49 research outputs found

    Revitalisation of the Lisičine Arboretum

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    Arboretum Lisičine nalazi se na Papuku. Njime upravljaju Hrvatske šume d.o.o. Zagreb, Uprava šuma podružnica Našice, Šumarija Voćin. Os no van je 1979. godine, na površini od oko 45 ha. U sjevernom dijelu Ar boretuma nalazi se prirodna bukova šuma. Južni dio, koji je arboretum u užem smislu, podijeljen je na tri dijela: 1. hortikulturni dio na kojem je posađeno ukras no drveće i grmlje, 2. dio zasađen biljkama s područja Europe i Azije i 3. dio zasađen biljkama s područja Amerike. Tijekom Domovinskog rata Arboretum je bio okupiran i devastiran. Dio biljaka se osušio, zasađene biljke nisu primjereno održavane, dosta ih je posađeno preblizu jedna drugoj, a neke su se pokazale invazivne te su se nekontrolirano proširile po ostalim dijelovima Arboretuma. Također je došlo i do zarastanja bagremom, kupinom i drugim samoniklim vrstama. U okviru projekta “Revitalizacija Arboretuma Lisičine”, od 2006. godine radi se na uređenju Arboretuma. Za svaki pojedini slučaj bilo je potrebno odlučiti što treba učiniti kako bi se što više biljaka očuvalo. Dokumentacija o biljkama ne postoji, te se sukcesivno, po poljima, radi na determinaciji i označavanju biljaka. U hortikulturnom dijelu, na dvanaest polja, determinirano je 416 različitih svojti, iz 113 rodova. Od toga su 202 listopadne, a ostale vazdazelene ili zimzelene. Najzastupljeniji rodovi su: Picea (32 različite svojte), Juniperus (23 svojte), Chamaecyparis (23 svojte), Prunus (20 svoj ti), Pinus (15 svoj ti), Thuja (14 svojti), Berberis (13 svojti), Viburnum (13 svojti), Taxus (12 svoj ti), Spiraea (12 svojti), Acer (11 svojti), Cotoneaster (11 svojti), Abies (9 svojti), Cornus (9 svojti), Ilex (9 svojti) i Sorbus (9 svojti). Hortikulturni dio može poslužiti kao ogledni dio za uređenje cijelog Arboretuma te ima prioritet tijekom revitalizacije. Posebnu vrijednost imaju brojni kultivari četinjača, pa se može reći da je Arboretum Lisičine među najbogatijim živim zbirkama različitih svojti četinjača u Hrvatskoj. Zbog vrijednosti i jedinstvenosti Arboretuma Lisičine potrebno je uložiti što je moguće više truda i sredstava kako bi se primjereno uredio, a zatim održavao i služio za edukaciju i znanstvena istraživanja, kao i za odmor i šetnju svih dobronamjernih posjetitelja.The Arboretum Lisičine is located on the Papuk mountain. It is managed by Hrvatske šume d.o.o., Zagreb (Croatian Forests Ltd., Zagreb), Forest Administration Našice, Forest Office Voćin. It was founded in 1979 on an area of about 45 ha. In the northern part of the Arboretum there is a natural beech forest. The southern part, which is the arboretum in the true sense of the word, is divided in 3 parts: 1. horticultural part, on which ornamental trees and shrubs are planted, 2. part planted with European and Asian plants, 3. part planted with American plants. During the Homeland War the Arboretum was occupied and devastated. A part of the plants dried out, some plants were not properly cultivated, many of them were placed too close to each other, and some turned out to be invasive and spread without control over other parts of the Arboretum. In addition, black locust, blackberry bushes and other species started overgrowing the cultivated plants. Since 2006, within the project “Revitalisation of the Lisičine Arboretum”, the arrangement of the Arboretum has been on-going. In each individual case decisions have to be made about what needs to be done to preserve as many plants as possible. There is no documentation about the plants, and the determination and marking of the plants has to be done successively field by field. In the horticultural part, on 12 fields, 416 different taxa of 113 genera have been determined. Of these 202 are deciduous, whereas the others are evergreen or leaf-exchanging. The most represented genera are: Picea (32 taxa), Juniperus (23 taxa), Chamaecyparis (23 taxa), Prunus (20 taxa), Pinus (15 taxa), Thuja (14 taxa), Berberis (13 taxa), Viburnum (13 taxa), Taxus (12 taxa), Spiraea (12 taxa), Acer (11 taxa), Cotoneaster (11 taxa), Abies (9 taxa), Cornus (9 taxa), Ilex (9 taxa) and Sorbus (9 taxa). The horticultural part can serve as the model part for arranging the whole Arboretum, having priority during revitalisation. Numerous conifer cultivars are specially valuable, so that we can say that the Lisičine Arboretum is one of the richest living collections of different conifer species in Croatia. Due to the value and uniqueness of the Lisičine Arboretum, as much effort as possible has to be made for its arrangement and later maintenance, so it can serve for education and scientific research, as well as relaxation and strolls of visitors

