646 research outputs found

    Alcoholism and Domestic Violence in Tamil Nadu

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    Definition of domestic violence can be broad or focused, amorphous, or targeted. The reason that the definition of violence is important is because is shapes the response. (eg) a community response, whether it be legal reform or the provision of support service, is shaped by a particular understanding of what constitutes domestic violence and whether it is to be conceptualized  as an violence of rights. The definition implied by the law is especially critical as it defines standards and thus impacts broader social-perception  of the problem. Elements of the definition that need to be considered then are the between the perpetrator and the abused, the norms of acceptable behavior, and the specific acts, that constitute  violence. A frequent perception of domestic violence against women is that it is limited to physical harm perpetrated on adult women with in a marital relationship. While this understanding may capture a large universe of experience of women, it is predicated on the assumption that women primarily live in in clear families to single parent families. Moreover women may be in an established relationship or in the process of separation or divorce. Violence is often not restricted to the current husband but may extend to boyfriends, former, husbands and other family members such as parents siblings, and in-laws. A definition that acknowledges these multiple possibilities would lead to interventions that are more inclusive of the experiences of all women. Definitions  of domestic violence rest upon not only the nature of the relationship between the perpetrator  and the victim but also upon norms of acceptable behavior. There is considerable difference of opinion regarding which behaviors or manifestations should be considered violence as well as the level of intensity and frequency required to label a relationship as violent. Another contentious issue is how to evaluate the intent of the act, why the act was initiated and whose view should determine this. The social construct surroundings the ideal  “good woman” clearly sets which verbal and physical assaults translate into a nation of violence. Thus wife beating is not seems as an excessive reaction if the women gives cause for jealousy or does not perform her “wifely” duties ad equitably, such as having meals ready on time or adequately caring for children. This is further complicated a common belief that violent act are an expression of love and merely desire to help of the subject be a better person. An assessment showed that domestic violence reduced to one tenth of pervious. Levels after alcoholism treatment. 3 to 45% of household expenditure is spent on alcohol. Use of alcohol increases indebtedness and reduces the ability to pay for food and education

    Cultural Changes Routed Through the Novel 'Sool'

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    In the thirteenth century, Italian artists published a series of stories called novellas. It was the extension of this that later gave rise to the tradition of telling stories through prose. Culture refers to the spheres of human activity and the symbolic systems that give special characteristics and significance to such activities. Cultures are divided into two types. One can be classified as a culture based on internal/domestic life and the other based on social/ political life. Marriage is a socio-legal relationship system. There is no tradition of marrying a girl who has been raised since childhood. There are probably no poets who have not sung about children since the Sangam period. It is a Tamil tradition to plough and produce rice and make food. The 'Sool' novel has also stated the practise of giving food without paying wages if rice is pounded. It also shows how to prepare the soil before plowing. Scatter clods of litter and top it with mullein, then summer ploughing. The land will be fertile as a bride. News about ploughing as rain water accumulates and the soil is happy and mixed with manure and ready for sowing can be seen. Once upon a time, the community appointed someone for water protection, and through them they have been protecting water. At that time, there was no name for the watering device (Neer Paaichi). They call it the "sluice control" (Madai Kudumban). From generation to generation, Madai Kudumban and Kattak Karuppan have been maintaining the sluice and distributing water. The high dignity of not giving food for money can also be seen. Thus, the best practises of society in the past are not in practise today. In this way, the aim of this article is to investigate the cultural changes through the Sahitya Akademi award-winning novel "Sool" by Karisal region writer Cho. Dharman

    Educational System in Tiruchirappalli Through the Ages: A Historical Study

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    The   legacy of the British rule in India was the kind of education they imparted to Indians. The native system of education was confined to mostly among the Brahmins were learned Brahmins religious education was an imperative necessity. Though the old Gurukula system had vanished, its vestiges remained in most of the agraharams in Tiruchirappalli. The palm leaves were used for writing. After using the palm leaves they were thrown in the river Kaveri on the 18th day of the Tamil month of Adi. It was a ceremony followed by the Tamils since time immemorial. In the first stage of learning the script sand was used.  The student revered their teachers. Until the fifties of 19th Century, education in Tiruchirappalli was left very much to the missionary enterprise and appeared to have been in a far less advanced condition.  The diffusion of education among the people started under the educational dispatch of 1854. The woods dispatch acknowledged that the education of the masses had been neglected and so it was suggested that the government should spend more on popular education. In the article analyses the education system and developments through the age in Tiruchirappalli

    Importance of Girl Child and the Law Throughout India-A Study

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    Children and childhood across the world have broadly been considered in terms of a “Golden Age1” that is synonymous with innocence freedom, joy, play and the like. It is the time when spread the rigorous of adult life, one hardly shoulders and kind of responsibility or obligations. Loyd de mause, another historian, in the history of childhood painted a very negative image of childhood and family life in the past. In fact he went to the extent of saying that the history of childhood is a night mare from which we have only recently one goes, the lower the level of child care and the more likely children are to be killed abandoned, beaten, terrorized and sexually abused. Today offcourse we view abandonment of children in family tales and in legends as if it were all fantasy. Early western historians writing about children and their childhood were of the view that till the middle ages, abandonments harsh punishment and the use of fear and other life-inhibiting measures were all part of the era’s social history economics and pattern of families. No doubt the era of middle ages was rightly referred to as the dark age, perhaps an important step in the definition rights came in 1215 in England. After a period of civil war, the English nobility forced king John to limit his power, which had been absolute and virtually unchecked through the Magna Carta. Among the other things the Magna carta guaranteed that on free man should be deprived of life, liberty or property without the due process of law.likewise in ancient Indian law, especially in the laws of Manu, the child through located very near the bottom of a social pyramid was bestowed society’s protection and this protective indulgence was best reflected in matters which concerned the children, most-namely their chastisement. Children were only to be beaten with a rope or bamboo stick split at the end

