118 research outputs found

    Beyond Lipoprotein(a) plasma measurements:Lipoprotein(a) and inflammation

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    Genome wide association, epidemiological, and clinical studies have established high lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] as a causal risk factor for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD). Lp(a) is an apoB100 containing lipoprotein covalently bound to apolipoprotein(a) [apo(a)], a glycoprotein. Plasma Lp(a) levels are to a large extent determined by genetics. Its link to cardiovascular disease (CVD) may be driven by its pro-inflammatory effects, of which its association with oxidized phospholipids (oxPL) bound to Lp(a) is the most studied. Various inflammatory conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), systemic lupus erythematosus, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, and chronic renal failure are associated with high Lp(a) levels. In cases of RA, high Lp(a) levels are reversed by interleukin-6 receptor (IL-6R) blockade by tocilizumab, suggesting a potential role for IL-6 in regulating Lp(a) plasma levels. Elevated levels of IL-6 and IL-6R polymorphisms are associated with CVD. Therapies aimed at lowering apo(a) and thereby reducing plasma Lp(a) levels are in clinical trials. Their results will determine if reductions in apo(a) and Lp(a) decrease cardiovascular outcomes. As we enter this new arena of available treatments, there is a need to improve our understanding of mechanisms. This review will focus on the role of Lp(a) in inflammation and CVD

    T-cell Cholesterol Accumulation, Aging, and Atherosclerosis

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    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The majority of leukocytes in advanced human atherosclerotic plaques are T-cells. T-cell subsets exert pro- or anti-atherogenic effects largely via the cytokines they secrete. T regulatory cells (T regs) are anti-inflammatory, but may lose these properties during atherosclerosis, proposed to be downstream of cholesterol accumulation. Aged T-cells also accumulate cholesterol. The effects of T-cell cholesterol accumulation on T-cell fate and atherosclerosis are not uniform. RECENT FINDINGS: T-cell cholesterol accumulation enhances differentiation into pro-atherogenic cytotoxic T-cells and boosts their killing capacity, depending on the localization and extent of cholesterol accumulation. Excessive cholesterol accumulation induces T-cell exhaustion or T-cell apoptosis, the latter decreasing atherosclerosis but impairing T-cell functionality in terms of killing capacity and proliferation. This may explain the compromised T-cell functionality in aged T-cells and T-cells from CVD patients. The extent of T-cell cholesterol accumulation and its cellular localization determine T-cell fate and downstream effects on atherosclerosis and T-cell functionality.</p

    Cholesterol efflux pathways, inflammation, and atherosclerosis

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    Plasma levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) inversely correlate with the incidence of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). The causal relationship between plasma HDL-cholesterol levels and CVD has been called into question by Mendelian randomization studies and the majority of clinical trials not showing any benefit of plasma HDL-cholesterol raising drugs on CVD. Nonetheless, recent Mendelian randomization studies including an increased number of CVD cases compared to earlier studies have confirmed that HDL-cholesterol levels and CVD are causally linked. Moreover, several studies in large population cohorts have shown that the cholesterol efflux capacity of HDL inversely correlates with CVD. Cholesterol efflux pathways exert anti-inflammatory and antiatherogenic effects by suppressing proliferation of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells, and inflammation and inflammasome activation in macrophages. Cholesterol efflux pathways also suppress the accumulation of cholesteryl esters in macrophages, i.e. macrophage foam cell formation. Recent single-cell RNASeq studies on atherosclerotic plaques have suggested that macrophage foam cells have lower expression of inflammatory genes than non-foam cells, probably reflecting liver X receptor activation, upregulation of ATP Binding Cassette A1 and G1 cholesterol transporters and suppression of inflammation. However, when these pathways are defective lesional foam cells may become pro-inflammatory

    HDL in the 21st Century A Multifunctional Roadmap for Future HDL Research

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    Low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) characterizes an atherogenic dyslipidemia that reflects adverse lifestyle choices, impaired metabolism, and increased cardiovascular risk. Low HDL-C is also associated with increased risk of inflammatory disorders, malignancy, diabetes, and other diseases. This epidemiologic evidence has not translated to raising HDL-C as a viable therapeutic target, partly because HDL-C does not reflect high-density lipoprotein (HDL) function. Mendelian randomization analyses that have found no evidence of a causal relationship between HDL-C levels and cardiovascular risk have decreased interest in increasing HDL-C levels as a therapeutic target. HDLs comprise distinct subpopulations of particles of varying size, charge, and composition that have several dynamic and context-dependent functions, especially with respect to acute and chronic inflammatory states. These functions include reverse cholesterol transport, inhibition of inflammation and oxidation, and antidiabetic properties. HDLs can be anti-inflammatory (which may protect against atherosclerosis and diabetes) and proinflammatory (which may help clear pathogens in sepsis). The molecular regulation of HDLs is complex, as evidenced by their association with multiple proteins, as well as bioactive lipids and noncoding RNAs. Clinical investigations of HDL biomarkers (HDL-C, HDL particle number, and apolipoprotein A through I) have revealed nonlinear relationships with cardiovascular outcomes, differential relationships by sex and ethnicity, and differential patterns with coronary versus noncoronary events. Novel HDL markers may also have relevance for heart failure, cancer, and diabetes. HDL function markers (namely, cholesterol efflux capacity) are associated with coronary disease, but they remain research tools. Therapeutics that manipulate aspects of HDL metabolism remain the holy grail. None has proven to be successful, but most have targeted HDL-C, not metrics of HDL function. Future therapeutic strategies should focus on optimizing HDL function in the right patients at the optimal time in their disease course. We provide a framework to help the research and clinical communities, as well as funding agencies and stakeholders, obtain insights into current thinking on these topics, and what we predict will be an exciting future for research and development on HDLs