    Leaf Morphology Variation of Populus nigra L. in Natural Populations along the Rivers in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Background and Purpose: The aim was to determine the morphological differences between the hairy type of European black poplar (Populus nigra subsp. caudina) and the typical type from the riparian forests populations as well as between the river systems. Hairy black poplar spreads in a mosaic pattern across the Submediterranean climatic type along the River Neretva and the typical European black poplar is growing on alluvial soils along large rivers in the territory of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Material and Methods: Samples for leaf morphometric analysis were collected in 17 natural populations of European black poplar along six rivers in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Results: Discriminant analyses have determined that in the differentiation of population groups largely contribute some characters such as the distance between the leaf widest part and the leaf base (DBW) and the petiole length (PL). The differences between populations and analysed groups, as well as the differences between populations belonging to a particular river system, were confirmed for all studied characteristics. Conclusions: Significant differences have been determined between the typical and the hairy type of European black poplar in the studied morphological traits and these dissimilarities are in accordance with the climatic differences in respective habitats of continental riparian forests and the Submediterranean type of climate. Populations sampled in the lower course of the River Neretva, which correspond to the hairy type of the European black poplar, have smaller leaves and a greater angle between the first lower lateral vein and the midrib

    Woody Plants of the Zagreb Zoo Garden

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    Zoološki vrt grada Zagreba, koji je ujedno i prvi zoološki vrt u Hr­vatskoj, osnovan je 1925. godine u perivoju Maksimir. S obzirom na važnost dr­veća i grmlja u oblikovanju prostora te na veliku povijesnu važnost pojedinih stabala, u radu je prikazan popis drvenastih svojti u Zoološkom vrtu te njihova dendrološka, hortikulturna i povijesna vrijednost. Na površini od oko 5,5 ha de­terminirano je 238 različitih svojti drvenastih biljaka iz 100 rodova, od kojih, 38 pripada golosjemenjačama, a 200 kritosjemenjačama. Najzastupljeniji rodovi su: JuniperusiPrunus(po 12 svojti),Salix(10 svojti),AceriBerberis(po 9 svojti), EuonymusiLonicera(po 7 svojti),PiceaiSpiraea(po 6 svojti) te s po 5 svojti Cornus,Cotoneaster,Fraxinus,ThujaiViburnum. Ukupno, s tropskim, suptrop­skim i mediteranskim vrstama koje se nalaze unutar Tropske kuće i Paviljona za majmune, u vrtu su prisutne 262 drvenaste svojte. Na području cijelog vrta rastu drvenaste vrste karakteristične za šumsku zajednicu hrasta lužnjaka i običnog graba, od kojih je najzastupljeniji hrast lužnjak. Osim njih u vrtu je zasađen i velik broj autohtonih vrsta iz kontinentalnog područja Hrvatske, a prisutne su i različite alohtone i egzotične vrste. Dendrološka vrijednost vrta očituje se u veli­koj raznolikosti drvenastih svojti, što Zoološki vrt čini vrijednom zbirkom drvena­stih vrsta. Posebnu vrijednost vrtu daju stabla močvarnog taksodija i platana koja su zasađena još u vrijeme nastajanja maksimirskog perivoja. Pri odabiru biljnih vrsta za prostorno planiranje i oblikovanje unutar Zoološkog vrta, potre­bno je voditi računa o njegovom smještaju unutar povijesnog perivoja, autohto­noj vegetaciji na području parkovno-šumskog dijela Maksimira i o biljnim vrstama kao oblikovnom elementu za kreiranje ambijenta životinjskih nastambi.The Zagreb Zoo garden, which is also the first zoological garden in Croatia, was founded in 1925 in the park Maksimir and still contains woody species that were planted during the formation of the park. Given the importance of trees and shrubs in landscaping, as well as the great historical importance of individual trees, this paper presents a list of woody species and ex­plains the dendrological, horticultural and historical value of the garden. In the area of about 5.5 ha 238 different species of woody plants from 100 genera were determined (Table 1), of which 38 belong to gymnosperms and 200 to angiosperms. Of these 144 are deciduous, whereas the others are evergreen or leaf-exchanging. The most common genera are: Juniperus(12 species),Prunus(12 species),Salix(10 species),Acer(9 species),Berberis(9 species),Euonymus(7 species),Lonicera(7 species),Picea(6 species),Spiraea(6 species),Cornus(5 species),Cotoneaster(5 species),Fraxinus(5 species),Thuja(5 species) andViburnum(5 species). In total, along with the tropical, subtropical and Mediterranean species in the Tropical House and the Pavilion for Monkeys, there are 262 woody species in the garden. The large number and diversity of woody species, both au­tochthonous and allochthonous, gives special value to the Zoo and the whole Maksimir Park. The horticultural value of an area depends not only on plants, their appearance and arrange­ment, but also on all the other park elements and contents. The essential elements and contents in the garden are wooden benches and low fences that are equal to the ones in Maksimir Park, furt­hermore educational facilities, paved paths and walkways etc. Out of the large number of buil­dings and dwellings for animals, the ones of historical significance must be highlighted: The Lion Bridge, Pavilion for Monkeys and the Tower on the First Island. One of the indispensable ele­ments in the Zoo are educational panels and boards. In addition to educational content about ani­mals, the garden also offers its visitors a variety of contents on plant species and natural habitats from which individual animal species originate. After the time of Haulik, the first list of woody species within Maksimir Park was provided by Ettinger (1889), who stated that a large number of species disappeared from Maksimir due to gar­deners’ procedures or the irresponsible behavior of visitors. According to Ettinger (1889) in the whole of Maksimir 162 tree and shrub species were present at that time. This list is extremely va­luable and can serve as a basis for planning new planting. Of the trees planted in Hauliks time today a group of four old London Plane trees stand out on the First Island. Apart from that, on the eastern side of the Zoo there are another four significant American Plane trees – two of them lo­cated near the Tropical House, and two in front of the former quarters for elephants. Also, it is worthwhile to mention the specimen of white poplar, swamp cypress and yew, of which the swamp cypress deserves special attention, since it is the largest specimen of its kind in Croatia (183 cm in diameter and 34 m in height). Landscape architect Dragutin Kiš (1981, 1982b) states that the Zoo should undergo pro found changes not only in physical terms, but also in the organization and manner of pre senting animals to visitors. Today, after almost 30 years, significant results can be se en in terms of garden arrangement. Metal grids, wires and concrete were replaced by na tural barriers, such as ditches covered with low vegetation, and water barriers covered with wetland vegetation. To improve the conditions of keeping animals, efforts are ma de to simulate their natural habitats by spatial planning, design of dwellings and plant selecting. Characteristic species belonging to the forest community of the peduncled oak and common hornbeam grow throughout the area of the Zoo, of which Quercus roburis dominant, followed by Tiliaspp.,Carpinus betulus, Prunus padus, Ulmus minor, Fraxinus angustifolia, Acer campestre,Corylus avellana, Euonymus europaeus, Crataegusspp., Cornus sanguinea, Rosa arvensisand Lonicera caprifolium. Although the Zoo cannot be considered a park, the fact that it is located within the his torical frame­work of the protected Maksimir Park must be one of the main guidelines for the selection of plant spe­cies in landscaping of the garden. In addition, it is necessary to ta ke care of the autochthonous vegeta­tion in the park and forest area of Maksimir, as well as of plant species as the landscaping element for creating the ambiance of animal habitats


