556 research outputs found
Antibacterial Effects of the Essential Oils of CommonlyConsumed Medicinal Herbs Using an In Vitro Model.
The chemical composition and antibacterial activity of essential oils from 10 commonly consumed herbs: Citrus aurantium, C. limon, Lavandula angustifolia, Matricaria chamomilla, Mentha piperita, M. spicata, Ocimum basilicum, Origanum vulgare, Thymus vulgaris and Salvia officinalis have been determined. The antibacterial activity of these oils and their main components; i.e. camphor, carvacrol, 1,8-cineole, linalool, linalyl acetate, limonene, menthol, a-pinene, b-pinene, and thymol were assayed against the human pathogenic bacteria Bacillus subtilis, Enterobacter cloacae, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Micrococcus flavus, Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella enteritidis, S. epidermidis, S. typhimurium, and Staphylococcus aureus. The highest and broadest activity was shown by O. vulgare oil. Carvacrol had the highest antibacterial activity among the tested components
Liverworts from the MoraÄa River basin: Taxonomic and ecological analysis
During the period of 1997-2007, we carried out detailed bryological research in the MoraÄa River basin, Montenegro. Liverworts were collected at 45 locations. Thirty-five liverworts were recorded, including representatives of 24 genera and 19 families. The most frequent liverwort was Radula complanata, which was found at 17 localities. Seventeen taxa were registered at only one location in the investigated area. Scapania aequiloba is treated as endangered, and Athalamia hyalina as critically endangered, Leiocolea collaris, L. bantriensis and L. turbinata as vulnerable species. In addition, Fossombronia caespitiformis, Lophocolea bidentata var. bidentata, Riccia cavernosa, and Tritomaria quinquedentata are here registered for the first time in the bryoflora of Montenegro
Antifungal activity of ethanolic extract of Phlomis fruticosa L.
In the ethanolic extract of Phlomis fruticosa L. two flavonoid aglycones, luteolin and chrysoeriol were identified. Antifungal activity of the total ethanolic extract, extract hydrolyzed with Ī²-glucosidase and that hydro-lyzed with HCI against seven micromycetes: Aspergillus niger, A. ochraceus, Penicillium ochrochloron, Cladosporium cladosporioides, Thchoderma viride, Fusamim tricinctum and Phomopsis helianthi was tested. The ethanolic extract hydrolyzed with HCI possessed the greatest antifungal activity against all fungal species tested.U etanolnom ekstraktu vrste Phlomis fruticosa L. identifikovana su dva aglikona flavonoida, luteolin i hrizoeriol. Antifungaliia aktivnost ukupnog etapolnogekstrakta, etanolpog ekstrakta hidrolizovapog Ī²-glukozidazom i ekstrakta hidrolizovanog hlorovodoniÄnom kiselinom istraživana je na sedam mikromiceta: Aspergillus niger, A. ochraceus, Penicillium ochrochloron, Cladosporium cladosporioides, Trichoderma viride, Fusarium tricinctum i Phomopsis helianthi. Najosetljivije mikromicete cy P. helianthi i C. cladosporioides. Pomenute vrste pokazale su najmanju rezistentnost na sva tri ispitivana ekstrakta. Mikromicete koje su pokazale najveÄu rezistentnost na sva tri ispitivana ekstrakta su P. ochrochloron i T. viride. Ukupni etanolni ekstrakt pokazao je najmanji antifungalni potencijal. Etanolni ekstakt hidrolizovan enzimom pokazuje porast antifungalnog potencijala, dok etanolni ekstrakt hidrolizovan hlorovodoniÄnom kiselinom poseduje najveÄi antifugalni potencijal.Projekat ministarstva br. 03E08/1, 03E2
Bryophyte flora of the Uvac river gorge (Southwest Serbia)
In the examined area, 165 taxa were found and identified: 139 taxa from the class Bryopsida and 26 taxa from the class Marchantiopsida. Nine species are red-listed in Serbia. Material was collected from 62 localities, which were analyzed for similarity of chorological and ecological features using the Jaccard similarity index. Analysis of floristic elements and phytogeographic distribution showed that the greatest number of taxa are temperate elements with Holarctic distribution. Results of ecological analysis showed that in regard to the substratum aspect, terricolous, basophilous, and indifferent species were dominant. In relation to the ecological parameter humidity, most species were mesophilous. The majority of identified bryophytes were sciophilous taxa.
