62 research outputs found

    In vivo imaging reveals sigmoidal growth kinetic of β-amyloid plaques

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    A major neuropathological hallmark of Alzheimer's disease is the deposition of amyloid plaques in the brains of affected individuals. Amyloid plaques mainly consist of fibrillar β-amyloid, which is a cleavage product of the amyloid precursor protein. The amyloid-cascade-hypothesis postulates Aβ accumulation as the central event in initiating a toxic cascade leading to Alzheimer's disease pathology and, ultimately, loss of cognitive function. We studied the kinetics of β-amyloid deposition in Tg2576 mice, which overexpress human amyloid precursor protein with the Swedish mutation. Utilizing long-term two-photon imaging we were able to observe the entire kinetics of plaque growth in vivo. Essentially, we observed that plaque growth follows a sigmoid-shaped curve comprising a cubic growth phase, followed by saturation. In contrast, plaque density kinetics exhibited an asymptotic progression. Taking into account the fact that a critical concentration of Aβ is required to seed new plaques, we can propose the following kinetic model of β-amyloid deposition in vivo. In the early cubic phase, plaque growth is not limited by Aβ concentration and plaque density increases very fast. During the transition phase, plaque density stabilizes whereas plaque volume increases strongly reflecting a robust growth of the plaques. In the late asymptotic phase, Aβ peptide production becomes rate-limiting for plaque growth. In conclusion, the present study offers a direct link between in vitro and in vivo studies facilitating the translation of Aβ-lowering strategies from laboratory models to patients

    Tcf4 regulates dendritic spine density and morphology in the adult brain

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    Tcf4 is a transcription factor which regulates neurogenesis and neuronal migration in the brain. In humans, loss of function of Tcf4 leads to the rare neurodevelopmental disorder Pitt-Hopkins syndrome, which is characterized by intellectual disability, developmental delay and autistic behavior. We analyzed the consequences of functional loss of Tcf4 on dendritic spines in mature principal neurons. To this end, we crossed mice in which the DNA-binding domain of the Tcf4 gene is flanked by LoxP sites to mice expressing tamoxifen-inducible cre recombinase in a sparse subset of fluorescently labelled neurons (SlickV line). This resulted in a mouse model with an inducible functional knockout of Tcf4 in a subset of cortical and hippocampal neurons, in which we analyzed dendritic spines, which are the morphological correlate of excitatory postsynapses. Heterozygous as well as homozygous loss of Tcf4 led to a reduction in the number of dendritic spines in the cortex as well as in the hippocampus. This was accompanied by morphological changes of dendritic spines. These results suggest that Tcf4 is involved in synaptic plasticity in mature neurons, and functional loss of Tcf4 may contribute to the neurological symptoms in Pitt-Hopkins syndrome

    The Role of APP in Structural Spine Plasticity

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    Amyloid precursor protein (APP) is a transmembrane protein highly expressed in neurons. The full-length protein has cell-adhesion and receptor-like properties, which play roles in synapse formation and stability. Furthermore, APP can be cleaved by several proteases into numerous fragments, many of which affect synaptic function and stability. This review article focuses on the mechanisms of APP in structural spine plasticity, which encompasses the morphological alterations at excitatory synapses. These occur as changes in the number and morphology of dendritic spines, which correspond to the postsynaptic compartment of excitatory synapses. Both overexpression and knockout (KO) of APP lead to impaired synaptic plasticity. Recent data also suggest a role of APP in the regulation of astrocytic D-serine homeostasis, which in turn regulates synaptic plasticity

    The brain-specific double-stranded RNA-binding protein Staufen2 is required for dendritic spine morphogenesis

