10,190 research outputs found

    Ethical and medico-legal remarks on uterus transplantation: may it solve uterine factor infertility?

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    Uterus transplantation was firstly tested with animal trials sixty-five years ago. Despite several successful attempts in human subjects, the different procedures still lay at the experimental stage, in need of further studies and investigations before they can be considered as standard clinical practices. Uterus transplant cannot be regarded as a life-saving procedure, but rather a method to restore woman ability to procreate, when lost, thus improving her quality of life. Uterus transplant is a complex surgical procedure and presents significant health threats. Medical staff should therefore always obtain informed consent from patients, emphasizing such risks. Before that, women undergoing uterine transplants should be thoroughly informed about the hazards inherent to the procedure and especially about the dangers of immunosuppressant drugs, administered after the surgery which may injure the fetus, eventually formed in the restored organ and even lead to its death, thus nullifying the purpose of the transplant itself. Therefore, the risk-benefit ratio of uterus transplantation needs to be carefully assessed and described

    Nootropics use in the workplace. Psychiatric and ethical aftermath towards the new frontier of bioengineering

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    OBJECTIVE: The authors have sought to expound upon and shed a light on the rise of nootropics, which have gradually taken on a more and more relevant role in workplaces and academic settings. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Multidisciplinary databases have been delved into by entering the following keys: "nootropics", "cognitive enhancement", "workplace", "productivity", "ethics", "bioengineering". In addition, a broad-ranging search has been undertaken on institutional websites in order to identify relevant analysis and recommendations issued by international institutions and agencies. Papers and reports have been independently pored over by each author. This search strategy has led to the identification of 988 sources but only 64 were considered appropriate for the purposes of the paper after being selected by at least 3 of the authors, independently. RESULTS: The notion of an artificially enhanced work performance - carried out by the 'superworker' - is particularly noteworthy and resonates with the conception of contemporary work on so many different levels: the rising need and demands for higher degrees of flexibility and productivity on the job, the implications of a '24/7' society, where more and more services are available at any time, the ever greater emphasis on entrepreneurial spirit, individual self-reliance and self-improvement, and last but not least, the impact of an ageing society on economic standards and performance. CONCLUSIONS: Moreover, it is worth mentioning that human enhancement technologies will predictably and increasingly go hand in hand with gene editing, bioengineering, cybernetics and nanotechnology. Applications are virtually boundless, and may ultimately affect all human traits (physical strength, endurance, vision, intelligence and even personality and mood)

    Resistant arterial hypertension in a patient with adrenal incidentaloma multiple steno-obstructive vascular lesions and antiphospholipid syndrome

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    Resistant hypertension is defined as above of blood pressure (≤ 140/90 mmHg) despite therapy with three or more antihypertensive drugs of different classes at maximum tolerable doses with one bling a diuretic. An important consideration in defining a patient with resistant hypertension is the mislabeling of secondary hypertension as resistant hypertension. Here, we report a patients with resistant hypertension caused by multiple stenoocclusive arteries due to antiphospholipid syndrome and coexisting with subclinical Cushing’s syndrome

    Aerothermodynamic radiation studies

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    We have built and made operational a 6 in. electric arc driven shock tube which alloys us to study the non-equilibrium radiation and kinetics of low pressure (0.1 to 1 torr) gases processed by 6 to 12 km/s shock waves. The diagnostic system allows simultaneous monitoring of shock radiation temporal histories by a bank of up to six radiometers, and spectral histories with two optical multi-channel analyzers. A data set of eight shots was assembled, comprising shocks in N2 and air at pressures between 0.1 and 1 torr and velocities of 6 to 12 km/s. Spectrally resolved data was taken in both the non-equilibrium and equilibrium shock regions on all shots. The present data appear to be the first spectrally resolved shock radiation measurements in N2 performed at 12 km/s. The data base was partially analyzed with salient features identified

    Evidence of infaunal effects on porewater advection and biogeochemistry in permeable sediments: A proposed infaunal functional group framework

