28 research outputs found

    Ubiquitous Computing e Patrimonio Culturale: dalla fruizione alla salvaguardia

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    Il contributo propone una sintesi della ricerca internazionale sull'Ubiquitous Computing dalla fine degli anni '80, periodo durante il quale muove i primi passi, sino ai giorni nostri. La nuova sfida, fortemente caratterizzata e basata sui concetti di localizzazione, contesto e scalabilità è stata accolta dagli informatici ma anche da chi si occupa di informazione geografica, di sensoristica, di reti di comunicazione, di telefonia mobile e, negli ultimi tempi, di Patrimonio Culturale. In particolare si parla di Location Based Services che, specie negli ultimi anni (in cui) assumono importanza centrale e diffusa. Si conclude con un approfondimento sulle applicazioni più recenti relative alla fruizione ed alla salvaguardia del Patrimonio Culturale, anche attraverso la partecipazione del cittadino

    Modelli predittivi per un'archeologia preventiva operativa: note metodologiche e applicazioni

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    Il presente lavoro, nell'ambito della tematica Analisi avanzate archeologico e del paesaggio, mostra un insieme di tecniche utilizzate e casi di studio seguiti, relativi allo sviluppo di alcuni modelli applicati in ambiti territoriali diversi e con finalità diverse. Più nello specifico tali esempi riguardano lo studio di dinamiche insediative nel bacino idrografico del rio Grande di Nazca, lospaziale applicate a scala regionale ed infine la costruzione di un nel Tavoliere

    Un approccio operativo e a basso costo alla protezione del Patrimonio artistico: il sistema zbSens

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    Il contributo presenta zbSens, tra i più innovativi sistemi di tracciabilità e protezione del Patrimonio Culturale: i suoi componenti sono miniaturizzati e non invasivi, low cost, userfriendly ed a bassissimo consumo energetico. Può essere facilmente utilizzato per garantire la movimentazione di singole oper

    Archeologia preventiva: il ruolo delle analisi spaziali e del remote sensing nei modelli predittivi

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    In questo lavoro viene presentata la redazione di uno stato dell'arte relativo alle applicazioni delle ICT, in particolare i

    Lo stato di conservazione dei Sassi di Matera: correlazione tra il degrado e le condizioni ambientali attraverso tecniche di analisi spaziale

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    In questo contributo è descritto un metodo per la valutazione dello stato di conservazione dei Sassi di Matera, sito iscritto nella lista del Patrimonio Mondiale dell'UNESCO dal 1993 (i Sassi e il Parco delle Chiese Rupestri di Matera) e recentemente elett

    Approcci low-cost al monitoraggio microclimatico di ambienti confinati: il caso della Cripta di S.Francesco in Irsina (Matera)

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    Il monitoraggio ambientale è uno dei principali strumenti di valutazione e diagnosi utilizzato per appropriate strategie finalizzate alla salvaguardia del Patrimonio Culturale. Il sistema di monitoraggio è solo apparentemente uno strumento di facile utilizzo e gestione, in realtà esso nasconde diversi inconvenienti tra cui, ad esempio, i costi elevati di acquisto e manutenzione oltre ai costi legati alla gestione ed elaborazione dei dati. Ciò implica ch

    Predictive models and spatial analysis for the study of deserted medieval villages in Basilicata Region (Italy)

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    The study is focused on villages that are abandoned throughout the Basilicata from the 13th to the 15th century (Masini 1998), which is an emblematic case of abandonment of settlements in Late Middle Ages, which was a very common phenomenon throughout the whole Europe, attracting the interest of several historians and archaeologists (Demians d’Archimbaud 2001) The aim of the present study is to offer a contribution to knowledge of the medieval Basilicata’s landscapes and settlement’s dynamics with a multidisciplinary approach, derived from the rescue archeology: we have integrated the documentary sources with the use of spatial analysis and predictive models (Danese et al. 2009). The preventive archeology was born to conciliate the protection of archeological heritage, in evidence and potential, with the needs of urban design and planning. It is of fundamental importance, for a reliable evaluation of archaeological potential (identifying invisible traces) to use innovative diagnostic technologies: geophysical prospections, remote sensing (Lasaponara & Masini 2010; Lasaponara et al. 2016) and spatial analysis for the creation of predictive models. The latter are used to accomplish operational purposes but also for the historical landscape reconstruction (Danese et al. 2013; 2014). They contribute to analyse settlements and their dynamics on the basis of definite method and parameters. Thanks to predictive models it is possible, in fact, to start off by information of well-known archeological sites and use this knowledge as an empiric test for understand which elements have influenced their localization in the space. The relationships among natural environment, social context and position site are analysed in order to make clear the rules of settlement. These rules are then used into the model (Podobnikar et al. 2001). In this work the employed methodology is Spatial Analysis, in order to subdivide the territory based on its importance respect to a given function. The archeological dataset is made up of documentary sources and, in some cases, field survey. We have integrated the observation of Site Catchment Analysis of every site with the organizational principles of the economic space and with the principles of potential agricultural use of soil, which follow of the pointers proceeds from a series of important elements in the territorial evolution. The map algebra used methods are Viewshed Analysis, Cost Weighted Distance, Cost Weighted Allocation, Shortest Path. Furthermore, through the method of land evaluation, in order to understand the potential agricultural use of the soil has been defined the degree of adaptability of some agricultural species to the invariable characteristics of the territories examined, such as the pedology, orography and exposure to light solar. The result obtained with the present study propose an approach of integration of heterogeneous data through the use of techniques that make reference the same principles on which the strategies of localization of the sites of the man of the past were based that is distance, adjacency, interaction, neighborhood. The in-depth study on a few sites and their archaeological excavations has the role of validate the model

