168 research outputs found

    The Quantum Hall Effect with Wilczek's charged magnetic flux tubes instead of electrons

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    Composites formed from charged particles and magnetic flux tubes, proposed by Wilczek, are one model for anyons - particles obeying fractional statistics. Here we propose a scheme for realizing charged flux tubes, in which a charged object with an intrinsic magnetic dipole moment is placed between two semi-infinite blocks of a high permeability (Ī¼r\mu_r) material, and the images of the magnetic moment create an effective flux tube. We show that the scheme can lead to a realization of Wilczek's anyons, when a two-dimensional electron system, which exhibits the integer quantum Hall effect (IQHE), is sandwiched between two blocks of the high-Ī¼r\mu_r material with a temporally fast response (in the cyclotron and Larmor frequency range). The signature of Wilczek's anyons is a slight shift of the resistivity at the plateau of the IQHE. Thus, the quest for high-Ī¼r\mu_r materials at high frequencies, which is underway in the field of metamaterials, and the quest for anyons, are here found to be on the same avenue.Comment: are welcom


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    The paper analyses the mechanism of a penal order as a consensual procedure aimed at relieving the criminal justice system in cases of minor criminal offences by avoiding a trial. The study aims to analyse the Croatian normative framework and case law in order to determine the distinctive traits of the penal order procedure in a comparative legal context, disclose the procedural reality and detect its shortcomings. The paper focuses on the substantive and procedural requirements for the issuing of a penal order, the judicial control of the indictment requesting a penal order, the defence rights in the proceedings before the issuing of a penal order and the position of the victim. These key elements were researched through normative, theoretical and comparative analysis of German, Austrian, Italian and French law and conclusions were tested in the case law of the Municipal Criminal Court in Zagreb and the Municipal Court in Split. The results of the research reveal that the expansion of the application of the penal order to graver offences punishable by five years of imprisonment and to more severe penalties such as deprivation of liberty, as well as deviations from some fundamental criminal procedural principles inherent in the penal order procedure, raise the question of providing adequate procedural guarantees for the defendant and the victim.Rad se bavi institutom kaznenog naloga kao konsenzualnog postupka usmjerenog k rasterećenju kaznenopravnog sustava u slučajevima lakÅ”ih kaznenih djela izbjegavanjem vođenja rasprave. Cilj mu je analizirati hrvatski normativni okvir i sudsku praksu kako bi se u poredbenom pravnom kontekstu utvrdile prepoznatljive osobine postupka za izdavanje kaznenog naloga, razotkrila procesna stvarnost i utvrdili nedostatci. Rad se usredotočuje na materijalne i postupovne zahtjeve za izdavanje kaznenog naloga, sudsku kontrolu optužnice kojom se traži izdavanje kaznenog naloga, prava obrane u postupku prije izdavanja kaznenog naloga i položaj žrtve. Ti su ključni elementi istraženi kroz normativnu, teorijsku i komparativnu analizu njemačkog, austrijskog, talijanskog i francuskog prava, a zaključci preispitani istraživanjem sudske prakse Općinskog kaznenog suda u Zagrebu i Općinskog suda u Splitu. Rezultati istraživanja otkrivaju kako proÅ”irenje primjene kaznenog naloga na teža djela za koja je predviđena kazna zatvora u trajanju od pet godina i na strože kazne kao Å”to je oduzimanje slobode uz odstupanje od pojedinih temeljnih kaznenoprocesnih načela ā€“ svojstveno postupku za izdavanje kaznenog naloga ā€“ otvara pitanje pružanja odgovarajućih procesnih jamstava za okrivljenika i žrtvu

    Symmetry of mental foramen in a Croatian archaeological sample

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the symmetry of mental foramen due to its size and location. The aim is to obtain data on the size and position of the foramen on skeletal Croatian population, and to determine whether there are differences between the left and right side of the jaw or between men and women. The study was conducted on digital photographs of skeletal remains of 54 adult mandibles (27 women and 27 men) recorded in standard lateral projection. Position of mental foramen is defined by the following average values: distance from mental foramen to the alveolar ridge of the mandible was 12.33 mm, to the lower edge of mandible 11.03 mm, to mental protuber 11.8mm, to the angle of the mandible 57.26mm. Average values for mesiodistal diameters were 2.29 mm, craniocaudal diameter 1.78 mm and scope of mental foramen 5.94 mm. The study did not show any statistically significant difference between the left and right side of the position and dimensions of mental foramen. There is a statistically significant difference between males and females

