247 research outputs found

    Kongenitalna kifoza u torakalnom delu kičme usled prisustva hemivertebre kod Ŕteneta mopsa

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    Congenital spine deformation caused by vertebral malformation is reported in different brachycephalic dog breeds, but also in other large dog breeds. The most severe clinical signs are due to spinal cord compression. Depending on localisation of the lesion, clinical signs can manifest differently. A five-month-old pug was brought for autopsy to the Department of Forensic Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Belgrade. The first clinical signs, including general weakness and difficulty to jump appeared when he was three and a half months old. They became more severe until the dog was four months old. Radiography and myelography showed severe kyphosis and spinal cord compression in the T8-T9 region. After euthanasia, an autopsy was performed. Pathomorphological examination showed severe deformation of the spine, kyphosis and a wedge-shaped T8 vertebra. Although, literature data indicates that clinical signs can be latent until five or six months of age, this case shows that even in young puppies, three to four months old, serious clinical signs can be present. This is of great clinical importance, not just for veterinarians, but also for brachycephalic dog owners and breeders.Kongenitalne deformacije kičme uzrokovane malformacijama na vertebrama javljaju se kod različitih brahicefaličnih rasa, ali se mogu javiti i kod velikih rasa pasa. Najteži klinički simptomi se javljaju usled kompresije kičmene moždine. U zavisnosti od lokalizacije lezije, simptomi se mogu različito manifestovati. LeÅ” mopsa starosti pet meseci doneÅ”en je zbog obdukcije na Katedru za sudsku veterinarsku medicinu, Fakulteta veterinarske medicine Univerziteta u Beogradu. Prvi klinički simptomi, u vidu opÅ”te slabosti i poteÅ”koća pri skakanju, javili su se kada je Å”tene bilo staro tri i po meseca. Simptomi su u četvrtom mesecu postali mnogo ozbiljniji. Nativno rendgensko i mijelografsko snimanje pokazalo je uznapredovali stepen kifoze i kompresije kičmene moždine u T8-T9 regionu kičme. Nakon eutanazije, pas je obdukovan. PatomorfoloÅ”ki nalaz ukazao je na ozbiljnu deformaciju kičme, izraženu kifozu i klinast oblik T8 prÅ”ljena. Iako literaturni podaci ukazuju da klinički simptomi mogu biti nezapaženi sve do pet ili Å”est meseci starosti, ovaj slučaj pokazuje da čak kod mlade Å”tenadi, starosti tri do četiri meseca, mogu biti prisutni ozbiljni simptomi. Ova činjenica je od velikog značaja, ne samo za veterinare, već i za odgajivače i vlasnike brahicefaličnih rasa pasa

    Prikrivene operacije navođenja na krivično delo

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    It can be stated with good reason that today undercover investigation techniques are the most efficient police weapon in prevention and suppression of crime. They are characterized by conspiracy and pro-activity of action. Their aim is to provide a position for the law enforcement from which they can oversee the illegal activities being prepared or being in progress (but hard to notice), as well as to suborn an individual who will commit certain offences to expose himself, create ambient, conditions and circumstances under which they will actualize their criminal intentions. Traditionally, undercover police operations are largely used in opposing the so-called ā€œconsensual crimesā€ or ā€œvictimless crimesā€, such as illegal trafficking in drugs, weapons, gold jewelry, nuclear material, vehicles, credit cards, prostitution, child pornography and similar. Undercover operations, which include certain elements of suborning (provocation) to crime, can be divided into two categories - operations of active and passive provocation. Active provocation means direct participation of law enforcement representative in commitment of crime. Taking over a certain criminal role, he enters into a relation with a suspect, negotiates on commitment of offence, specifies the opportunities and circumstances of their actualizing - like place and time of crime commitment, means of commitment, and similar. Passive provocation includes devising and creating such opportunities and circumstances by law enforcement representatives, which are favourable to commitment of crime, related to certain problem situation, whereas they do not take active part in such operations. In this case, police only develop objective conditions for an offence in certain time and place, which would, also be committed by the suspect under real similar opportunities and circumstances in some other place and at some other time. The paper presents crime-investigation aspects of some undercover police operations such as Buy-Walk and Buy Bust procedures, Flash Roll management, Decoy or Honey Trap operation.Prikrivene istražne tehnike danas predstavljaju najefikasnije policijsko sredstvo u sprečavanju i suzbijanju zločina. Njihova osnovna obeležja su konspirativnost i proaktivnost postupanja, s ciljem da se osobe koje vrÅ”e određene delikte navedu da se same otkriju, kreiranjem ambijenta u kome će plasirati svoje kriminalne namere. Ove operacije se najvećim delom koriste u suprotstavljanju konsensualnom kriminalu ili deliktima bez žrtve, ali njihova primena nije sporna ni kada je reč o drugim oblicima kriminala. Veoma često ove tehnike sadrže određene forme navođenja na krivično delo, zbog čega u praktičnoj primeni moraju biti fino dozirane i strogo kontrolisane. Predmet ovog rada su kriminalistički aspekti prikrivenih policijskih operacija sa elementima navođenja na izvrÅ”enje kriminalnog akta

