90 research outputs found

    Место сравнения в общей системе изобразительно-выразительных средств языка

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    The article looks into several contemporary approaches a in the classification of expressive means in language. An opinion is expressed on the place of comparison in the overall system of these means.The article looks into several contemporary approaches a in the classification of expressive means in language. An opinion is expressed on the place of comparison in the overall system of these means


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    To calculate the characteristics of river water flow quality, the FSBI "SHI" developed an automated software package that allows for joint processing of regime hydro chemical and hydrological information. The objective of this work is to present the capabilities of the program in obtaining characteristics of water flow quality using the example of the Luga River according to data from 2000 to 2017. The first characteristic of the flow quality is the proportion of volumes contaminated with single chemical components (Vpoll). With the use of an automated software package, the annual and long-term values of Vpoll of the Luga river runoff for each polluting component were calculated and their probabilistic estimates were given. It is shown that the upper limit of Vpoll% values for water saturation with O2 is below the norm, for the content of Mn2+, Cu2+, N-NO2, Fetot and COD was 100%; for the content of Pb2+ and oil products ‒ 64-79%, for the content of O2 ‒ 39% and for other components did not exceed 16.5%. Trends in the change in annual values of Vpoll for all pollutants were calculated. The second characteristic of runoff quality is the proportion of its partial volumes contaminated with aggregates of chemical components, and assessed by classes and categories in accordance with RD 52.24.643-2002. The most polluted was the water runoff in 2006 and 2010. It is assigned to the 4th grade, category "a" and is characterized as dirty.Для расчётов характеристик качества стока воды рек в ФГБУ «ГГИ» был разработан автоматизированный программный комплекс, позволяющий проводить совместную обработку режимной гидрохимической и гидрологической информации. Задачей настоящей работы является представление возможностей программы в получении характеристик качества стока воды на примере реки Луга по данным 2000–2017 гг. Первой характеристикой качества стока воды является доля объёмов, загрязнённых единичными химическими компонентами (Vзаг%). С применением автоматизированного программного комплекса рассчитаны годовые и многолетние значения Vзаг% стока воды реки Луга для каждого загрязняющего вещества и даны их вероятностные оценки. Показано, что верхний предел значений Vзаг% для насыщения воды O2 ниже нормы, для содержания Mn2+, Cu2+, N-NO2‑, Feобщ и ХПК составил 100%; для содержания Рb2+ и нефтепродуктов – 64-79%, для содержания O2 – 39% и для остальных компонентов не превысил 16,5%. Рассчитаны тенденции изменения годовых значений Vзаг% для всех загрязняющих веществ. Второй характеристикой качества стока воды является доля его частичных объёмов, загрязнённых совокупностями химических компонентов, и оценённая по классам и разрядам в соответствии с РД 52.24.643-2002. Показано, что наиболее загрязнённым был сток воды в 2006 и 2010 годах. Он отнесён к 4-му классу, разряд "а" и охарактеризован как грязный. Слабо загрязнённым 2-го класса сток воды реки Луга был только в 2016 и 2017 годах. В остальные годы он являлся загрязнённым 3-го класса, разряд "а" либо разряд "б". Все результаты расчётов представлены в программном комплексе, как в табличной форме, так и в графическом виде. ЛитератураКараушев А.В., Скакальский Б.Г. Актуальные проблемы исследования качества поверхностных вод // Метеорология и гидрология. 1973. № 10. С. 73-81.Караушев А.В., Скакальский Б.Г. Проблемы мониторинга качества поверхностных вод суши // Проблемы современной гидрологии: сборник статей. Л.: Гидрометеоиздат, 1979. С. 94-105.Методические основы оценки и регламентирования антропогенного влияния на качество поверхностных вод / Под ред. А.В. Караушева. Л.: Гидрометеоиздат, 1987. 288 с.Румянцева Э.А., Бобровицкая Н.Н. Методика интегральной оценки многолетних изменений качества речного стока на примере р. Ворскла // Метеорология и гидрология. 2012. №5. С. 85-95.Румянцева Э.А., Бобровицкая Н.Н., Ильин Е.В. Новый подход к автоматизированному расчёту частичных объёмов речного стока разной степени загрязнения (на примере р. Селенга) // Метеорология и гидрология. 2014. №6. С. 51-60.Румянцева Э.А., Бобровицкая Н.Н. Загрязненный сток трансграничных рек на Юго-Востоке Украины, как индикатор угрозы экологической безопасности Ростовской области Российской Федерации при разработке на Украине сланцевого газа // Международные аспекты водного законодательства / Под общ. ред. Г.А. Карлова. М.: Издание Государственной Думы, 2015. С.46-52.Румянцева Э.А., Бобровицкая Н.Н., Сухоногова Е.С. Единая оценка количества и качества водного стока реки Сейм с помощью новой автоматизированной технологии // Гидросфера. Опасные процессы и явления. 2020.Т.2. Вып. 1. С. 53-70.Румянцева Э.А., Бобровицкая Н.Н. Характеристика качества стока рек России, трансграничных с Беларусью, Украиной и Казахстаном, и его связь с бассейновыми геосистемами // Гидросфера. Опасные процессы и явления. 2020. Т. 2. Вып. 2. С. 173-195. DOI: 10.34753/HS.2020.2.2.173.Скакальский Б.Г. Оценка качества речных вод // Методы расчёта речного стока: Международные высшие гидрологические курсы ЮНЕСКО при МГУ: в 2 частях. Часть 1. М.: изд. МГУ (МКГК ЮНЕСКО), 1980. С. 98-112.Смыжова Е.С. Оценка стока биогенных веществ с учётом особенностей гидрохимической информации: Автореф. дисс. … канд. геогр. наук. СПб., 2010. 27 с.Шелутко В.А., Колесникова Е.В, Смыжова Е.С. Вопросы оценки качества поверхностных вод по гидрохимическим данным // Материалы V Международной конференции «Экологические и гидрометеорологические проблемы больших городов и промышленных зон» (г. Санкт-Петербург, 7-9 июля 2010 г.). СПб.: Крисмас+, 2010. С. 30-39

