38 research outputs found

    Barriers to livestock vaccine use among rural female smallholder farmers of Nyagatare district in Rwanda

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    This study examined the factors driving low adoption of vaccination against Newcastle disease (NCD) and Rift Valley fever (RFV) among smallholder women farmers of Nyagatare District in order to identify appropriate strategies that can lead to improved livestock production. Results reveal that women’s ability to use livestock vaccines is constrained by cultural norms that limit their decisions over productive assets and income for use in buying vaccines. Women are also hindered by unavailability of the livestock vaccines, lack of information and knowledge about livestock vaccination, and limited access to veterinary extension services.Bill & Melinda Gates FoundationGlobal Affairs Canad

    Molecular characterization of Dipetalonema yatesi from the black-faced spider monkey (Ateles chamek) with phylogenetic inference of relationships among Dipetalonema of Neotropical primates

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    Species of the genus Dipetalonema are parasitic nematodes of the family Onchocercidae (Nematoda; Filarioidea) which infect the peritoneal cavity of Neotropical primates. Of these, six species have been taxonomically described, two of these have been reported infecting the black-faced spider monkey (Ateles chamek): Dipetalonema gracile and Dipetalonema yatesi. Description of Dipetalonema species have been based on morphological characteristics, and their phylogenetic relationships remain unresolved. A few molecular studies have been carried out in Dipetalonema spp. infecting Neotropical primates. Seven filarioid nematodes (6 females and one male) recovered from one A. chamek in the Peruvian Amazon rainforest were morphologically identified as D. yatesi and molecularly characterized. A multi-locus genetic analysis of nuclear ribosomal region (18S) and mitochondrial (cox1, 12S, and nad5) gene sequences supported D. yatesi as a distinct lineage and yielded a highly resolved phylogenetic lineage tree for this filarioid genus of Neotropical primates. Our results highlighted that Dipetalonema species are divided in two well-supported clades, one containing D. yatesi and D. caudispina, and the second containing D. robini, D. gracile, and D. graciliformis. Due to sequence ambiguities from GenBank entries, relationships among isolates of D. gracile and D. graciliformis cannot be fully resolved, which requires further investigation. However, this suggests that these could represent a species complex. Our study confirms that D. yatesi is a valid species and constitutes the first molecular phylogenetic analysis of this parasite in black-faced spider monkeys

    Diversity and prevalence of zoonotic infections at the animal-human interface of primate trafficking in Peru

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    Wildlife trafficking creates favorable scenarios for intra- and inter-specific interactions that can lead to parasite spread and disease emergence. Among the fauna affected by this activity, primates are relevant due to their potential to acquire and share zoonoses - infections caused by parasites that can spread between humans and other animals. Though it is known that most primate parasites can affect multiple hosts and that many are zoonotic, comparative studies across different contexts for animal-human interactions are scarce. We conducted a multi-parasite screening targeting the detection of zoonotic infections in wild-caught monkeys in nine Peruvian cities across three contexts: captivity (zoos and rescue centers, n = 187); pet (households, n = 69); and trade (trafficked or recently confiscated, n = 132). We detected 32 parasite taxa including mycobacteria, simian foamyvirus, bacteria, helminths, and protozoa. Monkeys in the trade context had the highest prevalence of hemoparasites (including Plasmodium malariae/brasilianum, Trypanosoma cruzi, and microfilaria) and enteric helminths and protozoa were less common in pet monkeys. However, parasite communities showed overall low variation between the three contexts. Parasite richness (PR) was best explained by host genus and the city where the animal was sampled. Squirrel (genus Saimiri) and wooly (genus Lagothrix) monkeys had the highest PR, which was ~2.2 times the PR found in tufted capuchins (genus Sapajus) and tamarins (genus Saguinus/Leontocebus) in a multivariable model adjusted for context, sex, and age. Our findings illustrate that the threats of wildlife trafficking to One Health encompass exposure to multiple zoonotic parasites well-known to cause disease in humans, monkeys, and other species. We demonstrate these threats continue beyond the markets where wildlife is initially sold; monkeys trafficked for the pet market remain a reservoir for and contribute to the translocation of zoonotic parasites to households and other captive facilities where contact with humans is frequent. Our results have practical applications for the healthcare of rescued monkeys and call for urgent action against wildlife trafficking and ownership of monkeys as pets

    Knowledge, attitudes and practices related to schistosomiasis transmission and control in Leyte, Philippines.

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    Schistosomiasis is a chronic but preventable disease that affects 260 million people worldwide. In the Philippines, 860,000 people are afflicted with Schistosoma japonicum annually, and another 6.7 million live in endemic areas. The disease's complex epidemiology as well as the influence of poverty in endemic areas demand an integrated, multi-sectoral approach to disease control. Results from behavioral or sociocultural studies on schistosomiasis could improve the content and impact of schistosomiasis control in rural villages in the Philippines. We investigated knowledge, attitudes and practices related to schistosomiasis transmission and control in an endemic village in Leyte Province, Philippines. We administered a questionnaire to 219 participants covering 1) knowledge and attitudes related to schistosomiasis, its symptoms, and its transmission; 2) attitudes and practices in relation to schistosomiasis prevention; 3) willingness to comply with public health control programs; and 4) whether the respondent had previously contracted schistosomiasis. Responses revealed fairly high measures of schistosomiasis knowledge (mean 17.0 out of 23 questions, range 6-23), but also inconsistent disease prevention behavior. A high proportion of participants (72.6%, n = 159) reported previous disease. Participant belief in the preventability of schistosomiasis was revealed to be a key attitude, as carabao owners who believed in prevention were over five times more likely to be willing to vaccinate their carabaos (OR = 5.24, 95% CI 1.20-27.68, P = 0.04). Additionally, participants who did not believe in prevention were about twice as likely to report previous disease (OR = 2.31, 95% CI 1.02-5.63, P = 0.05). Our results suggest that future public health interventions should address barriers to disease-preventing behavior, as well as maintaining community belief in disease prevention. Comprehensive disease control programs should be supplemented by sociocultural and behavioral context in order to improve their impact in endemic communities

