91 research outputs found


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    This paper present the results obtained at National Agricultural Research and Development Institute Fundulea, during 2021-2022, according to the new herbicide treatments: Floramix (70,8 g/kg piroxsulam + 14,2 g/kg florasulam + 70,8 g/kg cloquintocet-mexil - safener) + Dasoil 26-2 N (Adjuvant); Pallas (7.5% piroxsulam + 7.5% cloquintocet-mexil safener) + Adjuvant; Omnera + Foxtrot 69 EW (135 g/l fluroxypyr + 30 g/l thifensulfuron metil + 5 g/l metsulfuron metil 69 g/l fenoxaprop-P-etil + 34,5 g/l cloquintocet mexil - safener) și Pixxaro Super (2 g/l halauxifen-metil + 280 g/l fluroxipir meptil + 12 g/l cloquintocet-mexil), postemergently applied for the weeds controlling from the w. wheat crop. The main objective of this work focused on the study of the selectivity and effectiveness of the application of herbicide treatments to combat monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous weeds present in the wheat crop. Wheat is an important crop affected by many weeds which, fortunately, can be effectively controlled by specific applications of herbicides. The herbicides must be correlated with the infestation degree of weed, the spectrum and dominance of weeds, the time of application, the technical potential for efficacy, the local climatic conditions


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    In the context of climate change, crop technologies must be updated and adapted by identifying and implementing new technological links regarding: soil tillages, the fertilization system, the previous plant, which will contribute to significantly reducing the negative impact of climate change on production and quality for wheat crop. The relationship production - quality - technology highlighted the negative influence of excessive temperatures and deficient precipitation in important stages in the evolution of plants. Wheat yield and quality are affected by management practices, climate conditions and genetic characteristics. The research was carried out in the period 2019 – 2021, in the experimental field of NARDI Fundulea and the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of agrotechnical measures and climatic conditions on the yield and quality of wheat. The experiment involved three different soil works and four fertilized options. Yields and quality were maximized by associated factors. Soil conservation works associated with manure fertilization increase production values and final quality by 5-10%, depending on the variant

    Learning curve in rat dissection for experimental sciatic nerve repair

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    The baseline for any key research in nerve regeneration is an experimental model and the sciatic nerve in the rat model is the workhorse in this field. Although physically resistant to external traumas, a surgical intervention constitutes a major distress even for a rat. In the following presentation, we will analyse the learning curves for different stages in the rat sciatic nerve surgery as well as possible factors which influence these times