    Ilegalna tržiŔta - procene globalnih prihoda

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    Illegal markets represent a phenomenon of considerable economic, political and social significance whose annual income exceeds the value of a thousand billion USD. Illegal market participants are beyond the reach of government institutions and rule of law while social connections and personal acquaintances play an important role of functional substitute. In the last decade there was a significant increase of illegal trafficking of narcotics, people, fire arms, counterfeit products and natural resources. Both selling and purchase of these as well as other kinds of products and services at illegal markets are generally characterized by high level of organization and presence of strong criminal groups and networks. Although these activities existed in the past their present scope and geographic distribution are without precedent. Measuring unlawful financial flows at illegal markets represents quite a complex task. Various estimates are the result of inexistence of uniform and generally accepted methodology. In addition to this, the special problem is also the consensus of market actors, because of which the phenomenon of illegal markets and distribution of products and services at these markets is rather hidden. The paper defines and analyzes the key features of illegal markets, the role of organized crime at illegal markets, as well as the estimates of the values of financial flows at the markets of counterfeit products, narcotics, and people as goods, or human organs and sexual services, weapons, tobacco products and dirty money.Ilegalna tržiÅ”ta predstavljaju fenomen od izuzetnog ekonomskog, političkog i druÅ”tvenog značaja, čiji godiÅ”nji prihodi premaÅ”uju vrednost od hiljadu milijardi američkih dolara. Na ilegalnim tržiÅ”tima državne institucije i primena zakona se nalaze van domaÅ”aja tržiÅ”nih učesnika, dok druÅ”tvene veze i lična poznanstva igraju istaknutu ulogu funkcionalnog supstituta. U protekloj deceniji doÅ”lo je do značajnog rasta nezakonite trgovine narkotika, ljudi, vatrenog oružja, falsifikovanih proizvoda i prirodnih resursa. Kupoprodaja ovih, kao i drugih vrsta roba i usluga na ilegalnim tržiÅ”tima generalno se odlikuje visokim nivoima organizovanja i prisustvom jakih kriminalnih grupa i mreža. Iako su ove aktivnosti postojale i u proÅ”losti, njihov sadaÅ”nji obim i geografska distribucija su bez presedana. Merenje nezakonitih finansijskih tokova na ilegalnim tržiÅ”tima predstavlja izuzetno kompleksan zadatak. Različite procene rezultat su nepostojanja jedinstvene i opÅ”teprihvaćene metodologije. Pored toga, poseban problem je i konsensualnost tržiÅ”nih aktera, zbog čega je fenomen ilegalnih tržiÅ”ta i distribucije roba i usluga na njima prilično skriven. U radu su definisana i analizirana ključna obeležja ilegalnih tržiÅ”ta, uloga organizovanog kriminala na ilegalnim tržiÅ”tima, kao i procene visine finansijskih tokova na tržiÅ”tima falsifikovanih proizvoda, opojnih droga, ljudi kao robe, odnosno ljudskih organa i seksualnih usluga, oružja, duvanskih proizvoda i prljavog novca

