35 research outputs found

    Technical Efficiency and Return to Scale of Dairy Farm in Sleman, YOGYAKARTA

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    Usahatani sapi perah di Indonesia secara ekonomi mempunyai prospek yang bagus, karena produksinya belum mencukupi permintaan susu dalam negeri. Hal ini disebabkan USAhatani tersebut masih berskala kecil dengan menggunakan teknologi yang masih tradisional, akibatnya tingkat produktivitasnya masih rendah. Kajian ini mengestimasi efisiensi teknis dan skala pengembalian, guna menemukan cara untuk meningkatkan produksi susu segar. Kajian ini mengambil tempat di Sleman, Jogjakarta tempat USAhatani sapi perah yang potensial berada. Efisiensi teknis diestimasi menggunakan produksi frontir stokastik, dan skala pengembalian diestimasi menggunakan teknologi produksi Cobb-Douglas. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa produktivitas USAhatani sapi perah secara signifikan dipengaruhi oleh variasi efisiensi teknis, dengan rata-rata 0,69. Oleh karena itu, masih ada kemungkinan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas USAhatani sapi perah melalui peningkatan efisiensi teknis. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan meningkatkan jumlah sapi perah, atau skala USAhatani. Pilihan ini sejalan dengan kondisi produksi susu segar yang menunjukkan skala pengembalian yang konstan. Jadi, meningkatkan skala USAhatani adalah pilihan yang bijaksana karena pilihan tersebut tidak hanya meningkatkan tingkat produksi susu segar, tetapi juga meningkatkan produktivitas USAhatani sapi perah. (Animal Production 8(1): 64-71 (2006

    Exemption of Fiscal Exit Tax: Its Impact on International Flights and Tax Revenue

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    Fiscal tariff is considered as personal income tax, collected in advance when adult people who have been staying in Indonesia for more than 183 days go overseas. The magnitude of tariff was sometime much greater than the airfare itself, particularly for International flight to ASEAN member countries. This study aims to measure the impact of elimination of fiscal tariff applied to International flight passenger departing from Indonesia. Potential loss in government revenue from income tax and number of International passengers were analyzed. This study used descriptive and econometric methods. Annual and monthly time series data were collected for publication of the Indonesian Statistical Agency and Central Bank of Indonesia during the periods 2008-2012. The results show that the elimination of fiscal tariff did not affect the government revenue resulting from personal income tax. The impact of tariff elimination was to increase the rate in number of passengers going overseas

    Dead Weight Loss Associated with Economic Efficiency Use of Esticides in Indonesian Rice Production

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    This paper analyses the efficient use of pesticides by internalizing the costs of externality, and estimates the monetary value of welfare loss. The benefit of pesticide use is estimated using a production function, and the economic value of the adverse impact on human health and the environment are represented by a health cost and consumers willingness to pay for a kg reduction in pesticide use. To estimate the benefit of pesticides, the paper uses farm level crosssectional and time series data set on rice production. The results indicate low efficiency of using pesticide. This means that totally banning the use of pesticides is economically inefficient

    Impacts Seed Technology Improvement on Economic Aspects of Chilli Production in Central Java - Indonesia

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    Vegetable production, including that of chillies, plays an important role in agricultural sector and rural economic development worldwide. This is because of greater farm productivity with regard to vegetables than cereal and staple crops. This paper analyses the impact of seed technology development on the economic aspects of chilli production in Central Java. Particular attention is paid to improved varieties of chilli. Potential consequences of seed technology development are discussed. Data of this study are compiled from surveys conducted in three selected chilli producing regions in 2010-2012. The results show that the major varieties of chilli grown by surveyed farmers are grouped into three broad types: hybrids, local and improved open pollinated varieties. The chilli varieties farmers selected varied according to location and cropping season. In the dry season, farmers grew similar proportions of hybrid, local, and open pollinated types. Nevertheless, there were differences among the survey sites. Farmers grew different varieties to exploit seasonal microclimates and market preferences. Mostly, farmers selected varieties for economic motives. The consequence of growing hybrids was less use of agrochemicals, particularly pesticides, than for other varieties. Overall, they show the best economic performance in the study site. Development of seed technology should consider agro-ecological and economic aspects to obtain better outcomes. Private sector and national research institutions need to collaborate more to utilise available genetic resources to produce better varieties of chilli

    The Economic Aspects of Chilli Production in Central Java

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    This study analyses the economic aspects of chilli in Central Java where chilli is massively and intensively cultivated. Data for this study is compiled during 2009-2011 in three chilli producing districts: Brebes, Magelang and Rembang. Analyses is conducted using qualitative and quantitative approaches. The results indicate that many important findings related to economic aspects of chilli. There are various ranges of economic aspects across regions. The main findings is that chilli provided positive net returns, has relatively high economic risk and intensive use of chemicals. The policies related to improvement of chilli cultivation need to be formulated based on local specific constraints

    Determinants of Adopting Environmentally Friendly Technology: a Case of Soybean Farming in East Java Determinan Mengadopsi Teknologi Ramah Lingkungan: Sebuah Kasus USAhatani Kedelai Di Jawa Timur

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    Teknologi ramah lingkungan merupakan pilihan yang tepat untuk menciptakan pertanian yang berkelanjutan. Namun, petani tidak selalu menerima teknologi tersebut karena petani bersifat lembam. Oleh karena itu, sangatlah penting untuk mengetahui faktor yang memengaruhi adopsi teknologi tersebut. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap adopsi teknologi ramah lingkungan pada USAhatani kedelai. Kajian ini menggunakan metode estimasi logit, Tobit dan probit bertingkat untuk mengukur kemungkinan petani mengadopsi komponen teknologi ramah lingkungan. Data dikumpulkan dari tiga kabupaten di Jawa Timur tempat kedelai dibudidayakan secara intensif. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan faktor sosial ekonomi mempunyai pengaruh yang beragam terhadap adopsi komponen teknologi. Secara keseluruhan, kelompok tani, luas USAhatani, kepemilikan lahan, dan pelatihan memungkinkan petani untuk mengadopsi teknologi secara keseluruhan. Akan tetapi, yang taat-azas dengan penggunaan pestisida adalah pelatihan, karena petani yang mengikuti pelatihan menggunakan pestisidalebih sedikit