    Recurrent pneumonia due to a foreign body in the lower respiratory tract

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    Seventy-year-old male was admitted to University Hospital Center Sestre milosrdnice, Department for clinical immunology, pulmonology and rheumatology for further assessment after nearly eight months of recurrent migratory pneumonias impacting both lower lobes of the lung

    Pregled bolesti u djece turista za vrijeme posjeta Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji

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    The aim was to determine morbidity of foreign children during their tourist visit to Split-Dalmatia County, Croatia. The study included medical documentation of 233 foreign children tourists aged under 18 years, hospitalized at Clinical Department of Pediatrics, Split University Hospital Center in the period from January 2007 to December 2013. Demographic data were statistically analyzed. Of 233 children tourists hospitalized at our department, 134 (57.5%) were boys. Most of the children tourists (51.1%) were aged 0-5 years. According to nationality, they were from 30 countries from all over the world, but mostly from Europe (97.9%). The highest number of children tourists were from Germany (14.2%). The highest percentage of children tourists (92.7%) were hospitalized during summer months. The mean length of hospital stay was 4.4Ā±3.3 days. According to the reason for hospitalization, children tourists were mostly admitted to our hospital for nervous system symptoms (32.6%); 43.4% of these had febrile seizures and 39.5% epilepsy. The nervous system symptoms were followed by injury and poisoning (14.6%), respiratory symptoms (14.1%), submersion and heat injuries (9.9%), and digestive symptoms (9.4%). In conclusion, we describe foreign pediatric population hospitalized in the Split University Hospital Center during their vacation in the Split-Dalmatia County, Croatia. The largest number of children tourists were from Germany and the nervous system symptoms were the most common reason for hospitalization. Therefore, we suggest cooperation between the Croatian health care system and Croatian National Tourist Board for developing prevention strategies regarding morbidity in pediatric tourist population. In particular, prevention and fi rst line therapy for cerebral seizures should be broadly available, such as in hotels, apartments, and even on beaches.Cilj je odrediti morbiditet u strane djece za vrijeme turističkog posjeta Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji, Hrvatska. U istraživanje je uključena medicinska dokumentacija 233-je strane djece turista u dobi do 18 godina, hospitalizirane na Klinici za dječje bolesti KBC Split u razdoblju od siječnja 2007. do prosinca 2013. godine. Demografski podatci su statistički analizirani. Od ukupno 233-je djece turista hospitalizirane na naÅ”em odjelu njih 134 (57,5%) bili su dječaci. Većina djece turista (51,1%) bila je u dobnoj skupini od 0-5 godina. Prema nacionalnosti bila su iz ukupno 30 zemalja diljem svijeta, ali većinom iz Europe (97,9%). Najveći broj djece turista bio je iz Njemačke (14,2%). NajviÅ”i postotak djece turista (92,7%) bio je hospitaliziran ljeti. Hospitalizacija je prosječno trajala 4,4Ā±3,3 dana. NajčeŔći razlozi hospitalizacije djece turista bili su neuroloÅ”ki simptomi (32,6%), od toga je 43,4% imalo febrilne konvulzije i 39,5% epilepsiju. Zatim su slijedile ozljede i trovanja (14,6%), od toga su ozljede bile prisutne u 61,8% slučajeva, a trovanja u 38,2%. Blesti diÅ”nog sustava (14,2%) treće su po učestalosti, većina bolesnika imala je upalu donjih (42,4%) ili gornjih (36,4%) diÅ”nih puteva. Potom slijede utapanja i ozljede toplinom (9,9%) te bolesti probavnog sustava (9,4%). Zaključno, opisali smo stranu pedijatrijsku populaciju hospitaliziranu u KBC-u Split za vrijeme turističkog posjeta Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji. Najveći broj djece turista bio je iz Njemačke i najčeŔći razlog hospitalizacije bili su neuroloÅ”ki simptomi. Stoga predlažemo suradnju između Ministarstva zdravlja i Hrvatske turističke zajednice radi razvoja strategije za prevenciju bolesti, uzimajući u obzir morbiditet u djece turista. Posebice treba naglasiti prevenciju cerebralnih napadaja te činjenicu da bi prvolinijska terapija trebala biti Å”iroko dostupna, primjerice u hotelima i apartmanima, pa i na plažama


