38 research outputs found

    Personality traits and risk of eating disorders among Polish women: the moderating role of self-esteem

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    ObjectivesPersonality traits should be taken into account when diagnosing individuals with disordered eating behaviors in the hope of better understanding their etiology and symptom progression and when planning treatment. The objective of this study was to attempt to determine the moderating role of self-esteem in the relationships between personality traits included in the Big Five model among Polish women and estimated risk of eating disorders.MethodsThe study was conducted among 556 Polish women from Zachodniopomorskie Voivodeship. The average age of the women under study was 34 years. A diagnostic survey was used as the research method, and the empirical data were collected using the following research tools: The NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI), Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (SES), ORTO – 15 Questionnaire, The Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire (TFEQ-13), and the authors’ original questionnaire. A multivariate linear regression analysis was conducted to examine the influence of selected independent variables. The assumptions for the linear regression model were satisfied, as indicated by the Ramsey Regression Equation Specification Error Test, White’s test, and the Jarque-Bera test.ResultsOnly the personality trait of neuroticism exhibits a statistically significant effect on the “Cognitive Restraint of Eating,” “Uncontrolled Eating,” and “Emotional Eating” scores (p < 0.001). The moderation effect was demonstrated between self-esteem and the personality trait of conscientiousness on the “Cognitive Restraint of Eating” scale score. There is a moderation effect between self-esteem and the personality trait of extraversion on the “Uncontrolled Eating” subscale score. There is a moderation effect between self-esteem and the personality trait of conscientiousness on the “Uncontrolled Eating” scale score.ConclusionSelf-esteem was not a predictor of the occurrence of risk of eating disorders while playing a moderating role in the relationship between certain personality traits and estimated risk of eating disorders. A higher level of neuroticism was identified as an important predictor of higher results for orthorexia, Cognitive Restraint of Eating, Uncontrolled Eating, and Emotional Eating. It was also demonstrated that the orthorexia risk index decreased with increased extraversion and openness to experience. The results of this study suggest that eating behaviors and psychological factors should be included in psychological interventions in the treatment of eating disorders. The clinical goal can be considered to be an improvement in non-normative eating behaviors, such as a reduction in overeating episodes or eating less frequently in the absence of a hunger feeling. In order to assist these individuals in their attempts to achieve healthy behaviors, variables related to mental functioning can be then identified as important goals to support individuals in their efforts to change health behaviors by achieving better mental well-being


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    Cereal grains have been a primary source of nourishment for humans for thousands of years. Agronomic inputs such as fertilizers, pesticides, water and modern seeds have a major impact on the level of cereal crops. However, yield, to a greater extent, depends on the dose of applied NPK mineral fertilization. The aim of the article is to determine the consumption level of NPK mineral fertilizers and cereal yield and their tendency to change over time, taking correlation into account. Analysis was performed on a global level. The material for analysis was statistical data from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations database for the years 2002- 2017. As a result of the conducted analyzes, it was confirmed that mineral fertilization is the main factor of production that determines the food security of the world’s growing human population. However, the consumption of this factor of production is greatly varied in the world. It should also be emphasized that, both on a global scale and for most continents, there are clear trends reflecting a correlation in the increase in the use of NPK mineral fertilizers, including nitrogen fertilizers, and cereal yield level

    Productivity and Biometric Characteristics of 11 Varieties of Willow Cultivated on Marginal Soil

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    In response to the growth in the global population and climate change concerns, questions remain regarding the adaptation of production systems to meet increasing food and energy demands. The aim of the paper is to present the production potential and biometric features of 11 willow varieties bred and cultivated mainly in Europe. The experiment was set up on marginal soil. The research was conducted in 2016–2020 and concerned 11 varieties of willow harvested in a three-year cycle. The dry matter yield of the examined willow varieties ranged from 6.5 to 13.8 Mg ha−1 year−1. Varieties Tur, Sven, Olof, Torhild, and Tordis were characterized by a relatively low level of yield (7.2–8.2 Mg ha−1 year−1). The highest dry matter yield was obtained for the varieties Ekotur and Żubr, respectively, of 11.5 and 13.8 Mg ha−1 year−1. The assessed varieties differed in both the level of obtained dry matter yield and biometric features. The Żubr variety produced the smallest number of shoots (three), but with the greatest height (4.8 m) and diameter (29.6 mm). Varieties with high production potential develop fewer shoots, but are taller and have a larger diameter than other varieties

