77 research outputs found

    Patterns of inflammation, microstructural alterations, and sodium accumulation define multiple sclerosis subtypes after 15 years from onset

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    MRI; Machine learning; Multiple sclerosisRessonĂ ncia magnĂštica; Aprenentatge automĂ tic; Esclerosi mĂșltipleResonancia magnĂ©tica; Aprendizaje automĂĄtico; Esclerosis mĂșltipleIntroduction: Conventional MRI is routinely used for the characterization of pathological changes in multiple sclerosis (MS), but due to its lack of specificity is unable to provide accurate prognoses, explain disease heterogeneity and reconcile the gap between observed clinical symptoms and radiological evidence. Quantitative MRI provides measures of physiological abnormalities, otherwise invisible to conventional MRI, that correlate with MS severity. Analyzing quantitative MRI measures through machine learning techniques has been shown to improve the understanding of the underlying disease by better delineating its alteration patterns. Methods: In this retrospective study, a cohort of healthy controls (HC) and MS patients with different subtypes, followed up 15 years from clinically isolated syndrome (CIS), was analyzed to produce a multi-modal set of quantitative MRI features encompassing relaxometry, microstructure, sodium ion concentration, and tissue volumetry. Random forest classifiers were used to train a model able to discriminate between HC, CIS, relapsing remitting (RR) and secondary progressive (SP) MS patients based on these features and, for each classification task, to identify the relative contribution of each MRI-derived tissue property to the classification task itself. Results and discussion: Average classification accuracy scores of 99 and 95% were obtained when discriminating HC and CIS vs. SP, respectively; 82 and 83% for HC and CIS vs. RR; 76% for RR vs. SP, and 79% for HC vs. CIS. Different patterns of alterations were observed for each classification task, offering key insights in the understanding of MS phenotypes pathophysiology: atrophy and relaxometry emerged particularly in the classification of HC and CIS vs. MS, relaxometry within lesions in RR vs. SP, sodium ion concentration in HC vs. CIS, and microstructural alterations were involved across all tasks.This project has received funding under the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No. 634541. FG received the support of a fellowship from “la Caixa” Foundation (ID 100010434). The fellowship code is “LCF/BQ/PR22/11920010”. FG has also received support from the Beatriu de PinĂłs (2020 BP 00117) programme, funded by the Secretary of Universities and Research (Government of Catalonia). BK, FP, and OC are supported by the National Institute of Health Research Biomedical Research Centre at UCL and UCLH. EPSRC grants EP/M020533/1 and EP/J020990/01, MRC MR/T046422/1 and MR/T046473/1, Wellcome Trust award 221915/Z/20/Z, and the NIHR UCLH BRC support DCA's work in this area. CGWK also receives funding from Horizon 2020 [Research and Innovation Action Grants Human Brain Project 945539 (SGA3)], BRC (#BRC704/CAP/CGW), MRC (#MR/S026088/1), and Ataxia UK

    Optimized multi-echo gradient-echo magnetic resonance imaging for gray and white matter segmentation in the lumbosacral cord at 3 T

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    Atrophy in the spinal cord (SC), gray (GM) and white matter (WM) is typically measured in-vivo by image segmentation on multi-echo gradient-echo magnetic resonance images. The aim of this study was to establish an acquisition and analysis protocol for optimal SC and GM segmentation in the lumbosacral cord at 3 T. Ten healthy volunteers underwent imaging of the lumbosacral cord using a 3D spoiled multi-echo gradient-echo sequence (Siemens FLASH, with 5 echoes and 8 repetitions) on a Siemens Prisma 3 T scanner. Optimal numbers of successive echoes and signal averages were investigated comparing signal-to-noise (SNR) and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) values as well as qualitative ratings for segmentability by experts. The combination of 5 successive echoes yielded the highest CNR between WM and cerebrospinal fluid and the highest rating for SC segmentability. The combination of 3 and 4 successive echoes yielded the highest CNR between GM and WM and the highest rating for GM segmentability in the lumbosacral enlargement and conus medullaris, respectively. For segmenting the SC and GM in the same image, we suggest combining 3 successive echoes. For SC or GM segmentation only, we recommend combining 5 or 3 successive echoes, respectively. Six signal averages yielded good contrast for reliable SC and GM segmentation in all subjects. Clinical applications could benefit from these recommendations as they allow for accurate SC and GM segmentation in the lumbosacral cord

    Grey matter involvement by focal cervical spinal cord lesions is associated with progressive multiple sclerosis.

