96 research outputs found

    Book review of: Computer Age Statistical Inference: Algorithms, Evidence, and Data Science by Bradley Efron and Trevor Hastie

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    Book review of: Computer Age Statistical Inference: Algorithms, Evidence, and Data Science by Bradley Efron and Trevor Hastie, Cambridge University Press, 2016, Series: Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monographs (5), 495pp., ISBN13: 9781107149892, ISBN10: 1107149894, Online ISBN: 9781316576533, DOI:10.1017/CBO978131657653

    Measuring the Stability of University Rankings in the Field of Education

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    The stability of ranking entities is one of the majorly discussed topics when concerning the ranking methodology. It is an important property which increases rankings reliability and credibility. Ranking of universities is, among others, an often examined topic in the terms of its stability, making the researchers worldwide agree that a statistically solid and firm ranking of universities is needed. This paper provides the stability analysis of the particular subject of the QS (Quacquarelli Symonds) World University Rankings compared to the University Ranking by Academic Performance (URAP). Namely, institutions that rank universities have turned the alertness from global academic rankings to more particular rankings in given scientific fields. In this paper, we particularly chose the field of Education, as one of the major factors that contribute to general well-being. We conducted the uncertainty and sensitivity analysis on the QS and URAP rankings in the field of Education to analyze the effects of their weighting schemes. The main goal of this paper is to compare the stability of QS and URAP ranking methodologies. Furthermore, we propose a Composite I-distance Indicator(CIDI) methodology as a tool for implementing the distinguishing innovations into the ranking methodology, in order to provide a more stable and solid ranking lists. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Usporedba ex catedra i računalno potpomognutih metoda i tehnika poučavanja: politika nastavne prakse

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    Teaching at higher education institutions in Serbia still relies on traditional ‘ex catedra’ methods and is mostly based on acquiring factual knowledge, which discourages student participation in the learning process, as well as any initiative on their part. The aim of the paper is to point to the implementation of the traditional ‘ex catedra’ versus the use of IT-supported teaching methods and techniques. The underlying idea is that professors’ abilities depend on their familiarity with different teaching methods and techniques, their knowledge of a foreign language, and the use of ICT. The data analysis has confirmed that teachers do differ from each other with respect to their academic titles: senior teachers (associate and full professors) use traditional methods more frequently than younger teachers do. In general, all teachers should incorporate modern trends into their teaching styles, since traditional teaching methods and techniques are used more often than IT-supported ones.Na visokoškolskim institucijama u Srbiji poučavanje se još uvijek oslanja na tradicionalne ex catedra metode, većinom se temelji na usvajanju činjeničnoga znanja, čime se studenti obeshrabruju od sudjelovanja u procesu učenja i poduzimanja inicijative. Cilj ovoga rada jest uputiti na upotrebu tradicionalnog ex catedra poučavanja u usporedbi s računalno potpomognutim metodama i tehnikama poučavanja. Smatra se da sposobnosti nastavnika ovise o njihovu poznavanju različitih metoda i tehnika poučavanja, znanja stranoga jezika i upotrebe informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologija. Analiza rezultata potvrdila je da se nastavnici međusobno razlikuju s obzirom na akademska zvanja: iskusniji nastavnici (izvanredni i redoviti profesori) češće se koriste tradicionalnim metodama od njihovih mlađih kolega. Općenito, svi bi nastavnici trebali uključiti moderne trendove u svoje stilove poučavanja, s obzirom na to da se tradicionalne metode i tehnike koriste češće od onih računalno potpomognutih