    Hero and Sati Stosnes in Trichirappalli District: Historical Analyses

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    Hero stones are the stones provided for the who sacrifice their life. Sati stones are the stone provided for females who sacrificed their life specific purpose especially for chastity and purity. This group also includes persons who were killed by injustice and hence were worshiped in order to save the illegal from their theTamil poetry. Tolkapiyam gives and celebrate description in six stages in the planting of such a stone. In this time these Nadukals became Ayyanar Shrines other warrior goods includes Maduraiveeran who lived near Madurai. Kaathavarayan who live near Tanjore and Annamar swamigal who lived near Karur.       The “aachani amman” temple at Poilachi was build to workship young girl who was killed by a Kongu king who was along with their husbands funerals pyre as part of the “Sathi or Sati. In general sati stones have note become  part of the 21 Sub-deities of Ayyanar any person who stood for valiantidy justice or lost life for the cause of have become part of hero stone workship. Tamil Nadu was famous for its herico dead there are immeumerable references as to have heroes fought in the battle filed. People worshiped heroes cult. Thye erected hero stone in memory of the great valour of the heroes. Hero stone are found in TamilNadu in taroge large numbers. Especially in the Sangam region of North Arc of district and in the Dharmapuri District we meet with hundreds of hero Stone. [1] There are numerable references as to how the heroes fought in the battle field. What there main aim was how they felt to die and what means of disposal of the dead body. To analyses the Antiquity of Tiruchirappalli one has to study thoroughly the geological factors which shaped the testing of Tiruchirappallai. The present geographical features. Perhaps may give some scope to the study of per – history.The geology   of Tiruchirappalli little was known before the geological survey of India’s work in 1857.the greater part of the area is occupied by metamorphic rocks. These were five types such as Cuddlier sand stones, The Ariyalur, groups, the Tiruchirappalli plant beds plant remains and other Possible.[2] [1] K.Rajan south Indian Memorial stones.Manoo ,pathippakkamThanjavur 2000. [2] Nadana Kasinathan, Hero Stones in Tamilnadu, Arun publication, madras,1978.P.

    Ontogenesis of tonotopy in inferior colliculus of a hipposiderid bat reveals postnatal shift in frequency-place code

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    The postnatal development of midbrain tonotopy was investigated in the inferior colliculus (IC) of the south Indian CF-FM bat Hipposideros speoris. The developmental progress of the three-dimensional frequency representation was determined by systematic stereotaxic recordings of multiunit clusters from the 1st up to the 7th postnatal week. Additional developmental measures included the tuning characteristics of single units (Figs. 3f; 4f; 5f), the analysis of the vocalised pulse repertoire (Figs. 3e, 4e, 5e), and morphometric reconstructions of the brains of all experimental animals (Fig. 1). The maturation of auditory processing could be divided into two distinct, possibly overlapping developmental periods: First, up to the 5th week, the orderly tonotopy in the IC developed, beginning with the low frequency representation and progressively adding the high frequency representation. With regard to the topology of isofrequency sheets within the IC, maturation progresses from dorsolateral to ventromedial (Figs. 3c, 4c). At the end of this phase the entire IC becomes specialised for narrowly tuned and sensitive frequency processing. This includes the establishment of the 'auditory fovea', i.e. the extensive spatial representation of a narrow band of behaviorally relevant frequencies in the ventromedial part of the IC. In the 5th postnatal week the auditory fovea is concerned with frequencies from 100-118 kHz (Fig. 4c, d). During subsequent development, the frequency tuning of the auditory fovea increases by 20-25 kHz and finally attains the adult range of ca. 125-140 kHz. During this process, neither the bandwidth of the auditory fovea (15-20 kHz) nor the absolute sensitivity of its units (ca. 50 dB SPL) were changed. Further maturation occurred at the single unit level : the sharpness of frequency tuning increased from the 5th to the 7th postnatal weeks (Q-10-dB-values up to 30-60), and upper thresholds emerged (Figs. 4f, 5f). Although in the adult the frequency of the auditory fovea matches that of the vocalised pulses, none of the juvenile bats tested from the 5th to the 7th weeks showed such a frequency match between vocalisation and audition (Figs. 4e, 5e). The results show that postnatal maturation of audition in hipposiderid bats cannot be described by a model based on a single developmental parameter

    Ferulic Acid: Therapeutic Potential Through Its Antioxidant Property

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    There has been considerable public and scientific interest in the use of phytochemicals derived from dietary components to combat human diseases. They are naturally occurring substances found in plants. Ferulic acid (FA) is a phytochemical commonly found in fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes, sweet corn and rice bran. It arises from metabolism of phenylalanine and tyrosine by Shikimate pathway in plants. It exhibits a wide range of therapeutic effects against various diseases like cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative. A wide spectrum of beneficial activity for human health has been advocated for this phenolic compound, at least in part, because of its strong antioxidant activity. FA, a phenolic compound is a strong membrane antioxidant and known to positively affect human health. FA is an effective scavenger of free radicals and it has been approved in certain countries as food additive to prevent lipid peroxidation. It effectively scavenges superoxide anion radical and inhibits the lipid peroxidation. It possesses antioxidant property by virtue of its phenolic hydroxyl group in its structure. The hydroxy and phenoxy groups of FA donate electrons to quench the free radicals. The phenolic radical in turn forms a quinone methide intermediate, which is excreted via the bile. The past few decades have been devoted to intense research on antioxidant property of FA. So, the present review deals with the mechanism of antioxidant property of FA and its possible role in therapeutic usage against various diseases
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