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    Maruni (maroni) su sorte europskog pitomog kestena (Castanea sativa Mill.) dobivene selekcijom, koje se od davnina uzgajaju radi proizvodnje krupnih i kvalitetnih plodova. Maruni su u Hrvatskoj sađeni na privatnim posjedima istočnih padina Učke, u okolici Lovrana i poznati su pod nazivom "lovranski marun". Do sada nije bilo znanstvenih istraživanja lovranskog maruna te nije poznato s kojim su biljnim materijalom nasadi podignuti, odnosno koliko je različitih genotipova zastupljeno. Ta saznanja ključna su za sve daljnje korake koje treba poduzeti kako bi se očuvali postojeći genetski izvori. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bila je analiza genetske raznolikosti stabala lovranskog maruna u postojećim nasadima, korištenjem mikrosatelitnih biljega. Istraživanje je rađeno na uzorku od 72 stabla, korištenjem 5 mikrosatelitnih biljega. Analiza je pokazala prisutnost 11 multilokusnih genotipova, što govori u prilog raznovrsnosti i bogatstvu svojti pitomog kestena na lovranskom području, koje još uvijek nisu taksonomski određene, a vode se pod kolektivnim nazivom "lovranski marun". Većina uzorkovanih stabala, 58, pripada istom genotipu, što se može tumačiti statičnošću u smislu introdukcije novih svojti na istraživano područje i forsiranjem, tj. ekstenzivnim uzgojem.Marrons are varieties of the European chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) obtained through selection, which have been grown since antiquity for the production of large and high quality fruits. In Croatia, marrons were planted on private properties on the eastern slopes of the Učka mountain, in the environs of Lovran, and are hence known as the "Lovran marron". There has been no scientific research of the Lovran marron to date, and it is unknown which plant material was used to raise the plantations, or how many different genotypes are represented. Those insights are crucial for any further steps to be undertaken in order to conserve the existing genetic resources. The aim of this study was to analyze the genetic diversity of the Lovran marron trees in the existing plantations, by using microsatellite markers. The study was conducted on a sample of 72 trees, using 5 microsatellite markers (Table 1). The analysis demonstrated the presence of 11 multilocus genotypes, pointing to the diversity and abundance of sweet chestnut taxa in the Lovran area, which have not yet been taxonomically defined and bear the collective name of the "Lovran marron". The majority of analyzed trees, specifically 58 individuals, had a uniform genetic structure and areassigned to the MG01 cultivar, which is therefore the most represented cultivar in the researched area, i.e. the one most often grown. However, not all trees are uniform, which is proven by the fact that the remaining 14 analyzed trees belong to 10 different gene pools. Of the 14 trees, 2 had not been grafted, but are found in the plantations together with the grafted marrons and are genetically specific as is to be expected. The remaining 12 grafted trees belong to 9 gene pools. Out of those, 5 trees share common alleles on all loci and are assigned the MG02 cultivar, whereas 7 trees were genetically unique and classified into 7 different cultivars (Tables 2, 3, 4 and Figure 1). Consequently, with regard to the "Lovran marron" operational taxonomic unit grown in the area of the Municipality of Lovran, although it is not taxonomically specified, on the basis of the genetic diversity analysis conducted using 5 microsatellite markers, it can be said to include several different genotypes, or cultivars, one of which (MG01) is present at a much higher frequency than others


