18 research outputs found

    Test of a South Asian Model of Childhood Experiences, Gender Role Attitudes, and Behaviors

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    The social status of males and females is an important concept for cross-cultural research. In addressing this issue, a cultural insider can be recognized as a strength that allows the researcher to take part in the everyday lives of local people. In addressing the achievements of the Sri Lankan State’s administrative sector, researchers have paid minimal attention to both gender equity and the influence of equality on hiring rates. This study mainly focuses on the impact of gender in personal development, which may be influenced by research participants decision-making processes. Data were collected from newly-recruited Sri Lankan administrative sector employees. A questionnaire was distributed among a total sample consisting of 36 males and females to test a South Asian model Childhood Experiences, Gender Role Attitudes, and Behaviors. Results indicated that men\u27s involvement in taking care of children at the pre school stage is poor. Male dominance in family issues was noted, and in most situations it was observed even in daily routines. In summary, though male dominance is prominent in South Asia, it did not affect the gender-related attitudes and emotions in child development processes and decision-making

    Genetska raznolikost Mareecha i Barela pasmina jednogrbih deva iz Pakistana na temelju mikrosatelitskih markera

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    The genetic diversity of Pakistani dromedary camels is poorly documented. The present study evaluated the genetic variations of two well-known Pakistani camel breeds, Mareecha and Barela, that are well-adapted to the Cholistan desert climate. Camel can serve as a beneficial participant in the food supply chain by providing milk, meat and other food products for the livelihood of pastoral peoples. To explore a new world of resources, greater attention to needed to create standard procedures to genetically characterize, classify and identify camel breeds in the country. For this purpose, 66 unrelated animals of the Mareecha (n=35) and Barela (n=31) breeds were genotyped using a set of 12 labelled microsatellite loci. DNA fragment sizes were determined in an ABI 3130 Genetic Analyzer. All microsatellite markers were successfully amplified and exhibited a polymorphic nature, with an average Polymorphic Information Content (PIC) of 0.72 and 0.70 in Mareecha and Barela, respectively. A total of 107 alleles with an average of 8.91 alleles per locus were identified by these markers in both breeds. CMS15 was highly polymorphic with 13 alleles, while VOLP-032 was the lowest with two loci. The Fit and Fis values were low but high population differentiation (17%) was observed in both breeds, due to the migrations of pastoral people to different remote areas during climate fluctuations.Genetska raznolikost pakistanskih jednogrbih deva slabo je dokumentirana. Ova studija procijenila je genetske varijacije dviju dobro poznatih pasmina pakistanskih deva - mareecha i barela - koje su vrlo dobro prilagođene klimi pustinje Cholistan. Deva može poslužiti kao koristan sudionik u lancu opskrbe hranom, osiguravajući mlijeko, meso i druge prehrambene proizvode za život pastira. Da bi se istražio novi svijet resursa, potrebno je više pozornosti za obavljanje standardnih postupaka za genetsku karakterizaciju, razvrstavanje i identifikaciju pasmina deva u zemlji. U tu svrhu, ukupno 66 životinja koje nisu u srodstvu pasmine mareecha (n=35) i barela (n=31) genotipizirane su uporabom 12 označenih mikrosatelitskih lokusa. Veličine fragmenata DNK određene su u ABI 3130 genetskom analizatoru. Svi mikrosatelitski markeri uspješno su pojačani i pokazali su polimorfnu narav s prosječnim sadržajem polimorfnih informacija (PIC) od 0,72 i 0,70 za mareecha, odnosno barela pasminu. Ukupno 107 alela s prosječno 8,91 alelom po lokusu u obje pasmine identificirano je tim markerima. CMS15 bio je vrlo polimorfan s 13 alela dok je VOLP-032 bio najniži s 2 lokusa. Fit i Fis vrijednosti bile su niske, ali je uočena velika diferencijacija populacije (17 %) za obje pasmine koje su posljedica migracije pastira u različite udaljene krajeve tijekom promjena klime

    Molekularna istraživanja na rajanpuri soju pasmine beetal koza iz Pakistana potpunim područjem pomaka mtDNK i mikrosatelitnim markerima

