11,612 research outputs found

    The soft X-ray afterglow of gamma ray bursts, a stringent test for the fireball model

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    I consider the recent discovery of a soft X-ray source inside the error box of the gamma ray burst GB 960720 by the SAX, ASCA and ROSAT satellites, in terms of the fireball model. I show that the ejecta shell, which, after causing the burst is cold and dense, but still relativistic, keeps plowing through the interstellar medium, heating up the just-shocked matter which then emits X-rays. I compute the radiation emitted by this matter. I show that, up to about two months after the burst, in the cosmological scenario a soft X-ray (0.1-10 keV) flux of at least 10^(-13) erg / s cm^2, well within current observational capabilities, is generated, explaining the observations of the three satellites. Instead, in the Galactic Halo scenario a flux 3 orders of magnitude lower is expected. Detection of this non-thermal, declining flux in a statistically significant number of objects would simultaneously establish the fireball model and the cosmological nature of gamma ray bursts.Comment: Replaces previous version: now it does include figure. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Energetic Instability Unjams Sand and Suspension

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    Jamming is a phenomenon occurring in systems as diverse as traffic, colloidal suspensions and granular materials. A theory on the reversible elastic deformation of jammed states is presented. First, an explicit granular stress-strain relation is derived that captures many relevant features of sand, including especially the Coulomb yield surface and a third-order jamming transition. Then this approach is generalized, and employed to consider jammed magneto- and electro-rheological fluids, again producing results that compare well to experiments and simulations.Comment: 9 pages 2 fi

    3_D modeling using TLS and GPR techniques to characterize above and below-ground wood distribution in pyroclastic deposits along the Blanco River (Chilean Patagonia)

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    To date, the study of in-stream wood in rivers has been focused mainly on quantifying wood pieces deposited above the ground. However, in some particular river systems, the presence of buried dead wood can also represent an important component of wood recruitment and budgeting dynamics. This is the case of the Blanco River (Southern Chile) severely affected by the eruption of Chait\ue9n Volcano occurred between 2008 and 2009. The high pyroclastic sediment deposition and transport affected the channel and the adjacent forest, burying wood logs and standing trees. The aim of this contribution is to assess the presence and distribution of wood in two study areas (483 m2 and 1989 m2, respectively) located along the lower streambank of the Blanco River, and covered by thick pyroclastic deposition up to 5 m. The study areas were surveyed using two different devices, a Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) and a Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). The first was used to scan the above surface achieving a high point cloud density ( 48 2000 points m-2) which allowed us to identify and measure the wood volume. The second, was used to characterize the internal morphology of the volcanic deposits and to detect the presence and spatial distribution of buried wood up to a depth of 4 m. Preliminary results have demonstrated differences in the numerousness and volume of above wood between the two study areas. In the first one, there were 43 wood elements, 33 standing trees and 10 logs, with a total volume of 2.96 m3 (109.47 m3 km-1), whereas the second one was characterized by the presence of just 7 standing trees and 11 wood pieces, for a total amount of 0.77 m3 (7.73 m3 km-1). The dimensions of the wood elements vary greatly according to the typology, standing trees show the higher median values in diameter and length (0.15 m and 2.91 m, respectively), whereas the wood logs were smaller (0.06 m and 1.12 m, respectively). The low dimensions of deposited wood can be probably connected to their origin, suggesting that these elements were generated by toppling and breaking of surrounding dead trees. Results obtained with the GPR confirm the ability of this instrument to localize the presence and distribution of buried wood. From the 3- D analysis it was possible to assess the spatial distribution and to estimate, as first approach, the volume of the buried wood which represents approximately 0.04% of the entire volcanic deposit. Further analysis will focus on additional GPR calibration with different wood sizes for a more accurate estimation of the volume. The knowledge of the overall wood amount stored in a fluvial system that can be remobilized over time, represent an essential factor to ensure better forest and river management actions

