39 research outputs found

    Multistationary and Oscillatory Modes of Free Radicals Generation by the Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Revealed by a Bifurcation Analysis

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    The mitochondrial electron transport chain transforms energy satisfying cellular demand and generates reactive oxygen species (ROS) that act as metabolic signals or destructive factors. Therefore, knowledge of the possible modes and bifurcations of electron transport that affect ROS signaling provides insight into the interrelationship of mitochondrial respiration with cellular metabolism. Here, a bifurcation analysis of a sequence of the electron transport chain models of increasing complexity was used to analyze the contribution of individual components to the modes of respiratory chain behavior. Our algorithm constructed models as large systems of ordinary differential equations describing the time evolution of the distribution of redox states of the respiratory complexes. The most complete model of the respiratory chain and linked metabolic reactions predicted that condensed mitochondria produce more ROS at low succinate concentration and less ROS at high succinate levels than swelled mitochondria. This prediction was validated by measuring ROS production under various swelling conditions. A numerical bifurcation analysis revealed qualitatively different types of multistationary behavior and sustained oscillations in the parameter space near a region that was previously found to describe the behavior of isolated mitochondria. The oscillations in transmembrane potential and ROS generation, observed in living cells were reproduced in the model that includes interaction of respiratory complexes with the reactions of TCA cycle. Whereas multistationarity is an internal characteristic of the respiratory chain, the functional link of respiration with central metabolism creates oscillations, which can be understood as a means of auto-regulation of cell metabolism. © 2012 Selivanov et al

    Position-momentum local realism violation of the Hardy type

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    We show that it is, in principle, possible to perform local realism violating experiments of the Hardy type in which only position and momentum measurements are made on two particles emanating from a common source. In the optical domain, homodyne detection of the in-phase and out-of-phase amplitude components of an electromagnetic field is analogous to position and momentum measurement. Hence, local realism violations of the Hardy type are possible in optical systems employing only homodyne detection.Comment: 10 pages, no figures, to be published in Physical Review

    Far-Field Analysis of Coupled Bulk and Boundary Layer Diffusion Toward an Ion Channel Entrance

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    We present a far-field analysis of ion diffusion toward a channel embedded in a membrane with a fixed charge density. The Smoluchowski equation, which represents the 3D problem, is approximated by a system of coupled three- and two-dimensional diffusions. The 2D diffusion models the quasi-two-dimensional diffusion of ions in a boundary layer in which the electrical potential interaction with the membrane surface charge is important. The 3D diffusion models ion transport in the bulk region outside the boundary layer. Analytical expressions for concentration and flux are developed that are accurate far from the channel entrance. These provide boundary conditions for a numerical solution of the problem. Our results are used to calculate far-field ion flows corresponding to experiments of Bell and Miller (Biophys. J. 45:279, 1984)

    Framework Model For Single Proton Conduction through Gramicidin

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    This paper describes a framework model for proton conduction through gramicidin; a model designed to incorporate information from molecular dynamics and use this to predict conductance properties. The state diagram describes both motion of an excess proton within the pore as well as the reorientation of waters within the pore in the absence of an excess proton. The model is constructed as the diffusion limit of a random walk, allowing control over the boundary behavior of trajectories. Simple assumptions about the boundary behavior are made, which allow an analytical solution for the proton current and conductance. This is compared with corresponding expressions from statistical mechanics. The random walk construction allows diffusing trajectories underlying the model to be simulated in a simple way. Details of the numerical algorithm are described

    A Combined Molecular Dynamics and Diffusion Model of Single Proton Conduction through Gramicidin

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    We develop a model for proton conduction through gramicidin based on the molecular dynamics simulations of Pomès and Roux ( Biophys. J. 72:A246, 1997). The transport of a single proton through the gramicidin pore is described by a potential of mean force and diffusion coefficient obtained from the molecular dynamics. In addition, the model incorporates the dynamics of a defect in the hydrogen bonding structure of pore waters without an excess proton. Proton entrance and exit were not simulated by the molecular dynamics. The single proton conduction model includes a simple representation of these processes that involves three free parameters. A reasonable value can be chosen for one of these, and the other two can be optimized to yield a good fit to the proton conductance data of Eisenman et al. (1980, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 339:8–20) for pH ≥ 1.7. A sensitivity analysis shows the significance of this fit