11 research outputs found


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    Modern web applications, due to the functionalities they provide in their user interfaces, have a complex program structure. Manually writing a program code, due to the complexity of the entire application, can result in uneven quality and content of individual application parts. Maintaining such developed applications is more difficult. Because of this, web applications are often developed by using different frameworks. A framework allows structuring, simpler and more uniform program script writing, and thus easier web application maintenance. There are various frameworks that can be used in the development of web applications, for different parts of the application. Those analyzed in this paper are used in the development of front end parts of web applications. According to their design, a web application can be developed as the Multi Page (MPA) or the Single Page (SPA). This paper explains the difference between MPA and SPA web applications. The advantages and disadvantages of MPA are demonstrated in relation to SPA web applications. Required characteristics that the framework should have in order to be optimized for creating MPA and SPA web applications are set. The hypothesis has been tested: There is a framework that is optimized for the development of both MPA and SPA applications. Possibilities, architecture and development techniques of a web application using front end frameworks, as well as the suitability of such frameworks for the development of MPA and SPA web applications have been analysed. Choosing a framework for the hypothesis testing has been performed based on the popularity of available frameworks. The required characteristics have been analyzed on the three most popular frameworks: Angular, Vue.js and React-js. It has been shown that the Vue.js framework is the most optimized framework for the development of both MPA and SPA applications.Moderne web-aplikacije, zbog funkcionalnosti koje omogućuju u korisničkom sučelju, imaju složenu programsku strukturu. Ručno pisanje programskog koda zbog složenosti cijele aplikacije može rezultirati neujednačenom kvalitetom i sadržajem pojedinih aplikacijskih djelova. Održavanje tako razvijanih aplikacija otežano je. Zbog toga se web-aplikacije često razvijaju korištenjem različitih frameworka. Framework omogućuje strukturiranje, jednostavnije i ujednačenije pisanje programskog koda, te time olakšava održavanje web-aplikacije. Postoji puno frameworka koji se mogu koristiti u razvoju web-aplikacija, i to za različite dijelove aplikacije, a oni analizirani u ovom radu koriste se u razvoju front end dijela web-aplikacije. Prema načinu izvođenja webaplikacije mogu biti Multi Page (MPA) ili Single Page (SPA). U radu je objašnjena različitost između MPA i SPA web-aplikacija. Pokazane su prednosti i nedostatci MPA u odnosu na SPA web-aplikacije. Postavljene su zahtijevane karakteristike frameworka koji je optimiziran za izradu MPA i SPA web-aplikacija. Testirana je hipoteza: Postoji framework koji je prilagođen za izradu i MPA i SPA aplikacija. Analizirane su mogućnosti, arhitektura i načini razvoja web-aplikacija pomoću front end frameworka te prilagođenost takvih frameworka za razvoj MPA i SPA web-aplikacija. Izvršen je odabir frameworka za testiranje hipoteze prema popularnosti na tržištu. Zahtijevane karakteristike analizirane su na 3 najpopularnija frameworka: Angular, Vue.js i React-js. Pokazano je da je Vue.js framework najoptimiziraniji framework za izradu i MPA i SPA aplikacija