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    The mitochondrial DNA sequences of DNA-D loops (mtDNA) from 105 individuals (11 Beetal goat Rajanpuri strains and 94 sequences extracted from GenBank) from 19 geographically and phenotypically defined domestic goat breeds in Pakistan were analysed in this experiment. In this study, we examined variability and molecular phylogeny of breeds. A total of 81 haplotypes were observed in 105 individuals, with a haplotype diversity of 0.984±0.006 and nucleotide diversity of 0.03953±0.00843. Phylogenetic analysis based on the mtDNA hyper variable segment (HVI) of the control region (481 bp), showed four mtDNA haplogroups (A, B1, C, and D) identified in Pakistani domestic goats, in which haplogroup A (84.11%) was dominant and widely distributed among all investigated breeds. The study revealed that all Rajanpuri strain haplotypes belonged to haplogroup A. The Rajanpuri is a rare local strain of Beetal goat breed located in western Punjab province of Pakistan. The results of genetic diversity based on 11 microsatellite loci revealed allelic diversity (3.6363) and high genetic diversity (0.8342) in the examined Rajanpuri goat breeds. The analysis for signature bottleneck events, using three models, revealed significant deviation of Rajanpuri goats from mutation drift equilibrium. The qualitative test of mode shift analysis also supported the results obtained under three models, indicating the presence of a recent genetic bottleneck in the Rajanpuri strain. This study provides the first information on the mtDNA architecture, genetic diversity and bottleneck analysis, which will be useful in the conservation and management of the highly valued Rajanpuri goat.Mitohondrijske DNK sekvence DNK-D petlji (mtDNK) 105 jedinki (11 ratalpuri sojeva beetal koze i 94 sekvence iz GenBank) od 19 geografskih i fenotipičnih domaćih pasmina koza u Pakistanu rabljeno je u ovom eksperimentu. U ovoj smo studiji istražili varijabilnost i njezinu molekularnu filogeniju. Zamijećen je ukupno 81 različit haplotip u 105 jedinki s raznolikošću haplotipova 0,984±0,006 i nukleotidnom raznolikošću 0,03953±0,00843. Filogenetskom analizom ustvrđen iz mtDNK hipervarijabilni segment (HVI) kontrolnog područja (481 bp) i pokazala je četiri haploskupine mtDNK (A, B1, C i D) identificirane u pakistanskih domaćih koza, u kojima se haploskupina A (84,11 %) pokazala dominantnom i široko rasprostranjenom među svim istraživanim pasminama. Studija je otkrila da svi haplotipovi rajanpuri soja pripadaju haploskupini A. Rajanpuri je rijedak lokalni soj beetal pasmine koza smješten u zapadnoj regiji provincije Punjab u Pakistanu. Rezultati genetske raznolikosti na temelju 11 mikrosatelitnih lokusa otkrili su alelnu raznolikost (3,6363) i visoku genetsku raznolikost (0,8342) istraživane rajanpuri pasmine koza. Rezultati analize za potpis za događaje uskog grla uporabom tri modela otkrili su značajno odstupanje rajanpuri koza od ravnoteže mutacija i pomaka. Kvalitativni test analize modalnog pomaka podržao je i rezultate dobivene trima modelima, ukazujući na prisutnost genetskog uskog grla u rajanpuri soja u nedavnoj prošlosti. Ova studija po prvi put pruža informacije o arhitekturi mtDNK, genetskoj raznolikosti, analizi uskog grla koje će biti korisne u donošenju odluke o očuvanju i upravljanju cijenjenom i skupocjenom rajanpuri kozom

    Molekularna filogenija i genetička raznolikost domaćih jakova (Bos grunniens) u Pakistanu na temelju mitohondrijskih i mikrosatelitskih markera

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    The complete Cytchrome b gene and partial mtDNA control region were sequenced for the Pakistani domestic yak (Bos grunniens) within the Bovidae family. A total of 300 samples were genotyped using 27 bovine microsatellite markers from the Gilgit-Baltistan and Skardu regions of Pakistan. We identified a total of 35 mutations and 9 haplotypes based on D-loop sequences, with a haplotype and nucleotide diversity of 0.9640±0.051 and 0.02172±0.00224, respectively. For the Cyt b gene, a total of 23 variable sites and six different haplotypes were observed with 0.885±0.067 haplotype and 0.00989±0.003 nucleotide diversity. Phylogenetic analysis of D-loop and Cyt b gene suggested that domestic yak sequences cluster into two highly divergent maternal lineages (lineages I and II), while three haplogroups A, C, and D were identified of the six previously known haplogroups. Haplogroups A and C were dominant and widely distributed among all investigated yak samples. All microsatellites were polymorphic and a total of 138 alleles were observed, with average polymorphic information content (PIC) of 0.56 indicating their effectiveness. The average heterozygosity was observed at 0.6071 with allele diversity of 5.1111 and gene diversity of 0.4830. The implications of these findings can be applied for yak conservation.Za pakistanskog domaćeg jaka (Bos grunniens) iz obitelji šupljorožaca (Bovidae), sekvenciran je cjelokupni citokromni b gen i djelomice kontrolna regija mtDNK. Genoti¬pizirano je tri stotine uzoraka uporabom 27 goveđih mikrosatelitskih markera pasmine Gilgit-Baltistan i Skardu iz Pakistana. Identifi¬cirali smo ukupno 35 mutacija i 9 haplotipova na temelju sekvencija D-petlje uz haplotipsku i nukleotidnu raznolikost od 0,9640±0,051, od¬nosno 0,02172±0,00224. Za citokromni b gen, ukupno 23 varijabilne lokacije i šest različi¬tih haplotipova zamijećeno je s 0,885±0,067 haplotipskom i 0,00989±0,003 nukleotidnom raznolikošću. Filogenetska analiza D-petlje i citokromnog b gena ukazala je da se sekven¬ce domaćih jakova grupiraju u dvije vrlo di¬vergentne loze po majci (loza I i II), dok su identificirane tri haplogrupe A, C i D od ranije poznatih šest haplogrupa. Haplogrupe A i C bile su dominantne i široko rasprostranjene među svim istraženim uzorcima jakova. Svi mikrosateliti bili su polimorfni te je zamijeće¬no ukupno 138 alela, s prosječnim sadržajem polimorfne informacije (PIC) od 0,56 ukazu¬jući na njihovu učinkovitost. Zamijećena je prosječna heterozigotnost od 0,6071 s alelnom raznolikošću 5,1111 i genetskom raznolikošću 0,4830. Implikacije ovih nalaza mogu se rabiti za očuvanje populacije jakova