Antibacterial and antifungal activity of the liverwort (Ptilidium pulcherrimum) methanol extract
The antimicrobial activity of the methanol extract from the liverwort, Ptilidium pulcherrimum was evaluated against five bacterial and six fungal species. In vitro antibacterial activity was assessed by disc diffusion and microdilution methods. The extract showed a stronger effect against tested Gram (+) than Gram (-) bacteria. The antifungal activity of the methanol extract was tested using a microdilution method. The methanol extract showed strong antifungal activity. The best antifungal activity was achieved against Trichoderma viride compared to the synthetic fungicide bifonazol
Morphology, distribution, and histochemistry of trichomes of Thymus lykae Degen & Jav. (Lamiaceae)
Micromorphology, distribution, and histochemistry of the trichomes of Thymus lykae were studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM)and confocal laser scanning electron microscopy (CLSM). The leaves, stem, and calyx bear numerous glandular and non-glandular trichomes. Two types of glandular trichomes are identified - peltate and capitate. Results of histochemical tests showed positive reactions to polysaccharides, proteins, and lipids. Yellow autofluorescence of secreted material was noticed in peltate and capitate trichomes. Strong reddish-yellow autofluorescence of the lipophilic and hydrophilic secreted material was observed with CLSM.Mikromorfologija, distribucija i histohemijska analiza trihoma kod vrste Thymus lykae uraÄena je koriÅ”Äenjem skening elektronskog mikroskopa i konfokalnog laserskog skening mikroskopa. Nežlezdane, negranate i dva tipa žlezdanih trihoma - peltatne i kapitatne opisane suuovom radu. Brojne nežlezdane i žlezdane trihome nalazile suse kako na listovima (i na licu i na naliÄju)tako i na stablu i na ÄaÅ”ici. Rezultati histohemijskih istraživanja pokazala supozitivne reakcije na polisaharide, lipide i proteine. Sekretorni produkti unutar peltatnih trihoma imali sujako žutu autofluorescenciju, dok je u kapitatnim trihomama zapažena slabija autofluorescencija. KoriÅ”Äenjem CLSM uoÄena je jarko crveno-žuta autofluorescencija lipofilnih i hidrofilnih sekretornih materija u žlezdanim trihomama.Projekat ministarstva br. 14304
Antibacterial and antifungal activity of the liverwort (Ptilidium pulcherrimum) methanol extract
The antimicrobial activity of the methanol extract from the liverwort, Ptilidium pulcherrimum was evaluated against five bacterial and six fungal species. In vitro antibacterial activity was assessed by disc diffusion and microdilution methods. The extract showed a stronger effect against tested Gram (+) than Gram (-) bacteria. The antifungal activity of the methanol extract was tested using a microdilution method. The methanol extract showed strong antifungal activity. The best antifungal activity was achieved against Trichoderma viride compared to the synthetic fungicide bifonazol.Antibakterijsko i antifungalno dejsto metanolnog ekstrakta jetrenjaÄe Ptilidium pulcherrimum ispitivano je na 5 vrsta bakterija i 6 mikromiceta. Za ispitivanje in vitro antimikrobnog dejstva ekstrakta koriÅ”Äena je metoda mikrodilucije na mikrotitracionim ploÄama i metoda difuzije sa filter diskova. Ekstrakt je pokazao jaÄi efekat na testirane Gram (+), nego na Gram (-) bakterije. Antifungalna aktivnost metanolnog ekstrakta ispitana je mikrodilucionom metodom. Testirani ekstrakt pokazao je jak antifungalni potencijal na Trichoderma viride, Bifonazol je pokazao skoro identiÄnu fungistatiÄku aktivnost, dok je njegova fungicidna aktivnost bila neÅ”to viÅ”a u poreÄenju sa metanolnim ekstraktom analizirane jetrenjaÄe.Projekat ministarstva br. 143049 i 14304
Radical scavenging and antimicrobial activity of essential oil and extracts of Echinophora sibthorpiana Guss. from Macedonia
This study was undertaken to determine the antioxidant and antimicrobial
effect of essential oil and extracts of Echinophora sibthorpiana Guss. (fam.
