29 research outputs found


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    The infl uence of protein-xanthophyll (PX) concentrate of alfalfa supplement to crude protein-reduced diets was examined in relation to nitrogen excretion, performance parameters and pig meat quality. The investigations included 60 growers (PL x PLW) x Duroc crossbreeds assigned to 3 groups. The conclusion is that there is a large potential to decrease nitrogen emission to the environment by 10% lowering of dietary crude protein intake along with reduced animal growth rate and elevated mixture utilization. Inclusion of a protein-xanthophyll concentrate (PX) of alfalfa to the diet is likely to diminish disadvantageous productive parameters arising from limiting of total crude protein level in relation to the requirements of pigs feeding norms [1993]. At the same time, it improves feed nitrogen utilization and reduces noxious odour emissions from a piggery. The components of a protein-xanthophyll concentrate (PX) contribute to increased liver and kidney weight


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    The infl uence of protein-xanthophyll (PX) concentrate of alfalfa supplement to crude protein-reduced diets was examined in relation to nitrogen excretion, performance parameters and pig meat quality. The investigations included 60 growers (PL x PLW) x Duroc crossbreeds assigned to 3 groups. The conclusion is that there is a large potential to decrease nitrogen emission to the environment by 10% lowering of dietary crude protein intake along with reduced animal growth rate and elevated mixture utilization. Inclusion of a protein-xanthophyll concentrate (PX) of alfalfa to the diet is likely to diminish disadvantageous productive parameters arising from limiting of total crude protein level in relation to the requirements of pigs feeding norms [1993]. At the same time, it improves feed nitrogen utilization and reduces noxious odour emissions from a piggery. The components of a protein-xanthophyll concentrate (PX) contribute to increased liver and kidney weight.Celem badań było określenie wpływu dodatku koncentratu białkowo-ksantofi lowego (PX) do mieszanek o zmniejszonym poziomie białka ogólnego na wzrost i wykorzystanie paszy, bilans azotu oraz cechy fi zyko-chemiczne mięsa wieprzowego. Badania dokonano na 60 warchlakach mieszańcach (pbz x wpb) x Duroc podzielonych na 3 grupy. W podsumowaniu należy podkreślić możliwość ograniczenia wydalania azotu do środowiska poprzez 10% ograniczenie poziomu białka w diecie tuczników przy jednoczesnym spadku tempa wzrostu zwierząt i zwiększonym zużyciu mieszanki. Dodatek koncentratu białkowo-ksantofi lowego (PX) z lucerny może zniwelować niekorzystne efekty produkcyjne związane z ograniczeniem poziomu białka surowego w stosunku do Norm Żywienia Świń [1993] przy jednoczesnej poprawie wykorzystania azotu paszy i zmniejszeniu nieprzyjemnych zapachów odorowych w chlewni. Zawarte w koncentracie białkowo-ksantofi lowym (PX) substancje przyczyniają się do zwiększenia masy wątroby i nerek

    Hydroxymethylfurfural content, diastase activity and colour of multifloral honeys in relation to origin and storage time

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    Celem pracy było porównanie jakości miodów wielokwiatowych dostępnych na polskim rynku detalicznym w zależności od ich pochodzenia (krajowe vs. zagraniczne) oraz czasu przechowywania (przed lub po upływie daty minimalnej trwałości). Badaniami objęto 24 próby miodów wielokwiatowych, w tym krajowe (tj. niekonfekcjonowane zakupione na bazarach bezpośrednio od pszczelarzy i nabyte w detalicznej sieci handlowej) i zagraniczne (z krajów członkowskich Unii Europejskiej i spoza niej) zakupione w hipermarketach. Dodatkowo oceniono 5 prób zakupionych wcześniej miodów, dla których minęła już data ich minimalnej trwałości. W miodach oznaczono zawartość 5-hydroksymetylofurfuralu (5-HMF), wartość liczby diastazowej (LD) oraz barwę wg CIE L*a*b*. W świeżych miodach wielokwiatowych (niezależnie od pochodzenia) zawartość 5-HMF wahała się od 1,17 do 18,54 mg·kg-1 , a wartość LD od 8,36 do 34,88. Tym samym wszystkie próby spełniały ustawowe wymagania (8 wg skali Schade dla LD). Wykazano istotne (P≤0,01) obniżenie jakości miodów po upływie daty minimalnej trwałości. Przeciętna zawartość HMF (93,87 mg·kg-1) była dwukrotnie większa niż wartość dopuszczalna, podobnie średnia wartość LD (6,45) była niższa od przyjętego limitu. Wykazano istotne różnice (P≤0,01) pomiędzy średnimi wartościami wszystkich parametrów barwy miodów w zależności od czasu przechowywania. Barwa miodów po upływie daty minimalnej trwałości była istotnie ciemniejsza i o mniejszym nasyceniu (L*=43,18 i C*=21,23) w porównaniu do miodów świeżych (L*=62,11 i C*=32,66).The aim of the study was to compare the quality of multifloral honeys in relation to origin (domestic vs. foreign), and storage time (before vs. after the date of minimum durability) available on the Polish retail market. The study was conducted on 24 samples of multifloral honey, including domestic ones (i.e. originated directly from beekeepers in open-air markets, or purchased in a retail chain), and foreign (i.e. from inside or outside the EU) bought in hypermarkets. In addition, the study comprised 5 samples of honey after the date of minimum durability. The content of hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF), diastase number (DN) and colour according to CIE L*a*b* were determined in honeys. In the fresh multifloral honeys (irrespective of origin) the content of 5-HMF ranged from 1.17 to 18.54 mg·kg-1, and DN ranged from 8.36 to 34.88. Thus all samples met the legal requirements (5-HMF<40 mg·kg-1 and DN<8 on the Schade scale). Significant (P≤0.01) deterioration in the quality of the honey was noted after the date of minimum durability. The mean HMF content (93.87 mg·kg-1) was twice as high as the acceptable value, and the mean DN (6.45) was lower than the accepted limit. Significant differences (P≤0.01) were noted between mean values for all colour coordinates considering the date of minimum durability. The colour of the honey after the date of minimum durability was significantly darker and had lower saturation (L*=43.18 and C*=21.23) than the fresh honey (L*=62.11 and C*=32.66)