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    DonoÅ”enjem Zakona o životnom partnerstvu osoba istoga spola iz 2014. godine istospolni partneri uÅ”li su u krug zakonskih nasljednika. Time je napravljen znatan iskorak u odnosu na prijaÅ”nju regulaciju prava na nasljeđivanje istospolnih partnera koji su dotad potencijalno nasljeđivali isključivo na temelju oporuke. U ovome radu promotrit će se, kako s teorijskog tako i s praktičnog aspekta, pozitivan odmak u priznavanju i izjednačavanju prava istospolnih zajednica u odnosu na heteroseksualne zajednice, a s naglaskom na pravnu podlogu nasljeđivanja u takvim zajednicama. Polaznu točku za istraživanje ovoga rada predstavljaju pozitivni pravni propisi koji su na snazi u Republici Hrvatskoj. Daljnja razrada obuhvaća i komparativnu analizu pravnih sustava ostalih europskih zemalja kako bi se promotrilo i utvrdilo je li u proteklih pet godina napravljena kakva relevantna novela kojom bi položaj istospolnih partnera bio Å”to manje diskriminatoran, u odnosu na položaj bračnog, odnosno izvanbračnog druga i njihovih potomaka. Možebitna progresija koja je uspostavljena u Republici Hrvatskoj (potencijalno i u ostalim promatranim europskim državama) posljedica je tendencije promjena koje nameću visoko razvijene zemlje.By adopting the Registered Partnership Act referring to same-sex couples in 2014, same-sex partners entered the circle of intestate heirs. This is a step forward compared to the previous regulation of inheritance rights, by which same-sex partners could potentially inherit only on the basis of a will. In this paper, a positive outcome in the recognition and equalization of the rights of same-sex couples in relation to heterosexual couples will be observed from both theoretical and practical aspects, with emphasis placed on legal background of inheritance in such unions. Positive laws that are in force in the Republic of Croatia present the starting point for research in this paper. Further elaboration also includes comparative analysis of legal systems of other European countries aimed at considering and determining if there have been any significant novelties in the past five years that would place same-sex partners in a less discriminatory position in relation to the spouses or cohabitants and their descendants. Eventual progression set up in the Republic of Croatia (possibly also in other European countries observed) is a consequence of a tendency to make changes imposed by highly developed countries

    The effect of the Satureja montana ethanol extract on the morphological changes of erythrocytes

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    The present study investigated the antioxidant activity of ethanol extracts of the leaves of Satureja montana and their influence on the membrane stability of erythrocytes ex vivo. The ethanol extracts showed a very potent antioxidant activity of EC50 = 0.055mg/ml. Rat blood samples were treated with 96% ethanol extracts in different concentrations of 100 Āµg/ml, 200 Āµg/ml, and 300 Āµg/ml, and morphological analyses were carried out. The results showed significant differences in the shape of the erythrocytes incubated with higher extract concentrations. Considerable morphological changes were observed at a concentration of 200 Āµg/ml which was characterised by the highest percentage of stomatocytes, while the highest percentage of echinocyte formation was observed at a concentration of 300 Āµg/ml. The results of this investigation indicated that the ethanol extracts of S. montana exhibited a possible protective effect on the membrane stability of erythrocytes