    Teorijski i praktični aspekti provokacije na krivično delo

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    The need for successful opposition of modern criminality has imposed the application of a large number of research methods, which were up until half a century ago considered inadmissible in theory and practice. Of special significance is an agent instigator, in other words provocateur of a criminal offence, which is in a large number of legal systems today, in limine rejected as inadmissible, and in extreme cases, a punishable act. We are of opinion that that is done without in-depth consideration of this institution whose certain modality is in use in the criminalistic practice of some countries, especially in the investigation of complex forms of criminality especially so-called consensual delicts. This paper aims to theoretically analyze the problem of criminal offences committed under provocation, with consideration of the various aspects of criminal law. The paper also shows the possibilities of its practical application, under certain conditions and circumstances, which are considered to be legitimate under provocation, as well as its introduction into the legislative framework and legal investigation methods.Zahtev za uspeÅ”no suprotstavljanje savremenom kriminalitetu nametnuo je primenu brojnih istražnih tehnika, koje su do pre pola veka u teoriji i praksi smatrane nedopustivim. Među njima svakako posebno mesto zauzima institut agenta provokatora, odnosno provokacije na krivično delo, koja se i danas u velikom broju pravnih sistema, a limine odbacuje kao nedopustiva i, u krajnjem slučaju, kažnjiva delatnost. Smatramo da se to čini bez dubljeg ulaženja u suÅ”tinu ovog instituta, čiji se određeni modaliteti već dugi niz godina ipak koriste u kriminalističkoj praksi nekih zemalja, naročito kada je reč o isleđivanju složenih formi kriminaliteta, posebno tzv. konsensualnih delikata. Cilj ovog rada je da teorijski obradi problematiku provokacije na krivično delo, uzimajući u obzir i njene krivičnopravne aspekte, a zatim i da ukaže na mogućnosti njene praktične primene, pod određenim uslovima i okolnostima koje delatnosti provokacije kvalifikuju kao legitimne, a uvođenjem u zakonske okvire i legalne istražne, odnosno dokazne tehnike

    Informatori kao kriminalističko-taktički institut

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    The institute of informants has a central place in the corpus of conspiratorial methods of fighting against crime. It is a method of police infiltration into criminal surroundings by making some kind of partnership or cooperation with different categories of people. The main characteristic of this partnership and cooperation is secrecy. It can be said that this method of police work is, above all, the method for collecting important information in order to fight and, more importantly, prevent criminal actions. This method is very simple but, at the same time, very controversial, delicate and subtle. Having in mind the importance of informer in police work, there is a feeling that this problem does not get all the necessary attention it deserves, both in theoretical and in practical sense, as well as in normative sense, especially in our country. Essentially, informers are operational and tactical institute which is used outside the formal criminal procedure, most frequently by the police, and, as such it is outside the boundaries of law, which does not closely define it. Comparative studies show that in other countries this problem is regulated in more detail, especially in the USA. The institute of informer has achieved a new quality in recent years, especially evidence quality in fighting organized crime. The objective of our work is, as much as it is possible, to theoretically and practically examine the institute of informer, to provide answers for certain ambiguities related to it, especially in light of modern tendencies in criminology. That is why we want to repeat again the truth which is almost forgotten, that the most successful criminologist is the one who has the best informers.U korpusu konspirativnih metoda suprotstavljanja kriminalitetu, centralno mesto zauzima institut informatora. Reč je o metodu infiltracije policije u kriminalnu sredinu, uspostavljanjem saradničkog odnosa sa raznim kategorijama lica, čija je osnovna karakteristika tajnost saradnje. Stiče se utisak da je ovaj metod kriminalističkog rada i dolaženja do informacija od značaja za sprečavanje i suzbijanje krivičnih dela veoma jednostavan, ali on je itekako složen, kontraverzan, delikatan i suptilan. S obzirom na značaj informatora u kriminalističkom radu, utisak je da se ovoj problematici ne posvećuje ni približna pažnja koju zaslužuje, kako u teorijskom i praktičnom, tako i normativnom smislu, posebno kod nas. Po svojoj prirodi i suÅ”tini, informatori su operativno-taktički institut koji se koristi van formalnog krivičnog postupka, najčeŔće od strane policije, zbog čega je kao takav izvan zakona, koji ga uglavnom ne definiÅ”e niti bliže uređuje. Komparativne analize ukazuju da je u drugim državama ova problematika mnogo detaljnije regulisana nego kod nas, posebno u SAD-u. Poslednjih godina, institut informatori dobija novi kvalitet, pre svega dokazni, u suprotstavljanju organizovanom kriminalitetu. Cilj nam je da u radu, koliko je to moguće s obzirom na obim, teorijski i praktično sagledamo institut informatora, damo odgovor na određene nedoumice u vezi sa njim, posebno u svetlu savremenih tendencija u kriminalistici, te po ko zna koji put ponovimo, pomalo već zaboravljenu istinu, da je najuspeÅ”niji kriminalista onaj koji ima najbolje informatore

