2 research outputs found

    Contaminaci贸n del medio ambiente y remotorizaci贸n

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    Presently work is carried out an analysis of the substances toxics product of the combustion of the gasoline, in motors of internal combustion, the study was carried out in the base of transport Yuri Gagarin belonging to Sandino, in which 31 buses exist with motor of gasoline, product to this, took place an evaluation of the index of consumption of the changed motors and those that were not changed, being a consumption difference to which is calculated the percents of polluting gases that contribute to the effect hothouse, without omitting the economic benefits for the decrease in the costs of the purchase of fuel.En el presente trabajo se realiz贸 un an谩lisis de las sustancias t贸xicas producto de la combusti贸n de la gasolina, en motores de combusti贸n interna, el estudio se llev贸 a cabo en la UEB de transporte Yuri Gagarin perteneciente al municipio de Sandino, en la que existen 31 buses con motor de gasolina sin remotorizar; producto a esto se hizo una evaluaci贸n del 铆ndice de consumo de los veh铆culos remotorizados y los que no se han remotorizado, resultando una diferencia de consumo a la cual se le calcula los porcientos de gases contaminantes que contribuyen al efecto invernadero, sin omitir los beneficios econ贸micos por la disminuci贸n en los costos de la compra de combustible