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    Content Management Systems (CMS) are often used for website development. Websites are targets of various malicious attackers, and therefore it is necessary to be familiar with the security level of websites.The paper describes some basic features of the well-known open source CMS platforms: WordPress, Joomla and Drupal. It also explains the ten most common web vulnerabilities. Web vulnerability testing has been carried out by means of various software tools. The basic installations of the CMS systems have been tested. After having tested each web vulnerability, a possible additional web security measurement for each CMS is indicated. The web vulnerabilities which cannot be directly affected by the CMS security settings have been explained. It has been shown that the basic installations of the CMSs fail to ensure safety requirements due to irresistance to some threats. Necessary software tools for the tested CMSs have been specified in order to ensure the resistance to threats which have not been provided in the basic installation of the tested CMSs. A questionnaire has been developed for the purpose of examining the security level on the websites of business entities in Croatia, and a survey has been conducted in Croatian business entities engaged in computer science, accounting and industry.Za razvoj web-sjedišta danas se često koriste CMS-ovi. Web-sjedišta meta su raznim malicioznim napadačima, stoga je potrebno poznavati razinu sigurnosti web-sjedišta i postaviti maksimalnu moguću razinu sigurnosti. U radu su prikazane osnovne značajke poznatijih CMS-ova u otvorenom pristupu Wordpress, Joomla i Drupal. Objašnjeno je deset najčešćih web-ranjivosti. Izvršeno je testiranje web-ranjivosti pomoću različitih programskih alata. Testirane su osnovne instalacije CMS-ova. Nakon testiranja svake web-ranjivosti za svaki CMS navedena je moguća dodatna mjera sigurnosti. Objašnjene su web-ranjivosti na koje sigurnosne postavke CMS-ova ne mogu direktno utjecati. Pokazano je da osnovne instalacije CMS-ova ne zadovoljavaju sigurnosne zahtjeve jer nisu otporne na neke prijetnje. Specificirani su potrebni programski dodaci na testirane CMS-ove kako bi se osigurala otpornost na prijetnje koje osnovne instalacije testiranih CMS-ova nisu osigurale. Za potrebe provjere stanja sigurnosti na web-sjedištima poslovnih subjekata u Hrvatskoj izrađen je anketni upitnik i provedena je anketa nad poslovnim subjektima u Hrvatskoj za djelatnosti informatika, računovodstvo, industrija


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    Nosivo računalstvo (engl. wearable computing) kao koncept nije novijeg datuma, ali je njegov razvoj danas posebno aktualiziran raširenom upotrebom srodnih tzv. pametnih mobilnih uređaja te uznapredovanim postupcima minijaturizacije računalnih sklopova. Budući da gospodarski trendovi pokazuju iznimno brz rast i razvoj nosivog računalstva, pretpostavlja se kreiranje teorijskog okvira koji bi trebao bolje opisati i pomoći razumijevanju nosivog računalstva. Kako bi se utvrdilo koja klasifikacijska metoda potpunije upućuje na značajke i opće pravilnosti nosivih uređaja, usporedno su analizirane značajke deset uređaja koji odgovaraju načelima nosivosti, obrade podataka te kontekstualizacije korisnika i njegove okoline. Provedeno je testiranje klasičnom tehničko-tehnološkom analizom i taksonomskom matricom, a rezultat istraživanja upućuje na to da je tehnološka analiza nepotpuna te da taksonomija osim apstrahiranja osnovnih značajki uređaja obuhvaća i opisuje razine utjecaja na korisničko iskustvo unutar mješovite stvarnosti.Although wearable computing is not a new concept, recent developments in that field are boosted by computing advancements in smart mobile devices and miniaturization processes of computer elements. Market tendencies signal its extremely rapid growth, therefore a new theoretical framework is required in order to describe and understand better the wearable computing trends and devices. To determine which classification method fully indicates general regularities of wearable devices, features of ten devices that correspond to the principles of capacity, data processing and contextualisation of the user and his environment are compared and analysed. Classic technical and technological analysis and taxonomic matrix have been tested. The result of the research indicates that the technological analysis is incomplete and that taxonomy, except abstracting the basic features of the device, includes and describes the level of impact on the user experience within a mixed reality


