82 research outputs found

    Upotreba biofizičkih metoda radi poboljŔanja prinosa i kvaliteta poljoprivrednih proizvoda

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    Until as recently as a century ago, the exposure of biological systems to radiation was limited only to the natural sources. Today, however, a broad range of radiation types and doses have found a wide variety of uses and applications, so much so that it would be difficult to make a list of all the areas of human activity in which radiation is used for one purpose or another. The study of radiation effects on individuals and populations as a whole has become important only with the development of methods and sources of man-made radiation. Given that what is present in this case are physical effects on biological systems (living organisms), all these methods can be placed under the heading of biophysical influences. In the last 50 years, the effects of extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMF) have been studied with great diligence. These fields are the ones most commonly found in the human environment and they have been used in our studies in this field. The present paper provides a brief review of the literature data and our findings on the effects of ELF-EMF on various crop species using the RIES (Resonant Impulse Electromagnetic Stimulation) method, developed at the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Novi Sad.Izloženost bioloÅ”kih sistema u prirodi različitim vrstama zračenja, do pre samo jednog veka bila je ograničena isključivo na prirodne izvore. Danas, međutim, oblast primene najrazličitijih vrsta i doza zračenja je veoma raznovrsna, i teÅ”ko je navesti sve oblike ljudske delatnosti u kojima se ona koristi. Proučavanje njihovih efekata na jedinke ili populacije u celini, dobilo je na značaju tek razvojem metoda i izvora zračenja koje je čovek stvorio. Obzirom da se radi o fizičkim dejstvima na bioloÅ”ke sisteme, tj. žive organizme, sve ove metode mogu se svrstati u domen biofizičkih delovanja. U poslednjih pedesetak godina se sa posebnom pažnjom ispituje uticaj EMF- a (Electromagnetic Field) ekstremno niskih frekvencija (ELF - Extemely Low Frequency), koja se najčeŔće nalaze u čovekovom okruženju, a koja se primenjuju i u naÅ”im ispitivanjima. U radu će biti dat kratak pregled dosadaÅ”njih rezultata istraživanja autora i literaturnih podataka o dejstvu elektromagnetnog polja niskih frekvencija na gajene biljne vrste, primenom metode Rezonantno-Impulsne Elektromagnetne Stimulacije (RIES), razrađene na Poljoprivrednom fakultetu u Novom Sadu

    Effects of harvesting dates and plant population on sugar beet seed fractions

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    The effects of harvest date and plant population on sugar beet seed size by fraction were studied in a three-year field trial after primary seed cleaning. The seed size was highly significantly affected by the different harvesting dates. The highest percentage of the seeds fell into either the 3.5-4.5 mm fraction or the 4.5-6.0 mm one. This indicates that in the three different climatic years the highest amount of large seeds was obtained with hybrids tolerant of sugar beet rhizomania. In most cases, no significant differences were found when comparing the different plant populations per hectare. Highly significant differences were found among the study years resulting from the influence of uncontrolled climatic factors of the agroecological region. This leads to the conclusion that seed sugar beet harvesting is the most important cultural practice affecting seed size in this crop during the production process

    Nest-site preference of griffon vulture (gyps fulvus) in Herzegovina

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    Although formerly an abundant species, the Eurasian Griffon (Gyps fulvus Hablizl, 1783) has undergone a dramatic decline in Herzegovina. Such an unfavorable trend may be associated with frequent poisoning incidents (consumption of poisoned baits), shortage of food and hunting. This species disappeared from its breeding habitats in Herzegovina during the last decade of the 20th century. The extinction was probably caused by military activities during the civil war. Using data that were collected over a period of long-term (1980-1991) monitoring of the breeding population, we discovered optimal environmental conditions for the nesting of the Eurasian Griffon Vulture in Herzegovina. Information on nest-site preference is valuable for conservation programs and the possible reintroduction of the Eurasian Griffon, not only in Herzegovina, but also to a much wider region. During the study period, we observed 61 nests and 252 nesting cases in four colonies of Eurasian Griffon Vulture. Most nests were located on limestone and dolomite rocks. The average altitude of nests was 378 m a.s.l.; most of nests (85%) were located below 500 m a.s.l. Also, the majority of nests were located on west-exposed sites

    Evaluation of in-person and virtual internship learning outcomes in professional higher education

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    Study programs in Professional Higher Education Institutions typically have the mandatory internship, with defined learning outcomes and ECTS expressed workload. When an internship is performed in exchange for ECTS credit, it must be strongly related to an academic discipline with defined set of learning outcomes. The goals and therefore learning outcomes, differ depending on the educational level and year of the study. At large, internship learning outcomes in professional higher education belong to two general categories: study program-specific learning outcomes and generic academic and soft skills outcomes. In previous years, the need for the development of a virtual model of internship and a platform for its implementation, suitable for performing work-based learning in Higher Education Institutions, is clearly recognized as the response to Industrial revolution 4.0. Even more, the significance of remote work-based learning emerged with the Covid 19 pandemics that disturbed work placed and hampered the implementation of professional practices, internship schemes, and all other forms of work-based learning. While different virtual internship schemes are developed throughout the educational systems, the question arise what are the advantages and disadvantages in the learning outcomes achievement in such work-based learning models. Here we discuss learning outcomes in professional higher education from the position of both traditional in-person internship and modern virtual internship