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    Bioturbating infauna significantly modify reaction and transport processes in permeable sediments, though most studies to date are limited in the scope of species examined. We conducted a comparative field study measuring density-dependent effects of six common bioturbating species on porewater advection and biogeochemistry, across three intertidal permeable sediment habitats. The species in this study are; head-down like deposit feeders (Abarenicola pacifica and Balanoglossus aurantiacus), surface deposit feeders (Diopatra cuprea and Onuphis jenneri) and gallery diffusers (Upogebia pugettensis and Neotrypaea californiensis). Tracer loss from gel diffusers was used to assess relative differences in porewater advection among sites, and porewater peepers were used to measure solute concentrations of carbon, nitrogen, phosphate, and silicate in experimental plots. Characteristic surface features of different infauna were counted and used as a proxy for infaunal density. Density of surface features was then used in regression analyses as an explanatory variable affecting porewater transport and chemistry. Significant infaunal density effects on porewater transport or biogeochemistry were found in all but one species, D. cuprea. The species-specific attributes and mechanisms by which these infauna affect permeable sediment processes are explored. A process based functional group framework is presented for permeable sediments. Bulk granulometric properties also were assessed. There were little to no within-site effects of porosity, hydraulic conductivity, or organic matter on porewater transport and biogeochemistry. However, significant across-site differences in granulometry and site properties were found and these are addressed in relation to infaunal effects on porewater transport and chemistry

    Significant reduction in arc frequency biased solar cells: Observations, diagnostics, and mitigation technique(s)

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    A variety of experiments were performed which identify key factors contributing to the arcing of negatively biased high voltage solar cells. These efforts have led to reduction of greater than a factor of 100 in the arc frequency of a single cell following proper remediation procedures. Experiments naturally lead to and focussed on the adhesive/encapsulant that is used to bond the protective cover slip to the solar cell. An image-intensified charge coupled device (CCD) camera system recorded UV emission from arc events which occurred exclusively along the interfacial edge between the cover slip and the solar cell. Microscopic inspection of this interfacial region showed a bead of encapsulant along this entire edge. Elimination of this encapsulant bead reduced the arc frequency by two orders of magnitude. Water contamination was also identified as a key contributor which enhances arcing of the encapsulant bead along the solar cell edge. Spectrally resolved measurements of the observable UV light shows a feature assignable to OH(A-X) electronic emission, which is common for water contaminated discharges. Experiments in which the solar cell temperature was raised to 85 C showed a reduced arcing frequency, suggesting desorption of H2O. Exposing the solar cell to water vapor was shown to increase the arcing frequency. Clean dry gases such as O2, N2, and Ar show no enhancement of the arcing rate. Elimination of the exposed encapsulant eliminates any measurable sensitivity to H2O vapor

    Orbital magnetism in axially deformed sodium clusters: From scissors mode to dia-para magnetic anisotropy

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    Low-energy orbital magnetic dipole excitations, known as scissors mode (SM), are studied in alkali metal clusters. Subsequent dynamic and static effects are explored. The treatment is based on a self-consistent microscopic approach using the jellium approximation for the ionic background and the Kohn-Sham mean field for the electrons. The microscopic origin of SM and its main features (structure of the mode in light and medium clusters, separation into low- and high-energy plasmons, coupling high-energy M1 scissors and E2 quadrupole plasmons, contributions of shape isomers, etc) are discussed. The scissors M1 strength acquires large values with increasing cluster size. The mode is responsible for the van Vleck paramagnetism of spin-saturated clusters. Quantum shell effects induce a fragile interplay between Langevin diamagnetism and van Vleck paramagnetism and lead to a remarkable dia-para anisotropy in magnetic susceptibility of particular light clusters. Finally, several routes for observing the SM experimentally are discussed.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figure

    The COVID-19 pandemic and contact tracing technologies, between upholding the right to health and personal data protection

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    Countries responded to the COVID-19 pandemic with various levels of restrictions and lockdown in an effort to save lives and prevent the saturation and collapse of national health systems. Unfortunately, the blockades have entailed hefty socioeconomic costs. In order to contrast the spread of the virus, states have used contact tracing technology, in the form of mobile phone applications designed to track close contacts of those infected with COVID-19. Recent research has shown the effectiveness of this solution, particularly when used in conjunction with manual tracking. Nonetheless, the contact tracing app raises concerns due to the potential privacy implications. The authors have delved into the European legislation that protects privacy through the principles of proportionality and minimization, arguing that in order to quickly resolve the pandemic caused by COVID-19, one cannot blindly trust the exclusive help of technology. Instead, we need the involvement of health personnel, scientists, and no less importantly, the citizenry's sense of solidarity and the duty to abide by the rules of social distancing, the use of protective devices and hygiene rules to protect public health

    Metabolic and cardiovascular response to exercise in patients with type 1 diabetes

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    Physical activity is an effective therapeutic tool for cardiovascular risk prevention. However, exercise aerobic capacity of patients with type 1 diabetes (T1DM) has not been thoroughly investigated. Aim of the present study is to evaluate exercise aerobic capacity in patients with T1DM compared to a normal control population
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