81 research outputs found

    Kupnja ekološkog povrća kao oblik pro-okolišnog ponašanja: Primjena teorije aktiviranja normi

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    The aim of this research was to explore the applicability of norm activation theory in the context of organic vegetables with intention to purchase as a variable of the interest. Survey was conducted on a sample of 404 organic vegetables consumers. Results of Structural Equation Modeling revealed that the determinants of personal norm were awareness of need and social norm. Personal norm and social norm significantly and positively influenced purchasing intention of organic vegetables, approving applicability of norm activation theory. Based on these findings, recommendations for marketing practice are given in order to strengthen purchasing intention of organic vegetables and thus purchasing behaviour of organic vegetables as a form of pro-environmental behaviour.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi primjenjivost teorije aktiviranja normi u kontekstu kupnje ekološkog povrća s namjerom kupnje kao ciljanom varijablom. Anketno ispitivanje provedeno je na uzorku od 404 potrošača ekološkog povrća. Rezultati modeliranja strukturnih jednadžbi otkrili su da su odrednice osobne norme bile svijest o potrebi i društvena norma. Osobna norma i društvena norma značajno i pozitivno utjecale su na namjeru kupnje ekološkog povrća, potvrđujući primjenjivost teorije aktiviranja normi. Na temelju ovih rezultata, date su preporuke za marketinšku praksu s ciljem jačanja namjere kupnje ekološkog povrća i na taj način kupovnog ponašanja potrošača ekološkog povrća kao oblika pro-okolišnog ponašanja


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    Rural tourism has become one of the most popular strategies for rural development, and motivation is one of the most important criteria for identifying market segments. The aim of this paper is to explore the travel motivations of domestic rural tourists in Croatia and to identify a profile of rural tourists based on push travel motivation and tourist behaviour. An online survey was conducted on a convenient sample of 307 respondents. The collected data were analysed using factor analysis followed by cluster analysis. For rural tourists in Croatia, the most important travel motives are seeking relaxation and learning new things. Using a factor–cluster approach to market segmentation, the following four segments were identified: (1) Rural researchers and seekers of relaxation (16.8%), (2) Excitement seekers (29.0%), (3) Passive tourists (22.8%), and (4) Family rural tourists (31.4%). The study confirms the appropriateness of the push motives for segmenting tourists in emerging rural tourism destinations. The findings may help destination marketers to develop effective promotional and business strategies

    Buying Behaviour of Organic Vegetables Consumers in Croatia

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    The purpose of this research was to examine some aspects of buying behaviour of Croatian organic vegetables consumers, and to explore factors influencing buying frequency. A survey was conducted with 404 respondents in four selling points in Zagreb: two specialized organic food stores, one supermarket, and one city market. The survey results have shown that three most often bought organic vegetables species are: green salad, tomatoes and carrots. Most consumers claim to buy organic vegetables occasionally, and most often in specialized organic food stores. Gender, number of household members, presence of children under 12 years in household, self-rated knowledge about organic vegetables, as well as usual buying place of organic vegetables have strong influence on buying frequency

    Dried fruit consumers behavior in the Zagreb market

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio utvrditi najvažnija obilježja kupnje i potrošnje suhog voća na tržištu grada Zagreba. U anketnom ispitivanju je sudjelovalo 120 ispitanika. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da se suho voće relativno rijetko koristi u prehrani. U potrošnji suhog voća dominiraju grožđice i suhe šljive. Najčešći motivi za konzumaciju suhog voća su pozitivan utjecaj na probavu kao i dobar okus suhog voća. S druge strane, cijena kao najvažnije obilježje u kupnji suhog voća predstavlja ograničavajući čimbenik za potrošnju ovih namirnica. Za povećanje potražnje suhog voća je, uz dodatnu promidžbu, potrebna i edukacija potrošača, posebice djece i mladih o prednostima ovog voća u prehrani.The aim of this research was to determine the most important characteristics of purchase and consumption of dried fruit in the Zagreb market. Data were collected by means of a survey with 120 respondents. The research results show that dried fruit is relatively rarely used in the diet with raisins and prunes as most often consumed fruit. The main motives for consumption of dry fruits are their positive effect on digestion and good taste. On the other hand, the price as very important when buying dried fruit is a limiting factor for higher consumption of such fruit. In order to increase demand for dried fruit it is necessary to increase promotional activities as well as to work on consumers’ education, especially among children and youngsters

