4 research outputs found

    Маноимпедансометрическая диагностика функции пищевода у детей с диспепсией

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    Background. Introduction of new methods of diagnosing functional disorders of the upper gastrointestinal tract into children’s practice will reveal the true cause of changes in esophageal motility in its various pathologies, which will significantly change the treatment tactics, since the selection of therapy will be based on the pathogenetic mechanisms of disease development.Our aim was to highlight the capabilities and benefits of high-resolution mano-impedancemetry in comparison with esophagogastroduodenoscopy, which has been studied and used in pediatric practice for a long time, and to prove that only due to a new method for diagnosing esophageal motility disorders, it is possible to determine the cause of dyspeptic complaints in children.Patients and Methods. The results of our own examination of children aged from 7 to 17 years 11 months (n = 23) with clinical manifestations of functional disorders of the upper gastrointestinal tract have been presented.Results. According to the mano-impedancemetry data, it has been found that the time of the substrate in the esophagus (p<0.02) and the speed of its passage through the esophagus depend on the pressure in the distal esophagus: the lower the pressure in the distal esophagus, the lower the fluid flow rate and the higher the degree of its reflux (р<0.001). Decreased speed indicates hypotonia of the lower esophagus and lower esophageal sphincter, which provides only a correction by physiotherapeutic treatment methods since surgical intervention in such conditions is ineffective.Conclusion. The method of mano-impedancemetry allows to determine the indications for surgical treatment and to predict the efficacy of the conducted anti-reflux surgical correction.Обоснование. Внедрение в детскую практику новых методов диагностики функциональных нарушений верхних отделов желудочно-кишечного тракта позволит выявить истинную причину изменений моторики пищевода при различных его патологиях, что существенно изменит тактику лечения, так как подбор терапии будет основан на патогенетических особенностях развития заболевания.Цель исследования — осветить возможности и преимущества маноимпедансометрии высокого разрешения в сопоставлении с давно изученной и применяемой в детской практике эзофагогастродуоденоскопией и доказать, что только благодаря новому методу диагностики моторных нарушений пищевода можно определить причину возникновения диспепсических жалоб у детей.Методы. Представлены результаты собственного обследования детей в возрасте от 7 лет до 17 лет 11 мес (n=23) с клиническими проявления функциональных нарушений верхних отделов желудочно-кишечного тракта.Результаты. По данным маноимпедансометрии выявлено, что от давления в дистальном отделе пищевода зависят время нахождения субстрата в пищеводе (р<0,02) и скорость его прохождения по пищеводу: чем ниже давление в дистальном отделе, тем ниже скорость прохождения жидкости и выше степень ее заброса в пищевод (р<0,001). Сниженная скорость указывает на гипотонус нижнего отдела пищевода и нижнего пищеводного сфинктера, что предусматривает лишь корректировку физиотерапевтическими методами лечения, поскольку оперативное вмешательство при таких состояниях неэффективно.Заключение. Метод маноимпедансометрии позволяет определить показания к проведению оперативного лечения и спрогнозировать эффективность проводимой антирефлюксной хирургической коррекции

    Признаки поражения пищевода у детей со склеродермией по данным маноимпедансометрии: исследование серии случаев

