17 research outputs found

    The Bigger Picture:Research Strategy for a Photo-Elicitation Study Investigating Positive Health Perceptions of Older Adults With Low Socioeconomic Status

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    Research focussing on older adults of low socioeconomic status (SES) faces several methodological challenges, including high rates of non-response and drop-out. In addition, older adults of low SES tend to be less willing to participate in research and are more likely to experience cognitive impairments and literacy problems. Photo-elicitation studies do not require high levels of literacy, and they might therefore be suitable for use in research with older adults of low SES. To date, however, little is known about setting up such studies with this target group. Our aim was to demonstrate how we systematically set up a researcher-driven photo-elicitation study to generate greater insight into the positive health perceptions of older adults of low SES. Our strategy consisted of three phases: development, testing and execution. In this article, we discuss each step of the research strategy and describe the limitations and strengths of our study. We also formulate recommendations for further research using photo-elicitation methods with this target group. Based on the results of this study, we conclude that the use of researcher-driven photo-elicitation is a powerful tool for enhancing understanding with regard to positive health perceptions and experiences of older adults of low SES. The usefulness of the method is particularly dependent on the careful development and testing of the study

    Community Wise—effects and participant perceptions of a community- based -positive health intervention for older inhabitants of low SES neighbourhoods:a mixed-methods approach

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    Background: The Community Wise (CW) intervention applies a community-based approach to improve the physical fitness, self-management ability, loneliness, social cohesion, and well-being of older adults living in neighbourhoods characterized by lower socioeconomic status (SES).Methods: Participants (N = 108) were recruited using several strategies, including door-to-door visits and community key peers. The study was based on a pre-test/post-test design. Outcomes were assessed through mixed methods using questionnaires, performance tests, semi-structured interviews, and focus-group sessions.Results: Results showed significant improvements on aerobic endurance and shoulder flexibility, but no significant improvements on self-management ability, social cohesion, loneliness, or well-being. Qualitative data analysis did indicate that participants experienced improvements on social connectedness with members of the group, as well as on self-management ability.Conclusion: The results of the intervention seem to depend on programme fidelity and method of assessment. Adapting the intervention and including more older adults with poor health status could lead to better outcomes in the future. This results of this study should be interpreted in light of the complexity and methodological challenges of conducting a community-based health-promotion intervention for this target group

    Changes in the endurance shuttle walk test in COPD patients with chronic respiratory failure after pulmonary rehabilitation:the minimal important difference obtained with anchor- and distribution-based method

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    Background: Although the endurance shuttle walk test (ESWT) has proven to be responsive to change in exercise capacity after pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) for COPD, the minimally important difference (MID) has not yet been established. We aimed to establish the MID of the ESWT in patients with severe COPD and chronic hypercapnic respiratory failure following PR. Methods: Data were derived from a randomized controlled trial, investigating the value of noninvasive positive pressure ventilation added to PR. Fifty-five patients with stable COPD, GOLD stage IV, with chronic respiratory failure were included (mean (SD) FEV1 31.1 (12.0) % pred, age 62 (9) y). MID estimates of the ESWT in seconds, percentage and meters change were calculated with anchor based and distribution based methods. Six minute walking distance (6MWD), peak work rate on bicycle ergometry (Wpeak) and Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire (CRQ) were used as anchors and Cohen's effect size was used as distribution based method. Results: The estimated MID of the ESWT with the different anchors ranged from 186-199 s, 76-82% and 154-164 m. Using the distribution based method the MID was 144 s, 61% and 137 m. Conclusions: Estimates of the MID for the ESWT after PR showed only small differences using different anchors in patients with COPD and chronic respiratory failure. Therefore we recommend using a range of 186-199 s, 76-82% or 154-164 m as MID of the ESWT in COPD patients with chronic respiratory failure. Further research in larger populations should elucidate whether this cut-off value is also valid in other COPD populations and with other interventions

    A healthy view?:exploring the positive health perceptions of older adults with a lower socioeconomic status using photo-elicitation interviews

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    Purpose: The health perceptions of older adults with a lower socioeconomic status still seems to be unsettled. To gain more insight in these perceptions, 19 older adults were interviewed with the use of a photo-elicitation method.Methods: Participants reflected on ten photographs covering aspects of physical, social and mental health, and were also asked if and how they experience to have control over their health.Results: The results showed that the perception of health depended on the background of the participant, was experience-oriented and was mostly focused on the negative aspects of physical and mental health. Social contacts were an important contributor to well-being, especially when physical health declined. Although most participants seem hardly aware of having influence on their own health, several participants showed automatic self-management abilities.Conclusion: For participants who need more support to improve, or become more aware of their self-management abilities, interventions with an experience-oriented approach are needed