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    Recently, due to advances in the development of various technologies which can be used for locating, it is possible to develop systems which include software solutions for the user locationing and guidance in the interior, closed or covered areas where the existing location technologies and systems for locating and guidance applicable at open, outdoor areas cannot be used. This paper analyses the available hardware, software and network technologies which can be used for creating a positioning system for interior, closed or covered area. The paper analyses technologies which can be used in such distributed systems for the implementation of functionalities that are needed or required in the Indoor Positioning System (IPS). The paper describes the concept of the IPS system. It presents the IPS systems available on the market. It shows the technologies that can be used to implement the IPS system and the analyses of categories which affect the IPS system implementation. The paper demonstrates that none of the technologies analysed meet all of the observed categories while the BLE technology achieves the most favourable results in individual categories.Zbog napretka u razvoju raznih tehnologija koje se mogu koristiti za lociranje, u posljednje vrijeme razvijaju se sustavi koji uključuju programska rješenja za lociranje i navođenje korisnika u unutarnjem, zatvorenom ili natkrivenom prostoru, gdje se postojeće tehnologije za lociranje i sustavi za lociranje i navođenje koje se primjenjuju kod otvorenih, vanjskih prostora, ne mogu koristiti. U radu se analiziraju dostupne hardverske, softverske i mrežne tehnologije kojima je moguće izraditi sustav za unutarnje lociranje, odnosno tehnologije kojima takav distribuirani sustav po svom karakteru i implementiranim funkcijama postaje sustav za lociranje u zatvorenom prostoru (IPS, engl. Indoor Positioning System). Opisan je koncept IPS sustava. Prikazani su gotovi IPS sustavi dostupni na tržištu. Pokazane su tehnologije koje se mogu koristiti za implementaciju IPS-a i izrađena analiza kategorija koje utječu na implementaciju IPS-a. Pokazano je da niti jedna tehnologija ne zadovoljava sve promatrane kategorije, no BLE tehnologija omogućuje ostvarenje najpovoljnijih rezultata po pojedinim kategorijama


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    Razvoj softvera složen je posao koji se sastoji od velikog broja koraka, počevši od početnog zahtjeva korisnika, preko analize i izgradnje, pa do implementacije i korištenja. Razvoj softvera podrazumijeva korištenje većeg broja različitih tehnologija i tehnika. Postoje zakonitosti, pravila i redoslijed u korištenju tehnologija i tehnika, pa nije moguće razviti dobar, koristan i pouzdan softver, ako se njegovom razvoju pristupa ad-hoc. Da bi se osigurala pouzdanost i kvaliteta softvera potrebno je koristiti metodike u njegovom razvoju. Metodike propisuju vrijeme i mjesto korištenja metoda. Radom će se pokazati neke metodike razvoja softvera. Da bi se osigurala brzina, učinkovitost i točnost razvoja softvera, te jednostavnost održavanja, potrebno je u razvoju softvera koristiti CASE tehnologije. Radom će se analizirati značajke CASE tehnologija. CASE tehnologije omogućuju standardizaciju u razvoju softvera i primjenu normi. Dat će se osvrt na neke standarde i norme koji se primjenjuju u razvoju softvera. U radu će se analizirati podaci Hrvatske gospodarske komore o broju tvrtki i broju zaposlenih u Republici Hrvatskoj za djelatnost računalno programiranje. Iz istog izvora koristit će se podaci o adresama elektroničke pošte radi provedbe anketnog upitnika o upotrebi metoda i standarda u razvoju softvera. Cilj istraživanja je pokazati kvantitetu i kvalitetu (opisnost, pokrivenost faza razvoja softvera) najčešće korištenih tehnika, metoda i standarda.Software development is a complex process which consists of many steps, starting from the initial user requirements, through analysis and development to the implementation and distribution. Software development involves the use of a number of different technologies and techniques. There are laws, rules and order in the use of technology and techniques, so if software development approach is ad-hoc it is not possible to develop good, useful and reliable software. It is necessary to use methodology in software development in order to ensure the reliability and quality of software. Methodologies determine the time and place of the use of methods. This article will show some of those methods used for software development. The use of CASE technologies is necessary to ensure speed, accuracy, efficiency of software development and the ease of maintenance. This article will analyze features of some CASE technologies. CASE technologies also provide standardization in software development and the application of standards. The article will give a review of some of the standards and norms that apply to software development. This article will analyze the data using the Croatian Chamber of Economy Internet site as a source for the number of companies and the number of employees in the Republic of Croatia engaged in computer programming. The same source will be used to get e-mail addresses for a questionnaire on the use of methods and standards in software development. The goal of the research is to show the quantity and the quality (descriptions, coverage of stages in software development) of the most frequently used techniques, methods and standards


