94 research outputs found
Prva linija lijeÄenja metastatskog urotelnog raka mokraÄnog mjehura
This manuscript reviewes recent knowledge regarding first line therapy of metastatic urothelial bladder cancer. Bladder cancer is on the 10th place in the world by its incidence, and more prevalent in men. Patients with metastatic urothelial cancer should be classified into one of the two groups: cisplatin eligible and cisplatin-ineligible. Cisplatin-eligible can be treated with cisplatin based regimens and have better outcome. Cisplatin-ineligible patients (40-50%) are cisplatin-ineligible patients are primarily those with creatinine clirence les than 50 ml/min, the ones with certain comorbities and/or poor ECOG performance status, and, as an alternative, can be treated with carboplatin which is less effective. After the diagnosis of metastatic bladder cancer has been confirmed, it is necessary to choose one of the cisplatin based chemotherapy regimens. However, one should have in mind that cisplatin can cause certain side effects such as nephrotoxic, neurotoxic and ototoxic effects.
A minority of patients are not eligible for any platinum-containing chemotherapy regimen.
Besides chemotherapy regimens, checkpoint inhibitors (CPIs)-PD-1 and PD-L1 inhibitors play an important role in first-line therapy of metastatic urothelial cancer. NCCN guidelines have included avelumab, pembrolizumab and atezolizumab in a first-line systemic therapy. Recently, Javelin Bladder 100 study has confirmed a positive impact of avelumab as a maitenance therapy in cisplatin-eligible and cisplatin-ineligible patients, which is why the combination of chemotherapy and avelumab is nowadays deemed to be the best therapeutic option.Ovaj rukopis daje pregled nedavnih saznanja o prvoj liniji terapije metastatskog urotelnog raka mokraÄnog mjehura. Rak mokraÄnog mjehura je na 10. mjestu u svijetu po uÄestalosti, a ÄeÅ”Äi je u muÅ”karaca. Bolesnike s metastatskim urotelnim rakom svrstava se u dvije skupine: prihvatljivi za lijeÄenjem cisplatinom i nepodobni za lijeÄenje cisplatinom. Bolesnici prihvatljivi za lijeÄenje cisplatinom mogu se lijeÄiti režimima temeljenim na cisplatini i imati bolji ishod. Bolesnici koji ne ispunjavaju uvjete za lijeÄenje cisplatinom, njih oko 40-50%, su oni s odreÄenim komorbitetima i/ili loÅ”im ECOG statusom te se mogu lijeÄiti karboplatinom koja je, meÄutim, manje uÄinkovita. Nakon potvrde dijagnoze metastatskog urotelnog raka mokraÄnog mjehura, potrebno je odabrati jedan od režima kemoterapije na bazi cisplatine. MeÄutim, treba imati na umu da cisplatina može uzrokovati nuspojave poput nefrotoksiÄnosti, neurotoksiÄnosti i ototoksiÄnosti. Danas u u prvoj liniji terapije važnu ulogu igraju inhibitori kontrolnih toÄaka (CPI), PD-1 i PD-L1. Smjernice NCCN-a ukljuÄuju avelumab, pembrolizumab i atezolizumab u sustavnu terapiju prve linije. Nedavno je studija ā³Javelin bladder 100ā³ potvrdila pozitivan utjecaj avelumaba kao terapije održavanja u bolesnika koji ispunjavaju uvjete za lijeÄenje cisplatinom i koji ne ispunjavaju uvjete za lijeÄenje cisplatinom, zbog Äega se kombinacija kemoterapije i avelumaba trenutno smatra najboljom terapijskom opcijom
U kojih bolesnika primijeniti hormonsku terapiju + docetaksel
Docetaxel improved the outcome of patients with mCSPC and became standard of care after CHAARTED , STAMPEDE arm C and GET UG-AFU 15 clinical trials and after subsequent meta-analysis. Patients with high-volume (CHAARTED definition) and high-risk (LATITUDE definition) disease, who have good performance status and are fit for chemotherapy, seem to benefit the most from addition of docetaxel to the androgen deprivation therapy. Results from TITAN trial with apalutamide showed the activity in the same setting. However, predictive biomarkers are still lacking. We have direct evidence of overall survival benefit from abiraterone, apalutamide and enzalutamide for patients with high-volume disease who are not fit for chemotherapy, as well as for patients with low-volume disease. Clinical trials will show is there place