10 research outputs found

    Non-users of Internet in the information society

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    Several surveys of Russian attitudes towards the Internet are examined. An official surveyor shows that the Internet audience is constantly growing in Russia. But surveys of ‘ordinary people’ demonstrate a symptom of Internet ‘hate’: many prefer to escape totally from social media and the Internet space. This audience needs to be investigated in order to answer the question: “are ‘non-users’ just ordinary ‘socio-phobic individuals’ or is their attitude a real trend in society and a new social behavior”. This article is a preliminary investigation that does not provide answers to this question, but aims to open a discussion. The population of provincial Russia is a very special object of exploration with respect to their attitudes toward Internet because of three important factors: 1) recent penetration of the Internet in social practice; 2) strong tradition of collective life, making social media relatively unimportant; 3) special informational needs excluding the Internet as a satisfying means of information

    Creating an atmosphere: media aesthetic analysis of journalistic prospects

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    In this article, journalistic practices are examined under the perspectives of 1) the theory of atmosphere in communication, 2) the creativity in journalism through the media aesthetic approach. This article contributes to both the theory of creativity in media industries, and the theory of aesthetic shift in current communication (with respect to the generation of atmospheric design in media). The empirical material used in this article was extracted from the Russian journalist Web portal Takie dela (English: So It Goes). The concept of “atmospheric creativity” in the current journalistic practices is developed. Article in English. Terpės kūrimas: žurnalistikos perspektyvų estetinė medijų analizė Santrauka Šiame straipsnyje žurnalistikos praktika tyrinėjama, remiantis komunikacijos terpės teorija ir kūrybiškumu žurnalistikoje estetiniu medijų požiūriu. Šiuo straipsniu prisidedama tiek prie kūrybiškumo teorijos medijų industrijose, tiek prie estetinio pokyčio teorijos dabartinėje komunikacijoje (atsižvelgiant į modeliuojamos terpės kūrimą medijose). Šiame straipsnyje naudota Rusijos žurnalistų interneto svetainės Takie dela (liet. Tokie reikalai) empirinė medžiaga. Dabartinėje žurnalistikos praktikoje plėtojama „terpės kūrybiškumo“ koncepcija. Reikšminiai žodžiai: terpė estetikoje, kūrybiškumas žurnalistikoje, įtraukioji žurnalistika, estetinė medijų analizė, daugiakryptė žurnalistika

    Treatment of children with medulloblastoma without metastatic involvement in the age group older than 3 years: international experience and results of intercenter trial

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    Background. During the past 20 years, some large international studies have been conducted that evaluated the effectiveness of treatment programs for children with medulloblastoma. At the same time, in the standard risk group, fairly high rates of 5-year overall survival (OS) and event-free survival (EFS) were achieved, which amounted to 85% and 80%, respectively. At the present time some risk-adaptive therapeutic programs are developed according to molecular-biological features of tumor cells and possibility of chemotherapy and craniospinal radiation (CSI) therapy dose reduction. Materials and methods. From 2008 to 2018 fifty one pediatric patients with primary diagnosed medulloblastoma in the age group 318 years were included in trial, 38 in standard risk group, 13 in high risk group (without metastatic disease). Treatment program consisted of surgical removal of the primary tumor site with subsequent chemotherapy (with high-dose cyclophosphamide or thiophosphamide) and radiation therapy (with CSI of 23.4 Gy or 36 Gy, depending on the risk group). In order to detect morphological and molecular biological distinctive features of tumor cells, the following criteria were evaluated: histological variant, molecular subgroup, methyltransferase status by DNMT and MGMT proteins expression, presence of C-MYC/N-MYC gene amplification, Iso17q and TP53 gene mutation. Results. As a result of this study, sufficiently high rates of overall survival and progression/relapse-free survival (PRFS) were achieved in standard and high-risk groups patients, which amounted to 76.08.8% and 83.310.8% with median follow-up 62.96.2 months and 52.27.8 months, respectively. There was revealed patients group in the age 37 years with 100% PRFS and median follow-up 66.98.9 months. At the same time, morphological and molecular biological factors of an unfavorable outcome of the disease were absent in the tumor samples (large cell anaplastic histology, C-MYC/N-MYC gene amplification, Iso17q and TP53 gene mutation). We have also achieved 100% PRFS in patients with desmoplastic tumor histology and in patients, who were treated with thiphosphamide-based chemotherapy regimen. Molecular-biological characteristics analysis of tumor cells showed a negative effect on PRFS of DNMT-positive status (Score 4, by 3 markers) and presence of N-MYC gene amplification (SHH molecular subgroup). Conclusion. There was identified a group of patients aged 3 to 7 years, for whom the possibility for reducing of CSR dose down to 18 Gy opens. Understanding of tumor cells methyltransferase status creates the prerequisites for using of epigenetic demethylating therapy. It is necessary more observations to assess the effect of the chemotherapy regimen with high-dose thiophosphamide on the PRFS

