14 research outputs found

    Pcdh11X expression in other brain areas of songbirds.

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    <p>Pcdh11X expression in the area homologous to the amygdala at P30 (A), P60 (B), and adult (C). VMH (D), SN (E), and IO (F) of adult birds. p1MT, p1 medial terminal nucleus; RMC, reticular magnocellular nucleus; RT, nucleus rotundus; VTA, ventral tegmentum area. Scale bars represent 500 µm.</p

    Pcdh11X expression in the brainstem.

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    <p>PAG (A) in P56 marmoset brain. Pontine reticular formation (B), nVII (C), Amb (D), lateral reticular nucleus (LRt) (E), and nXII (F), cerebellar nuclei (G), CN (H), SO (I), LL (J), IC (K), and medial geniculate nucleus (MGN) (L) in adult marmoset brain. Gi, gigantocellular reticular nucleus; Int, interposed cerebellar nucleus; IO, inferior olive; Lat, lateral cerebellar nucleus; PN, pontine nucleus; PnC, pontine reticular formation, caudal part; Rt, reticular thalamic nucleus; RtTg, reticulotegmental nucleus; SpVe, spinal vestibular nucleus; SuVe, superior vestibular nucleus. Scale bars represent 500 µm.</p

    Summary of Pcdh11X expressions in vocalization-related areas (A, C, E) and auditory-related areas (B, D, F) of marmosets (A, B), mice (C, D) and Bengalese finches (E, F).

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    <p>Each color code indicates analogous brain area between avian and mammalian species. Gray color indicates areas with no clear Pcdh11X expressions. It has been proposed that mouse has a direct projection from the telencephalic motor area to vocal control nucleus in the brainstem, as songbirds <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0058840#pone.0058840-Arriaga1" target="_blank">[91]</a>. A1. Auditory area 1; Amy, amygdala.</p

    Pcdh11X expression patterns in the cerebral cortex of the marmoset brain.

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    <p>Ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC) (A), motor cortex (B), anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) (C), auditory cortex (D), parietal cortex (area TE) (E), and visual cortex (F). No staining is seen with the sense probe. Strong expression is seen in layers IV and VI. Expression in layer IV is decreased during development. Scale bars represent 250 µm.</p

    Schematic representation of Pcdh11X probes used in this study.

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    <p>All <i>in situ</i> hybridization probes were made from cDNAs encoding the extracellular domain of Pcdh11X.</p

    Pcdh11X expression in the cortico-striatal pathway of the marmoset brain.

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    <p>GP at P0 (A) and adult stage (B); VA at P2 (C), and adult stage (D); STh at P2 (E), and adult stage (F); SNr at P2 (G), and adult stage (H). Pcdh11X is weakly expressed in Cd and Pu at P0, but their expressions have disappeared by the adult stage. Scale bars represent 1 mm.</p

    Strong Pcdh11X expression is seen in brain areas involved in memory and emotion.

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    <p>Pcdh11X expressions in BM (A–D) and AHi (E–H), in the CA3 region of the hippocampus (I–L), and the PrS (M–P) in the developing postnatal marmoset brain. Scale bars represent 500 µm (L), 1 mm (D, H), and 2 mm (M–P).</p

    Pcdh11X expression in the auditory pathway of songbirds.

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    <p>Telencephalic auditory areas in P30 and adult birds (A, B). Clear Pcdh11X expression is seen in CM and NCM. As in marmosets and mice, no clear expression is seen in the auditory pathway outside the telencephalon (C, D, E), except for CN (F). L, Field L. Scale bars represent 1 mm (B) and 500 µm (C, E, F).</p

    Pcdh11X expression in the vocal system of songbirds.

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    <p>Pcdh11X is expressed in vocal production areas such as HVC (A–C), RA (D–F), DM (G–I), and nXIIts and RAm (J–L). Pcdh11X expression in the telencephalic nuclei is reduced during development (C, F). In contrast, no Pcdh11X expression is seen in the auditory area, MLd (G–I). Scale bars represent 500 µm.</p