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    BACKGROUND: The in vivo relationship of spinal cord lesion features with clinical course and function in multiple sclerosis (MS) is poorly defined. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this paper is to investigate the associations of spinal cord lesion features on MRI with MS subgroup and disability. METHODS: We recruited 120 people: 25 clinically isolated syndrome, 35 relapsing-remitting (RR), 30 secondary progressive (SP), and 30 primary progressive (PP) MS. Disability was measured using the Expanded Disability Status Scale. We performed 3T axial cervical cord MRI, using 3D-fast-field-echo and phase-sensitive-inversion-recovery sequences. Both focal lesions and diffuse abnormalities were recorded. Focal lesions were classified according to the number of white matter (WM) columns involved and whether they extended to grey matter (GM). RESULTS: The proportion of patients with focal lesions involving at least two WM columns and extending to GM was higher in SPMS than in RRMS (p = 0.03) and PPMS (p = 0.015). Diffuse abnormalities were more common in both PPMS and SPMS, compared with RRMS (OR 6.1 (p = 0.002) and 5.7 (p = 0.003), respectively). The number of lesions per patient involving both the lateral column and extending to GM was independently associated with disability (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: More extensive focal cord lesions, extension of lesions to GM, and diffuse abnormalities are associated with progressive MS and disability

    Multi-echo quantitative susceptibility mapping: how to combine echoes for accuracy and precision at 3 Tesla

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    MRI; Multi-echo QSM; Quantitative susceptibility mappingImĂĄgen por resonancia magnĂ©tica; QSM de ecos mĂșltiples; Mapeo cuantitativo de susceptibilidadImatge per ressonĂ ncia magnĂštica; QSM de ressĂČ mĂșltiple; Mapeig quantitatiu de susceptibilitatPurpose To compare different multi-echo combination methods for MRI QSM. Given the current lack of consensus, we aimed to elucidate how to optimally combine multi-echo gradient-recalled echo signal phase information, either before or after applying Laplacian-base methods (LBMs) for phase unwrapping or background field removal. Methods Multi-echo gradient-recalled echo data were simulated in a numerical head phantom, and multi-echo gradient-recalled echo images were acquired at 3 Tesla in 10 healthy volunteers. To enable image-based estimation of gradient-recalled echo signal noise, 5 volunteers were scanned twice in the same session without repositioning. Five QSM processing pipelines were designed: 1 applied nonlinear phase fitting over TEs before LBMs; 2 applied LBMs to the TE-dependent phase and then combined multiple TEs via either TE-weighted or SNR-weighted averaging; and 2 calculated TE-dependent susceptibility maps via either multi-step or single-step QSM and then combined multiple TEs via magnitude-weighted averaging. Results from different pipelines were compared using visual inspection; summary statistics of susceptibility in deep gray matter, white matter, and venous regions; phase noise maps (error propagation theory); and, in the healthy volunteers, regional fixed bias analysis (Bland–Altman) and regional differences between the means (nonparametric tests). Results Nonlinearly fitting the multi-echo phase over TEs before applying LBMs provided the highest regional accuracy of and the lowest phase noise propagation compared to averaging the LBM-processed TE-dependent phase. This result was especially pertinent in high-susceptibility venous regions. Conclusion For multi-echo QSM, we recommend combining the signal phase by nonlinear fitting before applying LBMs.Supported by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), award number: 1489882 (e.b.); by the EPSRC-funded UCL Centre for Doctoral Training in Medical Imaging, grant EP/L016478/1 (a.k.), and the Department of Health's National Institute for Health Research funded Biomedical Research Centre at University College London Hospitals (a.k.); by the UCL Leonard Wolfson Experimental Neurology Centre, grant PR/ylr/18575 (d.l.t) The Queen Square MS Centre, where part of the MRI scans for this work were performed, is supported by grants from the UK MS Society and by the National Institute for Health Research University College London Hospitals Biomedical Research Centre (UCLH/BRC). F. Grussu was supported by PREdICT, a study at the Vall d'Hebron Institute of Oncology in Barcelona funded by AstraZeneca (f.g.), and funding from the postdoctoral fellowships program Beatriu de PinĂłs (2020 BP 00117), funded by the Secretary of Universities and Research, Government of Catalonia (f.g.