    Evaluation of in-person and virtual internship learning outcomes in professional higher education

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    Study programs in Professional Higher Education Institutions typically have the mandatory internship, with defined learning outcomes and ECTS expressed workload. When an internship is performed in exchange for ECTS credit, it must be strongly related to an academic discipline with defined set of learning outcomes. The goals and therefore learning outcomes, differ depending on the educational level and year of the study. At large, internship learning outcomes in professional higher education belong to two general categories: study program-specific learning outcomes and generic academic and soft skills outcomes. In previous years, the need for the development of a virtual model of internship and a platform for its implementation, suitable for performing work-based learning in Higher Education Institutions, is clearly recognized as the response to Industrial revolution 4.0. Even more, the significance of remote work-based learning emerged with the Covid 19 pandemics that disturbed work placed and hampered the implementation of professional practices, internship schemes, and all other forms of work-based learning. While different virtual internship schemes are developed throughout the educational systems, the question arise what are the advantages and disadvantages in the learning outcomes achievement in such work-based learning models. Here we discuss learning outcomes in professional higher education from the position of both traditional in-person internship and modern virtual internship

    Uticaj rokova kosidbe na prinos planinskog čubra (Satureja montana L.)

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    Winter savory, known as Rtanj Tea in folk medicine, is a perennial plant of the family Lamiaceae most frequently used as an antiseptic. An uncontrolled gathering has significantly threatened its natural habitats that resulted in introducing the legislative measures concurrent with its growing under controlled conditions. Our investigation of the effect of harvest time upon yield of winter savory was designed to gain a higher yield of this plant species per unit area. A five variant trial in four replications each, using a selected line of winter savory, was performed at the experimental field of Bački Petrovac (84 m elevation). Trial variants included different harvest times with mutual temporal distance of about 15 days. Two harvests were obtained with the first three variants. The plant height, leaf share, and yield of fresh herb, dry herb, and dry leaves were analysed. The fresh herb yield increased from the variant I to the variant III in which it showed the highest value (11.2 t ha-1), whereas a decrease was recorded in the variants IV and V. The dry leaves Yield was almost uniform (about 1.3 t ha-1) in all the harvests except for the variant III in which the highest yield was recorded (1.7 t ha-1). Obviously, the yield of winter savory depends, to a great extent, on the harvest time.U cilju dobijanja viÅ”eg prinosa po jedinici povrÅ”ine bilo je potrebno ispitati kako vreme kosidbe utiče na prinos planinskog čubra. U Naučnom institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo na oglednom polju u Bačkom Petrovcu postavljen je ogled sa selekcionisanom linijom planinskog čubra sa pet varijanti i četiri ponavljanja. Varijante su predstavljali rokovi kosidbe, gde je vremenski razmak između rokova iznosio približno 15 dana. Kod prve tri varijante postignuta su dva otkosa. Ispitivane su sledeće osobine: visina biljaka, udeo lista, prinos sirove herbe, prinos apsolutno suve herbe i prinos apsolutno suvog lista. Prinos sirove herbe je imao tendenciju porasta počev od prve do treće varijante koja je dala i najveći prinos od 11,2 t/ha, a idući prema petoj varijanti prinos je opadao. Prinos apsolutno suvog lista kod svih rokova kosidbe se kretao oko 1,3 t/ha sem kod treće varijante gde je bio najveći i iznosio je 1,7 t/ha. Navedeni rezultati pokazuju da prinos planinskog čubra u značajnoj meri zavisi od vremena kosidbe

    Uticaj insekticida na poljsku klijavost različito dorađenog semena Å”ećerne repe

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    A three-year field study was carried out to determine the effects of different methods of seed processing with insecticides on the germinability of sugar beet seeds in the field. A two-factorial trial was used to study encrusted, mini pelleted, pelleted and technologically processed seed. The lowest field germinability was obtained using technologically processed seeds, proving that not even the smallest insecticide doses should be applied to bare sugar beet seeds. In our country's climatic conditions, the highest field germinability will be obtained with encrusted seed, the difference being significant relative to mini pelleted and pelleted seed, and highly significant compared with technologically processed seed.TrogodiÅ”njim poljskim ogledom ispitivani su različiti načini dorade semena sa insekticidom Furadan 35-ST na poljsku klijavost semena. Ispitivano je inkrustirano seme, mini pilirano seme, pilirano seme i tehnički dorađeno seme. Najmanja poljska klijavost bila je kod tehnički dorađenog semena sa smanjenom dozom insekticida. Najveća poljska klijavost ostvarena je kod inkrustriranog semena. U suÅ”nim godinama postojala je opravdana razlika između inkrustiranog semena i piliranog semena. Između mini piliranog i piliranog semena nije bilo značajnih razlika, jer se takvi načini obrade semena vrlo malo razlikuju u prečniku pilete, a krupnoća semena je ista. Kada je izvođen ogled, postojale su opravdane razlike između godina, Å”to znači da je poljska klijavost analizirana u različitim klimatskim godinama suvog ratarenja. Svi načini dorade semena tretirani su insekticidom, jer to traži danaÅ”nja moderna proizvodnja semena Å”ećerne repe

