62 research outputs found

    Emergence of Sustainability Based Approaches in Healthcare: Expanding Research and Practice

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    The study explores the scope of sustainability practices in healthcare by systematically examining studies conducted on healthcare related issues within the context of sustainability. The review is focused on three main conceptual aspects – dimensions of sustainability practices in healthcare, drivers of sustainable practices within the industry and strategies to implement sustainability effectively in healthcare. Relevant literature on sustainability in healthcare is referred to address the developed research question. Based on the identified expanding dimensions of sustainability research and practices, future research insights are proposed as conceptual models that reflect the scope of sustainability practices in healthcare. This could enhance understanding of the literature and stimulate researchers to expand the research of sustainability in healthcare in a more widespread and holistic perspective as to ensure service excellence formation for business sustainability. The implications of the study are threefold. Firstly it provides researchers and practitioners interested in healthcare literature an overview of how the concept of sustainability has evolved over time in the healthcare sector. Secondly, the paper highlights the driving forces for sustainability implementation in healthcare and strategies to continuously enhancement the sustainability implementation in healthcare

    A Study on Financial-Accounting Methods for Prospecting the Lifetime Value of Hypermarket Business: A Critical Used of Geospatial Method

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    Recently, the hypermarket profitability is an important issue for the world wide retailing industry with vast literature was found on its definitions, measurements, and models of studied. In general, majority of related work showed that various methodologies and models have been applied to evaluate the profitability of hypermarket, where more dominants on financial and accounting methods. Specifically, estimate the hypermarket profitability are always dominating by financial and accounting methods and approaches with finale attention on maximizing the customer lifetime value (CLV). In fact, most of traditional measurement have been used are interest rate, chuck rate, lease, as well as income and consumptions of consumers. However, a little attention has been given to using others variables, as well as spatial based measurement although it has big potential to contributes on prospecting the profitability of hypermarket. In addition, continuously, financial or accounting variables has been improved and reused in different ways where the method itself in overall is still remains as before. The objective of this paper is to overview the weakness of financial and accounting methods with focused on theoretical and applications issues of estimating hypermarket profitability. Secondly, this paper is aimed to suggest geospatial method as alternative ways for bridged the gap of existing works regarding the estimations of hypermarket lifetime value. By using geospatial variables as well as spatial method, this work will contributes on establish new ways of estimated the CLV of the hypermarket where spatial platform is function to visualized the real situations of financial and accounting information as well as it emerge in the real marketplaces. In future, the use of geospatial method will be brings new hope on better understanding on CLV especially how CLV can estimated by both financial-accounting and spatial variables

    The Relationship between Co-Creation Value and Facebook Shopping

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    This study aims to examine the factors that contribute Facebook shopping. As a conceptual paper, this research explores the prime factors of online shopping by evaluating co-creation value as a predictor which might influence on customer\u27s intention in Facebook shopping. This study covers a quantitative research. All of the respondents were recruited on a voluntary basis. The population will be used in this research is the Internet users in Malaysia. The target respondents of this study are the consumers who have experience in online shopping in Facebook. In this research, the lowest respondents from the individual Internet users are not predicted to be less than 400. The data collection will be carried out via email questionnaire. Multiple regression analysis will be employed to elucidate the relationship between the variables to obtain an equation that represents the best prediction of dependent variable from the independent variable. Considering the nature of the study, the complexity of the research model and the relatively small sample size, Partial Least Squares (PLS) are selected as the statistical tool to analyse the quantitative data. Using the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), the finding of the study expects to contribute to the practitioners in the e-marketing sector with valuable insights on the important of co-creation value in stimulating their intention in buying online via social networking as Facebook

    A Theoretical Review on Organizational Information Systems for Analysing Spatial Issues: A Perspective of Modern Business