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    Istraživana je morfološka varijabilnost listova šest populacija nizinskog brijesta (Ulmus minor Mill. sensu latissimo) na području kontinentalne Hrvatske: Bilogora, Dilj, Donji Miholjac, Jastrebarsko, Nova Kapela i Zagreb. Morfometrijsko istraživanje unutarpopulacijske i međupopulacijske varijabilnosti provedeno je na osnovi 10 morfoloških svojstava listova, pri čemu su korištene multivarijatne i deskriptivne statističke metode. Utvrđena je visoka varijabilnost istraživanih morfoloških značajki, usprkos pretpostavljenom negativnom utjecaju holandske bolesti brijesta na varijabilnost vrste. Koeficijent varijabilnosti na razini svih populacija kretao se od 17,05 % za svojstvo broja sekundarnih i tercijarnih žila subapikalne regije lista do 45,24 % za svojstvo bazalne asimetrije. Za većinu svojstava pokazalo se da je 1/2-2/3 od ukupne varijance uvjetovano varijabilnošću između listova unutar stabla, dok je najmanja varijabilnost bila prisutna između populacija. Odstupanje od ovoga pravila utvrđeno je za svojstvo broja sekundarnih i tercijarnih žila subapikalne regije i duljinu peteljke, gdje je međupopulacijska varijabilnost bila visoka. Prema klasterskoj analizi istraživane populacije se grupiraju prema ekološkim uvjetima staništa, ali se kao osnova za grupiranje populacija etablira i negativni antropogeni utjecaj na okoliš u smislu promjene načina korištenja šumskog zemljišta i hidroregulacijskih zahvata. Međusobno najsličnije populacije bile su Bilogora, Donji Miholjac i Zagreb, odnosno Jastrebarsko i Nova Kapela. Odvajanje populacije Dilj uvjetovano je specifičnim uvjetima njena pridolaska, budući da se nalazi unutar srednjoeuropske vegetacijske zone termofilnih šuma sveze Quercion pubescentis-petraeae Br. – Bl. 1931.In spite of continuous anthropogenic pressure on the environment and consistent destruction of natural habitats, accompanied by the introduction of the invasive neophytes, ornamentals and current pandemic of Dutch elm disease, we revealed high morphological diversity of field elm populations. Thus, this study provided accurate insight into morphological diversity of U. minor s.l. in continental Croatia. Precisely for this reason and with the aim of conservation of elms biodiversity in Croatia, the continuation of this type of research is essential and necessary

    Leaf phenology characteristics of narrow-leaved ash (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl) in clonal seed orchard