for triple therapy in clinical practice. Before obtaining the results of new clinical trial results, physicians should base their treatment decision on risks and benefits of each current approach and consider the patientĀ“s other health issues such as access, costs, patient and patientĀ“s preferences.UvoÄenje kemoterapije docetakselom je dovelo do unaprijeÄenja ishoda lijeÄenja u bolesnika s metastatskim senzitivnim rakom prostate te je dodatak docetaksela postao standard lijeÄenja Å”to je temeljeno na rezultatima studija CHAARTED, STAMPEDE, grane C i GET UG-AFU 15 studiji te nakon toga uÄinjene meta analize. Bolesnici s visokim volumenom bolesti (definicija po CHAARTED studiji) i visokog rizika (definicija prema LATIT UTDE studiji), koji imaju dobar performance
status i koji su pogodni za kemoterapiju, imaju najviÅ”e koristi od dodatka docetaksela androgenoj deprivacijskoj terapiji. Rezultati TITAN studije su pokazali aktivnosti apalutamida u istoj indikaciji. Ipak, prediktivni biomarkeri joÅ” uvijek nedostaju. Postoje jasni dokazi o koristi u ukupnom preživljenju od abiraterona, apalutamida i enzalutamida u bolesnika s bolesti visokog volumena koji nisu pogodni za kemoterapiju, kao i za bolesnike s bolesti niskog volumena. KliniÄke studije Äe
pokazati mjesto za trostruku terapiju u kliniÄkoj praksi. Prije objave rezultata novih kliniÄkih studija, lijeÄnici trebaju temeljiti svoje odluke na temelju procjene rizika i koristi svakog trenutnog pristupa i razmotriti druge parametre poput troÅ”kova lijeÄenja, dostupnosti skrbi te preferencije bolesnika
Evaluation of DNA Damage in Radiotherapy-Treated Cancer Patients Using the Alkaline Comet Assay
The aim of this study was to evaluate primary DNA damage and the dynamics of the repair of radiotherapy-induced
DNA lesions in non-target cells of cancer patients. This study included patients diagnosed with different solid tumors
who received radiotherapy. The levels of DNA damage were evaluated using the alkaline comet assay on peripheral blood
leukocytes. Altogether four blood samples per patient were collected: before and after receiving the first dose of radiotherapy,
in the middle of radiotherapy cycle, and after the last dose of radiotherapy. The results indicate that after the first radiation
dose significantly increased levels of DNA damage were recorded in almost all cancer patients compared to their
baseline values. Specific patterns of DNA damage were recorded in samples analyzed in the middle of radiotherapy and
after receiving the last dose, indicating the possibility of adaptive response in some patients. Our results indicate that
persistence of post-irradiation damage in peripheral blood leukocytes (and possibly in other non-target cells) of cancer
patients that are strong determinants for the secondary cancer risk. Moreover, the alkaline comet assay was confirmed as
a rapid and sensitive assay for the assessment of genome damage after in vivo irradiation
Immunotherapy and Gamma knife \u27\u27stop and go\u27\u27 therapy in a mRCC patient
INTRODUCTION/OBJECTIVES: Incidence of kidney cancer is 3 % of the overall population, with most common type being clear cell kidney carcinoma (mccRCC). Our objective is to report a successful treatment of mccRCC with long survival
Rijetki intrakranijski multifokalni ne-germinomatozni tumor zametnih stanica kod 18-godiÅ”njeg mladiÄa: prikaz sluÄaja
Intracranial germ cell tumors are rare brain tumors that are distinguished based on
their histology and selected tumor markers. Non-germinomatous germ cell tumors are a diverse group
of such tumors having the poorest prognosis. Most commonly, they are located in the suprasellar and
pineal regions. Since the exact treatment protocol has not yet been established, there is currently no
standardized modality of management. We present a case of intracranial multifocal non-germinomatous
germ cell tumor in an 18-year-old male, along with relevant literature review. We describe
initial diagnostic and treatment procedures in a young adult presented with diplopia and ataxic gait.
