679 research outputs found

    Beatrice Seligardi, Ellissi dello sguardo. Pathosformeln dell’inespressività femminile dalla cultura visuale alla letteratura

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    Review of the book Ellissi dello sguardo. Pathosformeln dell’inespressività femminile dalla cultura visuale alla letteratura by Beatrice Seligardi. Recensione del libro di Beatrice Seligardi Ellissi dello sguardo. Pathosformeln dell’inespressività femminile dalla cultura visuale alla letteratura

    Monica Farnetti, Sorelle. Storia letteraria di una relazione

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    Review of Monica Farnetti's Sorelle. Storia letteraria di una relazione.Recensione di Sorelle. Storia letteraria di una relazione di Monica Farnetti.&nbsp

    Open Access e riviste: prime riflessioni. Il caso «Enthymema»

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    This article aims to propose a number of initial reflections on the impact of open access publications in the field of literary criticism and comparative literature.Starting from Paola Castellucci’s recent publication (Carte del nuovo mondo. Banche dati e Open Access, 2017), the article will discuss the concepts of “ownership” of the intellectual product and the editorial models of academic publications.  These points for reflection are also “put to the test” for an Open Access online journal.  The first publishing experience is «Enthymema»  which opens the dialogue in the voice of its Editor-in-Chief, Stefania Sini.Open Access e ricerca sono oggi due termini complementari del discorso scientifico. Nel corso di un periodo relativamente breve le modalità del lavoro di ricerca si sono radicalmente rinnovate, aprendo prospettive fino a poco tempo fa non prevedibili nell’ambito della fruizione dei prodotti di ricerca, della loro gestione, pubblicazione e disseminazione. Obiettivo di questo articolo è proporre una serie di prime riflessioni sull’impatto delle pubblicazioni ad accesso aperto nel settore della critica letteraria e della letteratura comparata. A partire dalla recente pubblicazione di Paola Castellucci (Carte del nuovo mondo. Banche dati e Open Access, 2017) vengono presentati alcuni temi relativi ai concetti di “proprietà” del prodotto intellettuale, di modelli editoriali e di pubblicazioni accademiche. Gli spunti di riflessione vengono inoltre “verificati” nel confronto con una rivista online Open Access. La prima realtà editoriale con cui «Between» apre il dialogo è «Enthymema» nella voce della direttrice responsabile, Stefania Sini

    L’esperienza di «Arabeschi». Con un’intervista a Stefania Rimini e Maria Rizzarelli

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    L'articolo propone alcune riflessioni sull'impatto delle pubblicazioni open access nell'ambito dei visual studies, cultural studies e della critica letteraria. L'esperienza della rivista «Arabeschi» verrà analizzata insieme alle codirettrici Stefania Rimini e Maria Rizzarelli.

    Helena Sanson (ed.), Women and Translation in the Italian Tradition

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    Review of Women and Translation in the Italian Tradition edited by Helena Sanson.Recensione del libro Women and Translation in the Italian Tradition a cura di Helena Sanson

    Mappe transizionali in Shadow Lines. Response a Silvia Albertazzi

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    My response to Silvia Albertazzi’s paper on The Shadow Lines by Amitav Ghosh focuses on a key element of the discourse: the function and use of the map in the definition of subjectivity. The first step I take is to identify the presence of a relationship between the individual subject and that of the collective in Ghosh’s novel. From there forward, the relationship between real and imaginary becomes critical to the analysis of the question of the construction of the self in the narrator.The real/imaginary dichotomy acquires meaning when placed in contact with the notion of the borders lying between the external world and the internal world.The concept of the Transitional Object developed by Donald W. Winnicott is used in this context to formulate the hypothesis of representation in the Ghosh’s novel, of transitional maps which facilitate the passage of the character of the internal world (the self) to the external world (the non-me).Using maps such as these, the narrative representation of the connection between internal space and external space contributes to the literary construction of the physical features of the individual subject.My response to Silvia Albertazzi’s paper on The Shadow Lines by Amitav Ghosh focuses on a key element of the discourse: the function and use of the map in the definition of subjectivity.The first step I take is to identify the presence of a relationship between the individual subject and that of the collective in Ghosh’s novel. From there forward, the relationship between real and imaginary becomes critical to the analysis of the question of the construction of the self in the narrator.The real/imaginary dichotomy acquires meaning when placed in contact with the notion of the borders lying between the external world and the internal world.The concept of the Transitional Object developed by Donald W. Winnicott is used in this context to formulate the hypothesis of representation in the Ghosh’s novel, of transitional maps which facilitate the passage of the character of the internal world (the self) to the external world (the non-me).Using maps such as these, the narrative representation of the connection between internal space and external space contributes to the literary construction of the physical features of the individual subject

    Ripensare Babele. Gli anni di Sandro Maxia comparatista

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    Ricordo di Sandro Maxia, docente di Letterature moderne comparate all'UniversitĂ  di Cagliari

    Alessandra Diazzi, Alvise Sforza Tarabochia (eds.), The Years of Alienation in Italy. Factory and Asylum Between the Economic Miracle and the Years of Lead

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    Review of the book The Years of Alienation in Italy. Factory and Asylum Between the Economic Miracle and the Years of Lead edited by Alessandra Diazzi and Alvise Sforza Tarabochia.Recensione del libro The Years of Alienation in Italy. Factory and Asylum Between the Economic Miracle and the Years of Lead a cura di Alessandra Diazzi and Alvise Sforza Tarabochia

    Riviste online e ipotesi di multimedialità, l’elefante e il castello

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    This article aims to propose a reflection on the impact of open access publications in the field of literary criticism and comparative literature. The case study proposed is the publishing experience of the Open Access Journal «Elephant & Castle».  This article aims to propose a reflection on the impact of open access publications in the field of literary criticism and comparative literature. The case study proposed is the publishing experience of the Open Access Journal «Elephant & Castle».
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