19 research outputs found

    Bedre nytteverdi av blodkultur ved sepsis

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    Tema/problemstilling: VÄrt kvalitetsforbedringsprosjekt er rettet mot behandling av pasienter med sepsis ved en indremedisinsk avdeling. MÄlet er Ä Þke nytteverdien av blodkultur for Ä redusere bredspektret antibiotikabehandling. Kunnskapsgrunnlag: Det er sammenheng mellom bruk av bredspektrede antibiotika og resistensutvikling. Deeskalering, endring av antibiotikabehandlingen til et mer smalspektret regime etter blodkultursvar, er en strategi for Ä redusere bruk av bredspektrede antibiotika. Deeskalering hos sepsispasienter der blodkultursvaret med resistensbestemmelse tillater det er trygg praksis og anbefales i nasjonale retningslinjer for antibiotikabehandling i sykehus. Tiltak/kvalitetsindikator: Samtaler med leger pÄ Diakonhjemmet og UllevÄl sykehus bekrefter at flere pasienter blir stÄende unÞdvendig pÄ bredspektret antibiotikabehandling etter at man har blodkultursvar, og at det kan vÊre potensial for Ä sette i gang forbedringstiltak. Vi innfÞrer et tiltak som sikrer direkte kontakt mellom mikrobiolog og aktuell kliniker. Vi har valgt indikatorer for Ä vurdere i hvor stor grad tiltak gjennomfÞres og positive og negative effekter av tiltaket. Ledelse/organisering: Vi har brukt PUKK-sirkelen og Kotters Ätte punkter som verktÞy for Ä strukturere prosjektperioden. Slik kan vi sette fokus pÄ de delene av prosjektet som trenger ekstra oppmerksomhet. Vi vil forankre prosjektet i ledelsen gjennom god informasjon og forankring i sykehusets strategiplan. For Ä oppnÄ varig endring i praksis, vil vi blant annet gjennomfÞre halvÄrlige mÄlinger etter at prosjektperioden er avsluttet. Konklusjon: Tiltaket vi foreslÄr bygger pÄ allerede gjeldende systemer og vil kreve lite opplÊring og ressurser. Effekten er lett mÄlbar. Kunnskapsgrunnlaget viser ogsÄ at intervensjoner for formidling av dyrkningssvar ved sepsis kan redusere bruken av bredspektret antibiotika uten skadelige bieffekter. Med bakgrunn i dette vil vi anbefale at tiltaket gjennomfÞres

    L’inviolabilitĂ© de la maternitĂ©

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    Parmi les diffĂ©rents aspects de la loi norvĂ©gienne rĂ©gulant l’utilisation de la biotechnologie Ă  des fins mĂ©dicales, un en particulier attire l’attention. Le paragraphe 2-15 concernant l’usage et la rĂ©implantation d’ovocytes fertilisĂ©s stipule : « Les ovules fertilisĂ©s ne peuvent ĂȘtre utilisĂ©s que pour la rĂ©implantation chez les femmes Ă  qui ils ont Ă©tĂ© prĂ©levĂ©s. » Le paragraphe 2-18 au sujet de l’interdiction du don d’ovules Ă©nonce quant Ă  lui : « Le don d’une femme Ă  une autre d’un ovocyte ..

    Chapitre 11. L’enfant illĂ©gitime. Les enjeux de la lĂ©gislation et des pratiques de procrĂ©ation assistĂ©e en NorvĂšge

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    Introduction En 2003, la NorvĂšge a adoptĂ© une nouvelle loi relative aux biotechnologies (loi du 5 dĂ©cembre 2003), qui a la particularitĂ© d’ĂȘtre la plus restrictive des pays nordiques, et l’une des plus restrictives dans l’Europe tout entiĂšre. Elle rĂ©glemente la procrĂ©ation mĂ©dicalement assistĂ©e, la recherche sur l’embryon et le clonage, le diagnostic prĂ©natal, l’examen gĂ©nĂ©tique du nouveau-nĂ© et la thĂ©rapie gĂ©nique (article 1-2). Elle interdit entre autres le don d’ovocyte (voir infra). En ce..

    Medborgerutdanning gjennom dialog og kunnskap - En flernivÄanalyse av demokratiske verdier og holdninger blant 8.klassinger i 38 land

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    Over the last years there has been an increasing emphasis on democracy and citizenship education in both national and international education policies. International organizations, such as the UN and EU, explicitly agree that one of the school’s primary tasks is to promote democratic values and principles that can ensure a more just, peaceful, tolerant and including world. This thesis investigates the factors that explain variation in students’ democratic values and attitudes, as well as how civic education can ensure support for these values and attitudes. The analysis uses data from the International Civic and Citizenship Education Study from 2009, a study conducted among 8th graders in 38 countries. Four multilevel analyses are conducted to examine how variables on individual-, class- and country level affect students’ democratic values and their attitudes towards gender equality, immigrants and ethnic groups. This research shows that characteristics on individual level are more important for democratic attitudes and values than class and country characteristics, but it also states that characteristics of the students' teaching environment and the country from which they come from are significant. At the individual level, high socioeconomic background and strong democratic knowledge and skills have a positive effect on attitudes and values. At the class level, the models show that both an open discussion environment and the students’ experience of the opportunity to participate in decision-making processes in school life have a positive correlation with attitudes and values. In addition, students from countries where citizenship education is a separate subject in school, show higher support for democratic values and attitudes than students from countries where citizenship education is integrated in other subjects. This indicates that education policy and school leadership should emphasize on teaching democratic knowledge and skills, a democratic school community and teachers who are conscious of their role as dialogue facilitators in citizenship education. Finally, the implementation of a separate citizenship subject should be considered

    Recapturing the household: reflections on labour, productive relations, and economic value

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    Labour regimes organize the economy; they also organize lives. With the continued deregulation of the labour market and the simultaneous drive to cut labour costs, there lies a challenge to grasp not only the workings of capital but also the way such processes impact on the organization of everyday labouring lives. This implies a focus that is attentive to value, combining political economy with moral economy. I suggest that household analysis represents one way to address such issues. Household analysis provides a means of ethnographic access to a particular temporal dynamic that is revealing of a layered texture of precariousness, capturing at one and the same time the material realities and the intimate relations of living. Regimes of labour and regimes of value can thus be brought into the same frame, indicating relational dependencies as well as structures of social inequality. Drawing on earlier ethnography amongst landless tobacco growers in Corrientes, Argentina, I draw attention to the potentials of a particular perspective, all the while paying attention to the specific historical and political context. Anthropology is well placed to grasp contemporary configurations of labour and how these both are framed by and contribute towards reproducing social and economic inequalities, not only locally but also at a more global scale

    Procreacion, crianza y gĂȘnero

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