37 research outputs found

    Introduction: Urban revolutions in the age of global urbanism

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    This special issue, papers presented at an Urban Studies Foundation-funded conference in Jakarta (March 2011), examines the current ‘urban century’ in terms of three revolutions. Revolutions from above index the logics and norms of mainstream global urbanism, particularly the form they have taken as policymakers work with municipal officials worldwide to organise urban development around neoliberal norms. Revolutions from below refer to the multifaceted contestations of global urbanism that take place in and around cities, ranging from urban street demonstrations and occupations (such as those riveting the world in early 2011 when these papers were written) to the quotidian actions of those pursuing politics and livelihoods that subvert the norms of mainstream global urbanism. It also highlights conceptual revolutions, referencing the ongoing challenge of reconceptualising urban theory from the South – not simply as a hemispheric location or geopolitical category but an epistemological stance, staged from many different locations but always fraught with the differentials of power and the weight of historical geographies. Drawing on the insights of scholars writing from, and not just about, such locations, a further iteration in this ‘southern’ turn of urban theorising is proposed. This spatio-temporal conjunctural approach emphasises how the specificity of cities – their existence as entities that are at once singular and universal – emerges from spatio-temporal dynamics, connectivities and horizontal and vertical relations. Practically, such scholarship entails taking the field seriously through collaborative work that is multi-sited, engages people along the spectrum of academics and activists, and is presented before and scrutinised by multiple publics

    Introduction: reconsidering the region in India: mobilities, actors and development politics

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    In this introduction to a special issue on ‘Reconsidering the Region in India’, we aim to develop a synthetic and theoretically nuanced account of the multifarious ways in which the idea of region has been imbricated in diverse spatial, political, cultural and socio-economic configurations. We draw from various bodies of anthropological, geographic and historical literature to elaborate on three themes that we believe are central to understanding contemporary processes of region-making in India: trans-regional mobilities and connections; the actors who produce and perform regional imaginaries; and changing regional politics of development.IS

    Urban pulse-urbanizing microfinance: Examples from India

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    10.2747/0272-3638.30.7.685Urban Geography307685-69

    Acceleration of conjugate gradient method for circuit simulation using CUDA

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    The Conjugate Gradient method is a popular iterative method to solve a system of linear equations and is used in a variety of applications. The DC Analyser is a circuit simulator built at IIT Bombay to solve large circuits containing resistances, voltage and current sources and which employs the conjugate gradient method. Current generation of graphics cards offer extremely high raw processing power and memory bandwidths compared to conventional CPUs. We have accelerated the conjugate gradient part of the DC Analyser using an Nvidia GTX 280 GPU and the new CUDA technology and successfully obtained a speedup of over 10x for the CG method and more than 4x for the entire application for very large circuits when compared to a single-threaded CPU implementation