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    Organizational Information Systems (OIS) is established purposely to support an organization in managerial and routine works, as well as important to decision making process. Theoretically, there are sixth types of OIS, common identified as Executive Information System (EIS), Management Information System (MIS), Decision Support System (DSS), Knowledge Information System (KWS), Office Automation System (OAS) and Transaction Information System (TPS). Some of organization has developed OIS for achieved their strategic advantages where final aimed to sustain the performance of organisation. However, there are questions arises about OIS uses in analyzing a spatial issue which is refers to geographical locations. The objective of this paper is to overview the fundamental concept, capability and constrains of every types of OIS with specific reference to spatial issues. Spatial issues is refers to concurrent and real-time based issues that arisen from external environment where can affect directly on organization performance. This literature review is driven from business perspective where OIS capability and ability of handle spatial issues will discuss. In general, this study found that all most OIS have limited capability to handle and manage spatial issues. Although DSS can support decision making for execute specific decision related to spatial issues, however DSS still lacks  on visualized spatial issues geographically, as well as spatial issues tied to geographical location. This paper is suggest to developed Geographical Information System (GIS) as one of OIS for discover all kind of spatial issues

    Spatial information systems for sustaining the profitability of retailer business during the global meltdown economy

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    Profitability is the central issues of world wide business firms, especially during the un-predictable situation under the global meltdown economy. Retailer is the most influenced by the crisis because it highly depends on the customers buying activity. In perspective of customers, the value that rewarded from purchasing activity is the most important consideration to continually transaction with the retailer. However, in perspective of retailers, they want to maximize the profit by utilizing their marketing efforts on selling the product to customers. As long as customer continues do the transaction, retailer believed that they can achieve their target. Critically, the contrast view of customer-retailer on the value will raise the issues on profitability and has identified as unsolved issues in the marketplace. Thus, this paper is highlighting the capability of Spatial Information Systems for sustaining the profitability of retailers. By utilizing this technology, it’s helps retailers in sustaining the retailer’s performance, via managing the customer value continuously and practically. Moreover, Spatial Information Systems provide tools and platform to analyzing the customer value in the marketplace, as the real geographical marketplace. Practical aspect of Spatial Information Systems applications are discussed with specific focus on retailer’s business. Moreover, the used of spatial information systems is practically important to the manager to make them understand on what are the real chances on customer value in the geographical marketplace. At the end, suggestion was made on how to choose the suitable Spatial Information Systems to retailers with considerations on the current financial matters

    Current Issues and Challenges of Estimating Lifetime Value of ‘Free Customer’ in Malaysia: An Un-Structured Interview Approach with Industrial Expertises

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    Traditionally, the world wide businesses has being applied customer lifetime value (CLV) model for estimating their profitability by counting contribution of customer toward the business. The strategic used of CLV model is for understand and analyzing the lifetime values of each customer directly on their spending and purchasing activities. Currently, managing CLV has faced some current issues and challenges specifically on predicting a specific category of customer, called ‘free customer’. In fact, ‘free customer’ is non-database customer and their information is not available to any business. This category of customer always neglect and un-counting contribution, as well as them lifetime value that could be potentially affects the future prospect of the business. The study is aimed to explore current issues and challenges on implementations of CLV model with specific reference to ‘free customer’ of the hypermarket business. Secondly, the theoretical point of view on CLV will reviewed by using previous selected literature, as well as to explain the current issues and trends of CLV of the study. The method used is semi structured interview with the key person of Industrial Expertise. Meanwhile, the International Hypermarket at Seberang Perai of Pulau Pinang, Malaysia is selected as a reference location regarding the interview session. At the end, suggestion will be made for using geographical information system (GIS) approach for strengthening the traditional ways of understanding CLV of ‘free customer’ where it used map as platform of visualization the location of ‘free customer’.Key words: Lifetime value; Free customer; International hypermarket; Seberang Perai of Penan

    Technology Adoption Among Small And Medium Enterprises (SME's): A Research Agenda.

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    This paper presents the research agenda that has been proposed to develop an integrated model to explain technology adoption of SMEs in Malaysia. SMEs form over 90% of all business entities in Malaysia and they have been contributing to the development of the nation