    Methods of increasing the productivity of various varieties and hybrids of variegated alfalfa in the conditions of arable farming biologization

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    Two-year studies of variegated alfalfa (Medicago varia Mart.) of the following varieties and hybrids were carried out: Pastbischnaya 88, Taisia, Agnia VIC, 506 and SGP, as well as observations of their reaction to inoculation. Strains of nodule bacteria Sinorhizobium meliloti were used as inoculants: SHM1-105, 415, A-1, A-5, and a control variant without inoculation. As a result of research, it was revealed that the minimum length of stems in 2021 was fixed in the Pastbischnaya 88 + 415 variant, and amounted to 12.5 cm, in 2022 — Taisia with A1 and SHM1-105, 8.8 cm each. The maximum length of stems in 2021 was marked by a hybrid 506 in a combination of A1 and SHM1-105 strains, the indicator was 40.4 and 40.3, respectively, in 2022 — Agnia VIC + A5, 28 cm. In 2021, the Pastbischnaya 88 variety with the strain SHM1-105 turned out to be the most competitive, its share prevailed over the unseeded admixture, and reached 54.8%, in 2022 variant Agnia VIC + 415 was distinguished with this indicator, with a mass fraction of 65.45%. The positive effect of inoculation was revealed, the best symbiotic varietal microbial systems were determined. The strain of nodule bacteria 415 is marked by a complex effect on all varieties of variegated alfalfa. According to the yield of dry weight (3.3 t/ha on average), the Taisia variety and the SGP hybrid were distinguished

    Dust-holding capacity of tree plantation in the industrial area of Cherepovets, Russia

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    An important property of green spaces is the ability to capture dust particles from the atmosphere, thereby reducing its pollution. The main organs adsorbing dust are leaves, therefore, in this work, the dust-retaining capacity of woody plants was determined by leaves. These studies are relevant for the selection of an assortment of woody plants with increased dust-holding capacity for urban areas. The research work presents data on the dust-holding ability of the leaves of the following plant species of the industrial area of Cherepovets: Betula pendula, Crataegus sp., Quercus robur, Acer platanoides, Acer negundo, Tilia platyphyllos, Sorbus aucuparia, Malus sp., Cornus alba. To determine the amount of dust deposited by plant leaves, in the summer of 2022, leaf plates similar in morphology and age were collected in the industrial area of Cherepovets. According to the results of the study, the leaf surface has the highest dust-holding capacity of Betula pendula – 6.16 g/m2, the leaf surface of Sorbus aucuparia has the lowest dust-holding capacity is 0.87 g/m2

    Effect of Zinc Oxide Modification by Indium Oxide on Microstructure, Adsorbed Surface Species, and Sensitivity to CO

