3 research outputs found

    An integrated approach for the benthic habitat mapping based on innovative surveying technologies and ecosystem functioning measurements

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    Abstract Among marine ecosystems globally, those in the Mediterranean Sea, are facing many threats. New technologies are crucial for enhancing our understanding of marine habitats and ecosystems, which can be complex and resource-intensive to analyse using traditional techniques. We tested, for the first time, an integrated multi-platform approach for mapping the coastal benthic habitat in the Civitavecchia (northern Latium, Italy) coastal area. This approach includes the use of an Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV), a Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV), and in situ measurements of ecosystem functionality. The echosounder data allowed us to reconstruct the distribution of bottom types, as well as the canopy height and coverage of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica. Our study further involved assessing the respiration (Rd) and net primary production (NCP) rates of P. oceanica and its associated community through in situ benthic chamber incubation. By combining these findings with the results of USV surveys, we were able to develop a preliminary spatial distribution model for P. oceanica primary production (PP-SDM). The P. oceanica PP-SDM was applied between the depths of 8 and 10 m in the studied area and the obtained results showed similarities with other sites in the Mediterranean Sea. Though in the early stages, our results highlight the significance of multi-platform observation data for a thorough exploration of marine ecosystems, emphasizing their utility in forecasting biogeochemical processes in the marine environment

    Metabolic scaling of an invasive mussel depends on temperature and chemical cues from an invasive predator

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    Figure S1. Prior sensitivity check showing model parameters estimated with informative priors (as described in the text) versus parameters estimated with weak priors. Similarity of the points indicates that the inference comes almost entirely from the data, not the priors

    The Association Between Multidimensional Frailty and Poor Venous Accesses in a Geriatric Population: A Retrospective Study

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    Since the association between frailty and difficulty in finding venous access (VA) is largely unexplored and unclear in geriatrics, the aim of this study is to demonstrate how multidimensional frailty is associated with bad VA in a population of older hospitalized people. Multidimensional Prognostic Index (MPI), based on eight different domains usually assessed in comprehensive geriatric assessment, was used for identifying multidimensional frailty; VA heritage was investigated using a questionnaire prepared by a trained nurse, based on clinical experience. Overall, 145 patients were included (mean age 78.6 +/- 7.6; males 51.0%). Frailer people, identified as an MPI >0.66 (MPI 3), had a significantly higher presence of bad VA (49.0% vs. 27.3% in MPI 3 and MPI 1 groups, p = 0.045), no success at first attempt (49.0% vs. 22.7% in MPI 3 and MPI 1 groups, p = 0.03), reported more frequently pain during VA attempts (63.3% in MPI 3 vs. 27.3 in MPI 1, p = 0.002), and significantly higher scores in the Numeric Rating Scale compared to their robust counterparts. Taking robust participants in MPI 1 as reference, after adjusting for potential confounders, frailer people (MPI 3) were at increased odds of bad VA (odds ratio [OR] = 2.72; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.16-6.41; p = 0.02), not success at first attempt (OR = 3.67; 95% CI: 1.09-12.57; p = 0.04), and presence of pain during VA attempt (OR = 4.26; 95% CI: 1.30-13.92; p = 0.02). In conclusion, our study demonstrated an association between multidimensional frailty and bad VA in a population of older hospitalized people