    Breastfeeding - from myth to reality, current conceptions and trends

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    Spitalul Clinic de Urgenţă pentru Copii „Sf. Maria”, Iaşi, RomâniaAlăptarea a fost considerată întodeauna ca fi ind ceva natural, normal, de care să se bucure şi pe care să o preţuiască atât mama cât şi copilul. Recomandările marilor Organizaţii şi Societăţi Occidentale cu privire la timpul şi modul în care bebeluşii ar trebui alaptaţi sunt unanim acceptate, deşi potrivit UNICEF nicio ţară din lume nu îndeplineşte integral standardele recomandate privind hrănirea bebeluşilor la sân. La nivel international, locuri fruntaşe în ceea ce priveşte succesul alăptării sunt ocupate de ţări din sud-estul Asiei, Africa de Sud şi de Est cu o rată a alaptării de peste 60%, iar în Europa primele locuri sunt ocupate de ţări precum Norvegia, Suedia, Marea Britanie cu un procent de peste 80%, Replublica Moldova având o rata a alaptarii de 36%, iar în Romania aceasta este de 29,6% (potrivit studiului SAMAS efectuat în 2016). Numărul copiilor alăptaţi la sân s-a îmbunătăţit dacă comparăm cu studiul din anul 2011, în care rata alăptarii era doar 12,6 % (mult sub media europeană), la acest lucru contribuind educaţia perinatală (personal medical, consultanţi în alăptare, educatori perinatali) cu rol esential în creşterea ratei de alăptare exclusivă, în special dacă această consiliere este efectuata printr-un program dedicat de pregătire. În topul femeilor care îşi alăpteaza exclusiv copiii până la şase luni se afl a mamele cu vârsta cuprinsă între 35 şi 40 de ani, unele dintre ele afl ându-se la al doilea sau al treilea copil. Iar la polul opus se afl ă mamele foarte tinere, cu vârsta sub 19 ani, doar 9% dintre ele alăptându-şi copilul în primele şase luni de viaţă. De asemenea, două din zece femei afl ate la primul copil renunţă la alăptare în mai puţin de o lună. Un concept destul de nou şi care câstiga din ce în ce mai mult teren în ţările occidentale este conceptul de ”milksharing” si înfiinţarea de bănci de lapte matern. Programele de sănătate, educaţia perinatală au dus la creşterea ratei alăptării şi conştientizarea benefi ciilor acesteia atât pentru mamă cât şi pentru copil, dar uneori acest fenomen este dus la extrem şi vorbim aici de prelungirea alăptarii pâna la vârsta de 5-6 ani, precum şi alaptarea în tandem. Pentru îmbunătăţirea alăptării, Colectivul Mondial pentru Alăptare cere introducerea unor prevederi legale cu privire la concediul parental plătit şi politici privind alăptarea la locul de muncă, îmbunătăţirea accesului la servicii de consiliere calificată cu privire la alăptare, ca parte a unor pachete cuprinzătoare de politici şi programe în favoarea alăptării, aplicate în unităţile sanitare.Breastfeeding has always been considered to be something natural, normal, to be enjoyed, and to be cherished by both mother and child. The recommendations of large organizations and Western Societies regarding the time and the way babies should be breastfeed are universally accepted, although according to UNICEF, no country in the world complies fully with the recommended standards for feeding babies to the breast. At an international level, the leading positions in breastfeeding success are occupied by South-East Asian countries and South and East Africa with a breastfeeding rate of over 60%, and in Europe the top places are occupied by countries such as Norway, Sweden, Great Britain with over 80%, the Moldova Republic having a breastfeeding rate of 36%, and in Romania this is only 29.6% (according to the SAMAS survey carried out in 2016). The number of breastfed babies improved compared to the 2011 study, where the breastfeeding rate was only 12.6% (well below the European average), to this contributing to perinatal education (medical staff, breastfeeding consultants, perinatal educators) with an essential role in raising the exclusive breastfeeding rate, especially if this counseling is done through a dedicated training program. In the top of mothers who breastfeed exclusively babies up to six months, are mothers aged 35 to 40, some of whom are in the second or third child, at the opposed pole are the very young mothers,under19, only 9% of them breastfeeding their baby during the first six months of life. Also, two out of ten women in the first child give up breastfeeding in less than a month. A fairly new concept and gaining ever more ground in Western countries is the concept of “milk-sharing” and the breast milk banks. Health programs, perinatal education have led to a rise in breastfeeding rates and awareness of its benefits for both mother and child, but sometimes this phenomenon is taken to the extreme and we are talking here about prolonging breastfeeding to 5-6 years of age and breastfeeding in tandem. To improve breastfeeding, the World Breastfeeding Association calls for the introduction of legal provisions on paid parental leave and on breastfeeding policies at the workplace, to improve access to qualified breastfeeding counseling services as part of comprehensive policy packages and programs in favor of breastfeeding applied in sanitary units


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    Abstract The study of the genetic markers and identifying new markers involves an increasing number of research projects i


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    In the context of a competitive and sustainable agriculture, the development of novel fertilizers with foliar application is always a challenge for both producers and users. Worldwide, a major trend in the research, development and production of organic substances fertilizers with growth-stimulating role is noticed. Thus, these new fertilizers formulas can be used in both, conventional and organic farming (especially to protect crops from climatic stress factors and to prevent or correct nutritional deficiencies). The production of fertilizers that contain natural organic compounds embedded in NPK matrix structures has increased. As organic substances are used protein hydrolysates, amino acids and algae extracts.In this study, in order to obtain a new range of fertilizers we defined the composition of a NPK matrix with meso- and microelements (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Mg, S, Co, Mo) that was subsequently embedded with protein hydrolysate of animal origin (composed of peptides, ureide and amino acids) respectively, protein hydrolysate of vegetal origin.The new developed fertilizers were characterized and tested in the National Network for Fertilizers Testing in order to be licensed for agriculture use. The experiments were carried out for two years on different crops by foliar application in comparison to a similar NPK matrix. The obtained results showed significant production yields (in comparison to the non-fertilized control) ranging from 20% to 40% (statistically insured), as well as changes in the photosynthesis and mineral nutrition processes