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    Mammalian Staufen2 (Stau2) is a member of the double-stranded RNA-binding protein family. Its expression is largely restricted to the brain. It is thought to play a role in the delivery of RNA to dendrites of polarized neurons. To investigate the function of Stau2 in mature neurons, we interfered with Stau2 expression by RNA interference (RNAi). Mature neurons lacking Stau2 displayed a significant reduction in the number of dendritic spines and an increase in filopodia-like structures. The number of PSD95-positive synapses and miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents were markedly reduced in Stau2 down-regulated neurons. Akin effects were caused by overexpression of dominant-negative Stau2. The observed phenotype could be rescued by overexpression of two RNAi cleavage-resistant Stau2 isoforms. In situ hybridization revealed reduced expression levels of β-actin mRNA and fewer dendritic β-actin mRNPs in Stau2 down-regulated neurons. Thus, our data suggest an important role for Stau2 in the formation and maintenance of dendritic spines of hippocampal neurons

    Extent, pattern, and prognostic value of MGMT promotor methylation: does it differ between glioblastoma and IDH-wildtype/TERT-mutated astrocytoma?

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    INTRODUCTION The cIMPACT-NOW update 6 first introduced glioblastoma diagnosis based on the combination of IDH-wildtype (IDHwt) status and TERT promotor mutation (pTERTmut). In glioblastoma as defined by histopathology according to the WHO 2016 classification, MGMT promotor status is associated with outcome. Whether this is also true in glioblastoma defined by molecular markers is yet unclear. METHODS We searched the institutional database for patients with: (1) glioblastoma defined by histopathology; and (2) IDHwt astrocytoma with pTERTmut. MGMT promotor methylation was analysed using methylation-specific PCR and Sanger sequencing of CpG sites within the MGMT promotor region. RESULTS We identified 224 patients with glioblastoma diagnosed based on histopathology, and 54 patients with IDHwt astrocytoma with pTERTmut (19 astrocytomas WHO grade II and 38 astrocytomas WHO grade III). There was no difference in the number of MGMT methylated tumors between the two cohorts as determined per PCR, and also neither the number nor the pattern of methylated CpG sites differed as determined per Sanger sequencing. Progression-free (PFS) and overall survival (OS) was similar between the two cohorts when treated with radio- or chemotherapy. In both cohorts, higher numbers of methylated CpG sites were associated with favourable outcome. CONCLUSIONS Extent and pattern of methylated CpG sites are similar in glioblastoma and IDHwt astrocytoma with pTERTmut. In both tumor entities, higher numbers of methylated CpG sites appear associated with more favourable outcome. Evaluation in larger prospective cohorts is warranted

    High plasticity of axonal pathology in Alzheimer's disease mouse models

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    Axonal dystrophies (AxDs) are swollen and tortuous neuronal processes that are associated with extracellular depositions of amyloid beta (Abeta) and have been observed to contribute to synaptic alterations occurring in Alzheimer's disease. Understanding the temporal course of this axonal pathology is of high relevance to comprehend the progression of the disease over time. We performed a long-term in vivo study (up to 210 days of two-photon imaging) with two transgenic mouse models (dE9xGFP-M and APP-PS1xGFP-M). Interestingly, AxDs were formed only in a quarter of GFP-expressing axons near Abeta-plaques, which indicates a selective vulnerability. AxDs, especially those reaching larger sizes, had long lifetimes and appeared as highly plastic structures with large variations in size and shape and axonal sprouting over time. In the case of the APP-PS1 mouse only, the formation of new long axonal segments in dystrophic axons (re-growth phenomenon) was observed. Moreover, new AxDs could appear at the same point of the axon where a previous AxD had been located before disappearance (re-formation phenomenon). In addition, we observed that most AxDs were formed and developed during the imaging period, and numerous AxDs had already disappeared by the end of this time. This work is the first in vivo study analyzing quantitatively the high plasticity of the axonal pathology around Abeta plaques. We hypothesized that a therapeutically early prevention of Abeta plaque formation or their growth might halt disease progression and promote functional axon regeneration and the recovery of neural circuits