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    U tri godine istraživanja (2012., 2014. i 2015.) praćene su fenološke karakteristike listanja poljskog jasena (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl) u klonskoj sjemenskoj plantaži Nova Gradiška. Motrenjem su obuhvaćena 42 klona s četiri ramete po klonu (ukupno 168 biljaka) porijeklom iz triju populacija (Jasenovac, Novska i Stara Gradiška). Razvoj lista podijeljen je na šest fenofaza, međutim u radu je analizirana isključivo faza L2 (početak listanja). Prosječni broj dana od 1. siječnja do početka listanja iznosio je 98 dana u 2012. godini, 93 dana u 2014. godini i 103 dana tijekom 2015. godine. Prosječan broj dana koji je bio potreban za razvoj lista u 2012. godini iznosio je 27 dana, u 2014. godini 26 dana, dok je u 2015. godini bio 20 dana. Na osnovi fenoloških rezultata klonovi su podijeljeni na dvije ekotipske forme: ranu i kasnu. Prosječne vrijednosti broja dana s obzirom na početak listanja iznosile su od 90 do 101 dan za ranu ekotipsku formu te od 99 do 107 dana za kasnu. U radu je dokazana visoka povezanost između kumulativnih vrijednosti količine oborina (od 1. prosinca do nastupanja faze L2) i početka listanja. Istraživanjem je utvrđena statistički značajna razlika između svih istraživanih klonova, između klonova unutar populacija, kao i između istraživanih ekotipskih formi. Statistički značajna međupopulacijska varijabilnost nije utvrđena. Unutarklonska varijabilnost smanjivala se sa starošću sjemenske plantaže, što ukazuje na veću stabilnost i ujednačenost fenoloških karakteristika između rameta s povećanjem njihove starosti. Pripadnost klonova ekotipskim formama nije pratila njihovo geografsko porijeklo, čime je dodatno potvrđena značajna unutarpopulacijska varijabilnost poljskog jasena.Narrow-leaved ash (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl) is a hygrophilic and predominantly thermophilic tree species that favours deep, clayed and moist soils exposed to occasional seasonal flooding. The largest complexes of narrow-leaved ash (80 %) are located along the Sava river. In the context of global climate change, it is important to know the composition and structure of genetic variability, particularly in terms of adaptive potential such as growth, survival and leaf phenology. The goal of research was to analyze the beginning of the leaf unfolding phase (L2 phase), the duration of leaf development (L2 – L6) and the impact of atmospheric parameters on the beginning of leaf unfolding, as well as to determine intrapopulation and interpopulation variability and the existence of ecotypic forms in relation to the beginning of leaf unfolding. Phenological characteristics of leaf phenology of narrow-leaved ash were monitored in the clonal seed orchard of Nova Gradiška in the course of three years of research (2012, 2014 and 2015). Monitoring included 42 clones originating from three populations (Jasenovac, Novska and Stara Gradiška). Every clone was represented with four ramets each (in total 168 plants). Leaf development was divided into six phenophases (figure 2, table 1); the analysis focused exclusively on Phase L2 (beginning of leaf unfolding). The average number of days from January 1st to the beginning of leaf unfolding was 98 days in 2012, 93 days in 2014, and 103 days in 2015 (figure 3, table 2). The average number of days required for leaf development amounted to 27 days in 2012, 26 days in 2014 and 20 days during 2015. Based on phenological results throughout the three years of study, the clones were divided into two ecotypic forms (early and late) with regard to the beginning of flushing (figure 5, table 4). The justification of division into two forms was statistically confirmed (table 3). The average values of the number of days for early ecotypic forms ranged from 90 to 101 days, and for late forms from 99 to 107 days. Along with temperature requirements as the most crucial activating factor in the manifestation of leaf pheno­logy, researche also confirmed high correlation between cumulative values of precipitation quantity (from December 1st to the beginning of Phase L2) and the beginning of leaf unfolding in narrow-leaved ash (r=0,93). Statistically significant differences were found between all the studied clones, and so were for intrapopulation variability for the beginning of leaf unfolding; however, no statistically significant differences were found between the studied populations (table 3). Intraclonal values of the coefficient of variability (CV %) for the property of leaf unfolding decreased with the age of the experiment and on average amounted to 15.22 % at age 2 + 8 years, 13.46 % at age 2 + 10 years, and 7.8 % at age of 2 + 11 years, indicating higher stability and uniformity of phenological characteristics among the ramets as their age increased (figure 4). The affiliation of the clones to ecotypic forms did not coincide with their geographic origin, which additionally confirmed important intrapopulation variability of narrow-leaved ash