    Percepcija lokalnih dionika o mogućnostima razvoja hrvatskih otoka – primjer otoka Cresa

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    Hrvatski otoci se odlikuje specifičnim reljefom, klimom, tradicijom, običajima i poviješću što je uvjetovalo i njihov gospodarski razvoj. Poljoprivreda je, uz ribarstvo i pomorstvo, oduvijek bila glavna gospodarska djelatnost na hrvatskim otocima, no posljednjih desetljeća je gospodarska slika otoka promijenjena i danas se otočno gospodarstvo uvelike oslanja na turizam. Hrvatski otoci su uvelike sačuvali izvornu prirodnu i društvenu osnovu koja predstavlja njihovu najveću konkurentsku prednost. Pred hrvatskim otocima stoji mogućnost da poljoprivredu iskoriste u turističke svrhe, ne samo kroz visokokvalitetne proizvode, već i kroz poljoprivrednu tradiciju i stil života otočana. Visoka kvaliteta i jedinstvenost poljoprivrednih proizvoda, specifična tradicija i tehnologija uzgoja i proizvodnje te postojeća turistička potražnja predstavljaju osnovne preduvjete za jačanje veze poljoprivrede i turizma. Razvoj poljoprivrede i turizma na otocima bi se trebao temeljiti na lokalnoj inicijativi i uključenosti otočana u definiranju strateških odrednica razvoja, jer turistički razvoj otoka traži suživot s tradicionalnom kulturom, uz optimalnu iskorištenost turističkih različitosti. Cilj ovog rada je prikazati mogućnosti za razvoj poljoprivrede i turizma na otoku Cresu i to na temelju mišljenja i stavovi lokalnih dionika. U tu je svrhu okupljeno 17 stručnjaka koji su se kroz tri kruga istraživanja po kvalitativnoj Delfi metodi usuglasili oko najvećih problema poljoprivrede i turizma na otoku i oko koraka koji bi se trebali poduzeti u budućnosti s ciljem razvoja tih djelatnosti

    The first organic farmer\u27s market in Croatia – satisfaction of producers and consumers

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    Za daljnji razvoj tržišta ekoloških proizvoda važna je učinkovita distribucija, odnosno važno je prilagoditi prodajne kanale rastućem trendu u proizvodnji i potražnji za ekološkom hranom. Jedan od novijih oblika izravne prodaje eko proizvoda na domaćem tržištu je eko tržnica. Prva samostalna eko tržnica kod nas, eko tržnica Šijana u Puli, je počela s radom u srpnju 2013. U ovom radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja provedenog s proizvođačima ekološke hrane koji prodaju na eko tržnici Šijana, kao i s kupcima na toj tržnici. I proizvođači i kupci su vrlo zadovoljni eko tržnicom te su preporučili poboljšanje ponude, daljnje uređenje tržnice i uvođenje novih sadržaja na tržnici.Efficient distribution is very important for further development of organic food markets. This means that sales channels should be adapted to the growing trends in production and demand for organic food. One of relatively new forms of direct sale of organic products on the domestic market is organic farmer\u27s market. The first independent organic farmer\u27s market in Croatia – the organic farmer\u27s market Šijana in Pula – started to operate in July 2013. This paper presents results of a research conducted with both organic food producers selling in the market and consumers buying in this market. The survey shows that both the producers and consumers are very satisfied with the organic farmer\u27s market but they recommend improvements to the offer and market appearance, as well as introduction of a new programme at the market

    Producers\u27 expectations about the impact of GIs on the competitiveness of Pag cheese