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    Background. Currently, scleroderma is a rather rare disease, including among children. Despite the growing interest of investigators in this pathology, the problem of diagnosing oesophageal affection in various forms of systemic sclerosis remains under-investigated since endoscopic data does not provide a complete picture of the oesophageal function. Currently, mano-impedancemetry (MIP) is the leading method in Europe for determining the oesophageal function, including in children with scleroderma; in the Russian Federation, it is used only in adults. Proper and timely evaluation of the oesophageal motility state will allow not only to expand our understanding of the disease pathogenesis but also to determine the efficacy of the initiated therapy and to give practice suggestions in terms of treatment tactics in the early stages of the disease. Our aim was to determine the possibilities of mano-impedancemetry for diagnosing oesophageal affection in juvenile scleroderma. Patients and Methods. The study included children with juvenile scleroderma taken to the department of rheumatology and dermatology from June to August 2016. To identify oesophageal function disorders, all patients underwent high-resolution manometry in combination with impedancemetry. Results. A decrease in the distal oesophageal contraction amplitude in more than 30% of “wet” swallows was found in 2 of 7 children with juvenile systemic scleroderma and in one of 6 children with juvenile focal scleroderma. All 13 patients had peristaltic waves in the distal oesophagus with an amplitude of <30 mm Hg. They had interrupted peristalsis, in which the peristaltic wave did not go through the entire length of the oesophagus; one of these patients showed a simultaneous contraction with an amplitude of <30 mm Hg. All children (n=13) showed a positive correlation (r= 0.021) between the systemic disease and impaired motility (р=0.021). Conclusion. Despite the clinical and laboratory methods for diagnosing scleroderma, the data of oesophageal mano-impedancemetry is an important criterion, primarily for the differential diagnosis of systemic and focal scleroderma, and assists in the early initiation of therapy for oesophageal motility disorders.Marina Ju. Stepanyan, Ekaterina I. Alexeeva, Elena V. Komarova confirmed the absence of a reportable conflict of interest.Ekaterina I. Alexeeva — receiving research grants from Pfizer, Roche, Centocor, Novartis.Nikolay N. Murashkin — receiving research funding from pharmaceutical companies Jansen, Eli Lilly. Receiving fees for scientific advice from Galderma, Pierre Fabre, Bayer, Astellas, Libriderm.Актуальность. В настоящее время склеродермия остается достаточно редким, в том числе среди детей, заболеванием. Тем не менее интерес исследователей к данной патологии возрастает, поскольку диагностика поражения пищевода при различных формах системного склероза достаточно проблематична, а результаты эндоскопического исследования не отображают полной картины функции пищевода. На современном этапе метод маноимпедансометрии для определения функции пищевода, в том числе у детей со склеродермией, является ведущим в Европе, однако на территории Российской Федерации применяется только у взрослых. Правильная и своевременная оценка моторного состояния пищевода позволит не только расширить наши представления о патогенезе заболевания, но и определить эффективность начатой терапии и выработать практические рекомендации относительно тактики лечения уже на ранних этапах развития заболевания. Цель исследования — определить возможности маноимпедансометрии для диагностики поражений пищевода при ювенильной склеродермии. Методы. В исследование включены 13 детей с ювенильной склеродермией, госпитализированных в отделения ревматологии и дерматологии в период с июня по август 2016 г. Всем пациентам с целью выявления функциональных нарушений пищевода выполнена манометрия высокого разрешения в сочетании с импедансометрией. Результаты. Снижение амплитуды сокращений в дистальном отделе пищевода более чем в 30% «влажных» глотков обнаружено у 2 из 7 детей с ювенильной системной склеродермией и у 1 из 6 с ювенильной очаговой склеродермией. У всех пациентов выявлены перистальтические волны в дистальном отделе пищевода амплитудой <30 мм рт.ст., а также непроведенная перистальтика, при которой перистальтическая волна не проходит всю длину пищевода; у 1/13 — одновременное сокращение с амплитудой <30 мм рт.ст. У всех детей выявлена положительная корреляция между системным вариантом заболевания и нарушением перистальтики (р=0,021). Заключение. Благодаря методу маноимпедансометрии верифицируются моторные нарушения пищевода, что обеспечивает пациенту своевременную и соответствующую медицинскую помощь.Е.И. Алексеева — получение грантов на проведение исследований от компаний Pfizer, Roche, Centocor, Novartis.М.Ю. Степанян, Е.В. Комарова подтвердили отсутствие конфликта интересов, о котором необходимо сообщить.Н.Н. Мурашкин — получение исследовательских грантов от фармацевтических компаний Jansen, Eli Lilly. Получение гонораров за научное консультирование от компаний Galderma, Pierre Fabre, Bayer, Astellas, Libriderm