    Visual Snow Syndrome Improves With Modulation of Resting-State Functional MRI Connectivity After Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy: An Open-Label Feasibility Study

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    BACKGROUND: Visual snow syndrome (VSS) is associated with functional connectivity (FC) dysregulation of visual networks (VNs). We hypothesized that mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, customized for visual symptoms (MBCT-vision), can treat VSS and modulate dysfunctional VNs. METHODS: An open-label feasibility study for an 8-week MBCT-vision treatment program was conducted. Primary (symptom severity; impact on daily life) and secondary (WHO-5; CORE-10) outcomes at Week 9 and Week 20 were compared with baseline. Secondary MRI outcomes in a subcohort compared resting-state functional and diffusion MRI between baseline and Week 20. RESULTS: Twenty-one participants (14 male participants, median 30 years, range 22-56 years) recruited from January 2020 to October 2021. Two (9.5%) dropped out. Self-rated symptom severity (0-10) improved: baseline (median [interquartile range (IQR)] 7 [6-8]) vs Week 9 (5.5 [3-7], P = 0.015) and Week 20 (4 [3-6], P < 0.001), respectively. Self-rated impact of symptoms on daily life (0-10) improved: baseline (6 [5-8]) vs Week 9 (4 [2-5], P = 0.003) and Week 20 (2 [1-3], P < 0.001), respectively. WHO-5 Wellbeing (0-100) improved: baseline (median [IQR] 52 [36-56]) vs Week 9 (median 64 [47-80], P = 0.001) and Week 20 (68 [48-76], P < 0.001), respectively. CORE-10 Distress (0-40) improved: baseline (15 [12-20]) vs Week 9 (12.5 [11-16.5], P = 0.003) and Week 20 (11 [10-14], P = 0.003), respectively. Within-subject fMRI analysis found reductions between baseline and Week 20, within VN-related FC in the i) left lateral occipital cortex (size = 82 mL, familywise error [FWE]-corrected P value = 0.006) and ii) left cerebellar lobules VIIb/VIII (size = 65 mL, FWE-corrected P value = 0.02), and increases within VN-related FC in the precuneus/posterior cingulate cortex (size = 69 mL, cluster-level FWE-corrected P value = 0.02). CONCLUSIONS: MBCT-vision was a feasible treatment for VSS, improved symptoms and modulated FC of VNs. This study also showed proof-of-concept for intensive mindfulness interventions in the treatment of neurological conditions

    ADvanced IMage Algebra (ADIMA): a novel method for depicting multiple sclerosis lesion heterogeneity, as demonstrated by quantitative MRI.