    Genetic characterization of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from Norway rats in Boston, Massachusetts

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    Abstract Background Despite the importance of domesticated animals in the generation and transmission of antibiotic‐resistant Staphylococcus aureus, the role of wild animals, specifically rodents, in the ecology of S. aureus remains unclear. We recovered and genotyped S. aureus isolates from wild Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) in Boston, Massachusetts to examine genetic relationships between common human and animal S. aureus isolates in a large US metropolitan area. Methods We collected and necropsied 63 rats from June 2016 to June 2017. Nasal, foot pad, fur, and fecal swabs were collected. Staphylococcus aureus was isolated using culture‐based methods and polymerase chain reaction confirmation. S. aureus isolates were spa typed, tested for antibiotic susceptibility, and whole genome sequenced. Assembled sequences were uploaded to the Comprehensive Antibiotic Resistance Database to identify antibiotic resistance elements. A phylogenetic tree was constructed using the neighbor‐joining method with the maximum composite likelihood distance in MEGA7. Results We recovered 164 Gram‐positive bacterial isolates from Norway rats. Nineteen isolates from eight individual rats were confirmed as S. aureus (prevalence: 12.9% (8/63)). All S. aureus isolates were methicillin‐susceptible S. aureus (MSSA), pvl‐negative, and resistant to penicillin. Two isolates displayed resistance to erythromycin. Four different S. aureus spa types were detected (t933, t10751, t18202, and t189). Thirteen unique antibiotic resistance elements were identified, and all isolates shared genes mepR, mgrA, arlR, and S. aureus norA. Phylogenetic analysis if the 19 S. aureus isolates revealed they were genetically similar to four clades of S. aureus with similar resistance gene profiles isolated from both human‐ and animal‐derived S. aureus, as well as formed a distinct phylogenetic cluster composed only of rat isolates. Conclusions Wild rodents may serve as a reservoir or vector of antibiotic resistance genes in the urban environment with relevance for human and animal health


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    Background. Traditionally, poultry is kept and reared by women in extensive production systems. In Kenya and most developing countries, smallholder poultry productivity is constrained by diseases such as Newcastle disease (ND), which is preventable via a vaccine, yet contributes to significant morbidity and mortality among flocks primarily owned and managed by women in villages. Objective. This study aimed to map the Newcastle disease vaccine value chain stakeholders and identify the barriers and opportunities for women's engagement along the Newcastle disease vaccine value chain. Methodology. Qualitative data were collected with 15 key informant interviews and four focus group discussions with a total of 42 poultry farmers in Machakos Town sub-county, Kenya. Results. The majority of the vaccine value chain consumers were women, and limited information was one of the root causes for not vaccinating their chickens. Vaccines were considered expensive and difficult to access as the production areas were remote from the agrovet shops that retail vaccines. Implication. The study showed that women farmers had no financial control to enable vaccine procurement. Conclusion. Based on the results the government using the Extension service providers should train smallholder farmers on how to use the ND vaccine. Furthermore, manufacturers of thermo-stable ND vaccines should furnish Agrovet shops with data to enable its adoption in remote areas where the cold chain is unreliable

    Gendered Barriers and Opportunities for Women Smallholder Farmers in the Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia Vaccine Value Chain in Kenya

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    Most rural women smallholder farmers in Kenya generate income from the sale of small ruminant animals. However, diseases such as Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia (CCPP) prevent them from optimizing earnings. A crucial aspect for the control of CCPP is vaccination. In Kenya, CCPP vaccines are distributed through a government delivery mechanism. This study examines gaps and barriers that prevent women smallholder farmers from accessing CCPP vaccines. Qualitative data collection tools used were focus groups discussions, focus meals, jar voices and key informant interviews. Using outcome mapping (OM) methodology, critical partners and stakeholders in the CCPP vaccine value chain (CCPP-VVC) were identified to be the manufacturers, importers, distributors, agrovets, public and private veterinarians, local leaders, and farmers. Respondents highlighted the barriers to be limited access to vaccines due to cold chain problems, inadequate and late delivery of services, lack of information and training on vaccines, and financial constraints. Identified opportunities that can support women’s engagement in the CCPP-VVC are the Kenya Governments two-third gender rule, which requires that not more than two thirds of the members of elective or appointive bodies shall be of the same gender, and positive community perception of female veterinarians. We conclude that more resources and training should be made available to women farmers, and that gender perspectives on policy development related to livestock production and disease prevention are urgently needed to improve livestock productivity and increase agency for women