    Mano-Impedancemetric Diagnosis of Esophageal Function in Children With Dyspepsia

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    Background. Introduction of new methods of diagnosing functional disorders of the upper gastrointestinal tract into children’s practice will reveal the true cause of changes in esophageal motility in its various pathologies, which will significantly change the treatment tactics, since the selection of therapy will be based on the pathogenetic mechanisms of disease development.Our aim was to highlight the capabilities and benefits of high-resolution mano-impedancemetry in comparison with esophagogastroduodenoscopy, which has been studied and used in pediatric practice for a long time, and to prove that only due to a new method for diagnosing esophageal motility disorders, it is possible to determine the cause of dyspeptic complaints in children.Patients and Methods. The results of our own examination of children aged from 7 to 17 years 11 months (n = 23) with clinical manifestations of functional disorders of the upper gastrointestinal tract have been presented.Results. According to the mano-impedancemetry data, it has been found that the time of the substrate in the esophagus (p<0.02) and the speed of its passage through the esophagus depend on the pressure in the distal esophagus: the lower the pressure in the distal esophagus, the lower the fluid flow rate and the higher the degree of its reflux (р<0.001). Decreased speed indicates hypotonia of the lower esophagus and lower esophageal sphincter, which provides only a correction by physiotherapeutic treatment methods since surgical intervention in such conditions is ineffective.Conclusion. The method of mano-impedancemetry allows to determine the indications for surgical treatment and to predict the efficacy of the conducted anti-reflux surgical correction

    Symptoms of Oesophageal Affection in Children With Scleroderma According to Mano-Impedancemetry: A Case Series

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    Background. Currently, scleroderma is a rather rare disease, including among children. Despite the growing interest of investigators in this pathology, the problem of diagnosing oesophageal affection in various forms of systemic sclerosis remains under-investigated since endoscopic data does not provide a complete picture of the oesophageal function. Currently, mano-impedancemetry (MIP) is the leading method in Europe for determining the oesophageal function, including in children with scleroderma; in the Russian Federation, it is used only in adults. Proper and timely evaluation of the oesophageal motility state will allow not only to expand our understanding of the disease pathogenesis but also to determine the efficacy of the initiated therapy and to give practice suggestions in terms of treatment tactics in the early stages of the disease. Our aim was to determine the possibilities of mano-impedancemetry for diagnosing oesophageal affection in juvenile scleroderma. Patients and Methods. The study included children with juvenile scleroderma taken to the department of rheumatology and dermatology from June to August 2016. To identify oesophageal function disorders, all patients underwent high-resolution manometry in combination with impedancemetry. Results. A decrease in the distal oesophageal contraction amplitude in more than 30% of “wet” swallows was found in 2 of 7 children with juvenile systemic scleroderma and in one of 6 children with juvenile focal scleroderma. All 13 patients had peristaltic waves in the distal oesophagus with an amplitude of <30 mm Hg. They had interrupted peristalsis, in which the peristaltic wave did not go through the entire length of the oesophagus; one of these patients showed a simultaneous contraction with an amplitude of <30 mm Hg. All children (n=13) showed a positive correlation (r= 0.021) between the systemic disease and impaired motility (р=0.021). Conclusion. Despite the clinical and laboratory methods for diagnosing scleroderma, the data of oesophageal mano-impedancemetry is an important criterion, primarily for the differential diagnosis of systemic and focal scleroderma, and assists in the early initiation of therapy for oesophageal motility disorders.Marina Ju. Stepanyan, Ekaterina I. Alexeeva, Elena V. Komarova confirmed the absence of a reportable conflict of interest.Ekaterina I. Alexeeva — receiving research grants from Pfizer, Roche, Centocor, Novartis.Nikolay N. Murashkin — receiving research funding from pharmaceutical companies Jansen, Eli Lilly. Receiving fees for scientific advice from Galderma, Pierre Fabre, Bayer, Astellas, Libriderm