4 research outputs found

    Plasmatic levels (pg mL<sup>-1</sup>) hormones at studied affect group.

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    <p>Progesterone (A), cortisol (B), estradiol (C), and testosterone (D) throughout the reproductive phases (anestrus, proestrus, estrus, and diestrus) of golden retrievers control (CR), carrier of affected gene (CaGR) or GR affected by muscular dystrophy (AfGR). Different letters (a, b, c) above the bars indicate a significant difference between groups (p<0.05). Bars depict the mean, and whiskers depict SEM.</p

    Mass spectrometer MRM parameters optimized for the method.

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    <p>DP = Declustering Potential; CE = Collision Energy; CXP = Collision Cell Exit Potential; IS = Internal Standard</p><p>Mass spectrometer MRM parameters optimized for the method.</p

    PCA-DA score (left) and loading (right) plots for all serum samples studied.

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    <p>Data collection of CtGR: control golden retriever (data in blue); CaGR: carrier golden retriever (data in green), and AfGR: affected golden retriever (data in red). Each symbol represents an estrous phase: anestrus (circle), proestrus (square), estrus (rhombus), and diestrus (triangle).</p