272 research outputs found

    An Elegant Algorithm for the Construction of Suffix Arrays

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    The suffix array is a data structure that finds numerous applications in string processing problems for both linguistic texts and biological data. It has been introduced as a memory efficient alternative for suffix trees. The suffix array consists of the sorted suffixes of a string. There are several linear time suffix array construction algorithms (SACAs) known in the literature. However, one of the fastest algorithms in practice has a worst case run time of O(n2)O(n^2). The problem of designing practically and theoretically efficient techniques remains open. In this paper we present an elegant algorithm for suffix array construction which takes linear time with high probability; the probability is on the space of all possible inputs. Our algorithm is one of the simplest of the known SACAs and it opens up a new dimension of suffix array construction that has not been explored until now. Our algorithm is easily parallelizable. We offer parallel implementations on various parallel models of computing. We prove a lemma on the ℓ\ell-mers of a random string which might find independent applications. We also present another algorithm that utilizes the above algorithm. This algorithm is called RadixSA and has a worst case run time of O(nlog⁡n)O(n\log{n}). RadixSA introduces an idea that may find independent applications as a speedup technique for other SACAs. An empirical comparison of RadixSA with other algorithms on various datasets reveals that our algorithm is one of the fastest algorithms to date. The C++ source code is freely available at http://www.engr.uconn.edu/~man09004/radixSA.zi

    Parameter switching in a generalized Duffing system: Finding the stable attractors

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    This paper presents a simple periodic parameter-switching method which can find any stable limit cycle that can be numerically approximated in a generalized Duffing system. In this method, the initial value problem of the system is numerically integrated and the control parameter is switched periodically within a chosen set of parameter values. The resulted attractor matches with the attractor obtained by using the average of the switched values. The accurate match is verified by phase plots and Hausdorff distance measure in extensive simulations

    Analysis of Municipal Election Outcomes in Romania

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    In Romania, the 2008 local elections were held based on a new electoral law. The main changes concerned the election of chairpersons of county councils by uninominal voting, shifting of the general and presidential elections and the introduction of a uninominal voting system for parliamentary elections, with a correction of the total number of seats according to the total number of votes obtained by each party on national level. Voting behavior in local elections on 1st June 2008 was primarily determined by political reasons (loyal voters) and was influenced by the effect of the local leaders and the noise produced by ethnic vote. For all parties, prominent leaders drew votes. Inertia in voting behavior (electorate’s fidelity) influenced all parties’ results and the ethnic behavior had a strong effect on nationalist parties. At regional level, the electoral impact of economic variables was marginal.


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    In the paper we examine the economic voting theory for the Romanian local elections in June, 2008. Econometrically, we demonstrate that in the regional structures the main economic variables (dynamics of the gross domestic product per capita, rate of unemployment, dynamics of the average net nominal monthly earnings, etc.) do not significantly influence the voting behaviour, so that a model based on the esponsibility hypothesis is not adequate for explaining the creation of voting preferences in the Romanian regional structures in the June 2008 elections. We also demonstrate that for the June 2008 local elections the hypothesis of partisan voting cannot be econometrically supported. As a consequence, we have conceived a political impact model. Therefore, we have tested the hypothesis of faithful voters between two consecutive electoral moments, the engine role played by the well-known leaders, and the impact of the ethnic behaviour on the electoral space of the political party.Political Business Cycles, Vote Popularity Function, Partisan and/or Opportunistic Behaviour, Residuals in Regional Econometric Models

    The Role of Emotions in Conflict Resolution

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    People usually conflict with interests, but also with accompanying emotions. Emotions aresubjective experiences that result from the agreement or discrepancy between a person's needs orexpectations and reality. They are internal states characterized by: physiological reactions, specificthoughts and behavioral expressions. These can make the individual believe in the reality of hissubjective representations having important repercussions on the whole affective life. The role ofemotions is to help us monitor our behavior and to regulate interactions with others. Properly managedemotions are not harmful; they are part of our life, help in the process of healing or eliminating stress

    Working Tools Used in the Education of Functional Behavior in Children with Autism. Means of Communication and Visualization

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    Formation of functional behavior in children with autism is primarily based on specificeducation. This should be tailored to each case, depending on the symptoms and needs. Because a childwith autism receives and accumulates less information and less knowledge in the environment than aregular child, intervention from an early age is required. There are many structured methods forteaching children with autism; of these, the most used are the ABBA method and the TEACH method.The intervention is based on several types of therapies that help to form functional behavior, which isparticularly important in developing the autonomy and independence of the autistic child

    Child with Medium Mental Deficiency - Working Methods

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    Intelligence is the most important skill of a human being. This determines how it relatesand assumes the assimilation and processing of information as well as the efficiency of the behavior.Intelligence appears as a system of stable qualities of the individual that is manifested in the quality ofintellectual activity centered on thinking. Intelligence can be evaluated through different tests. In thepresented case, the RAVEN color test was used to establish IQ and to develop an adapted curriculum,needed in the education of pupils with a liminal IQ or less. Riding to law students with a low IQ has asupport teacher with whom he works 2 to 4 hours a week. The adapted curriculum is recommendedby a committee of specialists following the evaluation result and is developed by the teacher incollaboration with a team of psycho-pedagogue specialists, psychologist, speech therapist