    Unapređenje tehnologije proizvodnje uljane repice

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    Rapeseed is the most important oil crop in maritime climate. Because of its winter and spring type it could grow in spread latitude range. Now, rapeseed is at third place among oilseed crops in the world. Breeding in the most development country, usage on much different way, modest environmental requirement and its agrotechincal and economical importance facilitate constant increasing area and yield of rapeseed. Good tillage and emergence and autumn plant development facilitate good winter hardness. These are precondition for high and stabile yield. Optimal planting date is beginning of September and doesnā€™t sow at to high plant density. Because of its early spring growth, necessary is higher amount of nitrogen at top dressing in early spring. Weeds could be harmful only in the fall and successfully could control with wide choice of herbicides. Relative to sunflower it has some pests, but adequate protection could solve this. Especially take care at harvest time, because its unevenly pod repining and shattering.Kupusna uljana repica je najvažnija uljana biljka umerenog klimata. Zahvaljujući ozimoj i jaroj formi ima veliku rasprostranjenost. Mnogostrana primena, skromni zahtevi i njen agrotehnički i ekonomski značaj, kao i intenzivna selekcija u najrazvijenijim zemljama omogućavaju da povrÅ”ine i prinosi repice stalno rastu, pa je trenutno na 3 mestu u svetu od uljanih biljka. Kvalitetno zasnivanje, dobro nicanje i jesenji razvoj omogućavaju zadovoljavajuću otpornost na izmrzavanje i to je preduslov visokog i stabilnog prinosa. Optimalni rok setve je početak septembra i ne treba je sejati pregusto. S obzirom na njen rani prolećni porast neophodne su veće količine azota u prihrani. Korovi su problem jedino u jesenjem periodu i uspeÅ”no se mogu kontrolisati dobrim izborom herbicida. U odnosu na suncokret ima nekoliko ekonomski važnih Å”tetočina, no adekvatna zaÅ”tita reÅ”ava taj problem. Posebnu pažnju treba obratiti u žetvi zbog neravnomernog sazrevanja i lakog osipanja

    Uticaj đubrenja i distribucije nitratnog azota u profilu zemljiÅ”ta na prinos i kvalitet korena Å”ećerne repe

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    Researches, which have lasted for two years, were carried out on long-term trial field at Rimski Å ančevi, Novi Sad, Serbia. In this trial, the eight fertilization variants of N, P2O5 and K2O increased amounts were studied. Sugar beet root and tops yields were determined, as well as the elements of technological sugar beet root quality. Based on these results, percentage of sugar utilization and refined sugar yield was defined. In the spring, before applying of N fertilizer, amount of nitrate nitrogen in the soil and its influence on yield and quality was determined. The highest root yield in 2002 was produced at the variant N100 P150 K150, and in 2003 at the variant N150 P150 K150. However, in both years, referring to the variant N100 P100 K100, the differences were not statistically significant. Increasing of nitrogen amounts had negative effects on refined sugar yield. Amounts of NO3-N in the soil in spring, before sugar beet sowing, in 2002 had significant influence on root yield and refined sugar yield. In the year 2003, which was highly dry, high correlation ratio were gained between amounts of NO3-N in the soil and root quality parameters, but it wasn't significant between nitrogen amounts and root and refined sugar yield.DvogodiÅ”nja istraživanja uticaja rastućih količina NPK hraniva na prinos i kvalitet korena Å”ećerne repe izvedena su na stacionarnom poljskom ogledu na Rimskim Å ančevima. U proleće, pre primene N đubriva, praćena je količina nitratnog azota po slojevima zemljiÅ”ta, te njegov uticaj na navedena svojstva. U obe godine, razlika u prinosu korena postignutog pri najvećim količinama NPK hraniva nije bila statistički značajna u odnosu na varijantu N100 P100 K100. Povećanje količine azota delovalo je negativno na prinos rafinisanog Å”ećera. Količina NO3-N u zemljiÅ”tu u proleće pre setve u 2002. godini imala je značajan pozitivan uticaj na prinos korena i rafinisanog Å”ećera. U izrazito suÅ”noj 2003. godini visoki koeficijenti korelacije dobijeni su između količine NO3-N u zemljiÅ”tu i parametara kvaliteta korena, ali nisu bili značajni između količine azota i prinosa korena i rafinisanog Å”ećera
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