    High plasticity of axonal pathology in Alzheimer's disease mouse models

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    Axonal dystrophies (AxDs) are swollen and tortuous neuronal processes that are associated with extracellular depositions of amyloid beta (Abeta) and have been observed to contribute to synaptic alterations occurring in Alzheimer's disease. Understanding the temporal course of this axonal pathology is of high relevance to comprehend the progression of the disease over time. We performed a long-term in vivo study (up to 210 days of two-photon imaging) with two transgenic mouse models (dE9xGFP-M and APP-PS1xGFP-M). Interestingly, AxDs were formed only in a quarter of GFP-expressing axons near Abeta-plaques, which indicates a selective vulnerability. AxDs, especially those reaching larger sizes, had long lifetimes and appeared as highly plastic structures with large variations in size and shape and axonal sprouting over time. In the case of the APP-PS1 mouse only, the formation of new long axonal segments in dystrophic axons (re-growth phenomenon) was observed. Moreover, new AxDs could appear at the same point of the axon where a previous AxD had been located before disappearance (re-formation phenomenon). In addition, we observed that most AxDs were formed and developed during the imaging period, and numerous AxDs had already disappeared by the end of this time. This work is the first in vivo study analyzing quantitatively the high plasticity of the axonal pathology around Abeta plaques. We hypothesized that a therapeutically early prevention of Abeta plaque formation or their growth might halt disease progression and promote functional axon regeneration and the recovery of neural circuits

    Molecular diagnostics helps to identify distinct subgroups of spinal astrocytomas

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    Primary spinal cord astrocytomas are rare, hence few data exist about the prognostic significance of molecular markers. Here we analyze a panel of molecular alterations in association with the clinical course. Histology and genome sequencing was performed in 26 spinal astrocytomas operated upon between 2000 and 2020. Next-generation DNA/RNA sequencing (NGS) and methylome analysis were performed to determine molecular alterations. Histology and NGS allowed the distinction of 5 tumor subgroups: glioblastoma IDH wildtype (GBM); diffuse midline glioma H3 K27M mutated (DMG-H3); high-grade astrocytoma with piloid features (HAP); diffuse astrocytoma IDH mutated (DA), diffuse leptomeningeal glioneural tumors (DGLN) and pilocytic astrocytoma (PA). Within all tumor entities GBM (median OS: 5.5~months), DMG-H3 (median OS: 13~months) and HAP (median OS: 8~months) showed a fatal prognosis. DMG-H3 tend to emerge in adolescence whereas GBM and HAP develop in the elderly. HAP are characterized by CDKN2A/B deletion and ATRX mutation. 50% of PA tumors carried a mutation in the PIK3CA gene which is seemingly associated with better outcome (median OS: PIK3CA mutated 107.5 vs 45.5~months in wildtype PA). This exploratory molecular profiling of spinal cord astrocytomas allows to identify distinct subgroups by combining molecular markers and histomorphology. DMG-H3 tend to develop in adolescence with a similar dismal prognosis like GBM and HAP in the elderly. We here describe spinal HAP with a distinct molecular profile for the first time

    Extent and prognostic value of MGMT promotor methylation in glioma WHO grade II

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    MGMT promotor methylation is associated with favourable outcome in high-grade glioma. In glioma WHO grade II, it is unclear whether the extent of MGMT promotor methylation and its prognostic role is independent from other molecular markers. We performed a retrospective analysis of 155 patients with glioma WHO grade II. First, all 155 patients were assigned to three molecular groups according to the 2016 WHO classification system: (1) oligodendroglioma, IDH-mutant and 1p19q co-deleted (n=81);(2) astrocytoma, IDH-mutant and 1p19q non-codeleted (n=54);(3) astrocytoma, IDH-wildtype (n=20). MGMT promotor methylation was quantified using Sanger sequencing of the CpG sites 74-98 within the MGMT promotor region. Highest numbers of methylated CpG sites were found for oligodendroglioma, IDH-mutant and 1p19q co-deleted. When 1p19q co-deletion was absent, numbers of methylated CpG sites were higher in the presence of IDH-mutation. Accordingly, lowest numbers were seen in the IDH-wildtype subpopulation. In the entire cohort, larger numbers of methylated CpG sites were associated with favourable outcome. When analysed separately for the three WHO subgroups, a similar association was only retained in astrocytoma, IDH-wildtype. Collectively, extent of MGMT promotor methylation was strongly associated with other molecular markers and added prognostic information in astrocytoma, IDH-wildtype. Evaluation in prospective cohorts is warranted