    Cholesterol accumulation in macrophages drives NETosis in atherosclerotic plaques via IL-1β secretion

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    OBJECTIVE: Neutrophil extracellular trap formation (NETosis) increases atherosclerotic plaque vulnerability and athero-thrombosis. However, mechanisms promoting NETosis during atherogenesis are poorly understood. We have shown that cholesterol accumulation due to myeloid cell deficiency of the cholesterol transporters ATP Binding Cassette A1 and G1 (ABCA1/G1) promotes NLRP3 inflammasome activation in macrophages and neutrophils and induces prominent NETosis in atherosclerotic plaques. We investigated whether NETosis is a cell intrinsic effect in neutrophils or is mediated indirectly by cellular crosstalk from macrophages to neutrophils involving IL-1β.METHODS AND RESULTS: We generated mice with neutrophil or macrophage-specific Abca1/g1 deficiency (S100A8CreAbca1fl/flAbcg1fl/fl or CX3CR1CreAbca1fl/flAbcg1fl/fl mice, respectively), and transplanted their bone marrow into low-density lipoprotein receptor knockout mice. We then fed the mice a cholesterol-rich diet. Macrophage, but not neutrophil Abca1/g1 deficiency activated inflammasomes in macrophages and neutrophils, reflected by caspase-1 cleavage, and induced NETosis in plaques. NETosis was suppressed by administering an interleukin (IL)-1β neutralizing antibody. The extent of NETosis in plaques correlated strongly with the degree of neutrophil accumulation, irrespective of blood neutrophil counts, and neutrophil accumulation was decreased by IL-1β antagonism. In vitro, IL-1β or media transferred from Abca1/g1 deficient macrophages increased NETosis in both control and Abca1/Abcg1 deficient neutrophils. This cell-extrinsic effect of IL-1β on NETosis was blocked by an NLRP3 inhibitor.CONCLUSIONS: These studies establish a new link between inflammasome mediated IL-1β production in macrophages and NETosis in atherosclerotic plaques. Macrophage-derived IL-1β appears to increase NETosis both by increasing neutrophil recruitment to plaques and by promoting neutrophil NLRP3 inflammasome activation.</p

    Lymphatic vasculature mediates macrophage reverse cholesterol transport in mice

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    Reverse cholesterol transport (RCT) refers to the mobilization of cholesterol on HDL particles (HDL-C) from extravascular tissues to plasma, ultimately for fecal excretion. Little is known about how HDL-C leaves peripheral tissues to reach plasma. We first used 2 models of disrupted lymphatic drainage from skin — 1 surgical and the other genetic — to quantitatively track RCT following injection of [3H]-cholesterol–loaded macrophages upstream of blocked or absent lymphatic vessels. Macrophage RCT was markedly impaired in both models, even at sites with a leaky vasculature. Inhibited RCT was downstream of cholesterol efflux from macrophages, since macrophage efflux of a fluorescent cholesterol analog (BODIPY-cholesterol) was not altered by impaired lymphatic drainage. We next addressed whether RCT was mediated by lymphatic vessels from the aortic wall by loading the aortae of donor atherosclerotic Apoe-deficient mice with [2H]6-labeled cholesterol and surgically transplanting these aortae into recipient Apoe-deficient mice that were treated with anti-VEGFR3 antibody to block lymphatic regrowth or with control antibody to allow such regrowth. [2H]-Cholesterol was retained in aortae of anti–VEGFR3-treated mice. Thus, the lymphatic vessel route is critical for RCT from multiple tissues, including the aortic wall. These results suggest that supporting lymphatic transport function may facilitate cholesterol clearance in therapies aimed at reversing atherosclerosis

    Dietary plant stanol ester supplementation reduces peripheral symptoms in a mouse model of Niemann-Pick type C1 disease

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    Niemann-Pick type C1 (NPC1) disease is a rare genetic condition in which the function of the lysosomal cholesterol transporter NPC1 protein is impaired. Consequently, sphingolipids and cholesterol accumulate in lysosomes of all tissues, triggering a cascade of pathological events that culminate in severe systemic and neurological symptoms. Lysosomal cholesterol accumulation is also a key-factor in the development of atherosclerosis and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). In these two metabolic diseases, the administration of plant stanol esters has been shown to ameliorate cellular cholesterol accumulation and inflammation. Given the overlap of pathological mechanisms among atherosclerosis, NASH and NPC1 disease, we sought to investigate whether dietary supplementation with plant stanol esters improves the peripheral features of NPC1 disease. To this end, we used an NPC1 murine model featuring an Npc1 null allele (Npc1nih), creating a dysfunctional NPC1 protein. Npc1nihmice were fed a two or six percent plant stanol esters-enriched diet over the course of 5 weeks. During this period, hepatic and blood lipid and inflammatory profiles were assessed. Npc1nihmice fed the plant stanol-enriched diet exhibited lower hepatic cholesterol accumulation, damage and inflammation than regular chow-fed Npc1nihmice. Moreover, plant stanol consumption shifted circulating T-cells and monocytes in particular towards an anti-inflammatory profile. Overall, these effects were stronger following dietary supplementation with 6% stanols, suggesting a dose-dependent effect. The findings of our study highlight the potential use of plant stanols as an affordable complementary means to ameliorate disorders in hepatic and blood lipid metabolism and reduce inflammation in NPC1 disease
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