14 research outputs found

    Flow chart of the Delphi process.

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    Flow chart of the Delphi process.</p

    Characteristics of Delphi panelists.

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    Characteristics of Delphi panelists.</p

    Quantitative results for the top organizational items reassessed during round three, rank ordered based on final consensus (n = 30 panelists).

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    Quantitative results for the top organizational items reassessed during round three, rank ordered based on final consensus (n = 30 panelists).</p

    Example of the structured feedback provided to panelists during round three.

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    Example of the structured feedback provided to panelists during round three.</p

    Response scale for rating the items.

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    Response scale for rating the items.</p

    Organizational items generated during round one, grouped in themes.

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    Organizational items generated during round one, grouped in themes.</p

    Additional file 1: of Wait time management strategies for total joint replacement surgery: sustainability and unintended consequences

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    Semi-directed interview guide Interviews with people involved in WT management for HKR in Regional Health Authorities, Hospitals or Clinics. qualitative data. (DOCX 23 kb