limitations and implications for management and future research are presented. Key Words: Change climate, change management, commitment, Ireland, Thailand

    Entry, Exit, and the Determinants of Market Structure

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    Market structure is determined by the entry and exit decisions of individual producers. These decisions are driven by expectations of future profits which, in turn, depend on the nature of competition within the market. In this paper we estimate a dynamic, structural model of entry and exit in an oligopolistic industry and use it to quantify the determinants of market structure and long-run firm values for two U.S. service industries, dentists and chiropractors. We find that entry costs faced by potential entrants, fixed costs faced by incumbent producers, and the toughness of short-run price competition are all important determinants of long run firm values and market structure. As the number of firms in the market increases, the value of continuing in the market and the value of entering the market both decline, the probability of exit rises, and the probability of entry declines. The magnitude of these effects differ substantially across markets due to differences in exogenous cost and demand factors and across the dentist and chiropractor industries. Simulations using the estimated model for the dentist industry show that pressure from both potential entrants and incumbent firms discipline long-run profits. We calculate that a seven percent reduction in the mean sunk entry cost would reduce a monopolist's long-run profits by the same amount as if the firm operated in a duopoly.

    Somatostatin receptors in congenital hyperinsulinism:Biology to bedside

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    Congenital hyperinsulinism (CHI), although a rare disease, is an important cause of severe hypoglycemia in early infancy and childhood, causing preventable morbidity and mortality. Prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment is necessary to prevent hypoglycaemia mediated brain damage. At present, the medical treatment of CHI is limited to diazoxide as first line and synthetic somatostatin receptor ligands (SRLs) as second line options; therefore understanding somatostatin biology and treatment perspectives is important. Under healthy conditions, somatostatin secreted from pancreatic islet δ-cells reduces insulin release through somatostatin receptor induced cAMP-mediated downregulation and paracrine inhibition of β- cells. Several SRLs with extended duration of action are now commercially available and are being used off-label in CHI patients. Efficacy remains variable with the present generation of SRLs, with treatment effect often being compromised by loss of initial response and adverse effects such as bowel ischaemia and hepatobiliary dysfunction. In this review we have addressed the biology of the somatostatin system contexualised to CHI. We have discussed the clinical use, limitations, and complications of somatostatin agonists and new and emerging therapies for CHI