    Variability of NOR patterns in European water frogs of different genome composition and ploidy level

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    We studied water frogs from a complex composed of two species: Pelophylax lessonae (Camerano, 1882) (genome LL, 2n = 26) and P. ridibundus (Pallas, 1771) (RR, 2 = 26), and their natural hybrid P. esculentus (Fitzinger, 1843) of various ploidy and genome composition (RL, 2n = 26, and RRL or RLL, 3n = 39). Tetraploids RRLL were found (4n = 52) in juveniles. We applied cytogenetic techniques: AgNO3, chromomycin A3, PI and fluorescent in situ hybridization with a 28S rDNA probe. Results obtained by silver staining corresponded well with those stained with CMA3, PI and FISH. As a rule, NORs are situated on chromosomes 10. The number of Ag-NORs visible on metaphase plates was the same as the number of Ag-nucleoli present in interphase nuclei of the same individual. In all analyzed metaphases, NORs exhibited variations in size after AgNO3 and CMA3 stainings. Sixty-six individuals (out of 407 analyzed) were polymorphic for the localization and number of NORs. Fifty-one diploids had NORs only on one chromosome of pair 10. Three triploids (LLR and RRL) displayed two NORs, and two other triploid RRL individuals displayed one, instead of expected three NORs. In ten individuals extra NORs were detected on chromosomes other than 10 (chromosomes 2 and 9)

    Composition and Fatty Acid Profile of Bone Marrow in Farmed Fallow Deer (<i>Dama dama</i>) Depending on Diet

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    There are few studies on the composition of fatty acids and how they change the bone marrow fat of young animals depending on nutrition. Therefore, the proximate and fatty acid composition of metatarsal bone marrow from fawns of farm fallow deer after a summer of grazing and the winter feeding was compared. Due to the size and nature of the data, parametric or nonparametric tests were used. Fatty acid composition was determined by gas chromatographic analysis. After the winter feeding, bone marrow contained more fat (83.11% vs. 75.09%, p p p trans fatty acids (2.99% vs. 2.34%, p p cis-monounsaturated fatty acids (54.65% vs. 58.90%, p n-3 and n-6) was not affected by feeding season. In conclusion, it was shown that young male farm fallow deer were better nourished after the winter period, during which they were kept in properly prepared rooms and fed fodder prepared by people

    Comparison of Physicochemical Properties, Fatty Acid Composition and Mineral Contents in Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) Fillet and the Native Traditional Product Carp Ham

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    Based on the analysis of the proximate composition, mineral contents and fatty acid profiles, the objective of this study was to evaluate the nutritional value of the traditional product Carp Ham produced from common carp raw fillets. Significant differences were found in the proximate composition and mineral contents between the raw fillets and the final product. The contents of protein, fat and ash in 100 g of the traditional product (21.94, 8.63 and 6.58 g) were higher (P<0.01) than in fillets (19.28, 1.53 and 1.22 g), with an exception of the moisture content (63.60 vs. 77.79 g). Significantly higher energetic value showed Carp Ham (692 kJ/100 g) as compared to fillets (384 kJ/100 g). Carp fillet and Ham showed high values of the index of nutritive quality (INQ) for protein (8.43 and 5.44). Processing had a significant influence (P<0.05) on the decrease of K, Mg and Ca contents in Carp Ham (3107.8, 236.2 and 107.7 mg/kg), and the increase of Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu concentrations (2.10, 3.10, 0.50 and 0.16 mg/kg). Among the fatty acids, the only significant differences were stated for C20:1n-9 (2.22 vs. 1.76%) and C22:6n-3 (1.34 vs. 0.83%), with the higher values determined for fillets. The traditional product, Carp Ham, preserved positive nutritional features, which were better highlighted by the fatty acid composition, health-related indices and oxidative stability. The study indicated that the traditional manufacturing method retains the most part of the nutritional constituents present in the carp fillets