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    U radu su prikazane svojte drveća i grmlja u dijelu arboretuma Lisičine u kojem se nalaze biljke s područja Europe, Azije i Sjeverne Amerike. Taj dio bio je nepristupačan prije radova obavljenih u okviru IPA projekta prekogranične suradnje Hrvatska – Mađarska (IPA CBC HU-HR 2007–2013). Projektom je bila obuhvaćena hortikulturna i infrastrukturna revitalizacija arboretuma. Determinirano je 145 svojti (vrsta, podvrsta, križanaca i kultivara), od kojih su 44 golosjemenjače, a ostalih 101 su kritosjemanjače. Determinirane svojte pripadaju u 59 različitih rodova, a najveći broj svojti je iz sljedećih rodova: Pinus – borovi (13), Acer – javori (12), Abies – jele (10), Quercus – hrastovi (8), Picea – smreke (7) i Betula – breze (6). Usporedbom s popisom svojti u hortikulturnom dijelu arboretuma, vidljivo je da je 47 od 145 determiniranih svojti zajedničko u ovome i u hortikulturnom dijelu, odnosno da je novih 98 svojti. To znači da je u cijelom arboretumu Lisičine ukupno determinirano 512 različitih svojti. Kao posebno vrijedne vrste, koje su vjerojatno jedini primjerci posađeni u Hrvatskoj ili su prisutni vrlo rijetko, možemo izdvojiti sljedeće: Abies firma (momi-jela), A. holophylla (mandžurska jela), A. homolepis (nikko-jela), A. sachalinensis (sahalinska jela), Picea engelmannii (Engelmannova smreka), Pinus attenuata (kvrgavi bor), P. coulteri (Coulterov bor), P. koraiensis (korejski bor), P. monticola (zapadnoamerički bjelokori bor), P. resinosa (američki crveni bor), P. rigida (smolavi bor), Tsuga sieboldii (Sieboldova čuga), Alnus japonica (japanska joha), Betula alleghaniensis (žuta breza), B. medwediewii (transkavkaska breza), B. nigra (mrka breza), B. papyrifera (bijela breza), Magnolia denudata (julanska magnolija), M. obovata (japanska velelisna magnolija), Malus coronaria, Ostrya virginiana (virdžinijski crni grab), Pyrus betulifolia (brezolisna kruška), Quercus dentata (japanski carski hrast), Q. imbricaria (lovor-hrast) i Q. variabilis (kineski hrast plutnjak).The Lisičine Arboretum is located on the Papuk mountain, Croatia. It is managed by Croatian Forests Ltd. Zagreb, Forest Administration Našice, Forest Office Voćin. In this work the tree and shrub species of a part of the Arboretum are presented, in which plants from Europe, Asia and North America are located. This area was inaccessible before the works within the IPA project of cross-border cooperation between Croatia and Hungary (IPA CBC HU-HR 2007-2013), under the title: "Nature is the first and the precious" have been carried out. The project included the horticultural and infrastructural revitalisation of the Arboretum. 145 taxa (species, subspecies, hybrids and cultivars) have been determined, of which 44 are gymnosperms and the other 101 are angiosperms (Table 1). The determined taxa belong to 59 different genera, the highest number of taxa being from the following: Pinus – pine (13), Acer – maple (12), Abies – fir (10), Quercus – oak (8), Picea – spruce (7) and Betula – birch (6). By comparing the list of taxa from the horticultural part of the Lisičine Arboretum (Idžojtić et al. 2010) it is apparent that 47 of the 145 determined taxa occur in both this and the horticultural part, meaning that there are 98 new taxa. This means that in the whole arboretum Lisičine 512 different taxa have been determined altogether. As especially valuable species – which are probably the only samples planted in Croatia or are very rare – the following can be mentioned: Abies firma (Momi fir), A. holophylla (Manchurian fir), A. homolepis (Nikko fir), A. sachalinensis (Sakhalin fir), Picea engelmannii (Engelmann spruce), Pinus attenuata (knobcone pine), P. coulteri (Coulter pine), P. koraiensis (Korean pine), P. monticola (Western white pine), P. resinosa (red pine), P. rigida (pitch pine), Tsuga sieboldii (Southern Japanese hemlock), Alnus japonica (Japanese alder), Betula alleghaniensis (yellow birch), B. medwediewii (Transcaucasian birch), B. nigra (black birch), B. papyrifera (paper birch), Magnolia denudata (Yulan magnolia), M. obovata (Japanese bigleaf magnolia), Malus coronaria (sweet crabapple), Ostrya virginiana (American hophornbeam), Pyrus betulifolia (birchleaf pear), Quercus dentata (Japanese emperor oak), Q. imbricaria (laurel oak) and Q. variabilis (Chinese cork oak)

    Raznolikost i strukturiranost hrvatskih kontinentalnih i alpsko-dinarskih populacija bijele johe (Alnus incana /L./ Moench subsp. incana); geografska i okolišna izolacija kao uzrok fenotipske divergencije

