6 research outputs found

    Different morphological aspects of the Montmaurin-LN mandible.

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    <p>a) Internal aspect of the symphysis, showing the fossa genioglossa; b) Left view of the mandible. Note the receding wall of the symphysis, the position of the mental foramen, the flat surface of the corpus and ramus, and the regular gonion profile; c) Detail of the mandible showing the medial position of the mandibular notch rim on the condylar process; d) Internal aspect of the right ramus. Note the low position of the mylohyoid line with regard to M3, the small but almost horizontal geometry of the retromolar area, the presence of a medial pterygoid tubercle (arrow), mandibular foramen (MF), the lingula (L), or the large distance between the end of the mylohyoid groove (MG) and M3. Scale bar in b, c, and d, is 2 cm.</p

    Measurements (in mm) of the mesiodistal (MD) and buccolingual (BL) dimensions of the permanent lower molars of the Montmaurin-LN, Mala Balanica (BH-1), Arago 2, Arago 1, and Mauer specimens, and descriptive statistics for these teeth from the Atapuerca-SH, Neandertals (except Krapina), and Krapina hominin samples.

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    <p>Measurements (in mm) of the mesiodistal (MD) and buccolingual (BL) dimensions of the permanent lower molars of the Montmaurin-LN, Mala Balanica (BH-1), Arago 2, Arago 1, and Mauer specimens, and descriptive statistics for these teeth from the Atapuerca-SH, Neandertals (except Krapina), and Krapina hominin samples.</p