    The importance of relationships with parents and best friends for adolescents' romantic relationship quality: Differences between indigenous and ethnic Dutch adolescents

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    Contains fulltext : 90600.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)This study examined how the quality of relationships with parents and friends were related to intimacy, commitment, and passion in adolescents' romantic relationships for indigenous Dutch and ethnic Dutch adolescents. Self-report survey data were used from 444 (88.9%) indigenous Dutch and 55 (11.1%) ethnic Dutch adolescents between 12 and 18 years of age (M = 15.34, SD = 1.14), all of whom were involved in a romantic relationship. About 61.6% (n = 307) were girls. For both indigenous and ethnic Dutch youths, the quality of the parent-adolescent relationship was positively associated with romantic relationship intimacy, whereas the quality of one's best friendship was related to higher commitment to one's romantic partner. Significant interactions in hierarchical regression analyses revealed that only ethnic Dutch adolescents who experienced low-quality parent-adolescent relationships showed more commitment to their romantic relationships. Additionally, ethnic Dutch adolescents who experienced low-quality best friendships showed more passion in their romantic relationships as compared to indigenous Dutch adolescents. These findings are indicative of ethnic differences in the roles that parents and friends play in the romantic lives of Dutch adolescents.7 p

    Engineered living materials based on adhesin-mediated trapping of programmable cells

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    Engineered living materials have the potential for wide-ranging applications such as biosensing and treatment of diseases. Programmable cells provide the functional basis for living materials; however, their release into the environment raises numerous biosafety concerns. Current designs that limit the release of genetically engineered cells typically involve the fabrication of multilayer hybrid materials with submicrometer porous matrices. Nevertheless the stringent physical barriers limit the diffusion of macromolecules and therefore the repertoire of molecules available for actuation in response to communication signals between cells and their environment. Here, we engineer a novel living material entitled "Platform for Adhesin-mediated Trapping of Cells in Hydrogels" (PATCH). This technology is based on engineered E. coli that displays an adhesion protein derived from an Antarctic bacterium with a high affinity for glucose. The adhesin stably anchors E. coli in dextran-based hydrogels with large pore diameters (10-100 μm) and reduces the leakage of bacteria into the environment by up to 100-fold. As an application of PATCH, we engineered E. coli to secrete the bacteriocin lysostaphin which specifically kills Staphyloccocus aureus with low probability of raising antibiotic resistance. We demonstrated that living materials containing this lysostaphin-secreting E. coli inhibit the growth of S. aureus, including the strain resistant to methicillin (MRSA). Our tunable platform allows stable integration of programmable cells in dextran-based hydrogels without compromising free diffusion of macromolecules and could have potential applications in biotechnology and biomedicine.

    Engineered Living Materials Based on Adhesin-Mediated Trapping of Programmable Cells

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    Engineered living materials have the potential for wide-ranging applications such as biosensing and treatment of diseases. Programmable cells provide the functional basis for living materials; however, their release into the environment raises numerous biosafety concerns. Current designs that limit the release of genetically engineered cells typically involve the fabrication of multilayer hybrid materials with submicrometer porous matrices. Nevertheless the stringent physical barriers limit the diffusion of macromolecules and therefore the repertoire of molecules available for actuation in response to communication signals between cells and their environment. Here, we engineer a novel living material entitled "Platform for Adhesin-mediated Trapping of Cells in Hydrogels" (PATCH). This technology is based on engineered E. coli that displays an adhesion protein derived from an Antarctic bacterium with a high affinity for glucose. The adhesin stably anchors E. coli in dextran-based hydrogels with large pore diameters (10-100 μm) and reduces the leakage of bacteria into the environment by up to 100-fold. As an application of PATCH, we engineered E. coli to secrete the bacteriocin lysostaphin which specifically kills Staphyloccocus aureus with low probability of raising antibiotic resistance. We demonstrated that living materials containing this lysostaphin-secreting E. coli inhibit the growth of S. aureus, including the strain resistant to methicillin (MRSA). Our tunable platform allows stable integration of programmable cells in dextran-based hydrogels without compromising free diffusion of macromolecules and could have potential applications in biotechnology and biomedicine