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    This paper presents the results obtained from an experiment carried out in conservation agriculture system. Six types of fertilizers, i.e. N, NP, NPK and potassium humate NPK that contain various forms of nitrogen were tested. The experiments placed on cambic phaeozem at SCDA Teleorman were conducted using soybeans as crops, and fertilizers dosages of 50, 100, 150 and 200 kg N/ha. The influence of fertilizers on the nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, content in the soil after the harvest was investigated. Soil samples were collected at a depth of 0-20 cm. The laboratory tests were performed on conditioned soil samples. The experimental data was statistically processed using analysis of variance.It was observed that the use of fertilizers increased of the nitrogen content from the soil from 0.157% for the unfertilized sample to 0.189% for the sample fertilized with NPK 15:15:15 at the application dosage of 100 kg N / ha (21.8%). The phosphorus content increased from 72 ppm P2O5 in the case of the unfertilized sample to 98 ppm P2O5 for the sample fertilized with NP 20: 20: 0 (200 kg / ha dosage)

    Some Risk Factors of Chronic Functional Constipation Identified in a Pediatric Population Sample from Romania

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    We conducted an observational study over a 1-year period, including 234 children aged 4–18 years and their caregivers and a matching control group. 60.73% of the children from the study group were males. Average age for the onset of constipation was 26.39 months. The frequency of defecation was 1/4.59 days (1/1.13 days in the control group). 38.49% of the patients in the sample group had a positive family history of functional constipation. The majority of children with functional constipation come from single-parent families, are raised by relatives, or come from orphanages. Constipated subjects had their last meal of the day at later hours and consumed fast foods more frequently than the children in the control sample. We found a statistically significant difference between groups regarding obesity/overweight and constipation (χ2=104.94,  df=2,  p<0.001) and regarding physical activity and constipation (χ2=18.419;  df=3;  p<0.001). There was a positive correlation between the number of hours spent watching television/using the computer and the occurrence of the disease (F = 92.162, p<0.001, and 95% Cl). Children from broken families, with positive family history, defective dietary habits, obesity and sedentary behavior, are at higher risk to develop chronic functional constipation


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    Obiective. Identifi carea caracterelor clinice, endoscopice, etiologice la copiii diagnosticaţi cu hemoragie digestivă superioară şi inferioară. Material şi metodă. S-a efectuat un studiu retrospectiv descriptiv pe o perioadă de 3 ani (ianuarie 2010- decembrie 2012) pe 107 copiii cu vârsta între 1 şi 18 ani, internaţi pentru hemoragii digestive în Spitalului Clinic de Copii „Sf. Maria“ Iaşi. Lotul de studiu nu cuprinde hemoragii digestive din urgenţe chirurgicale, boli infecţioase, boli intestinale cu mecanism imunologic sau toxic. Analiza retrospectivă individualizată prin studiul foii de observaţie a cuprins date anamnestice, clinice, endoscopice şi histologice orientate pentru diagnosticul etiologic al hemoragiilor digestive. Toţi pacienţii au fost investigaţi prin endoscopie digestivă superioară/colonoscopie după ce procedura a fost explicată şi s-a obţinut consimţământul informat. Rezultate. Din lotul de 107 copii luaţi în studiu 39 (36,4%) au reprezentat hemoragia digestivă superioară (HDS), dintre care 6 cazuri (5,1% ) de cauza variceală iar 33 (94,8%) de cauză non variceală; şi 68 (63,5%) au prezentat hemoragia digestivă inferioară (HDI). În etiologia HDS gastrita erozivă a reprezentat 12 (30,8%) cazuri, esofagita 6 (15,4%), duodenita 6 (15,4%), ulcerul duodenal 4 (10,3%), ulcerul gastric 2 (5,1%), sindrom Mallory Weiss 1 (2,6%), etiologie multiplă 6 (15,4%) cazuri. Principalele aspecte etiologice ale HDI au fost polipul colo-rectal în 28 (41,2%) cazuri, colită ulcerativă 14 (20,6%), leziuni nespecifi ce 12 (17,6%) fi suri anale 9 (13,4%), sindroame de polipoză intestinală 3 (4,4%), malformaţie vasculară 1 (1,5%), diverticul rectal 1 (1,5%) caz. S-au practicat intervenţii endoscopice concomitente în cazul polipilor colo-rectali. Concluzii. Hemoragia digestivă inferioară a fost cea mai frecventă, corelată cu cauze minore: polipi colorectali, fi suri anale, leziuni nespecifi ce. Hemoragia digestivă non-variceală forma cea mai frecventă s-a asociat cu gastrita erozivă, esofagita, duodenita, ulcerul gastric. Endoscopia digestivă s-a dovedit a fi o investigaţie utilă în diagnosticul hemoragiilor digestive şi cu aport terapeutic în anumite cazuri