Neuroradiological findings and elevated alpha fetoprotein and beta chain of the human chorionic gonadotropin
tumor markers indicated the possible mixed germ cell tumor. Chemotherapy regimen was
adjusted accordingly, biopsy was not performed. The patientās clinical condition improved significantly
and his alpha fetoprotein values decreased remarkably after initiation of chemotherapy. In conclusion,
initial evaluation with neuroimaging, tumor markers, and cytology from cerebrospinal fluid is important
as guidance to further treatment and prognosis. In selected cases, biopsy may not be indicated to
start adjuvant chemotherapy. We emphasize the importance of specific treatment modality selection
based mainly on tumor markers, regardless of the precise histologic classification.Intrakranijski tumori zametnih stanica su rijetki tumori mozga koji se razlikuju na temelju histologije i tumorskih biljega.
Ne-germinomatozni tumori zametnih stanica su raznolika podskupina tih tumora s najloÅ”ijom prognozom. NajÄeÅ”Äe su
locirani u supraselarnoj i pinealnoj regiji. S obzirom na to da toÄan protokol lijeÄenja joÅ” nije utemeljen trenutno ne postoji
standardizirani naÄin lijeÄenja. Predstavljamo sluÄaj intrakranijskog multifokalnog ne-germinomatoznog tumora zametnih
stanica kod 18-godiÅ”njeg mladiÄa, popraÄen relevantnim pregledom literature. Opisali smo poÄetne dijagnostiÄke i terapijske
postupke provedene kod mladiÄa koji se prezentirao diplopijom i ataksiÄnim hodom. NeuroradioloÅ”ki nalazi i poviÅ”eni tumorski
biljezi, alfa fetoprotein te beta lanac humanog korionskog gonadotropina, upuÄivali su na moguÄi mijeÅ”ani tip tumora
zametnih stanica. Propisana je odgovarajuÄa kemoterapija, a biopsija nije uÄinjena. Nakon poÄetka kemoterapije bolesnikovo
kliniÄko stanje se iznimno popravilo te su mu se vrijednosti alfa fetoproteina znaÄajno snizile. ZakljuÄno, poÄetna neuroradioloÅ”ka
obrada, nalaz tumorskih biljega i citologija iz likvora važni su Äimbenici u odreÄivanju smjera lijeÄenja i predviÄanju
prognoze. U odreÄenim sluÄajevima biopsija ne mora biti indicirana kako bi se zapoÄelo s kemoterapijom. NaglaÅ”avamo
važnost odabira specifiÄnog naÄina lijeÄenja prvenstveno na temelju nalaza tumorskih biljega bez obzira na preciznu histoloÅ”ku
Rezultati lijeÄenja bolesnika s metastatskim rakom bubrega nivolumabom ā donacijskim programom na ime bolesnika (npp) u KliniÄkom bolniÄkom centru Zagreb
Field of metastatic renal cell cancer (mRCC) treatments is now evolving at a rapid and unprecedented pace. Nivolumab prolongs survival in patients with metastatic kidney cancer with a favorable safety profile as demonstrated in the Check-Mate 025 clinical trial. Nivolumab compared to everolimus prolonged survival in patients with mRCC while exibiting favorbale safety profile. In this study we present the results of nivolumab treatment in patients with mRCC within named patient program (NPP) at UHC Zagreb. In 30% of included patients survival was longer than 30 months and 16.6% patients had a complete response.PodruÄje lijeÄenja metastatskog raka bubrega (mRCC) je podruÄje ubrzanog razvoja terapijskih moguÄnosti. Nivolumab produljuje preživljenje bolesnika s metastatskim rakom bubrega uz dobar sigurnosni profil Å”to je pokazano u kliniÄkoj studiji CheckMate025. Nivolumab u usporedbi s everolimusom produljuje preživljenje kod bolesnika sa mRCC uz povoljni sigurnosni profil lijeka. U ovoj analizi smo prikazali rezultate lijeÄenja bolesnika nivolumabom u NPP u KliniÄkom bolniÄkom centru Zagreb tijekom 2016. do 2018. 30% bolesnika ima preživljenje dulje od 30 mjeseci, a 16.6% je imalo kompletni odgovor na terapiju
Gastric Adenocarcinoma
ŽeluÄani karcinom spada meÄu najÄeÅ”Äe maligne
bolesti u svijetu i drugi je na svjetskoj ljestvici uzroka smrti od
malignih bolesti, premda mu incidencija u razvijenim zemljama
s vremenom pada. U patogenezi želuÄanog raka važnu ulogu