    Molekularna filogenija i karakterizacija mundri ovce (Ovis aries) u Pakistanu sekvenciranjem mitohondrijskog citokroma b i podjedinice I citokrom oksidaze

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    The main focus of this research is to determine the molecular phylogeny and characterization of Mundri Sheep (Ovis aries) through sequencing of mitochondrial Cytochrome b and Cytochrome Oxidase Subunit I (COI). This sheep breed appears morphologically different from other local sheep breeds of Pakistan. The current research is carried out to appraise the status of Mundri sheep whether it is aa different breed from other breeds or not. Blood samples of Mundri sheep were collected from Livestock Experiment Station, (LES) Fazilpur in district Rajanpur (Punjab). DNA was isolated and subjected to Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for amplification of Cytochrome b and COI genes using appropriate primers. PCR products were sequenced and analyzed by MEGA X software. The phylogeny analysis categorized Ovis aries including Mundri sheep into three and two groups for Cytochrome b and COI genes respectively. It showed Mundri sheep as a separate group and thus as a separate breed from all other local sheep breeds. Hence the study validates based on Cytochrome b and COI that Mundri sheep is a distinctive breed from the rest of the local sheep breed.Glavni je cilj ovog istraživanja bio odrediti molekularnu filogeniju i karakterizaciju mundri ovce (Ovis aries) sekvenciranjem mitohondrijskog citokroma b i podjedinice I citokrom oksidaze (COI). Ova se pasmina ovaca morfološki čini drugačijom od ostalih lokalnih pasmina ovaca u Pakistanu. Ovo je istraživanje provedeno da bi se procijenio status mundri ovce, da bismo mogli odrediti radi li se o pasmini drugačijoj od ostalih pasmina. Uzorci krvi mundri ovce prikupljeni su iz Stanice za eksperimente na stoci (engl. Livestock Experiment Station – LES) Fazilpur u okrugu Rajanpur (Punjab). DNK je izolirana i podvrgnuta lančanoj reakciji polimerazom (PCR) zbog pojačanja citokrom B i COI gena uporabom prikladnih primera. PCR proizvodi su sekvencirani i analizirani pomoću MEGA X softvera. Filogenetska analiza kategorizirala je Ovis aries uključujući mundri ovcu, u tri i dvije skupine za citokrom b, odnosno COI gene. Istraživanje je pokazalo da je mundri ovca posebna skupina i time zasebna pasmina ovaca u odnosu na ostale lokalne pasmine. Na temelju citokroma b i COI, naša je studija potvrdila da je mundri ovca zasebna pasmina i da se razlikuje od ostalih lokalne pasmine ovaca

    Usefulness of short sequence repeat markers in goat genetic diversity studies on the Asian and African continents

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    WOS: 000344454900004Goat genetic diversity studies are very important since extinction of germ plasma is increasing very rapidly. The African and Asian continents are the hotspots for indigenous animals with fewer genetic manipulations. Conservation studies using molecular markers have the capability to validate the real status of the animals. The use of molecular markers has revolutionized studies of genetic diversity. Even though a number of markers are used for these types of studies, short sequence repeats are in the forefront due to their superior features such as high variability, high mutation rate, large number, distribution throughout the genome, codominant inheritance, and neutrality with respect to selection. The aim of this review is to emphasize the importance of microsatellite markers for studies of genetic diversity in the goat and their use in conservation strategies in Asia and Africa

    Heavy Metal Accumulation in Rice and Aquatic Plants Used as Human Food: A General Review