    Teorijski i praktični aspekti provokacije na krivično delo

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    The need for successful opposition of modern criminality has imposed the application of a large number of research methods, which were up until half a century ago considered inadmissible in theory and practice. Of special significance is an agent instigator, in other words provocateur of a criminal offence, which is in a large number of legal systems today, in limine rejected as inadmissible, and in extreme cases, a punishable act. We are of opinion that that is done without in-depth consideration of this institution whose certain modality is in use in the criminalistic practice of some countries, especially in the investigation of complex forms of criminality especially so-called consensual delicts. This paper aims to theoretically analyze the problem of criminal offences committed under provocation, with consideration of the various aspects of criminal law. The paper also shows the possibilities of its practical application, under certain conditions and circumstances, which are considered to be legitimate under provocation, as well as its introduction into the legislative framework and legal investigation methods.Zahtev za uspeÅ”no suprotstavljanje savremenom kriminalitetu nametnuo je primenu brojnih istražnih tehnika, koje su do pre pola veka u teoriji i praksi smatrane nedopustivim. Među njima svakako posebno mesto zauzima institut agenta provokatora, odnosno provokacije na krivično delo, koja se i danas u velikom broju pravnih sistema, a limine odbacuje kao nedopustiva i, u krajnjem slučaju, kažnjiva delatnost. Smatramo da se to čini bez dubljeg ulaženja u suÅ”tinu ovog instituta, čiji se određeni modaliteti već dugi niz godina ipak koriste u kriminalističkoj praksi nekih zemalja, naročito kada je reč o isleđivanju složenih formi kriminaliteta, posebno tzv. konsensualnih delikata. Cilj ovog rada je da teorijski obradi problematiku provokacije na krivično delo, uzimajući u obzir i njene krivičnopravne aspekte, a zatim i da ukaže na mogućnosti njene praktične primene, pod određenim uslovima i okolnostima koje delatnosti provokacije kvalifikuju kao legitimne, a uvođenjem u zakonske okvire i legalne istražne, odnosno dokazne tehnike

    Informatori kao kriminalističko-taktički institut

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    The institute of informants has a central place in the corpus of conspiratorial methods of fighting against crime. It is a method of police infiltration into criminal surroundings by making some kind of partnership or cooperation with different categories of people. The main characteristic of this partnership and cooperation is secrecy. It can be said that this method of police work is, above all, the method for collecting important information in order to fight and, more importantly, prevent criminal actions. This method is very simple but, at the same time, very controversial, delicate and subtle. Having in mind the importance of informer in police work, there is a feeling that this problem does not get all the necessary attention it deserves, both in theoretical and in practical sense, as well as in normative sense, especially in our country. Essentially, informers are operational and tactical institute which is used outside the formal criminal procedure, most frequently by the police, and, as such it is outside the boundaries of law, which does not closely define it. Comparative studies show that in other countries this problem is regulated in more detail, especially in the USA. The institute of informer has achieved a new quality in recent years, especially evidence quality in fighting organized crime. The objective of our work is, as much as it is possible, to theoretically and practically examine the institute of informer, to provide answers for certain ambiguities related to it, especially in light of modern tendencies in criminology. That is why we want to repeat again the truth which is almost forgotten, that the most successful criminologist is the one who has the best informers.U korpusu konspirativnih metoda suprotstavljanja kriminalitetu, centralno mesto zauzima institut informatora. Reč je o metodu infiltracije policije u kriminalnu sredinu, uspostavljanjem saradničkog odnosa sa raznim kategorijama lica, čija je osnovna karakteristika tajnost saradnje. Stiče se utisak da je ovaj metod kriminalističkog rada i dolaženja do informacija od značaja za sprečavanje i suzbijanje krivičnih dela veoma jednostavan, ali on je itekako složen, kontraverzan, delikatan i suptilan. S obzirom na značaj informatora u kriminalističkom radu, utisak je da se ovoj problematici ne posvećuje ni približna pažnja koju zaslužuje, kako u teorijskom i praktičnom, tako i normativnom smislu, posebno kod nas. Po svojoj prirodi i suÅ”tini, informatori su operativno-taktički institut koji se koristi van formalnog krivičnog postupka, najčeŔće od strane policije, zbog čega je kao takav izvan zakona, koji ga uglavnom ne definiÅ”e niti bliže uređuje. Komparativne analize ukazuju da je u drugim državama ova problematika mnogo detaljnije regulisana nego kod nas, posebno u SAD-u. Poslednjih godina, institut informatori dobija novi kvalitet, pre svega dokazni, u suprotstavljanju organizovanom kriminalitetu. Cilj nam je da u radu, koliko je to moguće s obzirom na obim, teorijski i praktično sagledamo institut informatora, damo odgovor na određene nedoumice u vezi sa njim, posebno u svetlu savremenih tendencija u kriminalistici, te po ko zna koji put ponovimo, pomalo već zaboravljenu istinu, da je najuspeÅ”niji kriminalista onaj koji ima najbolje informatore
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