imaju i genetski Äimbenici i Äimbenici iz okoliÅ”a. KroniÄna infekcija
Helicobacterom pylori glavni je pokretaÄ pretkarcinoznog
procesa. U karcinogenezi takoÄer važnu ulogu imaju i dijeta
bogata nitratima, a siromaÅ”na antioksidansima. JoÅ” nije toÄno
poznato kojim mehanizmom(-ima) infekcija potiÄe nastajanje
želuÄanog karcinoma. Radi se o dugome latentnom vremenu,
Ŕto je dobro potkrijepljeno dokazima. U tom periodu prepoznat
je niz preteÄa, predmalignih, lezija želuÄane sluznice (kroniÄni
atrofi Äni gastritis, intestinalna metaplazija, želuÄana displazija)
koje stvaraju pretkarcinomsku kaskadu. Postoji viŔe klasifi kacijskih
sustava za rak želuca, a najÄeÅ”Äa je TNM-klasifi kacija
o kojoj ovisi izbor terapije te prognoza bolesti. U operabilnih,
uznapredovalih karcinoma prva metoda izbora je kirurŔki zahvat.
Temeljem rezultata kliniÄke studije III. faze Intergroup Study
0116 (INT-0116) koji se odnose na produljenje preživljenja i
perioda bez bolesti, adjuvantna konkomitantna radiokemoterapija
postala je standardni oblik lijeÄenja u Americi i znatnom
broju europskih zemalja, meÄu kojima je i Hrvatska. LijeÄenje
metastatske bolesti kemoterapijom daje dulje preživljenje u
usporedbi sa simptomatskom terapijom.Gastric cancer is one of the most common
malignant diseases worldwide, and the second leading cause
of cancer-related death in the world, although its incidence has
fallen over time in developed nations. Both genetic and environmental
factors play important roles in the pathogenesis of gastric
cancer. Chronic infection with Helicobacter pylori is a major
force driving the precancerous process. Dietary factors including
high nitrate intake and lack of the antioxidants also play an
important role in carcinogenesis. The precise mechanism(s) by
which the infection induces gastric cancer are still unknown.
A very long latency period has been well documented. In this
period, a number of sequential precursor (premalignant) lesions
in the gastric mucosa (chronic atrophic gastritis, intestinal
metaplasia, gastric dysplasia), i.e. the precancerous cascade,
has been identifi ed. Several classifi cation systems for gastric
cancer are available. TNM staging is most frequently used, and
it determines the choice of the therapy and the prognosis of the
disease. In operable advanced carcinomas, surgery is the method
of fi rst choice. Based on the results of Phase III Intergroup
Study 0116 (INT-0116), which demonstrated signifi cant benefi t
in overall and disease-free survival, the adjuvant concomitant
radiotherapy has ever since become the standard of health care
in the United States and many European countries, including
Croatia. The survival rate is higher in patients with metastatic
disease treated with chemotherapy than in those receiving the
best supportive care
Istraživanje genotoksiÄnih uÄinaka irinotekana na ljudskim limfocitima periferne krvi primjenom razliÄitih biomarkera u uvjetima in vitro
In the present study a multi-biomarker approach was used to evaluate genotoxic effects of irinotecan administered in vitro in its therapeutic dose (350 mg/m2) on non-target cells, peripheral blood lymphocytes. The levels of primary DNA damage in lymphocyte genome and the dynamics of its removal were assessed using the alkaline and neutral comet assay. Lymphocyte viability and the induction of apoptosis following exposure to irinotecan were studied by simultaneous use of a fluorescent assay with ethidium bromide and acridine orange. The levels of residual DNA damage were assessed by SCE assay, while the possible influences of treatment on the progression through the mitotic cycles were studied by analyzing lymphocyte proliferative kinetics. We observed that the percentage of apoptotic cells was higher as compared to necrotic ones in all time-points when irinotecan-treated samples were analyzed. Positive results obtained using both