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    BACKGROUND: There are modest correlations between multiple sclerosis (MS) disability and white matter lesion (WML) volumes, as measured by T2-weighted (T2w) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans (T2-WML). This may partly reflect pathological heterogeneity in WMLs, which is not apparent on T2w scans. OBJECTIVE: To determine if ADvanced IMage Algebra (ADIMA), a novel MRI post-processing method, can reveal WML heterogeneity from proton-density weighted (PDw) and T2w images. METHODS: We obtained conventional PDw and T2w images from 10 patients with relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS) and ADIMA images were calculated from these. We classified all WML into bright (ADIMA-b) and dark (ADIMA-d) sub-regions, which were segmented. We obtained conventional T2-WML and T1-WML volumes for comparison, as well as the following quantitative magnetic resonance parameters: magnetisation transfer ratio (MTR), T1 and T2. Also, we assessed the reproducibility of the segmentation for ADIMA-b, ADIMA-d and T2-WML. RESULTS: Our study's ADIMA-derived volumes correlated with conventional lesion volumes (p < 0.05). ADIMA-b exhibited higher T1 and T2, and lower MTR than the T2-WML (p < 0.001). Despite the similarity in T1 values between ADIMA-b and T1-WML, these regions were only partly overlapping with each other. ADIMA-d exhibited quantitative characteristics similar to T2-WML; however, they were only partly overlapping. Mean intra- and inter-observer coefficients of variation for ADIMA-b, ADIMA-d and T2-WML volumes were all < 6 % and < 10 %, respectively. CONCLUSION: ADIMA enabled the simple classification of WML into two groups having different quantitative magnetic resonance properties, which can be reproducibly distinguished

    Patterns of inflammation, microstructural alterations, and sodium accumulation define multiple sclerosis subtypes after 15 years from onset

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    INTRODUCTION: Conventional MRI is routinely used for the characterization of pathological changes in multiple sclerosis (MS), but due to its lack of specificity is unable to provide accurate prognoses, explain disease heterogeneity and reconcile the gap between observed clinical symptoms and radiological evidence. Quantitative MRI provides measures of physiological abnormalities, otherwise invisible to conventional MRI, that correlate with MS severity. Analyzing quantitative MRI measures through machine learning techniques has been shown to improve the understanding of the underlying disease by better delineating its alteration patterns. METHODS: In this retrospective study, a cohort of healthy controls (HC) and MS patients with different subtypes, followed up 15 years from clinically isolated syndrome (CIS), was analyzed to produce a multi-modal set of quantitative MRI features encompassing relaxometry, microstructure, sodium ion concentration, and tissue volumetry. Random forest classifiers were used to train a model able to discriminate between HC, CIS, relapsing remitting (RR) and secondary progressive (SP) MS patients based on these features and, for each classification task, to identify the relative contribution of each MRI-derived tissue property to the classification task itself. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Average classification accuracy scores of 99 and 95% were obtained when discriminating HC and CIS vs. SP, respectively; 82 and 83% for HC and CIS vs. RR; 76% for RR vs. SP, and 79% for HC vs. CIS. Different patterns of alterations were observed for each classification task, offering key insights in the understanding of MS phenotypes pathophysiology: atrophy and relaxometry emerged particularly in the classification of HC and CIS vs. MS, relaxometry within lesions in RR vs. SP, sodium ion concentration in HC vs. CIS, and microstructural alterations were involved across all tasks

    Characterizing 1-year development of cervical cord atrophy across different MS phenotypes: A voxel-wise, multicentre analysis

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    Background: Spatio-temporal evolution of cord atrophy in multiple sclerosis (MS) has not been investigated yet. Objective: To evaluate voxel-wise distribution and 1-year changes of cervical cord atrophy in a multicentre MS cohort. Methods: Baseline and 1-year 3D T1-weighted cervical cord scans and clinical evaluations of 54 healthy controls (HC) and 113 MS patients (14 clinically isolated syndromes (CIS), 77 relapsing-remitting (RR), 22 progressive (P)) were used to investigate voxel-wise cord volume loss in patients versus HC, 1-year volume changes and clinical correlations (SPM12). Results: MS patients exhibited baseline cord atrophy versus HC at anterior and posterior/lateral C1/C2 and C4–C6 (p < 0.05, corrected). While CIS patients showed baseline volume increase at C4 versus HC (p < 0.001, uncorrected), RRMS exhibited posterior/lateral C1/C2 atrophy versus CIS, and PMS showed widespread cord atrophy versus RRMS (p < 0.05, corrected). At 1 year, 13 patients had clinically worsened. Cord atrophy progressed in MS, driven by RRMS, at posterior/lateral C2 and C3–C6 (p < 0.05, corrected). CIS patients showed no volume changes, while PMS showed circumscribed atrophy progression. Baseline cord atrophy at posterior/lateral C1/C2 and C3–C6 correlated with concomitant and 1-year disability (r = −0.40/–0.62, p < 0.05, corrected). Conclusions: Voxel-wise analysis characterized spinal cord neurodegeneration over 1 year across MS phenotypes and helped to explain baseline and 1-year disability

