40 research outputs found

    Research on upper limb biomechanical system

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    Biomechanical systems for human upper limb have been studied and developed for more than 60 years, due to requirements of improving life quality for people who cannot partially, or totally, use their hand. This paper presents aspects related to preliminary research (kinematic model of thumb, 3D mechanic model, hard-software platform) of a bionic hand that will be done and is intended to be of high sensitivity, good accuracy, low weight, friendly user interface, with efficient command and control system

    Intelligent control interfaces developed on versatile portable intelligent platform in order to improving autonomous navigation robots performances

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    The paper presents Intelligent Control Interfaces (ICIs) for real-time control for terrestrial mobile robots or unmanned aerial robots in order to improve the navigation performances. Intelligent control interfaces using advanced control strategies adapted to robot environment are presented, implemented through IT & C techniques with fast processing and real-time communications in order to develop a versatile, intelligent and portable VIPRO Platform with behavior of e-learning platform, which allows achievement inter-academic research networks and building new intelligent vectors robots. Implementation of ICIs laws in the intelligent real time control interfaces depends on the particular circumstances of the characteristics model used and the exact definition of optimization problem. The results led to the development of the ICI interfaces through image analysis using Images Operation Sampling & Quantization (IOSQ)

    Transplantul hepatic ortotopic de la donator decedat la adult. Experienţa Centrului de Chirurgie Generală şi transplant hepatic Fundeni

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    Studiul de faţă analizează experienţa Centrului de Chirurgie Generală şi Transplant Hepatic din Institutul Clinic Fundeni în transplantul hepatic ortotopic cu ficat întreg de la donator decedat la adult (THO), din aprilie 2000 până în aprilie 2006. În această perioadă au fost realizate 45 de THO – 20 femei şi 25 de bărbaţi, cu vârste cuprinse între 19-57 de ani (medie de 45 ani).Indicaţiile pentru transplantare au fost: ciroză VHB – 11, ciroză VHB VHD – 6, ciroză VHC – 13 (2 cu hepatocarcinom), ciroză VHB VHC – 2, ciroză VHB VHD etanol – 1, ciroză biliară primitivă – 5, boala Wilson – 2, ciroză toxic-nutriţională – 2, ciroza toxică non-alcoolică – 1, ciroză autoimună – 1, colangită sclerogenă primitivă – 1. Cu trei excepţii, la care s-a folosit tehnica clasică de transplantare, ficatul a fost grefat după tehnica Belghiti. Complicaţiile postoperatorii locale au survenit la 19 bolnavi (42,22%), iar generale la 19 (42,22%); complicaţiile tardive au fost înregistrate la 20 pacienţi (44,44%), iar recidiva bolii la 7 pacienţi (15,55%). Mortalitatea intraoperatorie şi postoperatorie imediată a fost de 6,66% (3 din 45 pacienţi). La peste 30 de zile de la TH, au decedat alţi cinci pacienţi (11,11%). Patru pacienţi (8,88%) au decedat la distanţă de momentul transplantului prin boală venoocluzivă, prin cancer bronho-pulmonar şi prin infarct miocardic -2. Patruzeci si doi de pacienţi au supravieţuit perioadei postoperatorii (93,33%) şi 33 peste un an (73,33%). THO reprezintă metoda principală de transplantare hepatică, cu o morbiditate şi mortalitate acceptabile

    Histopathological Aspects of Gastritis in Children

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    Introduction Gastritis are particularly important in paediatric pathology in Romania, considering the large number of hospitalized cases in recent years and also the trend of increasing incidence of disease. Objectives The authors have proposed to investigate a homogeneous group of patients diagnosed with different types of gastritis, in order to identify those bacteriological, endoscopic and histopathological features that can change the vision about optimal therapeutic attitude, prognosis and disease progression. Methods We studied a group of 96 patients who were hospitalized in Vth Paediatrics Clinic, Children’s Emergency Hospital “Sf. Maria”, Iasi, between January 2008 and December 2010 who have been diagnosed with various forms of gastritis. The final diagnosis was confirmed endoscopically, bacteriologically and histopathologically. Results Histopathological examination revealed the presence of H. pylori and also microscopic lesions that were assessed according to Sydney System. The associated microscopic lesions were exclusively of chronic gastritis. Mild form of disease was much rarer for H. pylori infection (5.26%) compared with H. pylori negative group (54.34%).The presence of lymphoid follicles was more frequently objectified in H. pylori-positive group (28.94%) compared with H. pylori-negative group (8.69%). In the H. pylori-positive group, the moderately-active form prevailed (31.57%), followed by follicular active form (28.94%) and massive active form (13.15%), while in the H. pylori-negative group most frequently was mild chronic gastritis (54.34%). Conclusions Histopathological examination presents a high relevance in assessing microscopic gastric mucosal lesions and also their evolution after treatment


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    Carcinoid tumors are classified according to their embryologic origin, that might be the foregut (stomach, duodenum, biliary tree and also lung, thymus, thyroid), the midgut (ileum, right colon) and the hindgut (left colon and rectum). The clinical picture of these lesions is varia‐ ble, evidencing completely asymptomatic cases, symptoms due to complications (acute appendicitis, peritonitis, obstructions or hemorrhages) or sudden apparition of car‐ cinoid syndromes. The diagnosis includes urinary 5 – HIAA, chromogranine A dosage and Ki‐67 expression, as well as localising studies, such as echoendoscopy, video‐ capsule and enteroscopy, CT, MRI, selective abdominal angiography, somatostatin‐receptor‐scintigraphy (Octre‐ oscan, SRI). Coronal contrast‐enhanced CT or MRI angio‐ gram can evaluate the mesenteric vessels spread before surgery. Upper endoscopy or/and colonoscopy can be performed to detect foregut or hindgut lesions. The treat‐ ment is based on surgery and other removal techniques, such as cryoablation and radiofrequency ablation, tradi‐ tional drugs: streptozocin, 5‐fluorouracyl, doxorubicin, cyclophos phamide, mitomicycin, metrotrexate together with somatostatin analogs; the future belongs to radionu‐ clide‐radiopeptide therapy