    Nezaposlenost mladih - stavovi srednjoškolaca prema traženju posla

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    The aim of this research is to assess secondary school students' attitudes toward seeking employment. The sample consists of students with disabilities (mild intellectual disability, deaf and hard of hearing), and typically developing students who attend a three - year secondary school. Negative attitudes of typically developing students affect the external locus of control which limits the activities related to finding jobs. These attitudes make them feel less efficient and more helpless and anxious. Somewhat more positive attitudes of students with deaf and hard of hearing are directed towards getting professional help and learning employment seeking skills. We cannot precisely determine the attitudes of students with MID from statistical parameters, which indicates their lack of independence and need for organized support.Cilj istraživanja je proceniti stavove učenika stručnih škola prema traženju posla. Uzorak čine učenici sa ometenošću (sa lakom intelektualnom ometenošću, gluvi i nagluvi) i učenici opšte populacije, koji završavaju III stepen stručne škole. U cilju utvrđivanja značajnosti odnosa između nezavisnih (pol, ometenost) i parametrijskih zavisnih varijabli (stavovi) korišćeni su neparametrijski testovi (χ2 Test, Kruskal Wallis Test) i koeficijent korelacije. Negativni stavovi učenika opšte populacije deluju na spoljašnji lokus kontrole, koji ograničava aktivnosti traženja posla, čini ih manje efikasnim, a više bespomoćnim i anksioznim. Pozitivniji odnosi gluvih i nagluvih učenika prema traženju posla utiču na unutrašnji lokus kontrole, koji podstiče angažovanost i upornost u traženju posla. Statistički indikatori nisu jasno odredili stav učenika sa lakom intelektualnom ometenošću prema traženju posla

    Evaluacija radne uspešnosti osoba sa ometenošću u zaštitnim radionicama

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    The aim of professional rehabilitation of persons with mental disabilities is, according to their interests and abilities, to habilitate them to perform certain tasks in order to find job more easily, achieve maximum performance and satisfaction in work. Therefore, training must be properly carried out, and feedback on performance can be obtained only by doing our best to assess the acquired skills and knowledge in the workplace. The aim of our study is to evaluate the performance and behavior in the work of people with intellectual disability (N=25) and deaf people (N=25). The instrument that we used in the study is the Scale of assessment of performance and behavior at work (Andrejevic, 1992). The method of descriptive statistics (frequency), non-parametric methods (Kruskal-Wallis test) and measures of correlation were used for statistical analysis. The results showed that the type of disability, gender and age were not statistically significant for success in performing tasks, as well as in the social integration in the workplace. It was found that the communication does not correlate with the items which are related to the attitudes to occupation, the trainers (boss, manager) and diligence in the execution of tasks. The lack of communication with superiors, dedication to work and a negative attitude towards the occupation is probably a consequence of a failed business of protective workshops and low salaries.Cilj profesionalne rehabilitacije osoba ometenih u razvoju je da se u skladu sa svojim interesovanjima i sposobnostima osposobe za obavljanje određenih poslova, kako bi se lakše zaposlili, ostvarili maksimalni radni učinak i zadovoljstvo u radu. Zbog toga, trening mora biti kvalitetno sproveden, a povratnu informaciju o uspešnosti možemo dobiti jedino tako što ćemo izvršiti procenu stečenih veština i znanja na samom radnom mestu. Cilj našeg istraživanja da procenimo uspešnost i ponašanje u radu osoba sa intelektualnom ometenošću (N=25) i gluvih osoba (N=25). Instrument koji smo koristili u istraživanju je Skala procene uspešnosti i ponašanja u radu (Andrejević, 1992). U statističkoj obradi podataka koristili smo metodu deskriptivne statistike (frekventnost), neparametrijske metode (Kruskal-Wallis test) i mere korelacije. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da vrsta ometenosti, pol i godine života nisu statistički značajne za uspeh u obavljanju radnih zadataka, kao ni u socijalnoj integraciji u radnoj sredini. Utvrđeno je da komunikacija ne korelira sa ajtemima koji se tiču odnosa prema zanimanju, instruktoru (šefu, direktoru) i zalaganju u izvršenju zadataka. Izostanak komunikacije sa nadređenima, zalaganja u radu i negativan odnos prema zanimanju je, verovatno, posledica neuspešnog poslovanja zaštitne radionice i niskih ličnih dohodaka

    Odnos samopoštovanja i sociodemografskih karakteristika učenika sa lakom intelektualnom ometenošću

