32 research outputs found

    Radiocarbon Dating of Marine Samples: Methodological Aspects, Applications and Case Studies

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    none4Radiocarbon dating by AMS (Accelerator Mass Spectrometry) is a well-established absolute dating technique widely used in different areas of research for the analysis of a wide range of organic materials. Precision levels of the order of 0.2–0.3% in the measured age are nowadays achieved while several international intercomparison exercises have shown the high degree of reproducibility of the results. This paper discusses the applications of 14C dating related to the analysis of samples up-taking carbon from marine carbon pools such as the sea and the oceans. For this kind of samples relevant methodological issues have to be properly addressed in order to correctly interpret 14C data and then obtain reliable chronological frameworks. These issues are mainly related to the so-called “marine reservoirs effects” which make radiocarbon ages obtained on marine organisms apparently older than coeval organisms fixing carbon directly from the atmosphere. We present the strategies used to correct for these effects also referring to the last internationally accepted and recently released calibration curve. Applications will be also reviewed discussing case studies such as the analysis of marine biogenic speleothems and for applications in sea level studies.openGianluca Quarta; Lucio Maruccio; Marisa D’Elia; Lucio CalcagnileQuarta, Gianluca; Maruccio, Lucio; D'Elia, Marisa; Calcagnile, Luci

    The Longevity of Fruit Trees in Basilicata (Southern Italy): Implications for Agricultural Biodiversity Conservation

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    In the Mediterranean basin, agriculture and other forms of human land use have shaped the environment since ancient times. Intensive and extensive agricultural systems managed with a few cultured plant populations of improved varieties are a widespread reality in many Mediterranean countries. Despite this, historical cultural landscapes still exist in interior and less intensively managed rural areas. There, ancient fruit tree varieties have survived modern cultivation systems, preserving a unique genetic heritage. In this study, we mapped and characterized 106 living fruit trees of ancient varieties in the Basilicata region of southern Italy. Tree ages were determined through tree ring measurements and radiocarbon analyses. We uncovered some of the oldest scientifically dated fruit trees in the world. The oldest fruit species were olive (max age 680 +/- 57 years), mulberry (647 +/- 66 years), chestnut (636 +/- 66 years), and pear (467 +/- 89 years). These patriarchs hold a unique genetic resource; their preservation and genetic maintenance through agamic propagation are now promoted by the Lucan Agency for the Development and Innovation in Agriculture (ALSIA). Each tree also represents a hub for biodiversity conservation in agrarian ecosystems: their large architecture and time persistence guarantee ecological niches and micro-habitats suitable for flora and fauna species of conservation significance

    Bringing AMS radiocarbon into the Anthropocene: Potential and drawbacks in the determination of the bio-fraction in industrial emissions and in carbon-based products

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    In the frame of the general efforts to reduce atmospheric CO2 emissions different efforts are being carried out to stimulate the use of non-fossil energy sources and raw materials. Among these a significant role is played by the use of waste in Waste to Energy (WTE) plants. In this case a relevant problem is related to the determination of the proportion between the bio and the fossil derived fraction in CO2 atmospheric emissions since only the share of energy derived from the bio-fraction combustion can be labelled as "renewable". We discuss the potential of radiocarbon in this field by presenting the results of different campaigns carried out by analysing CO2 sampled at the stack of different power plants in Italy with different expected bio-content of the released carbon dioxide. The still open issues related to the calculation procedures and the achievable precision and accuracy levels are discussed

    Lo strano caso della mummia di Ankhpakhered: datazione al radiocarbonio di campioni organici

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    ItLa mummia scoperta nel sarcofago ligneo di Ankhpakered, sacerdote del dio Min, è stata studiata presso il CEDAD (Centro di Datazione e Diagnostica) dell'Università del Salento, Italia. La TC, eseguita sulla mummia dal team multidisciplinare del Mummy Project di Milano, ha evidenziato caratteristiche insolite, facendo ipotizzare un riutilizzo del sarcofago. Diversi campioni sono stati prelevati per via endoscopica per essere sottoposti ad analisi AMS (Accelerator Mass Spectrometry) per la datazione al radiocarbonio, effettuate presso il CEDAD, e ad analisi FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared).EnThe mummy discovered in the wooden coffin of Ankhpakered, priest of Min god, has been studied at CEDAD (Centre for Dating and Diagnostics) at the University of Salento, Italy. The CT analyses, performed by the multidisciplinary team of the Mummy Project of Milan, highlighted unusual features of the mummy, suggesting a re-use of the sarcophagus. Furthermore, specimens were taken via endoscopy for AMS (Accelerator Mass Spectrometry) radiocarbon dating and FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared) analyses which have been carried out at CEDAD

    A new system for the simultaneous measurement of δ13C and δ15N by IRMS and radiocarbon by AMS on gaseous samples: Design features and performances of the gas handling interface

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    We present the general design features and preliminary performances of a new system for the simultaneous AMS-14C and IRMS δ13C and δ15N measurements on samples with masses in the Οg range. The system consists of an elemental analyzer (EA), a gas splitting unit (GSU), a IRMS system, a gas handling interface (GHI) and a sputtering ion source capable of accepting gaseous samples. A detailed description of the system and of the control software supporting unattended operation are presented together with the first performance tests carried out by analyzing samples with masses ranging from 8 ΟgC to 2.4 mgC. The performances of the system were tested in term of stability of the ion beam extracted from the ion source, precision and accuracy of the results by comparing the measured isotopic ratios with those expected for reference materials


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    Archaeological surface surveys carried out near Salve in southern Italy led to the identification of about 90 stone mounds spread over an area of about 100 ha. Systematic archaeological investigations allowed to identify the mounds as funeral structures with some having megalithic features. In the necropolis, both the inhumation and cremation rituals are evident, in some cases within the same mound. This article presents the results of an accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon dating campaign carried out on different kinds of samples recovered from several structures: unburned and cremated bones, charcoals, and organic residues extracted from pottery sherds. The results allowed to assess the chronology of the site and to shed new light on the different funeral practices in Copper Age southern Italy

    In the Mediterranean Mountains, Some Sessile Oaks Can Live for a Millennium

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    For a long time, majestic oaks have been considered a symbol of longevity. This study proves that a millennium horizon is an attainable age in angiosperms growing at a high‐elevation belt in the Mediterranean mountains of South Italy. Radiocarbon dating of five large and potentially old sessile oaks from Aspromonte National Parks revealed a common long life span ranging from 934 ± 65 to 570 ± 45 years. With its very slow mean annual radial growth (0.4 mm/year) and smallest diameter among the sampled trees, Demeter (pictured) confirms the growth–longevity trade‐off in the evolution and expression of life‐history traits and the importance of cliff environments for a long life.s