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    Paški sir je jedan od najpoznatijih hrvatskih tradicijskih ovčjih sireva koji je zbog zadržavanja stoljetnog načina proizvodnje odavno zaštitni znak otoka Paga. Iako ima sve preduvjete, Paški sir još uvijek nije zaštićen jednom od zemljopisnih oznaka prema važećem zakonu. Cilj ovog rada je bio ispitati poznaju li proizvođači Paškog sira zemljopisne oznake (ZO), kako ih percipiraju te utvrditi njihova očekivanja o utjecaju ZO na povećanje konkurentnosti Paškog sira. Telefonsko ispitivanje je provedeno s 30 manjih proizvođača Paškog sira. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je 18 proizvođača samo djelomično upoznato sa zemljopisnim oznakama i koristima koje one nose. Veće znanje o ZO imaju obrazovaniji proizvođači i oni koji su članovi udruga ili kooperanti mljekara (P<0,05). Iako većina ispitanika ima pozitivna očekivanje glede utjecaja ZO na konkurentnost Paškog sira, pozitivnija očekivanja imaju proizvođači koji više znaju o ZO (P<0,05).Pag cheese is one of the most famous Croatian traditional sheep cheese, and it is the trademark of the whole island of Pag because of its traditional way of production which is kept for centuries. Although it has all the prerequisites, Pag cheese still does not have geographical protection according to the current legislation. The aim of this paper was to determine whether producers of Pag cheese are familiar with geographical indications (GIs), their perceptions and expectations about these indications and impact of geographical indication on the competitiveness of Pag cheese. A telephone survey was conducted with 30 small scale cheese producers. The results showed that most of the surveyed producers are only partially familiar with GIs concept and their benefits. Higher level of knowledge about GIs has been found among more educated producers as well as among those who are members of producers\u27 association or co-operators of dairies (P<0.05). Even though most of the respondents have rather positive expectations about potential impact of GIs on Pag cheese competitiveness, producers with higher level of knowledge about GIs have more positive expectations compared to other respondents (P<0.05)


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    Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio utvrditi koliko su Internet i e-marketing zastupljeni u poslovanju hrvatskih poslovnih subjekata iz sektora agrobiznisa te istražiti stavove djelatnika o e- poslovanju. On-line anketno ispitivanje je provedeno na uzorku od 142 poslovna subjekta koja se bave poljoprivredom. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da 63,4% ispitanih poslovnih subjekata ima vlastitu web stranicu. Poslovni subjekti s većim godišnjim prihodom (preko 500.000 kn) u većem udjelu imaju web stranicu. Na web stranicama poslovnih subjekata su najviše zastupljene opće informacije o poslovnom subjektu i katalog proizvoda, dok su on-line veleprodaja i e -plaćanja slabo zastupljene. Tek 18,3% ispitanih poslovnih subjekata ima e-prodaju i među njima je veći udio onih s nižim godišnjim prometom (<500.000 kn) te manjim brojem zaposlenika (do 15). Među poslovnim subjektima koji nude mogućnost e-prodaje najveći je udio onih čija e-prodaja u ukupnoj prodaji ne prelazi 5%. Ispitani poslovni subjekti najvažnijim razlogom za nekorištenje e-prodaje smatraju nezainteresiranost kupaca za takav način kupnje te veći rizik naplate. Ispitanici smatraju da je e-poslovanje neophodan preduvjet uspješnog poslovanja u budućnosti (srednja vrijednost 4,16) te da konkurencija prisiljava na uporabu e-poslovanja (srednja vrijednost 3,71). Rezultati ovog istraživanja daju smjernice za daljnji razvoj e-marketinga u hrvatskom agrobiznisu.The aim of this study was to determine to which degree the Internet and emarketing are represented in the operation of Croatian agribusiness, and also to explore the attitudes of employees to e-business. The results show that 63.4% of surveyed businesses have their own website. Businesses with higher annual turnover (over 500.000 kunas) in a greater proportion have their own websites. Websites of businesses mostly provide general information on the business and a catalogue of products, while online wholesale and e-payment are poorly represented. Only 18.3% of the surveyed businesses use e-commerce, and the majority of those have a lower annual turnover (<500.000 kunas) and a small number of employees (up to 15). Among the businesses that offer the possibility of e-commerce, the majority are those whose e-commerce does not exceed 5% in total sales. The surveyed businesses consider indifference of customers for this kind of purchasing and higher payment risk during charging the most important reasons for not using e-commerce. Respondents believe that e-business is the necessary precondition for successful business in the future (mean 4.16) and that competition forces the use of e-business (mean 3.71). The results of this study provide guidance for the further development of e-marketing in Croatian agribusiness