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    Numerous studies from recent literature indicate a significant impact of self-esteem on experiences related to teaching and learning, as well as the later success in work and life. The aim of this paper is to examine the association between socio-demographic variables of secondary school students with mild intellectual disability (gender, type of family environment, IQ, general academic achievement, work field, professional level for which they are being trained, mark in practical training) with the level of general self-esteem. The sample consists of 120 participants of both genders, category of mild intellectual disability (51 to 70 IQ) who are professionally trained in five field of work at second and third level of education. To assess general self-esteem, there was used the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale; Rosenberg, 1965, 1979. The obtained results determined that a statistically significant difference in the global selfesteem doesn't exist only in relation to gender and type of family environment, whereas in other sociodemographic variables extremely high. In analyzing the obtained results is highlighted the importance of self-esteem and potential of schools in developing self-confident behavior of students with the intellectual disability.Brojne studije iz novije literature upućuju na značajan uticaj samopoštovanja na iskustva vezana za nastavu i učenje, kao i kasniju uspešnost u radu i životu. Cilj rada je da ispita povezanost sociodemografskih varijabli srednjoškolaca sa lakom intelektualnom ometenošću (pol, tip životnog aranžmana, koeficijent inteligencije, opšti školski uspeh, područje rada, stepen obrazovanja, ocena sa praktične nastave) sa nivoom opšteg samopoštovanja. Uzorak čini 120 ispitanika, oba pola koji pripadaju kategoriji lake intelektualne ometenosti (51 do 70 IQ) i koji se profesionalno osposobljavaju za rad u pet područja rada drugog i trećeg stepena stučnosti. Za procenu opšteg samopoštovanja, korišćena je Rosenbergova skala samopoštovanja (Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (SES); Rosenberg, 1965,1979). Prema dobijenim rezultatima utvrđeno je da statistički značajna razlika u globalnom samopoštovanju ne postoji jedino u odnosu na pol i tip životnog aranžmana, dok je u ostalim sociodemografskim varijablama izuzetno velika.U analizi dobijenih rezultata istaknut je značaj samopoštovanja i potencijal škole u razvoju samouvažavajućeg i samopouzdanog ponašanja kod učenika sa intelektualnom ometenošću

    Radna angažovanost srednjoškolaca na praktičnoj nastavi

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    The current interest in introducing the dual education system into Serbian secondary education has drawn our attention to the question of students' self-perception in the process of practical teaching. The idea that underpins this paper is the supposition that students are affectively engaged with the work activities they perform. The Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) (Schaufeli et al., 2002) has been used for assessing students' work engagement in practical teaching. A study was conducted to examine the differences between high school students with mild intellectual disabilities and those with typical development with regard to aspects of work engagement defined as Energy, Commitment and Absorption. The sample was comprised of 248 students of vocational high schools in Serbia of both genders, of whom 111 with intellectual disabilities and 137 with typical development. The findings indicate that students with mild intellectual disabilities tend to rate their engagement in practical teaching more positively (t=7,457; p=0,001) than students with typical development. The paper provides a detailed analysis of the pedagogical implications of these findings and also outlines the limitations of the study, thus pointing the way for future research on this or related issues.Trenutna aktuelnost uvođenja dualnog modela srednjeg stručnog obrazovanja u naš školski sistem usmerila je našu pažnju na pitanje samopercepcije srednjoškolaca u procesu realizacije praktične nastave. Idejno utemeljenje ovog rada zasniva se na pretpostavci o afektivnoj povezanosti učenika sa radnim aktivnostima koje obavljaju. Za procenu radne angažovanosti učenika na praktičnoj nastavi primenjena je skala radne angažovanosti (Utrecht Work Engagement Scale - UWES) (Schaufeli et al., 2002). Cilj realizovanog istraživanja je bio da se ispitaju razlike između srednjoškolaca sa lakom intelektualnom ometenošću i učenika tipičnog razvoja u aspektima radne angažovanosti koji su definisani kao energija, posvećenost i apsorpcija. Uzorkom je obuhvaćeno ukupno 248 učenika oba pola, 111 ispitanika s intelektualnom ometenošću i 137 učenika tipičnog razvoja koji pohađaju srednje stručne škole u Srbiji. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da učenici sa lakom intelektualnom ometenošću pozitivnije od učenika tipičnog razvoja ocenjuju svoj rad na praktičnoj nastavi (t=7,457; p=0,001). U radu su detaljnije analizirane pedagoške implikacije rezultata istraživanja, a navedena su i ograničenja realizovanog istraživanja, čime se ukazuje na pravac budućih istraživačkih pokušaja u okviru iste ili srodne tematike