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    U radu se provodi analiza često korištenih tehnologija za prikaz animacija u web-preglednicima. Flash je jedna od tehnologija koja je značajno pridonijela prikazu i mogućnostima izrade web-animacija, te se u počecima najviše koristila za njihovu izradu. Kroz godine pojavile su se mnoge nove tehnologije, od kojih se posebice može izdvojiti HTML5 canvas, koja omogućuje prikaz animacija bez uporabe dodataka, te mnoge nove mogućnosti njihove izrade. Ovim radom želi se pokazati koja od promatranih tehnologija ostvaruje najbolje performanse prilikom izvođenja animacija u različitim web-preglednicima. U radu se ispituju performanse izvođenja Flash, HTML5 canvas, SVG i JavaScript animacija unutar web-preglednika Firefox, Safari, Opera i Chrome. Broj prikazanih okvira u sekundi, vrijeme učitavanja okvira, opterećenje procesora, korištenost memorije i veličina datoteke su performanse koje su mjerene kod izvođenja animacija unutar različitih web-preglednika. Radom su objašnjene promatrane tehnologije za izradu web-animacija. Prikazan je izvorni kod mjernog instrumenta testiranja. Izvršeno je testiranje izvođenja animacija po promatranim tehnologijama.This paper presents the analysis of commonly used technologies for building and execution of animation in different web browsers. Flash is a technology that has significantly contributed to the possibilities of creating a web animation, and certainly to the development of other technologies. Over the years, a number of technologies have been developed, like HTML5 canvas, which brings us a huge amount of improvements over the old document-oriented web. The main goal of this paper is to present which technology achieves the best performance in animation execution in different web browsers. The paper analyzes execution performances of Flash, HTML5 canvas, SVG, and JavaScript animations in Firefox, Safari, Opera, and Chrome web browsers. Measurement was performed on a frame frequency - frames per second (FPS), loading time, CPU usage, file size and RAM usage. The paper also presents the source code for tests that were performed on the observed animations for measuring their performances


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    Za pristup podatkovnim (datotečnim) resursima sustava, na korisničkoj razini upotrebljavaju se za to izgrađene namjenske aplikacije. Takav aplikativni softver može se izvršavati lokalno na računalu korisnika i na udaljenom aplikacijskom poslužitelju. U oba slučaja komunikacija korisnika s podatkovnim (datotečnim) poslužiteljem odvija se korištenjem mrežnih resursa. Mrežni resursi predstavljaju najsporije komponente u radu sustava. Aplikativni softver za komunikaciju s datotečnim poslužiteljem može koristiti različite mrežne protokole. U ovom radu analizirani su protokoli za prijenos datoteka na aplikacijskom sloju. Objašnjeni su korišteni sigurnosni mehanizmi u analiziranim protokolima. Izvršeno je mjerenje vremena i brzine prijenosa datoteka u LAN mreži na brzinama 10 Mbps, 100 Mbps i 1 Gbps, te u nezaštićenoj i zaštićenoj (VPN) WAN mreži. Pokazano je da su protokoli koji koriste sigurnosne mehanizme sporiji od protokola koji ne koriste sigurnosne mehanizme. Također je pokazano da korištenje FTP HTTPS sigurnog protokola predstavlja optimalno rješenje – visoka razina sigurnosti i ne značajno manja brzina.To access the system data (file) resources, specially built software is used at the user level. This software can be run locally on the user computer and remotely on the remote application server. In both cases, communication with the database server (file server) takes place using network resources. Network resources are the slowest component in the system. Software that communicates with the file server can use different network protocols. This paper analyzes different file transfer protocols at the application layer of the OSI model. Security mechanisms used in the analyzed protocols are explained. Timing and speed of transferring files in the LAN at the speeds of 10Mbps, 100Mbps and 1Gbps, and the unprotected and protected (VPN), WAN network were measured and noted. It is shown that the protocols that use security mechanisms are slower than those that do not use security mechanisms. It is also shown that the use of FTP HTTPS secure protocol is an optimal solution - high level of security and non-significantly lower speed