    Addemdum to: ''The Mathematical Structure of Quantum Superspace as a Consequence of Time Asymmetry''

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    In this paper we improve the results of sec. VI of paper [M. Castagnino, Phys. Rev. D 57, 750 (1998)] by considering that the main source of entropy production are the photospheres of the stars

    Dependence of Maximum Trappable Field on Superconducting Nb3Sn Cylinder Wall Thickness

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    Uniform dipole magnetic fields from 1.9 to 22.4 kOe were permanently trapped, with high fidelity to the original field, transversely to the axes of hollow Nb3Sn superconducting cylinders. These cylinders were constructed by helically wrapping multiple layers of superconducting ribbon around a mandrel. This is the highest field yet trapped, the first time trapping has been reported in such helically wound taped cylinders, and the first time the maximum trappable field has been experimentally determined as a function of cylinder wall thickness.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. PACS numbers: 74.60.Ge, 74.70.Ps, 41.10.Fs, 85.25.+

    Practice Notes: Strategies in Health Education Program, “Full Service”: Talking About Fighting Prostate Cancer—in the Barber Shop!

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    The purpose of this project is to promote prostate cancer screening, education about disease risk and the importance of early detection, and survivorship among African American males who frequent African American–owned barber shops

    On the generation of UHECRs in GRBs: a reappraisal

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    We re-examine critically the arguments raised against the theory that Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays observed at Earth are produced in Gamma Ray Bursts. These include the limitations to the highest energy attainable by protons around the bursts' shocks, the spectral slope at the highest energies, the total energy released in non--thermal particles, the occurrence of doublets and triplets in the data reported by AGASA. We show that, to within the uncertainties in our current knowledge of GRBs, none of these objections is really fatal to the scenario. In particular, we show that the total energy budget of GRBs easily accounts for the energy injection rate necessary to account for UHECRs as observed at Earth. We also compute the expected particle spectrum at Earth, showing that it fits the HiRes and AGASA data to within statistical uncertainties. We consider the existence of multiplets in AGASA' data. To this end, we present a Langevin--like treatment for the motion of a charged particle in the IGM magnetic field, which allows us to estimate both the average and the rms timedelay for particles of given energy; we discuss when particles of identical energies reach the Earth in bunches, or spread over the rms timedelay, showing that multiplets pose no problem for an explosive model for the sources of UHECRs. We compare our model with a scenario where the particles are accelerated at internal shocks, underlining differences and advantages of particle acceleration at external shocks.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal; minor change

    VariabilitĂ  dell'olio essenziale di <i>Helichrysum italicum</i> (Roth) G. Don

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    Per lo studio dell'olio essenziale di Helichrysum italicum, sono state prese in considerazione varie stazioni di E. italicum (Roth) G. Don subsp. microphyllum (Willd.) Nyman vegetante allo stato spontaneo sia nel Nord che nel Sud della Sardegna. Le analisi sono state condotte via Gas-massa e ci hanno permesso di identificare 69 costituenti per un totale compreso tra il 92.9% ed il 99.9% dei costituenti totali

    Reprocessing of Soft X-ray Emission Lines in Black Hole Accretion Disks

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    By means of a Monte Carlo code that accounts for Compton scattering and photoabsorption followed by recombination, we have investigated the radiation transfer of Ly alpha, He alpha, and recombination continua photons of H- and He-like C, N, O, and Ne produced in the photoionized atmosphere of a relativistic black hole accretion disk. We find that photoelectric opacity causes significant attenuation of photons with energies above the O VIII K-edge; that the conversion efficiencies of these photons into lower-energy lines and recombination continua are high; and that accounting for this reprocessing significantly (by factors of 21% to 105%) increases the flux of the Ly alpha and He alpha emission lines of H- and He-like C and O escaping the disk atmosphere.Comment: 4 pages including 4 encapsulated postscript figures; LaTeX format, uses aastex.cls and emulateapj5.sty; accepted on 2004 January 13 for publication in The Astrophysical Journa