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    We studied the morphological variation and its correlation to the environment in a boreal tree species, Alnus incana (L.) Moench subsp. incana, across the Croatian continental and Alpine-Dinaric biogeographical regions. A total of seven grey alder populations from environmentally divergent habitats were included in the study. We combined descriptive and multivariate statistical methods by using morphological leaf traits and environmental features to examine the diversity and structure of grey alder populations. High phenotypic variation, and two distinct morphotypes were found: small-leaf in the Alpine-Dinaric region, and large-leaf in the continental region. We identified a biogeographical structuring of populations with a high level of among-tree variation within the populations. Multivariate phenotypic and environmental analysis confirmed the existence of small- and large-leaf ecotypes. Additionally, a lack of significant among-population variation within biogeographical regions was observed. Furthermore, we found that phenotypic divergence of the studied grey alder populations can be explained as a result of a significant level of isolation both by distance and by environment.Bijela, odnosno siva joha, Alnus incana (L.) Moench subsp. incana, listopadna je, jednodomna i anemofilna drvenasta vrsta iz porodice Betulaceae. Prirodno je rasprostranjena u sjevernoj, srednjoj i mjestimično južnoj Europi, zapadnom Sibiru i Turskoj, od nizinskoga pojasa do preko 1800 m nadmorske visine u alpskom području. Bijela joha je mezofilna do higrofilna vrsta koja dobro podnosi oštru planinsku i kontinentalnu klimu, a raste na karbonatnim, ali i silikatnim, pjeskovitim, šljunčanim, slabo humusnim tlima. Najčešća je u planinskim dolinama, uz potoke i rijeke gdje na vlažnim staništima s mnogim higrofilnim vrstama tvori guste, fragmentarne sastojine, često obnovljene iz panja. To su povremeno plavljeni lokaliteti uz vodotoke ili okolne padine kroz koje se postrano procjeđuje voda prema glavnom vodotoku.Prisutnost bijele johe u Hrvatskoj vezana je za dva oštro ograničena područja: sjeveroistočno, u nizinskom dijelu Hrvatske (110 do 190 m nadmorske visine) uz tok rijeke Drave; i sjeverozapadno, u alpsko-dinarskom području uz rijeku Kupu i njene pritoke (220 do 550 m nadmorske visine).U sjeveroistočnom području rasprostiru se sastojine definirane kao Equiseto hyemali-Alnetum incanae Moor 1958 (Trinajstić 1964; Franjić et al. 1999), u kojima se u odnosu na sastojine bijele johe u gorskome području kao razlikovne vrste izdvajaju: Ulmus laevis Pall., U. minor Mill., Prunus padus L., Equisetum hyemale L. i druge. Ove sastojine danas su rjeđe nego nekada, manje se koriste, a zbog nekadašnjeg načina sječe vrlo su često panjače. Nekadašnje šumske površine koje je Trinajstić istraživao (1964) danas više nisu pod šumom. Poplavne i vlažne šume u blizini urbanih središta isušuju se, a na njihovim su staništima izgrađena naselja i komunalna infrastruktura tako da su danas šume sive johe uz tok rijeke Drave u velikoj regresiji.U alpsko-dinarskom području istraživane sastojine svrstane su u šumsku zajednicu Lamio orvalae-Alnetum incanae Dakskobler 2010, a opisane su kao geografska varijanta Helleborus dumetorum (Vukelić et al. 2012, 2017). Ona se ističe mnogim vrstama iz dinarske vegetacijske zone, poput Fraxinus excelsior L., Ulmus glabra Huds., Fagus sylvatica L., Acer pseudoplatanus L., Lamium orvala L., Lunaria rediviva L., Scopolia carniolica Jacq., Helleborus dumetorum Waldst. et Kit., Knautia drymeia Heuff. subsp. drymeia i druge. Siva joha ovdje raste u kanjonu Kupe i na obalnim terasama koje su uglavnom antropogenizirane, a nekoć su bile korištene u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji.Glavni ciljevi rada bili su utvrditi morfološku raznolikost i strukturiranost populacija bijele johe u Hrvatskoj te istražiti na koji način ekološki i geografski čimbenici utječu na varijabilnost populacija.Materijal za morfometrijsku analizu sakupljen je iz sedam prirodnih populacija – tri iz kontinentalne i četiri iz alpsko-dinarske regije (slika 1). Svaka populacija predstavljena je s 20 stabala, a svako stablo s 20 zdravih i neoštećenih listova s kratkih fertilnih izbojaka iz vanjskog, osvijetljenog dijela krošnje. Listovi su sakupljeni početkom srpnja 2016. godine, odnosno sredinom vegetacijskog razdoblja, kada su s obzirom na dimenzije i oblik u potpunosti razvijeni. Listovi su skenirani i izmjereni pomoću programa WinFolia. Ukupno je izmjereno devet lisnih značajki (slika 2).Deskriptivnim statističkim metodama utvrđena je visoka varijabilnost listova bijele johe, kao i jasan trend divergencije između kontinentalnih i alpsko-dinarskih populacija (slika 3). Najvarijabilnijim su se pokazale značajke: površina plojke, širina lista mjerena na 90 % dužine plojke i dužina peteljke. Za razliku od toga, najmanji stupanj varijabilnosti zabilježen je za varijable koje opisuju osnovu lisne plojke. Iako je trend variranja pojedinih značajki po populacijama bio sličan, u populacijama alpsko-dinarske regije zabilježena je nešto viša unutar-populacijska raznolikost. Kontinentalne populacije su imale veće vrijednosti svih mjerenih značajki lista u odnosu na populacije iz alpsko-dinarske regije.Analizom varijance, utvrđene su statistički značajne razlike između istraživanih regija te između stabla unutar populacija, dok su se populacije unutar regija razlikovale samo za četiri istraživane značajke (tablica 1). Unutarpopulacijska varijabilnost veća je od međupopulacijske varijabilnosti, što je odlika mnogih vrsta drveća. Multivarijatne analize potvrđuju postojanje jasne razlike između kontinentalnih i alpsko-dinarskih populacija bijele johe (slika 1, slika 4, tablica 3), što upućuje na mogućnost da istraživane populacije predstavljaju dva različita ekotipa.Morfološka udaljenost između populacija bila je korelirana s geografskom i ekološkom udaljenošću, što potvrđuje uzorak „isolation by distance“ i „isolation by environmental distance“. Drugim riječima, utvrđeno je da geografska udaljenost i ekološka divergencija imaju važan utjecaj na oblikovanje morfološke strukture populacija te da je ona posljedica njihove moguće lokalne prilagodbe na okolišne uvjete i njihove geografske udaljenosti (tablica 2).Dobivene spoznaje o varijabilnosti populacija mogu doprinijeti razvoju učinkovitijih planova očuvanja i gospodarenja sivom johom u Hrvatskoj. Kako bi se potvrdili dobiveni zaključci o varijabilnosti populacija sive johe dobiveni morfometrijskim metodama, istraživanja je svakako potrebno proširiti i na molekularno-biološke metode

    Alive and kicking, or, living on borrowed time? – Microsatellite diversity in natural populations of the endangered Ulmus minor Mill. sensu latissimo from Croatia