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    Aquatic ecosystems are contaminated with heavy metals by natural and anthropogenic sources. Whilst some heavy metals are necessary for plants as micronutrients, others can be toxic to plants and humans even in trace concentrations. Among heavy metals, cadmium (Cd), arsenic (As), chromium (Cr), lead (Pb), and mercury (Hg) cause significant damage to aquatic ecosystems and can invariably affect human health. Rice, a staple diet of many nations, and other aquatic plants used as vegetables in many countries, can bioaccumulate heavy metals when they grow in contaminated aquatic environments. These metals can enter the human body through food chains, and the presence of heavy metals in food can lead to numerous human health consequences. Heavy metals in aquatic plants can affect plant physicochemical functions, growth, and crop yield. Various mitigation strategies are being continuously explored to avoid heavy metals entering aquatic ecosystems. Understanding the levels of heavy metals in rice and aquatic plants grown for food in contaminated aquatic environments is important. Further, it is imperative to adopt sustainable management approaches and mitigation mechanisms. Although narrowly focused reviews exist, this article provides novel information for improving our understanding about heavy metal accumulation in rice and aquatic plants, addressing the gaps in literature

    Salvia miltiorrhiza

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    Modification of Cyclic NGR Tumor Neovasculature-Homing Motif Sequence to Human Plasminogen Kringle 5 Improves Inhibition of Tumor Growth

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    Background: Blood vessels in tumors express higher level of aminopeptidase N (APN) than normal tissues. Evidence suggests that the CNGRC motif is an APN ligand which targets tumor vasculature. Increased expression of APN in tumor vascular endothelium, therefore, offers an opportunity for targeted delivery of NGR peptide-linked drugs to tumors. Methods/Principal Findings: To determine whether an additional cyclic CNGRC sequence could improve endothelial cell homing and antitumor effect, human plasminogen kringle 5 (hPK5) was modified genetically to introduce a CNGRC motif (NGR-hPK5) and was subsequently expressed in yeast. The biological activity of NGR-hPK5 was assessed and compared with that of wild-type hPK5, in vitro and in vivo. NGR-hPK5 showed more potent antiangiogenic activity than wild-type hPK5: the former had a stronger inhibitory effect on proliferation, migration and cord formation of vascular endothelial cells, and produced a stronger antiangiogenic response in the CAM assay. To evaluate the tumor-targeting ability, both wild-type hPK5 and NGR-hPK5 were Tc-99 m-labeled, for tracking biodistribution in the in vivo tumor model. By planar imaging and biodistribution analyses of major organs, NGR-hPK5 was found localized to tumor tissues at a higher level than wild-type hPK5 (approximately 3-fold). Finally, the effects of wild-type hPK5 and NGR-modified hPK5 on tumor growth were investigated in two tumor model systems. NGR modification improved tumor localization and, as a consequence, effectively inhibited the growth of mouse Lewis lung carcinoma (LLC) and human colorectal adenocarcinoma (Colo 205) cells in tumor-bearing mice. Conclusions/Significance: These studies indicated that the addition of an APN targeting peptide NGR sequence could improve the ability of hPK5 to inhibit angiogenesis and tumor growth.Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology [2012CB967004, 2011CB933502]; Chinese National Nature Sciences Foundation [81121062, 50973046, J1103512, 31071196, 31070706]; Jiangsu Provincial Nature Science Foundation [BZ2010074, BZ2011048, BK2011228, BK2011573]; Bureau of Science and Technology of Changzhou [CZ20100008, CE20115034, CZ20110028, CJ20115006]; Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province of China [2007J0114

    Combination of human plasminogen kringle 5 with ionizing radiation significantly enhances the efficacy of antitumor effect

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    Antiangiogenic therapy could destroy tumor vasculature and inhibit tumor growth. It might inhibit tumor growth significantly when used as a single treatment modality and its therapeutic benefit may even be greater when used in combination with established treatment modalities such as radiation therapy (RT). In the present report, we investigated the effect of recombinant human plasminogen kringle 5 domain (rhK5) in combination with ionizing radiation on angiogenesis, tumor growth and survival in a murine Lewis lung carcinoma (LLC) tumor model. Combined treatment using rhK5 and radiotherapy displayed obvious suppressive effect on LLC tumor growth as compared with single treatment with either modality (p < 0.05), and resulted in a more additive effect on tumor growth delay in this model. In addition, combined treatment significantly enhanced the survival of mice and no toxic effect, such as weight loss, was observed. The significant antitumor effect of rhK5 plus radiation was associated with a direct suppression effect on early neoangiogenesis and tumor cell apoptosis. Furthermore, the expression of VEGF and HIF-1 alpha in tumor tissue correlated well with decreased vessel density. The results suggest that rhK5 significantly enhances the antitumor activity of RT and could be a potent adjuvant therapeutic approach to improve the efficacy of radiotherapy for lung cancer. (C) 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc