43 research outputs found

    The Chronicle of the Unfortunate Voyage in Island of Hvar Waters

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    U radu se donose povijesni izvori i podaci o raznovrsnim pomorskim nesrećama i ugrozama u vodama oko otoka Hvara, kao Å”to su brodolomi, potapanja, oÅ”tećenja, nasukavanja brodova, ljudske pogibije, zatim pomorski sukobi, požari i druge vrste nedaća na moru. Podaci su složeni kronoloÅ”kim redom i to od prvog pisanog spomena pomorske nesreće na ovim prostorima u 4. st. prije Krista, pa sve do 1960-ih g. 20. st. Sabrani su iz raznovrsnih pisanih izvora kao Å”to su službeni pomorski izvjeÅ”taji, notarski zapisi, kronike, novinski izvori, povijesni pregledi, pa do usmenih izvora. Okupljeni na jednom mjestu, ovi zapisi predstavljaju neposredan i slikovit prilog pomorskoj povijesti otoka Hvara, osobito po pitanju rizičnosti plovidbe na jedra u akvatoriju Hvara.The paper brings to light historic data about various maritime disasters, shipwrecks, sinking, damages, ships stranding ashore, people perishing, maritime clashes, fires and other disasters. Facts are presented in chronologic order from the first written document of the disaster on the premises in the 4th c B.C. up to the1960s in the 20th c. A.D. They are collected out of various written sources such as official maritime reports, notaries marks, chronicles, newspaper reports, historic reviews all the way to individual oral reports. Summed up in one place, all of these120 items represent direct and vivid insight into maritime history of the island of Hvar, especially in regard to the variety of sail journey

    The Adriatic Travelogue by Pietro Casola

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    U ovom prilogu autor donosi prijevod jadranske dionice putopisa u Svetu zemlju talijanskog hodočasnika Pietra Casole iz 1494. g. Za razliku od dosadaÅ”njih, Å”to kraćih, Å”to dužih citata, ovdje se prvi put donosi cjelovit zapis o naÅ”oj obali, od opisa gradova, crkava, relikvija i umjetnina, pa do opisa putovanja, vremenskih prilika i života na galiji.The travelogue by the Italian priest Pietro Casola to the Holy Land in 1494 is one of the most extensive and most interesting pilgrim travelogues from the 15th century. Along with the descriptions of areas, towns, people, the visited churches, he also described very picturesquely the life on a galley, travel difficulties and frequent weather troubles that they experienced. Casola described our coast on departure from Venice and on the way back from the Holy Land. Of larger towns he included Poreč, Zadar, Hvar, Korčula and Dubrovnik, which were described in a wide range of interest - building appearance, town architecture, fortresses, churches, relics, works of art. He also noted and described many smaller coves and shelters where the galley came to anchor due to bad weather conditions. As an Italian he understood the language of the crew well, so he had an easy access to many interesting information. Therefore, he described some places and churches that he hadnā€™t seen in person, and he also listed some details on local customs and the way of dressing. He also noted some interesting facts on economic, military and political circumstances of the time, all the way to our coastal toponyms. Being perceptive and both extensive and skilled in descriptions, he left us one of the most documented and meaningful descriptions of our coast in the 15th century. Casolaā€™s travelogue was described to Croatian language only in shorter or longer quotes of descriptions of several our bigger coastal towns. We discovered the real and authentic experience of our coast in the 15th century only in complete Casolaā€™s descriptions of the journey, which is brought here according to English translation by Mary Margaret Newettā€™s Canon Pietro Casola\u27s Pilgrimage to Jerusalem in the year 1494 (University press, Manchester 1907) and translated to Croatian by Ivančica Schrunk

    The Underwater Cultural and Historical Heritage of Hvar: Research, Sites And Condition

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    Zbog izvrsnog položaja na pomorskim rutama Jadranom te brojnih prirodnih luka i uvala, akvatorij otoka Hvara predstavlja jedno od najprometnijih područja istočnog Jadrana, Å”to se poglavito odnosi na razdoblje plovidbe na jedra. Uz povijesne i arhivske izvore, svjedočanstvo pomorskog prometa (možda najmjerodavnije) jesu brojni ostaci na morskom dnu: olupine brodova, sidra, topovi, amfore, polomljene posude. Predmet ovog rada je pregled i sumarna analiza kulturno-povijesnih nalaziÅ”ta u prostoru hvarskog akvatorija, s uvodnim prikazom istraživanja. Pregledom su obuhvaćeni svi nalazi u Å”irokom vremenskom rasponu od pretpovijesti do sredine 20. st., te u isto tako Å”irokom tipoloÅ”kom rasponu od olupina brodova, pa do manjih pojedinačnih nalaza.The seascape of Hvar comprises a relatively small area on the Adriatic sea map. However, it represents an area of particularly rich underwater heritage, due to its favourable maritime location, suitable bays, and especially thanks to the intensive diving activities (notably recreational divers) of the last 60 years. A large number of typologically and chronologically diverse sites (230 so far recorded) enables multiple and interesting statistical analyses, which are essential in further research and evaluation of that heritage. This work will in turn advance our understanding of the specific maritime characteristics of this area in the past

    Late Antiquity Depot in Gojava in Hvar

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    U članku se obrađuje kasnoantički, uglavnom keramički materijal nađen prilikom građevinskih radova na obnovi hotela ā€žParkā€œ u nekadaÅ”njem vrtu hotela u predjelu Gojava u Hvaru.In the course of the preliminary works for the ā€žParkā€œ hotel restauration in 2004, a small but rich late Antiquity ceramics discovery was found between two sterile clay layers in the garden in front of the hotel. It mostly consisted of amphorae fragments, bigger utensils and tegulas. As a rule, the fragments are of sharp edges, which means that they have neither been rolled over nor exposed to atmosphere for a long time. The found coins date the layer to the second half of the 4thc. The remnants were not accompanied by the architectural remains. However, it does not exclude the possibility that they might be found at the upper elevation of the site, on the premises of the ā€žParkā€œ hotel itself, or somewhat eastward on the place of the ā€žPalaceā€œ hotel. On the contrary, the relatively large number of tegulas, imbrexes and floor tiles, fragments of suspensions, tubulae and mortar, unquestionably indicate traces of object in close vicinity. On the whole, it is a Late Antiquity depot from the 4th to the 5th. c., which had been buried either by natural phenomena or human hand, probably in the same late Antiquity time, and covered by a sterile clay layer. It is significant that the depot corresponds in time with the earliest Late Antiquity layer in Hvar, that was identified during archaeological exploring of Hvar Arsenal in 1994 and 1996. These archaeologic findings in Gojava additionally support the thesis of the Late Antiquity town of Hvar (Lysina?), and discovering the coins it affirmatively dates its appearance to the second half of the 4th c

    Jakov Miličić ā€“ Sculptor in a Physicianā€™s Robe

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    Jakov Miličić (1876. ā€“ 1958.) jedan je od onih nekoć uglednih, ali danas već pomalo zaboravljenih Hvarana. Po podrijetlu je BruÅ”anin, rođen je u Hvaru, a većinu svojeg životnog i radnog vijeka proveo je u Splitu. Po struci je bio liječnik, najprije u specijalizaciji kirurgije, a potom i ginekologije. Bio je dobrotvor, humanist, kolekcionar umjetničkih djela i cijenjeni intelektualac. Uz to se vrlo aktivno i uspjeÅ”no bavio kiparenjem, te ostvario skroman, ali respektabilan opus, koji je danas tek manjim dijelom sačuvan. Nažalost, o njegovu životu i djelu se malo zna. Rezultat je to nepostojanja neposrednih, obiteljskih nasljednika i, s druge strane, zlosretne sudbine njegove kiparske ostavÅ”tine koja je desetljećima bila prepuÅ”tena nebrizi i zaboravu. Iako je njegov doprinos kao liječnika bio znatan, njegovo ime danas ne nalazimo u Medicinskoj enciklopediji. Isto tako njegov kiparski rad, kojem je posvetio onu drugu polovicu svojeg života, nije u pravoj mjeri rasvijetljen niti primjereno zabilježen u suvremenim pregledima umjetnika 20. stoljeća.Jakov Miličić (1876-1958) is one of those once esteemed, yet nowadays rather forgotten Hvarans. His family came from Brusje and he was born in Hvar, but he spent most of his life and working career in Split. He was a medical doctor by profession, first specializing in surgery, and then in gynaecology. He was a philanthropist, humanist, art collector, and a prominent intellectual. He was very actively and successfully engaged in sculpting, and created a modest yet respectable oeuvre, which today is only partially preserved. Unfortunately, little is known about his life and work. This is a consequence, on the one hand, of the lack of immediate family heirs, and on the other hand, of the unfortunate fate of his sculptural legacy, which was left to neglect and oblivion for decades. Although his contribution as a physician was considerable, today he is not even listed in the Medical Encyclopaedia. Likewise, his sculptural work, to which he devoted that other half of his life, has not been properly illuminated or adequately recorded in the contemporary reviews of 20th-century artists