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    Web applications have a complex structure, and for more efficient and faster writing of original program code, frameworks are often used. There are numerous different frameworks on the market that are used to build different parts of software architecture. Only back-end frameworks for web applications development are analyzed. Previous research on evaluation criteria for back-end frameworks, and various sources which by various reasons, represent the list of popularity of back-end frameworks are shown. The framework selection procedure is described, and the reasons of framework selection (Laravel, Rails, Django and Spring) for the analysis are given. The examination (verification) and evaluation of the degree of satisfaction of the selected basic and additional comparison criteria in selected frameworks are carried out. The analysis shows insignificant differences in the overall ratings of analyzed frameworks according to the basic comparison criteria. According to the additional comparison criteria, the analysis shows significant differences in the overall ratings of analyzed frameworks. It is shown that the Django framework, because it is suitable for development of larger applications, suitable for beginner developers, and achieves the highest overall rating of additional comparison criteria, is the best choice of analyzed back-end frameworks for web application development.Današnje web-aplikacije imaju složenu programsku strukturu, pa se za djelotvornije i brže pisanje programskog koda često koriste frameworkovi. Na tržištu postoje brojni frameworkovi koji se razlikuju po raznim karakteristikama i koriste za izgradnju različitih dijelova arhitekture softvera. U radu se promatraju samo back-end frameworkovi za izradu web-aplikacija. Pokazana su prethodna istraživanja o kriterijima za ocjenjivanje back-end frameworkova i razni izvori koji prema različitim razlozima prikazuju rang-liste popularnosti back-end frameworkova. Opisan je postupak odabira kriterija za usporedbu frameworkova i razlozi odabira frameworkova za analizu (Laravel, Rails, Django i Spring). Izvršeno je ispitivanje (provjera) i ocjenjivanje stupnja zadovoljavanja odabranih osnovnih i dodatnih kriterija usporedbe na odabranim frameworkovima. Analiza pokazuje neznačajne različitosti u ukupnim ocjenama analiziranih frameworkova prema osnovnim kriterijima usporedbe. Prema dodatnim kriterijima usporedbe analiza pokazuje značajnije različitosti u ukupnim ocjenama analiziranih frameworkova. Pokazuje se da je framework Django, zbog toga što je prikladan za razvoj većih aplikacija, prikladan za developere početnike i da ostvaruje najveću ukupnu ocjenu dodatnih kriterija usporedbe, a za developera predstavlja najbolji izbor između analiziranih frameworkova pri razvoju web-aplikacija


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    Most of organizations today use information-communication technologies (ICT) for building an information system (IS). IS is assembled of hardware, software, network resources, organizational and human resources. In IS development process, complexity is crucial for evaluating quantities of resources needed (time, people, money, equipment). Complexity of an IS can be evaluated and/or measured in different phases of development. There are many methods for measuring complexity, but mostly used and thoroughly described method is Function Point Analysis (FP). The opposite method, Database Complexity (DC), does not measure all the aspects of IS, but it could evaluate system complexity depending on the database complexity. DC method is intended to be used for measuring semantic complexity of the IS database, and can be shown by counting attributes A and foreign keys F. This paper describes a very high correlation between FP and DC methods, and defines a function which can in 95% of accuracy express FP values from measured DC values