Apiaceae) collected in Macedonia. The chemical composition of E. sibthorpiana
essential oil was characterized by the presence of methyl eugenol (60.40%),
p-cymene (11.18%) and Ī±-phellandrene (10.23%). The free radical scavenging
activity of extracts and essential oil was evaluated by DPPH and ABTS assays.
The aqueous extract of aerial parts exhibited the strongest scavenging
activity (IC50=1.67 mg/ml); results of the ABTS test showed that the most
effective was the ethanol extract of aerial parts (1.11 mg vit. C/g). The
essential oil showed stronger antioxidant activity compared to
hydroxyanisole, ascorbic acid and quercetin that were used in the DPPH and
ABTS tests, respectively. The total phenolic and flavonoid concentrations in
the extracts ranged between 38.65-60.72 mg GA/g, and 3.15-19.00 mg Qu/g,
respectively. The antimicrobial properties of the extracts and essential oil
were investigated using a micro-well dilution technique against human
pathogenic strains. The results were comparable with the effects of the
positive controls, streptomycin and fluconazole. These findings indicate that
E. sibthorpiana extracts and oil can be used in preventive treatments and as
an alternative for synthetic preservatives. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke
Republike Srbije, br. 173029 i br. 173021
Antifungal activity of ethanolic extract of Phlomis fruticosa L.
In the ethanolic extract of Phlomis fruticosa L. two flavonoid aglycones, luteolin and chrysoeriol were identified. Antifungal activity of the total ethanolic extract, extract hydrolyzed with Ī²-glucosidase and that hydro-lyzed with HCI against seven micromycetes: Aspergillus niger, A. ochraceus, Penicillium ochrochloron, Cladosporium cladosporioides, Thchoderma viride, Fusamim tricinctum and Phomopsis helianthi was tested. The ethanolic extract hydrolyzed with HCI possessed the greatest antifungal activity against all fungal species tested.U etanolnom ekstraktu vrste Phlomis fruticosa L. identifikovana su dva aglikona flavonoida, luteolin i hrizoeriol. Antifungaliia aktivnost ukupnog etapolnogekstrakta, etanolpog ekstrakta hidrolizovapog Ī²-glukozidazom i ekstrakta hidrolizovanog hlorovodoniÄnom kiselinom istraživana je na sedam mikromiceta: Aspergillus niger, A. ochraceus, Penicillium ochrochloron, Cladosporium cladosporioides, Trichoderma viride, Fusarium tricinctum i Phomopsis helianthi. Najosetljivije mikromicete cy P. helianthi i C. cladosporioides. Pomenute vrste pokazale su najmanju rezistentnost na sva tri ispitivana ekstrakta. Mikromicete koje su pokazale najveÄu rezistentnost na sva tri ispitivana ekstrakta su P. ochrochloron i T. viride. Ukupni etanolni ekstrakt pokazao je najmanji antifungalni potencijal. Etanolni ekstakt hidrolizovan enzimom pokazuje porast antifungalnog potencijala, dok etanolni ekstrakt hidrolizovan hlorovodoniÄnom kiselinom poseduje najveÄi antifugalni potencijal.Projekat ministarstva br. 03E08/1, 03E2
Micromorphology and ultrastructure of trichomes of Libyan Salvia fruticosa Mill.
Micromorphological and ultrastructural analyses of the leaf trichomes of Salvia fruticosa Mill. were performed by light and electron microscopy. The leaves bear numerous non-glandular unbranched trichomes, and peltate, capitate and digitiform glandular trichomes. Very elongated flagelliform non-glandular trichomes densely covered the leaf surfaces, with especially abundance on the leaf margins. Peltate trichomes consist of a basal epidermal cell, a very short stalk cell and a large round head of eight secretory cells arranged in a circle. Capitate trichomes can be divided into two main types, short-stalked and long-stalked, and further into five subtypes according to the number of stalk cells, morphology and number of glandular head cells. Digitiform trichomes consist of one basal cell, one or two stalk cells and one apical secretory cell, which are of similar diameter and approximately equal length.Projekat ministarstva br. 173029 i br. 17301
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