    Fully automated segmentation of the cervical cord from T1-weighted MRI using PropSeg: Application to multiple sclerosis.

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    Spinal cord (SC) atrophy, i.e. a reduction in the SC cross-sectional area (CSA) over time, can be measured by means of image segmentation using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). However, segmentation methods have been limited by factors relating to reproducibility or sensitivity to change. The purpose of this study was to evaluate a fully automated SC segmentation method (PropSeg), and compare this to a semi-automated active surface (AS) method, in healthy controls (HC) and people with multiple sclerosis (MS). MRI data from 120 people were retrospectively analysed; 26 HC, 21 with clinically isolated syndrome, 26 relapsing remitting MS, 26 primary and 21 secondary progressive MS. MRI data from 40 people returning after one year were also analysed. CSA measurements were obtained within the cervical SC. Reproducibility of the measurements was assessed using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). A comparison between mean CSA changes obtained with the two methods over time was performed using multivariate structural equation regression models. Associations between CSA measures and clinical scores were investigated using linear regression models. Compared to the AS method, the reproducibility of CSA measurements obtained with PropSeg was high, both in patients and in HC, with ICC > 0.98 in all cases. There was no significant difference between PropSeg and AS in terms of detecting change over time. Furthermore, PropSeg provided measures that correlated with physical disability, similar to the AS method. PropSeg is a time-efficient and reliable segmentation method, which requires no manual intervention, and may facilitate large multi-centre neuroprotective trials in progressive MS

    Aberrant olfactory network functional connectivity in people with olfactory dysfunction following COVID-19 infection: an exploratory, observational study

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    BACKGROUND: Olfactory impairments and anosmia from COVID-19 infection typically resolve within 2-4 weeks, although in some cases, symptoms persist longer. COVID-19-related anosmia is associated with olfactory bulb atrophy, however, the impact on cortical structures is relatively unknown, particularly in those with long-term symptoms. METHODS: In this exploratory, observational study, we studied individuals who experienced COVID-19-related anosmia, with or without recovered sense of smell, and compared against individuals with no prior COVID-19 infection (confirmed by antibody testing, all vaccine naïve). MRI Imaging was carried out between the 15th July and 17th November 2020 at the Queen Square House Clinical Scanning Facility, UCL, United Kingdom. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and structural imaging, we assessed differences in functional connectivity (FC) between olfactory regions, whole brain grey matter (GM) cerebral blood flow (CBF) and GM density. FINDINGS: Individuals with anosmia showed increased FC between the left orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), visual association cortex and cerebellum and FC reductions between the right OFC and dorsal anterior cingulate cortex compared to those with no prior COVID-19 infection (p < 0.05, from whole brain statistical parametric map analysis). Individuals with anosmia also showed greater CBF in the left insula, hippocampus and ventral posterior cingulate when compared to those with resolved anosmia (p < 0.05, from whole brain statistical parametric map analysis). INTERPRETATION: This work describes, for the first time to our knowledge, functional differences within olfactory areas and regions involved in sensory processing and cognitive functioning. This work identifies key areas for further research and potential target sites for therapeutic strategies. FUNDING: This study was funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research and supported by the Queen Square Scanner business case