modifications of the comet assay indicate that in lymphocyte DNA following treatment with irinotecan a lot of single and double strand breaks are induced. Dynamics of damage infliction as observed both in alkaline and neutral modification of the comet assay clearly reflects the āpoisoningā of the topoisomerase I, reported as the main mechanism of the irinotecan cytotoxicity. After treatment with irinotecan we observed an almost 7-fold increase of SCE frequency in exposed as compared to untreated lymphocytes that was obviously caused by topoisomerase poisoning in S-phase. Considering the results obtained we can conclude that irinotecan caused a delay of in vitro cell proliferation in first mitotic cycle. Despite their limitations, the results of our study indicate that irinotecan in its therapeutic concentrations is able to cause significant amount of primary and residual DNA damage in human peripheral blood lymphocytes. We could assume that the actual levels of DNA damage produced in actively divided cells of patients treated with irinotecan are much higher as compared to those estimated in vitro, since DNA damaging potential of irinotecan in vivo is up to one thousand times higher due to effectively conversion to its more potent metabolite SN-38. Our results point to the significance of biomarker studies in non-target cells of cancer patients after successful chemotherapy since they could be a good predictive factor to detect sensitive subpopulations of patients with genome instability that have an increased risk for developing of secondary malignancies.Primjenom razliÄitih biomarkera u uvjetima in vitro istraženi su genotoksiÄni uÄinci terapijske koncentracije irinotekana (350 mg/m2) na limfocite periferne krvi. Razine primarnih oÅ”teÄenja DNA u limfocitnoj DNA i dinamika njihovog popravka istraženi su primjenom komet testa u alkalnim i neutralnim uvjetima. Preživljenje limfocita i indukcija apoptoze nakon izlaganja stanica irinotekanu istraženi su istodobnom primjenom fluorescencijskog bojenja etidij-bromidom i akridin oranžom. Razine oÅ”teÄenja DNA procijenjene su i s pomoÄu testa izmjena sestrinskih kromatida, a moguÄi uÄinci tretmana na progresiju mitotiÄkog ciklusa istraženi su analizom proliferacijske kinetike limfocita. Utvr|eno je da je postotak apoptoza u svim vremenima uzorkovanja i analize bio veÄi od postotka nekroza. Pozitivni rezultati dobiveni s obje modifikacije komet testa pokazuju da se u limfocitnoj DNA nakon tretmana irinotekanom inducira mnoÅ”tvo jednolanÄanih i dvolanÄanih lomova. Dinamika nastanka oÅ”teÄenja uoÄena primjenom obje modifikacije komet testa, jasno upuÄuje na disfunkciju enzima topoizomeraze I, koje se navodi kao glavni mehanizam citotoksiÄnosti irinotekana. Nakon tretmana irinotekanom uoÄili smo gotovo sedmerostruki porast uÄestalosti SCE u izloženim limfocitima u odnosu na kontrolu, Å”to upozorava na poremeÄenu funkciju topoizomeraze u S-fazi. Na osnovi rezultata zakljuÄujemo da irinotekan uzrokuje zastoj proliferacije stanica u prvom mitotskom ciklusu in vitro. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da terapijske koncentracije irinotekana uzrokuju znaÄajan porast oÅ”teÄenja DNA i kromosoma u ljudskim limfocitima periferne krvi. BuduÄi da su uÄinci irinotekana u uvjetima in vivo znatno pojaÄani metaboliÄkom pretvorbom u aktivni metabolit SN-38, možemo pretpostaviti da su razine oÅ”teÄenja DNA u aktivno dijeleÄim stanicama u pacijenata lijeÄenih primjenom irinotekana znaÄajno viÅ”e nego one utvr|ene u uvjetima in vitro. Rezultati upuÄuju i na važnost istraživanja biomarkera u ne-tumorskim stanicama pacijenata koji su lijeÄeni primjenom kemoterapije jer takvi biomarkeri mogu biti dobri pretkazatelji u otkrivanju osjetljivih populacija pacijenata s nestabilnim genomom u kojih je prisutan veÄi rizik za razvoj sekundarnih karcinoma
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