    Regionalne zróżnicowanie zmian w zużyciu nawozów mineralnych w Polsce

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    Celem artykułu jest określenie regionalnego zróżnicowania głównych kierunków zmian oraz poziomu zużycia nawozów mineralnych w Polsce. Materiał źródłowy do pracy stanowiły dane statystyki masowej publikowane przez GUS. Spośród porównywanych województw zużycie nawozów mineralnych w latach 2007-2016 zmniejszało się w największym stopniu w województwach warmińsko-mazurskim, wielkopolskim i zachodniopomorskim. Najsilniejszy trend wzrostowy stwierdzono w województwach lubelskim, opolskim i podkarpackim. Zużycie nawozów mineralnych w tym okresie cechowało się znacznym zróżnicowaniem regionalnym. Najwyższe nawożenie stosowano w województwach opolskim, kujawsko-pomorskim, dolnośląskim i wielkopolskim, a najniższe w małopolskim i podkarpackim


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    Agriculture has been historically one of the main sectors of the Ukrainian economy. Considered for centuries as a “bread basket of Europe”. In recent years Ukraine’s agriculture has been consistently improving and has been the only part of the country’s economy to buck the recession, but Ukraine is still a country with relatively large untapped agricultural potentials. The study concerns the production of the main crops in Ukraine in the years 1992-2020 witch a short-term prediction until 2027. The analysis covered the following variables: area harvested, share in arable land, yield and production. The analysis showed that plant production in Ukraine in 1992-2020 was characterized by a significant growth dynamics. This was especially true for yields of wheat and potato and cultivation area, yields and production of grain maize, rape, sunflower and soybean. On the other hand, the cultivation area and production of sugar beet, barley, buckwheat, rye and oats were decreased. Moreover, the tendencies of changes taking place in the discussed years allowed us to conclude that the importance of Ukraine in this respect will increase. However, the war in this country will reduce the production of the species in question


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    Celem badań było określenie zróżnicowania struktury zasiewów w województwach oraz jej potencjalnego wpływu na środowisko przyrodnicze. Różnorodność struktury zasiewów oceniono, wykorzystując indeks Shannona-Wienera (H). Za pomocą wskaźnika równocenności Pielou (J) przeanalizowano równomierność udziału powierzchni uprawy poszczególnych gatunków w strukturze zasiewów. Analiza wykazała, że najmniej zróżnicowana i równomierna struktura zasiewów wystąpiła w trzech województwach: opolskim, dolnośląskim i podlaskim. Natomiast najwyższe wartości ocenianych wskaźników odnotowano w województwach świętokrzyskim, lubuskim, warmińsko-mazurskim i lubelskim. Analiza skupień pozwoliła na wydzielenie trzech jednorodnych grup województw. W skupieniu I znalazły się województwa opolskie, dolnośląskie i podlaskie, które charakteryzują się najmniej korzystną ze środowiskowego punktu widzenia strukturą zasiewów. W skupieniu II ulokowała się największa liczba województw charakteryzujących się pośrednimi wartościami ocenianych wskaźników. Natomiast w skupieniu III znalazły się województwa lubelskie, świętokrzyskie, warmińsko- mazurskie, wielkopolskie i lubuskie, cechujące się najwyższymi wartościami ocenianych parametrów

    Zmiany relacji cen nawozów mineralnych i wybranych ziemiopłodów

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    The aim of the study was to determine the changes in the relationship of market prices of mineral fertilizers and selected agricultural products. In the years 1995-2014 relationship of price the main mineral fertilizer nutrients and grains of wheat, rye, rapeseed and maize were changing dynamically and have deteriorated to the disadvantage of agricultural products. Unfavorable trends the deterioration of relations prices the nutrients and agricultural products will be likely to deepen in perspective 2020 year