    Impact of prior statin therapy on community-acquired pneumonia outcomes

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    Pneumonija iz opće populacije značajan je uzrok morbiditeta i mortaliteta na svjetskoj razini. Postojeće terapijske strategije imaju svoje granice te se istražuju komplementarni pristupi usmjereni na modifikaciju upalnog i imunosnog odgovora domaćina. Eksperimentalno dokazani protuupalni, imunomodulatorni i drugi potencijalno korisni učinci čine statine jednom od opcija. U ovom smo članku analizirali unutar PubMed-a objavljena istraživanja povezanosti prethodne uporabe statina s mortalitetom i drugim kliničkim ishodima pneumonije iz opće populacije. Pri analizi smo poseban naglasak stavili na procjenu kontrole mogućih čimbenika posredne povezanosti. PronaÅ”li smo 16 istraživanja (14 kohortnih i dva dizajna slučaj-kontrola), od čega je 12 zaključivalo o povoljnom učinku statina na redukciju mortaliteta kod pneumonije, dok su četiri negirala stvarnu povezanost istaknuvÅ”i učinak zdravog korisnika kao alternativno objaÅ”njenje. Iako metodoloÅ”ka heterogenost analiziranih istraživanja i otvorena pitanja kontrole čimbenika posredne povezanosti sprječavaju donoÅ”enje konačnog zaključka, postojeća literatura nudi dovoljno poticaja i podataka za kvalitetan pristup budućim istraživanjima.Community-acquired pneumonia represents a significant cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Current therapeutic strategies have their limits, and complementary strategies focused on modifying the host\u27s inflammatory and immune response are being investigated. Because of their anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and other potentially beneficial effects, statins are often proposed as a possible solution. We searched the PubMed for literature examining the effect of previous statin treatment on mortality and other clinical outcomes in patients with community-acquired pneumonia. Our analysis focused on how each study controlled for potential confounders. We identified 16 studies (14 cohort and two case-control), of which 12 associated prior statin use with mortality reduction, while four denied any real association and offered healthy user effect as an alternative explanation. Although methodological heterogeneity of these studies and unresolved confounding issues disallow any final conclusion, we feel that enough quality information has been provided to warrant and guide future studies


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    Microplastics (MPs), commonly defined as particles less than 5 mm, are a persistent ubiquitous anthropogenic contaminant that can be found in every environment, making it a global environmental, health, and socioeconomic problem. Due to their high surface area, MPs adsorb toxic pollutants that become bioavailable to organisms upon ingestion as they are often mistaken for food leading to biomagnification (Bule et al., 2020). The sampling area represents the lower part of the Krka River Estuary and is under direct anthropogenic influence from the city of Å ibenik runoff waters, nautical and communal ports, city harbor, tourism, mariculture, and fishing. Estuaries and harbors have been recognized as hotspots and transfer pathways for MPs primarily because of the vicinity of the urban environment that emits contaminants from various sources (Miller et al., 2021). The main focus of this research was to determine MPs size, shape, color, surface area, and abundance in surface water using volume-reduced samples collected by a net. Laboratory protocol included sieving, wet peroxidation (H2O2), density separation (saturated NaCl solution), sonication, and filtration. Filter papers were then visually inspected for MPs. Image processing and measurements were carried out with ImageJ/Fiji open-source software

    Morphology, distribution, and histochemistry of trichomes of Thymus lykae Degen & Jav. (Lamiaceae)

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    Micromorphology, distribution, and histochemistry of the trichomes of Thymus lykae were studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM)and confocal laser scanning electron microscopy (CLSM). The leaves, stem, and calyx bear numerous glandular and non-glandular trichomes. Two types of glandular trichomes are identified - peltate and capitate. Results of histochemical tests showed positive reactions to polysaccharides, proteins, and lipids. Yellow autofluorescence of secreted material was noticed in peltate and capitate trichomes. Strong reddish-yellow autofluorescence of the lipophilic and hydrophilic secreted material was observed with CLSM.Mikromorfologija, distribucija i histohemijska analiza trihoma kod vrste Thymus lykae urađena je koriŔćenjem skening elektronskog mikroskopa i konfokalnog laserskog skening mikroskopa. Nežlezdane, negranate i dva tipa žlezdanih trihoma - peltatne i kapitatne opisane suuovom radu. Brojne nežlezdane i žlezdane trihome nalazile suse kako na listovima (i na licu i na naličju)tako i na stablu i na čaÅ”ici. Rezultati histohemijskih istraživanja pokazala supozitivne reakcije na polisaharide, lipide i proteine. Sekretorni produkti unutar peltatnih trihoma imali sujako žutu autofluorescenciju, dok je u kapitatnim trihomama zapažena slabija autofluorescencija. KoriŔćenjem CLSM uočena je jarko crveno-žuta autofluorescencija lipofilnih i hidrofilnih sekretornih materija u žlezdanim trihomama.Projekat ministarstva br. 14304
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