3 research outputs found
Assessment of Some Trace Chemical Elements in Cajío Beach Peloid Using Nuclear Analytical Techniques
A peloid is a maturated mud or muddy dispersion with healing and/or cosmetic properties, composed of a complex mixture of fine-grained natural materials of geologic and/or biologic origin, mineral water or seawater, and common organic compounds from biological metabolic activity. Cajio beach peloid is a traditional peloid of the south coast of Güira de Melena municipality located in Artemisa province, Cuba. The peloid is a sea mud, used in situ, by the population of the locality. The present study has tree aims: ones is to determine trace chemical elements content (Sc, Cs, La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Tm, Yb, Hf, Ta, Th and U). The second aim is to determine natural (226Ra, 238U, 232Th, 210Pb, 40K) and the anthropogenic (137Cs) radionuclides in the peloid. Finally, to assess the level of contamination and radiological risk for the users of the peloid therapeutic practices
Atmospheric pollution assessment with mosses in Western Rhodopes, Bulgaria
The moss analysis technique was applied to monitor 10 heavy metals and toxic elements deposition. Our study was the first attempt to assess spatial patterns in a border mountain region (area 8732 km2) with a low population density and high proportion of protected territories. The obtained results did not correlate to the results from areas with low air pollution and could be linked to the impact of old and open mines