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    The main objective of this research was to assess the genetic diversity of 5 natural field elm populations in Croatia. The study results suggest that the observed populations are characterized by a satisfactory amount of heterozygosity, and that the impact of the Dutch elm disease on the amount of genetic diversity in the sampled populations is currently negligible. However, one population displayed a significant excess of heterozygosity, implying a genetic bottleneck. The existence of a very clear genetic differentiation between the continental and the Mediterranean populations of Ulmus minor in Croatia was noticed


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    U radu su prikazane svojte drveća i grmlja u dijelu arboretuma Lisičine u kojem se nalaze biljke s područja Europe, Azije i Sjeverne Amerike. Taj dio bio je nepristupačan prije radova obavljenih u okviru IPA projekta prekogranične suradnje Hrvatska – Mađarska (IPA CBC HU-HR 2007–2013). Projektom je bila obuhvaćena hortikulturna i infrastrukturna revitalizacija arboretuma. Determinirano je 145 svojti (vrsta, podvrsta, križanaca i kultivara), od kojih su 44 golosjemenjače, a ostalih 101 su kritosjemanjače. Determinirane svojte pripadaju u 59 različitih rodova, a najveći broj svojti je iz sljedećih rodova: Pinus – borovi (13), Acer – javori (12), Abies – jele (10), Quercus – hrastovi (8), Picea – smreke (7) i Betula – breze (6). Usporedbom s popisom svojti u hortikulturnom dijelu arboretuma, vidljivo je da je 47 od 145 determiniranih svojti zajedničko u ovome i u hortikulturnom dijelu, odnosno da je novih 98 svojti. To znači da je u cijelom arboretumu Lisičine ukupno determinirano 512 različitih svojti. Kao posebno vrijedne vrste, koje su vjerojatno jedini primjerci posađeni u Hrvatskoj ili su prisutni vrlo rijetko, možemo izdvojiti sljedeće: Abies firma (momi-jela), A. holophylla (mandžurska jela), A. homolepis (nikko-jela), A. sachalinensis (sahalinska jela), Picea engelmannii (Engelmannova smreka), Pinus attenuata (kvrgavi bor), P. coulteri (Coulterov bor), P. koraiensis (korejski bor), P. monticola (zapadnoamerički bjelokori bor), P. resinosa (američki crveni bor), P. rigida (smolavi bor), Tsuga sieboldii (Sieboldova čuga), Alnus japonica (japanska joha), Betula alleghaniensis (žuta breza), B. medwediewii (transkavkaska breza), B. nigra (mrka breza), B. papyrifera (bijela breza), Magnolia denudata (julanska magnolija), M. obovata (japanska velelisna magnolija), Malus coronaria, Ostrya virginiana (virdžinijski crni grab), Pyrus betulifolia (brezolisna kruška), Quercus dentata (japanski carski hrast), Q. imbricaria (lovor-hrast) i Q. variabilis (kineski hrast plutnjak).The Lisičine Arboretum is located on the Papuk mountain, Croatia. It is managed by Croatian Forests Ltd. Zagreb, Forest Administration Našice, Forest Office Voćin. In this work the tree and shrub species of a part of the Arboretum are presented, in which plants from Europe, Asia and North America are located. This area was inaccessible before the works within the IPA project of cross-border cooperation between Croatia and Hungary (IPA CBC HU-HR 2007-2013), under the title: "Nature is the first and the precious" have been carried out. The project included the horticultural and infrastructural revitalisation of the Arboretum. 145 taxa (species, subspecies, hybrids and cultivars) have been determined, of which 44 are gymnosperms and the other 101 are angiosperms (Table 1). The determined taxa belong to 59 different genera, the highest number of taxa being from the following: Pinus – pine (13), Acer – maple (12), Abies – fir (10), Quercus – oak (8), Picea – spruce (7) and Betula – birch (6). By comparing the list of taxa from the horticultural part of the Lisičine Arboretum (Idžojtić et al. 2010) it is apparent that 47 of the 145 determined taxa occur in both this and the horticultural part, meaning that there are 98 new taxa. This means that in the whole arboretum Lisičine 512 different taxa have been determined altogether. As especially valuable species – which are probably the only samples planted in Croatia or are very rare – the following can be mentioned: Abies firma (Momi fir), A. holophylla (Manchurian fir), A. homolepis (Nikko fir), A. sachalinensis (Sakhalin fir), Picea engelmannii (Engelmann spruce), Pinus attenuata (knobcone pine), P. coulteri (Coulter pine), P. koraiensis (Korean pine), P. monticola (Western white pine), P. resinosa (red pine), P. rigida (pitch pine), Tsuga sieboldii (Southern Japanese hemlock), Alnus japonica (Japanese alder), Betula alleghaniensis (yellow birch), B. medwediewii (Transcaucasian birch), B. nigra (black birch), B. papyrifera (paper birch), Magnolia denudata (Yulan magnolia), M. obovata (Japanese bigleaf magnolia), Malus coronaria (sweet crabapple), Ostrya virginiana (American hophornbeam), Pyrus betulifolia (birchleaf pear), Quercus dentata (Japanese emperor oak), Q. imbricaria (laurel oak) and Q. variabilis (Chinese cork oak)