    Historyczny kontekst tezy „u nas nie ma literatury”

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    Niniejszy artykuł poświęcono współczesnym przeobrażeniom procesu literackiego i samej literatury, odbieranych przez krytykę literacką w kategoriach schyłku literatury (teza „u nas nie ma literatury” jako przeświadczenie o upadku tej dziedziny sztuki). Artykuł przedstawia wybrane refleksje na temat omawianego procesu, prezentowane na łamach tzw. tołstych żurnałow (ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem stanowiska znanej rosyjskiej krytyczki Anny Kuzniecowej), oraz pogląd autorki pracyna ogólny, przejściowy stan rosyjskiej literatury współczesnej.The article is devoted to modern reconfigurations of the literary process and literature (as a kind of art), experienced in literary criticism as the decline of literature (the thesis “we have no literature” as a statement of the degradation of an art form). The article provides an overview of reflection on this process on Russian “thick journals” (with the emphasis on the position of the well-known Russian critic Anna Kuznetsova), as well as the author’s view on the general transitional state of Russian modern literature

    Media aesthetic environment of image formation

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    This paper is devoted to the “nature of image” in the new media environment. The author re-conceptualizes the image as a basis of textual, visual and audial culture. Two factors of this revision are explained: (1) the facilitation of the complex creation and consumption of communicative unities, or artifacts (complexes of video, audio, texts and other forms), (2) the ability to capture a massive interest for new forms of imagery in social networks and the internet (a research evidence of this interest). The theory of the image, presented in the writings of Jean-Luc Nancy, is applied to the actual facts of communicative exchange allowing to identify some new directions for the development of media aesthetic phenomena. The main empirical material of the article is the growing mass interest in video and audio clips, such as #oddlysatisfying and ASMR. The author uses this material to confirm Nancy’s idea on the concentration of image formation in an “invisible” zone (beyond the representation of the object itself: the image is interlined, it is between sounds, it is behind pictures)

    Переосмысляя функции прессы: как процессы индигенизации

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    ROZWAŻAJĄC NA NOWO FUNKCJE PRASY: JAK PROCESY INDYGENIZACJI REKONFIGURUJĄ HISTORIĘ LITERATURY ROSYJSKIEJ I DZIENNIKARSTWA Streszczenie Przedmiotem artykułu jest omówienie możliwości transferu koncepcji i idei z powstałych w ciągu ostatnich dziesięcioleci teorii indygenicznych, dotyczących komunikacji ogólnej, do historii literatury i dziennikarstwa. W oparciu o prace Geerta Hofstedego autorka omawia kody tożsamości kulturowej i proponuje możliwe warianty zmiany akcentów w badaniach literatury i dziennikarstwa. Pozwoli to określić węzłowe punkty systemów komunikacyjnych w ich kulturowo-narodowej specyfice. RETHINKING OF PRESS FUNCTIONS: HOW COULD INDIGENIZATION RECONFIGURE THE HISTORY OF RUSSIAN LITERATURE AND JOURNALISM Summary This article is devoted to the possibilities of transfer of concepts and ideas of the last decades indigenization theories from the general field of communication to the history of literature and journalism. The author examines the cultural identity codes, referring to Geert Hofstede’s research, and offers options for transposition of emphasis in literature and journalism research in order to describe the main communication system nodes in their cultural and national identities

    Судьбы абстрактного экспрессионизма: К 100-летию со дня рождения Ги де Монлора (1918 -1977): Сборник статей

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    Edition trilingue : russe, français, anglaisInternational audienceThis book is a collection of papers dedicated to the French painter, hero of World War II, Guy de Montlaur (1918-1977), and also to abstract expressionism as one of the key art directions of the XXth century, to its history, features, current destinies, as well as to its manifestations in music, literature and other arts. The works of scholars from different countries, collected under the cover of this book, allow the reader to better understand the actual state of researches in the field of theory and history of abstract expressionism, to see this artistic and cultural phenomenon from various viewpoints and also to get acquainted with Guy de Montlaur's heritage.The book is addressed to art critics, art-researches, philosophers, specialists in cultural studies and readers interested in arts and painting, to students, and to representatives of creative professions.В сборнике представлены статьи, посвященные французскому художнику, участнику французского Сопротивления времен Второй мировой войны Ги де Монлору (1918-1977), а также теории и истории абстрактного экспрессионизма как одного из ключевых художественных направлений ХХ века, сформировавшегося не только в живописи, но и в музыке, литературе и других искусствах. Содранные под обложкой этой книги тексты исследователей из разных стран позволяют читателю понять актуальное состояние теории и истории абстрактного экспрессионизма, увидеть этот художественный и культурный феномен с различных сторон, а также познакомиться с творчеством Ги де Монлора.Издание адресовано искусствоведам, философам, культурологам и широкому кругу читателей, интересующихся вопросами культуры, искусства и живописи, студентам, а также представителям творческих профессий