    Profesionalna orijentacija učenika sa intelektualnom ometenošću

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    Professional orientation of people with intellectual disabilities realizes its phases during one-year vocational training. It is a transition period of schooling, specifically designed for high school teaching system intellectually disabled students. Assistance and support to the student and his family, to choose the appropriate profession, is given on the basis of systematic assessment of professional multidisciplinary team. Harmonization of necessary students' skills with the requirements of a certain profession is done by coordinating activities, measurements and engaging of all participants in this long process, which minimize fault in the professional orientation. Conclusion on the further education and professional training is made by a joint decision of the Commission for professional orientation, which directs the students in that occupation in which there is most likely to achieve their best, to get job easier and achieve satisfaction in work and life.Profesionalna orijentacija osoba sa intelektualnom ometenošću svoje faze realizuje tokom Jednogodišnjeg osposobljavanja za rad. To je tranzicioni period školovanja, specifično koncipiran za srednjoškolski vaspitno - obrazovni sistem intelektualno ometenih učenika. Na osnovu stručnih sistematskih procena multidisciplinarnog tima pruža se pomoć i podrška učeniku i njegovoj porodici da izaberu adekvatno zanimanje. Koordiniranim aktivnostima, merama i angažovanjem svih učesnika ovog dugotrajnog procesa vrši se usklađivanje neophodnih sposobnosti učenika sa zahtevima određenog zanimanja čime se minimalizuju greška u profesionalnoj orijentaciji. Konkluzija o daljem toku školovanja i profesionalnom osposobljavanju donosi se zajedničkom odlukom Komisije za profesionalnu orijentaciju koja usmerava učenika u ono zanimanje u kome ima najveće izglede da ostvari svoj maksimum, lakše se zaposli i postigne zadovoljstvo u radu i životu

    Work ability of students with mild intellectual disability

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    Funkcionalna procena radne sposobnosti osoba sa intelektualnom ometenošću predstavlja specifičan proces tokom kojeg se razmatraju potencijali i ograničenja osobe sa intelektualnom ometenošću u kontekstu razvoja i definisanja odgovaraju- ćih profesionalnih ciljeva. Cilj rada je da utvrdi odnos radnih sposobnosti i nivoa intelektualnog funkcio- nisanja učenika sa lakom intelektualnom ometenošću (LIO) koji se profesionalno osposobljavaju za rad. Uzorkom je obuhvaćeno 120 ispitanika oba pola, čiji se količnik inteligencije kreće od 51 do 70 IQ jedinica. Uzorak je podeljen na grupu sa višim (IQ 61-70) i nižim nivoom intelektualnog funkcionisanja (IQ 51-60). Rezultati primene adaptiranog instrumenta „Upitnik za procenu radnih spo- sobnosti“ (Questionary for assessment of working abilities) ukazuju na to da po- stoje statistički značajne razlike između ispitanika različitog nivoa intelektualnog funkcionisanja (t=-5,14; p=0,000). Ispitanici koji pripadaju gornjoj granici lake intelektualne ometenosti ostvarili su više vrednosti na ajtemima koji se odnose na obavljanje složenih radnih zahteva, sposobnosti učenja novih radnih operacija i na- predovanja u sticanju radnih veština. Takođe, oni su ostvarili više skorove u stavka- ma koje se odnose na fleksibilnost tokom rada, radnu produktivnosti, način na koji koriste nezavisno vreme tokom pauza u radu ili odmora i poštovanje standarda bezbednosti tokom rada. Dobijeni rezultati potvrđuju potrebu za individualizacijom pristupa učenicima sa LIO tokom procesa profesionalnog osposobljavanja i planiranja različitih mode- la zapošljavanja.Functional assessment of working abilities of persons with intellectual disabilities is a specific process in which their potentials and limitations are considered in the context of developing and defining appropriate professional goals. The aim of this paper is to determine the relation between work ability and the level of intellectual functioning in students with mild intellectual disability (MID) undergoing vocational training. The sample consists of 120 examinees of both genders, whose intelligence quotient ranges from 51 to 70 IQ units. The sample is divided in a group with higher (IQ 61-70) and a lower level of intellectual functioning (IQ 51-60). The results of the adapted Questionnaire for assessment of working abilities indicate a statistically significant difference between the examinees with different levels of intellectual functioning (t=-5.14; p=0.000). The examinees within the upper level of mild intellectual disabilities achieved higher scores on items related to complex work performance, ability to learn new working procedures and to progress in acquiring working skills. Also, they achieved higher scores on items related to flexibility while working, working productivity, ways to utilize free time during work breaks or rest, and respecting safety standards at work. The results confirm the need for individualization of the approach to students with MID during the process of vocational training and planning of different models of employment