    Predictive models and spatial analysis for the study of deserted medieval villages in Basilicata Region (Italy)

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    The study is focused on villages that are abandoned throughout the Basilicata from the 13th to the 15th century (Masini 1998), which is an emblematic case of abandonment of settlements in Late Middle Ages, which was a very common phenomenon throughout the whole Europe, attracting the interest of several historians and archaeologists (Demians d’Archimbaud 2001) The aim of the present study is to offer a contribution to knowledge of the medieval Basilicata’s landscapes and settlement’s dynamics with a multidisciplinary approach, derived from the rescue archeology: we have integrated the documentary sources with the use of spatial analysis and predictive models (Danese et al. 2009). The preventive archeology was born to conciliate the protection of archeological heritage, in evidence and potential, with the needs of urban design and planning. It is of fundamental importance, for a reliable evaluation of archaeological potential (identifying invisible traces) to use innovative diagnostic technologies: geophysical prospections, remote sensing (Lasaponara & Masini 2010; Lasaponara et al. 2016) and spatial analysis for the creation of predictive models. The latter are used to accomplish operational purposes but also for the historical landscape reconstruction (Danese et al. 2013; 2014). They contribute to analyse settlements and their dynamics on the basis of definite method and parameters. Thanks to predictive models it is possible, in fact, to start off by information of well-known archeological sites and use this knowledge as an empiric test for understand which elements have influenced their localization in the space. The relationships among natural environment, social context and position site are analysed in order to make clear the rules of settlement. These rules are then used into the model (Podobnikar et al. 2001). In this work the employed methodology is Spatial Analysis, in order to subdivide the territory based on its importance respect to a given function. The archeological dataset is made up of documentary sources and, in some cases, field survey. We have integrated the observation of Site Catchment Analysis of every site with the organizational principles of the economic space and with the principles of potential agricultural use of soil, which follow of the pointers proceeds from a series of important elements in the territorial evolution. The map algebra used methods are Viewshed Analysis, Cost Weighted Distance, Cost Weighted Allocation, Shortest Path. Furthermore, through the method of land evaluation, in order to understand the potential agricultural use of the soil has been defined the degree of adaptability of some agricultural species to the invariable characteristics of the territories examined, such as the pedology, orography and exposure to light solar. The result obtained with the present study propose an approach of integration of heterogeneous data through the use of techniques that make reference the same principles on which the strategies of localization of the sites of the man of the past were based that is distance, adjacency, interaction, neighborhood. The in-depth study on a few sites and their archaeological excavations has the role of validate the model

    Basili Castle: the digital Atlas of Castles in Basilicata (Southern Italy)

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    The Institute for Archaeological and Monumental Heritage of the National Research Council, in cooperation with the Italian Institute of Castles - section of Basilicata, has designed and developed the digital Atlas of Castles of Basilicata. This Atlas, named BasiliCastle, aims at being a concrete contribution to the knowledge, fruition and promotion of the fortified architectural heritage of Basilicata. It includes a WebGIS and an App. The WebGIS is based on free geographical data and it is shared and supported by OpenStreetMap platform. The App provides users with a detailed geographical data, the historical and architectural description, pictures and 3D models of the castles. BasiliCastle has been developed using an Open Source environment and allows to share all the data which are fully available to users

    Remote sensing archaeology knowledge transfer: Examples from the ATHENA twinning project

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    ATHENA is an on-going Horizon 2020 Twinning project aiming to promote remote sensing technologies for cultural heritage (CH) applications in Cyprus. ATHENA project brings together the Eratosthenes Research Center (ERC) of the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) with two internationally leading institutions of Europe, namely the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) and the German Aerospace Centre (DLR). The project's scope is to position the ERC regionally and stimulate future cooperation through placements at partner institutions and enhance the research and academic profile of all participants. The scientific strengthening and networking achieved through the ATHENA project could be of great benefit not only for Cyprus but for the entire Eastern Mediterranean, bearing a plethora of archaeological sites and monuments urgently calling for monitoring and safeguarding. The preservation of CH and landscape comprises a strategic priority not only to guarantee cultural treasures and evidence of the human past to future generations, but also to exploit them as a strategic and valuable economic asset. The objective of this paper is to present knowledge transfer examples achieved from the ATHENA project through intense training activities. These activities were also designed to enhance the scientific profile of the research staff and to accelerate the development of research capabilities of the ERC. At the same time the results from the training activities were also exploited to promote earth observation knowledge and best practices intended for CH. The activities included active and passive remote sensing data used for archaeological applications, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) image analysis for change and deformation detection, monitoring of risk factors related to cultural heritage sites including archaeological looting etc