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    Additives in semiconductor metal oxides are commonly used to improve sensing behavior of gas sensors. Due to complicated effects of additives on the materials microstructure, adsorption sites and reactivity to target gases the sensing mechanism with modified metal oxides is a matter of thorough research. Herein, we establish the promoting effect of nanocrystalline zinc oxide modification by 1–7 at.% of indium on the sensitivity to CO gas due to improved nanostructure dispersion and concentration of active sites. The sensing materials were synthesized via an aqueous coprecipitation route. Materials composition, particle size and BET area were evaluated using X-ray diffraction, nitrogen adsorption isotherms, high-resolution electron microscopy techniques and EDX-mapping. Surface species of chemisorbed oxygen, OH-groups, and acid sites were characterized by probe molecule techniques and infrared spectroscopy. It was found that particle size of zinc oxide decreased and the BET area increased with the amount of indium oxide. The additive was observed as amorphous indium oxide segregated on agglomerated ZnO nanocrystals. The measured concentration of surface species was higher on In2O3-modified zinc oxide. With the increase of indium oxide content, the sensor response of ZnO/In2O3 to CO was improved. Using in situ infrared spectroscopy, it was shown that oxidation of CO molecules was enhanced on the modified zinc oxide surface. The effect of modifier was attributed to promotion of surface OH-groups and enhancement of CO oxidation on the segregated indium ions, as suggested by DFT in previous work

    Crystalline WO3 nanoparticles for No2 sensing

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    This study shows excellent NO2-sensing properties of tungsten oxide nanoparticles, prepared using a facile procedure which includes dissolution of metallic tungsten in hydrogen peroxide with subsequent low-temperature (400 °C) heating. We also conducted a thorough literature survey on sensor properties of tungsten oxide prepared by various means and found that the sensor response towards NO2 registered in this work achieved the highest level. The most intriguing feature of the material obtained was a highly reproducible sensor signal at room temperature which was more than 100 times higher than any reported previously for WO3. The probable reason for such high sensor response was the presence of two WO3 polymorphs (-WO3 and h-WO3) in the material synthesized using a peroxide-assisted route. In order to further investigate synthesizedWO3 materials, sophisticated experimental (XRD, SEM, TEM, BET) and theoretical (B3LYP, HSE) methods have been used, as well as resistance and sensor response measurements at various temperatures


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    The work is aimed at studying the genetic variety of strains of the legume bacteria of alfalfa by the plasmide, at the evaluating the stavility of its heredity and functional role. The theoretical justification of the evaluation of the strains-inoculants genetic stability and safety of use of the genetically-modified economy-valuable strains of the legume bacteria has been given. Studied has been 193 natural isolates of the alfalfa rhisobia by the plasmides, by symbiotic properties, culturally-biochemical signs. For the first time, the effective transconjugates, to be able to enter the symbiosis with the one-year and multi-year alfaalfa, the role of the plant-host as the ecologo-selective factor, facilitating the increase of the genetic variety of the strains-microsymbionts has been shown. Isolated has been strain 1774, to be able to enter the symbiosis with the one-year and multiyear alfalfa (deponed in the Institute). The tests of strain 1774 have been performed, the increase of the dry plants mass by 46% with respect to the control less inoculation has been obtained. The field of application: the genetico-selection work connected with legume bacteriaAvailable from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio

    Obituary for Prof. Dr. Alexander Gaskov

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    Professor Alexander Gaskov, our dear colleague, friend and teacher, passed away on January 18, 2021 from COVID-19 [...]

    Cognitive Duality of the Artistic Concept of Sea-Ocean in B. V. Shergin’s Short Stories

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    Artistic concepts are linguistic and cultural cognitive concepts processed by a particular author. As a result, they acquire the individuality in the text they belong to. In cultural linguistics, artistic concepts help to describe the individual style of an author as a linguistic personality. This article introduces the cognitive features of the binuclear concept of sea-ocean in B. V. Shergin’s short stories. Mythological universals and Russian mythology made it possible to distinguish additional shades of the concept under study, different from its traditional mythological content. The binuclear concept of sea-ocean proved to be a dual artistic concept. Its cores form an equipolar opposition, i.e., they all share the meaning of water space but differ in antonymic values, e.g., life / death, light / darkness, constancy / variability, creation / destruction, etc. These opposite meanings are not mutually exclusive: in fact, they are quite close. The duality is part of the etymology of lexemes ocean and sea: the former has the meaning of living water while the second contains the seme of death, i.e., dead water. In the mythological worldview of the Pomors, who inhabit the White Sea and Russian Arctic coasts, the sea-ocean is the primary matter in which the never-ending struggle of opposites gives birth to the new Universe, which then perishes and is reborn again. This matter is thought of as a living being. The biomorphic features of the concept are expressed through anthropomorphic and zoomorphic codes. The lexical and semantic field man is represented by such lexemes as old father, gray-haired old man, water king, fair judge, soul builder, musician, singer, etc. The lexical and semantic field animal is limited such lexemes as horse and polar bear